Olive was delivered by a team of two doctors: a man and a woman. When it came time to push, the two doctors took turns coaching Bee through her labor and delivery.

I think the male doctor was the boss, but wow... he was not very warm or encouraging. I love love love cynical and sarcastic people, but perhaps childbirth isn't the best time to introduce someone to your quirky sense of humor. He was great at explaining Bee her options (including a VBAC), but not so great at the labor and delivery part.

The female doctor was wonderful: she gave lots of positive feedback, gave progress reports, and helped Bee figure out how to push most effectively.

I realize that not all female doctors are wonderful OBs, but it was interesting how these two mapped onto pretty traditional gender stereotypes.

If I had a uterus and all else was equal, I would probably prefer to have a woman guide me through labor and delivery. Or at least, someone who was very warm and supportive and helpful... like Dr. Cliff Huxtable from the Cosby show.

Who delivered your baby: a man or woman? Were you happy with the person who caught your baby? Wondering how gender played into your experience (if at all).
