So call me green behind the ears but I'm in need of some nursery inspiration and I don't know where to find it!
We've been trying to get this house since before Christmas and this past Thursday we were finally given some good news. We've been approved for a loan for the full cost of the house. All we have to do is get a few documents to this loan officer and it looks like we're set. No, it's not carved in stone, something could still fall through but we're thinking positive after being on the fence for so long.
Only problem is that our current closing date is set for February 28th. My due date for LO is March 5th. Since the closing date is an extension from the original date, January 15th, and we're dealing with a bank selling not a person it's entirely possible that we may be able to close before the end of the month and before our latest addition arrives. However, DH wants me to go ahead and pick out the color for our bedroom and for our current LO's room.
Currently, our nursery is the color of a butter cookie. Not pale but not bright, just a nice, calm, warm yellow. We chose the color because we knew we'd be trying to put our house on the market in the near future and wanted to choose a color that wouldn't need to be painted over. DH calls it 'the Winnie the Pooh room'. He asked me if we were painting the nursery the same color at this new house and I told him no. He was kind of shocked, since the color had grown on him and he thought it made a great kid's room color.
I, on the other hand, want something brighter and a little bolder. I thought some sort of aqua sky color, with green paint right about the white trim - think grass. I would have brown shelves, maybe have the bottoms of the shelves painted bright orange or something. Perhaps a mural of a big tree taking up one wall. But as I try to explain this to him, give him color examples based on the toys that Henry has and loves, he just glazes over. So I need something more physical to show him my vision.
Only problem is that as soon as you start typing in nursery or nursery inspiration into Google, you're swamped by lots of unhelpful sites that show just a few pictures or are re-Pins. Can you guys direct me to some good sites for inspiration?
(Side note: I think HB should have a section dedicated to nurseries and I have already made this suggestion in the suggestion board so feel free to agree with me there!)