I think I'm just looking for support here. I feel like I'll likely stop pumping soon and I guess I'm feeling a bit guilty about it...DS is 18 months and we have had a great nursing relationship. For the last five weeks, I have been working back in the office three days a week (working from home two days a week) and have been pumping 2-3 times a day. My supply has been dropping off pretty sharply in the last couple weeks despite regular pumping. I went from producing 6 oz. to 3 oz. (from 2-3 sessions). I feel kind of ridiculous continuing to pump twice to give him only 3 oz. but at the same time, it's something.
Just feeling sad.. I know I've been SO lucky to bf this long, but I can't help but feel like I would be throwing in the towel somehow if I just give up pumping.