My son is turning 4 next month. I have gotten tickets to a Pinocchio puppet show tomorrow and we have been pretty excited about it. Today we bought the Pinocchio Golden Books and I was reading it to him, hoping that he will have more fun at the show tomorrow. He was very interested and seemed to be really processing/thinking about it when I was telling the story. The book left out one important detail where Pinocchio's nose grew when he told a lie. So I went on YouTube and searched for a short 3 minute video of the Disney movie segment of how his nose grew when he was telling a lie to the blue fairy. After he watched it, he was like, this is very scary. I don't want to watch a video, or read that book ever again. I was surprised and asked, what is scary about it? He said he didn't like how Pinocchio's nose grew, and he is afraid his own nose would grow. I kept explaining no this is not gonna happen, it only happens because he told a lie. You are already a real boy and he was a puppet when his nose grew. Blah blah blah. He was still quite "traumatized" (couldn't think of a better word) and went to bed all quiet. Hmm. It makes me feel really bad and worried now and I hope he is not scared at the show tomorrow... and hopefully he is not going to have nightmares tonight...
How about you? What TV / video / movie moment scares your LO unexpectedly? What was your LO's age ?