No shaming here! "Because I wanted one" is a perfectly valid reason.
What was your experience with it overall? Good or bad?
No shaming here! "Because I wanted one" is a perfectly valid reason.
What was your experience with it overall? Good or bad?
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
I had a failed induction at 40 weeks due to elevated blood pressure and low blood sugar. I didn't respond well to the pitocin and I wasn't progressing so I asked for a CS after 14 hours of labor (only making it to a 4) while I was still feeling okay so it didn't end up being an emergency CS later on.
My experience was really good. I feel so reassured that I made the right decision. Unfortunately I do get those feelings often that I "missed out". It used to bum me out a lot but I'm getting much better at dealing with those emotions now.
pomelo / 5073 posts
Baby was breech, stuck up my ribs. To be honest, I was kind of wanting one, but didn't want to request it. I was having major anxiety about delivering since my one and only experience with it was delivering our first baby when we lost her at 20 weeks. I was hoping for a different birthing experience and I got it. My dr doesn't do vbacs and I'm okay with that. In the end, I got my totally different birthing experience and I'm glad it all worked out. She had flipped head down, but flipped back up two days later. For whatever reason, I'm glad that the end result is what it ending up being.
pomegranate / 3980 posts
I had a very stubborn breech baby! My experience wasn't tragic but it was far from great so I am hoping for a vbac this time.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
LO was breech and I didn't want to attempt turning her. I has a great c-section experience. Because it was planned I got to ask for what I wanted, such as skin-to-skin in the operating room (which I got). It was a beautiful birth experience, I was very lucky.
cherry / 115 posts
water had broke 48+ hours before...lots of pushing and no c-section it was. baby 2 was a planned c section because I was so worried of same labor experience
coconut / 8472 posts
I had a failed induction. After 20 hours of labor I only got to about 3-4cm, and baby's hear rate was not liking the pitocin contractions. They had to do an internal monitor on me to see if my contractions were strong enough to dilate me. They were indeed plenty strong, so they told me there was no point in continuing to try to labor.
The surgery itself went fine. It was a little scary and uncomfortable at the end because I felt like I couldn't breathe deeply (which they warned me about) and I was super cold and shaking from the hormone drop. But after the first day recovery got easier and easier. By the time I went home I was able to manage the multiple staircases in my house and sleep in my own bed no problem. Well before my 2 week incision check I was off the pain meds.
I think my recovery was actually much easier than some of the more difficult vaginal births I've read about here. I plan to do a RCS for our next child.
pomegranate / 3275 posts
First one was because she wouldn't come out the other way! I labored for 24 hours and she never dropped. Second and third csections were planned, no doctors close to me do VBACs. Recovery from just a csection isn't as terrible as recovering from both kinds of delivery. When I get pregnant with our fourth and final, csection again!
pomelo / 5041 posts
Lo was breech and we had a failed ECV. I'm pretty sure I'll be doing an RCS with my twins despite the fact that my provider offers VBAC.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
I had an emergency c/s due to an induction attempt (for placental insufficiency), that lead to profound fetal distress. I was totally fine with it, and I am planning a ERC for baby #2.
grape / 84 posts
Giant fibroid blocking her exit. But also, she was breech and turned out to have the cord wrapped twice around her neck.
apricot / 420 posts
I had one after 26 hours of back labor - my DD wouldn't drop below a certain station and I think I remember getting stuck at an 8. She was almost 2 weeks overdue and weighed 9 lbs 1 oz at birth so they thought she wasn't going to fit.
The 2nd was because the only Dr's who did vbac's were an hour away and my family was 4 hours away. It was just easier to plan a c-section, although the 2nd c-section was harder for me to recover from.
apricot / 453 posts
She was breech and I didn't want to attempt an ECV. The whole thing was a very positive experience and if we have another, I'd do it again.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
I had GD, so I would have been induced early and he was measuring 3-4 weeks ahead the entire time. Because of some previous surgeries, an emergency c-section would be pretty risky for us. I didn't want to risk a failed induction or him getting stuck and then having an emergency c-section. We went ahead and scheduled a c-section for 39 weeks and he was born at 8lb 13oz. They had to vacuum him out during the surgery, so my doctor said there was a very good chance I would've ended up with a c-section anyway, so I'm glad I made that choice.
I had a very positive experience and I will most likely have a repeat for the next baby.
pear / 1849 posts
Giant baby was stuck on an angle, despite 5 hours of pushing in every possible position. My heart rate started to get too low for the doctor's comfort so they did a c-section.
papaya / 10343 posts
I feel like everyone has heard my story but I'll tell it again anyways.
Induced at 41+1 after getting kicked over to triage from a doc appt that found I had high bp. Labored 18 hours, made it to an 8 before swelling back to a 7 because LO got stuck. Midwife negotiated an extra 3 hrs of laboring for me to try to move her, but I got a fever and my bp was rising and LO's heart rate was going wonky so OB required a c-section at that point. Actual section wasn't that bad, neither was the first week of recovery. I never had any significant pain. If my story had ended there I'd say it was a really positive (if disappointing) experience. But my incision opened up significantly after getting my staples out on day 7 and that turned into a 7 week nightmare of getting it healed up. For that reason I'm sort of terrified of ever having to do it again.
ETA: LO was sunny side up and tilted. Took 2 surgeons to pry her out. They told me after she was never coming out on her own regardless.
kiwi / 643 posts
I had a scheduled csection because DS was breech my entire pregnancy and never ended up turning.
Overall I had a pretty good experience. I do not have any issues with having another repeat csection, although I would like to try a VBAC with our next baby.
pomegranate / 3565 posts
I chose to have a scheduled section with my 1st because of his size. At 37 weeks, an ultrasound had him at 9 lbs 3 oz. Two weeks later he came out at 10 lbs 9 oz.
I feel like some on the boards don't feel like that's a good reason. Well, to me it was. I knew he was big and was not coming out vaginally. I had a feeling all along. I don't feel like I missed out on anything.
My second was a repeat c section.
apricot / 342 posts
I got stuck at around 8cm for almost ten hours! I pushed for two hours (after finally getting to 10cm) at different angles and baby just would not budge! I labored for 22 hours total before his heart rate became too low and the nurse noticed he had probably swallowed some meconium. Emergency c-section for me! It honestly took me a long time to get over it emotionally because I really wanted the experience of a natural med free birth, so the recovery was especially hard because I was so sad about it. It's all good now! I'm due with #2 in March and my doctor is 100% on board for a vbac!
eggplant / 11824 posts
I had one because after being dilated and almost 100% effaced for weeks, I was at 40 weeks and DONE with pregnancy. Honestly, I went a little nutty; I felt like I was having a breakdown haha, I couldn't take another *minute* of pregnancy.
I chose c-section over induction because my OB expressed concern over large baby head size vs. small pelvis size; I was nervous about some serious pelvic and back issues I had due to pregnancy being exasperated by labor and delivery, and because LO had a heart issue we discovered before she was born, where she would be need to be checked by a pediatric cardiologist soon after birth and I didn't want to risk a stressful labor for her.
But, TL;DR I wanted one.
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
Stuck at 8cm and developed am infection with super high fever so they said baby had to come out via c/s. By this time next week
I'll know how it all plays out with this one.
apricot / 274 posts
I had a c-section because I had pre-eclampsia at 27 weeks, and had to deliver after 4 days of strict bedrest and IV Magnesium. Preemies have a very high risk of bleeding on the brain, so they did not want to attempt a vaginal delivery because it could increase his chances of having bleeding on his brain. Also, my body wasn't ready to deliver, so I had a higher risk of ending up needing a c-section anyway. I was fine with needing a c-section because it felt safer to me since we knew he would likely need to be intubated immediately. I had a traumatic 4 days in the hospital before I had E, but my actual c-section and recovery was great. I would do it again, and plan to have a scheduled c-section if/when we decided to have another baby.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
Stuck at 7 cm, pitocin to get the rest of the way there and couldn't move her an inch in 2 hours of pushing. I've never been so happy as when the dr suggested c-sec.
pomegranate / 3577 posts
I tried, I "failed", I had a c-section. And I am totally okay with that. I suspected I would need one, but I gave it a good old college try with an induction starting Tuesday and ending Thursday at midnight. Even the failed experience was worth it and the c-section was worth it.
I'm having a repeat section for the next, because they aren't well equipped for VBACs up here and my pelvis is not made to deliver babies the old fashioned way. Thank goodness I live in these modern times...
kiwi / 524 posts
My son's heart rate was non-reassuring even before they started the induction. I never had pitocin - just a balloon catheter to mechanically dilate my cervix. I started having contractions once it was inserted. I made it to six cm in 9 - 10 hours, but his heart rate was getting worse, so we did the section.
I was seeing nurse-midwives so I didn't even have to ask for skin-to-skin. LO was on my chest while they finished the surgery. I had a very easy recovery.
There was nothing dysfunctional about my labor, so I'm supposed to be a good candidate for a VBAC, but I had such a good experience that I might have a repeat cesarean, especially if I could have the same OB perform the surgery
cherry / 163 posts
I had a c-section after 5 hours of labor after which my doctor discovered he was breech! My doctors kept telling us at appts that he was head down but I didn't have an ultrasound past the 20 week one so it was a surprise to us all! It was a very positive experience, even being a last minute surprise, especially since labor was so....horrible! My recovery was pretty easy. I wish I had done some more research about cs before hand so I would have been prepared for everything but there was no reason to!
squash / 13208 posts
I had 2 myomectomys and my OB said he wasn't allowed to risk me laboring so I had a c/s
I was secretly thrilled as I was terrified of labor
Recovery was a little rough but doable
#2 was a c/s as well and that recovery was even easier ( not sure why)
Plus I should add scheduling the birth is awesome! You walk in and it's done
pear / 1786 posts
Failed induction for me. Started at 1 cm and only dilated to 2 cm after 14 hours of cervadil and Pitocin. Plus baby's heart rate had already decelerated twice. My OB said I could keep trying for vaginal delivery but if his heart rate decelerated again, that I would have c-section anyway. I didn't specifically "want" a CS but am not disappointed. I pretty much expected my induction to end up with a CS. My recovery was great actually. I intentionally took very few pain meds & walked the halls 2 nights after my surgery.
pomelo / 5791 posts
I have a kindof "different" reason lol
I had a medically necessary c-section because my OB didn't want me to push. I have had 2 torn retinas (and 4 eye surgeries) and they didn't want the pressure/pushing to cause them to re-detach.
I am probably in the minority, but I will also add that I was happy about having a c-section. I am a huge "planner" type personality.
I will need a c-sec for any future births as well.
pomegranate / 3791 posts
Baby's heart rate kept dropping. I was completely terrified, but I also trusted my doctor and knew it was necessary - they spent hours trying every trick in the book to raise LO's heart rate, but it just wasn't happening. The surgery itself was still scary (I mean, come on, you're completely conscious while being operated on!) but at my hospital they still allowed immediate skin-to-skin and baby stayed with me the whole time, even in the recovery room, so that was nice too.
pomegranate / 3863 posts
Emergency C-section for preeclampsia & fetal distress. My experience was not a positive one since I was under anesthesia and DH couldn't be with me. Recovery was a bitch because I had to trek back and forth to the NICU everyday for 3 weeks which involved a lot of walking/carrying bags/not enough rest. But it was all worth it And at least we know what to expect with our next one!
persimmon / 1165 posts
Twin pregnancy - Baby B never flipped head down, so we opted for the c-section instead of risking a "double whammy." Such a smooth recovery, loved my c section.
honeydew / 7968 posts
First one, went into labor on my planned csec date. We decided to try vaginal. Labored for hours but then son's heart rate decelerated and was almost an emergency csec. But it stabilized but they still recommended csec so we went with it. I'm glad I at least attempts so I won't wonder what if....
This past one, I went into labor the day of my csec again! But we had already decided we would do csec cuz of the potential complications last time.
Recoveries for both went well. The actual procedure was SO much better this time. I was miserable during the procedure for the first time because I had this intense deep chill and I thought I was going to die. I also said I never want to feel like this again, no more babies! Lol. This past one was a breeze both during and after.
persimmon / 1099 posts
They called a section after 3 hours of pushing a posterior baby who was seriously stuck in my pelvis. She was born with the most insane cylinder head ever and a small contusion to her skull from where she was caught. My experience wasn't traumatic in the slightest it was just exhausting and I will know in a few weeks if a VBAC or ERC is in my cards! There is a huge part of me hoping I make the section date!!
persimmon / 1404 posts
@Dandelion: Love your response! I have known for years that I would prefer a c section
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
After 2 1/2 hours of pushing a very large sunny side up baby I caught a fever, ad her heart rate was high and they were worried of infection so I said "lets do a C-section" and I rushed in and had my baby 20 minutes later.
With this baby, I will have another scheduled as it was decided by both my provider and me that I did not want to attempt a VBAC due to narrow hips and a history of big babies. Already have my date picked out and will schedule at my next appointment.
pineapple / 12793 posts
I had a slow amniotic leak and mild contractions starting Friday. They started an induction Saturday with cervadil as I want dialated at all. Provision on Sunday afternoon, hardcore contractions all night and then all day Monday. I made it to 4-5 cm before the baby had heart rate issues. Had an emergency c-section almost requiring forceps just post midnight Tuesday. Baby was over ten pounds with a 15.5" noggin.
If #2 is just as huge I'll likely do the repeat.
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