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Why did you have your c-section?

  1. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    I had a scheduled c section because of a previous myomectomy, OB said risks of labor were too high. Overall, it was a really good experience and because of the previous surgery I was somewhat prepared for the recovery.

    @Mamaof2: I totally agree that a scheduled birth is pretty awesome. I showed up at the hospital at 10 and by 12:21 DS was born!

  2. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    The first was after a 'failed' induction. After 10 hours on pitocin I had only progressed to 'maybe a 2', baby's heart rate dropped and wasn't rebounding great. Doctor said we could wait a little longer, or do a c-section. I decided on the c-section. Once in there the doctor said that my pelvis isn't really conduscive for vaginal delivery, but doesn't mean I couldn't try next time.

    The 2nd was a scheduled c-section due to the fact that it was 15 months after the first, and I didn't feel comfortable trying for a VBAC that soon after the first.

    I honestly don't feel like I missed out on anything. My body just requires me to have babies a different way than the 'norm'. I had a great recovery the first time and the 2nd wasn't too bad, except for some severe pain from a tight stitch(that the doctor needed to do because of weak uterine tissue, he didn't want to risk an incisional hernia), everything went well as well.

  3. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts

    Labor stalled at 7 cm even with pitocin, baby's heart rate was super high for hours, and I was having a lot of bleeding that they could not find an explanation for. It was a good experience overall. I am not sure if I will try for a vbac next time or a rcs.

  4. tillma

    cherry / 207 posts

    I labored for two days, finally began to dilate, got to 9cm where I felt like I needed to push. They let me since the feeling was so strong. I pushed for two hours at which point I asked for a CS because I was EXHAUSTED. Turns out that part of my cervix had never effaced and LO was not only sunny side up but crooked My OB's exact words when she opened me up: "Oh dear, this never would have happened naturally"

    I was happy with the CS in the respect that I could not have gone on at that point, I had put my all into laboring and pushing and had had VERY little sleep in three days time but I was unhappy with not being able to see my baby right away and not being able to hold him until about 45 minutes after. I was also in a lot of pain because I went through so much to have him and it ended up being a MUCH tougher recovery than I had expected. It was about 7 weeks before I could drive or get up and go to the store for 20 minutes. It was hard.

    I am torn on which way I would like to go the next time. On the one hand would like the easier recovery, onth e other am terrified it will turn out the same way.

  5. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    Failed induction --never felt a contraction and never made it past 4cm. C-section experience was very positive.

  6. imbali

    apricot / 347 posts

    I wanted one loved the experience, will have RCS for the next one.

  7. Synchro Coach

    coffee bean / 35 posts

    Breech baby. Had a successful ECV. Labor started naturally a week later but I never made it past 8 cm after 8 hours of pitocin, breaking my water, etc (20 total hours in labor). Midwife was worried about the baby's heart rate. Midwife and OB on duty thought the CS was the best for all of us. DH and I totally agreed.

    Going for a VBAC the second time around but if it's not to be, I'm not stressing about it. Either way is fine with me.


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