Last night was tremendously stressful and tonight wasn't any better. LO is going through the 6 week growth spurt and he is trying to kill me. He ate nearly every hour during the day (I had to dip into my very meager freezer stash of 14oz to defrost 7oz) and I tried to pump to match his feedings but it just wasn't working.

But tonight, he wakes up at 1, I warm his bottle, change his diaper, and sit down to feed him.

He goes apeshit. He sucked down half the bottle (which had 4oz) in 5 minutes. He was sucking so furiously he was turning red. I tried to take the bottle from him, but he was seriously latched. He finally popped off a minute later and SCREAMED bloody murder. He'd gagged himself trying to suck it all down so fast. I attempted to burp him, but he wouldn't stop screaming and flailing. I tried to give him the bottle back but he just gagged himself again.

He was not starving, he'd eaten 3oz barely two hours before but he was acting like he'd never eaten in his life. I finally just took the bottle away and gave him a paci and rocked him for a little bit, trying to soothe him a little so that he could finish eating without gagging himself. No dice. He screamed and screamed and screamed.

I finally put him down and got DH to come finish feeding him. DH made him calm down before giving him the bottle and he was able to finish it without gagging again.

Ugh. I hope his growth spurt is almost over.