I am getting so weird about things that I KNOW are not important, but in this nesting/end of pregnancy stage, every last detail is suddenly life-threateningly CRITICAL!!!! All must be perfect! I am very annoying but I can't stop myself!
I may have mentioned before that I'm a furniture snob. All of the furniture in our house is mahogany and I'm picky about it! I need to get the stand for our Uppa Baby Vista bassinet to keep it in our room, and here's the deal...I can get it through PishPoshBaby for around $100 for the mahogany/espresso stand that goes with our furniture, or I found one on Craigslist today for $60 but it's WHITE. We don't have a lick of white furniture in our house.
Am I dumb to even care? Or should I spend $40 more and get the nicer dark wood one?
I know I am trivial, but I worry that it will urk me when it's sitting there all GLARING WHITE in our bedroom!
We have the PB Valencia bedroom set in King and I just feel like it's a LOT of dark wood....