I'm not sure exactly where this thread should go, but I was just curious.
I feel like a lot of women on these boards, even those just TTC, refer to calling/visiting/whatever their OB/GYN. When did you start seeing an OB/GYN, versus a Primary Care Physician? Do you see both?
We're on cycle 3 of TTC, and I still only have a PCP. If (fingers crossed!!!) I get knocked up in the next month or two, would I call my PCP first to set up an appt? And then find an OB/GYN? Or midwife? Not sure which I would go with yet, anyway.
Sorry this is sort of rambling, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm asking. Ha. I guess when you stopped seeing a PCP and went with an OB/GYN.
Oh, and please feel free to substitute "midwife" for OB/GYN. I think I might want to go with a midwife when I get pregnant, but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, just didn't want to have to keep typing "OB/GYN or midwife" each time, so substitute for your own circumstances as needed