I usually put LO2 to bed since she nurses right before I put her down, and DH entertains LO1. Then DH and I both put LO1 to bed together, unless he is at work. We will typically take her up 10-30 minutes before her bedtime so that we can play with her. Tonight DH is putting LO1 down on his own because he wanted her to stay up longer and spend some time with her, and I am just drained from the day and need a little me time.

When it's just me home and I put LO to bed she guys down with no issues, when we both try and put her down most of the time she fights it. I'm curious to see how it goes down with just DH putting her down!

Do you and your SO put LO to bed together? Or just one of you? Does LO go down easier for one of you?