This has been stewing in my head for quite some time. I am so SICK of the lack of support for women who bottle feed. I'm sorry, I didn't choose to feed my child formula. I had some placenta left in me that inhibited the production of the hormones that start milk production. I didn't find out this was a problem until LO was 3 weeks old and I came down with a massive infection that required an emergency D&C and 4 days in the hospital because they were afraid I was going into septic shock. I even tried to relactate because the breastfeeding thing was so important to me and I needed to know I gave it my best try. It still didn't work out.

I really could have used some support. LO is 11 weeks old and I could still use some support. I have a friend who exclusively pumps and also couldn't breastfeed who has a 5 month old and she could also still use some support. I went through an awful heart-breaking ordeal and my child is formula fed. At this point... I have to ask where the hell was all the support I should have gotten? If I had been breastfeeding and dealing with the same emotions, there would have been an outpouring. All I have gotten is judgement. I think I have had every comment thrown at me and they are all hurtful. "Every baby loves the boob", "Every woman can breastfeed", "You gave up too easily", "You didn't try hard enough", "Oh, breast is best", "Your kid is going to get sick more", etc, etc etc.

These comments are the LAST thing a woman going through what I have and still am going through needs to hear. I am so sick of breastfeeding being shoved down my freaking throat. Why are there no support groups that are for non-BFing moms? I find that women who were unable to breastfeed and wanted to (at least the ones i know) still have the feelings of guilt, bitterness and resentment months after their decisions have been made. We need love and support just like those who need support to continue to breastfeed.

The societal pressure to breastfeed, the judgey stares from other moms, the intense stigma that seems to come with feeding formula... I could see a mom who chose to FF being more secure with it but not a mom who was forced into the decision.

I'm sorry if none of that makes sense. It was more a stream of consciousness than anything else. I just really needed to get it off my chest.

And please, if all you're going to say is "Oh, but breast IS best" or "But every woman CAN breastfeed"... save it. I've had more than enough of that, thanks.