I have a question... and I mean it in a totally non-accusatory tone--I am curious and weighing my (farrrrrrr down the road) options.

I keep reading so many women are TERRIFIED of having to have a c-section. To me, it seems less scary/awful than a vag. birth. This could be because my mother had one, so that's what I'm used to? But I really don't know. I get the whole "birth is a natural beautiful thing" philosophy and absolutely respect that, but that's just not me...I'm not terribly introspective about those things and I know I'll just want the baby OUT.

From my POV, I see a c-section as:
--surgery, in a hospital setting by a trained surgeon
--due date is planned, so less stressful 'waiting'. (Unless you are surprised early like Mrs Bee!)
--painful healing of the stomach, but can be controlled with pain killer
--a scar almost no one will ever see (big whoop.)

Whereas a vag birth, I see:
--unpredictable due date
--possibly loooong labor
--epidural/cathader thing stuck in spine, otherwise tons of pain (really both since i know they don't do the epidural right away... and it might not work anyway).
--tearing (*shudder*)
--non-ignorable % rate of getting a c-section anyway, possibly less 'safely' since they aren't prepared for you as they would be if it was planned
--possibility of separated stomach muscles from lining
--swollen, horribly painful nether-regions for many days after
--sexytime parts never the same again..

Having read a lot of your birth stories, others' birth stories, books about birth, and having watched natural birth videos... my husband and I are both horrified and we're not even expecting or TTC. I know the whole 'billions of women do this all over the world' mantra... but I have trouble seeing why I would have a baby smushed through my poor little hoo-ha over hours of agony, rather than surgically lifted out.

To me, it's like: why would I choose to have my teeth pulled at the dentist using pliers and no pain meds? I'd rather have them put me out and extract the teeth--that's a beauty of modern medicine!

So that is my position on it--I'm curious to hear yours!! Any other not-yet-a-moms freaking out about this?