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Why will you vote for Clinton?

  • poll: Why will you vote for Clinton?
    Her political views : (64 votes)
    22 %
    Her experience in politics : (64 votes)
    22 %
    To vote against the Republican party : (80 votes)
    27 %
    What she will do for our country : (44 votes)
    15 %
    She's a woman : (27 votes)
    9 %
    Other reasons.... : (14 votes)
    5 %
  1. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    @Meow: I read it, I didn't see any salient point. He just says sure there's some reasons people dislike her and points out a few but says in his opinion they're too mild of reasons so must be sexism. And I don't disagree that there's subtle racism and sexism. And there has been examples of those in the press. It's still sexist and racist to boil down everything to that though. And jeesh Clinton wasn't afraid of playing on people's racist fears in 2008. Her campaign basically ended bc she claimed there was a chance Obama would be assassinated. Acting like she's some victim to me is laughable.

  2. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    @thruthbombs: do you think republicans are the party of fiscal conservatives still?

  3. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    Im with her because her views are similar to mine and I think she is the most capable person to vote for.

  4. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    @Truth Bombs: I think to you, fiscal matters are the most important, whereas to many who have the opposite political leanings, social justice and equality are always going to be the most important. I don't disrespect you because I don't even know you. But that's the major disconnect I see.

  5. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    All of the above. I'm thrilled to be voting for her!

  6. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @junebugsmama: I agree with this. I know plenty of Republicans who are not bigots. They are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. However, the main issue with our political parties today is that for whatever reason, "Republican" is now a bundle of fiscally AND socially conservative (for almost all mainstream candidates). And while my friends might personally support abortion, gay rights, etc., they usually cannot find a candidate to vote for in their own party who also supports these things. So they vote for people who oppose these things in order to get the fiscal part. And I think some people find that distasteful.

  7. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    I’m voting for HRC for a few key reasons:

    1. Reproductive access/freedom. Anyone who thinks this is a straw-man issue and that Roe v. Wade is safe is, at best, absolutely naive. In the past *year* alone, Republicans have considered or introduced somewhere between 100 and nearly 400 different bills aimed directly at reducing access not only to legal abortions, but also family planning services. Since 2010, states have actually enacted more than 288 anti-abortion/abortion restriction bills. This agenda, and its critical significance to the party, is clear, and it is one I will never, ever get behind.

    2. I agree with most of her platform. She’s not as left as I would like, but neither was Bill Clinton. That said, I support things like universal healthcare, industry regulation (meaning, I’m generally in favor of it, especially worker protection regulations and environmental regulations), support for veterans programs and returning veteran support services (especially for PTSD/mental health), overhaul of the justice system (including placing heavy restrictions on for-profit prisons, increased mental health funding, looking at our modern-day debtors prison laws which target the poor disproportionately for generally otherwise non-jailable offenses), and stronger gun control, among other issues. These are all things that, as a party, Republicans have voted against and positions which do not align with their party platforms and goals.

    3. I’ll also admit that yes, I will vote for a Democrat in order to vote against a Republican. Not because I think every Republican is evil, but because the direction the party has taken, being high-jacked by the extreme right, is a direction I think will be destructive to our country. I do not agree with their moral ideals and I don’t agree with their positions on issues. I dislike, in the extreme, the open disdain for education, science and intellectualism that has been fanned and supported for the past several years – at a party level. I dislike the strong and distinct shift from being a party that is primary concerned about economics to one that’s chiefly concerned with what women, gay people and trans people might be doing with their private parts. I feel badly (somewhat) for the moderate members of the party who are now being openly disrespected by the extreme faction, except that that extreme faction has been coddled into the position it has now.

    4. I don’t find her “scandals” that concerning. My God, she has been witch-hunted for the better part of 20 years. Millions upon millions have been spent investigating her. Turn that same level of scrutiny on anyone in politics and you’ll find dirt you can spin into conspiracy theories.

  8. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    I actually agree with her ideas and political goals more than Bernie's. I would vote for either though.

    It's great that she might be the first woman president but that's not why I'm voting for her.

    What I'm curious about are the Republicans that are against both Trump and Hilary. How will they vote?

  9. Meow

    cherry / 148 posts

    @Maysprout: huh. I didn't get that from the opinion piece. To me what he said is what she's done is on par with anyone who's had as much experience in politics (like when racking up a long history you're bound to have shit in there) and is in fact more truthful than average when being fact checked but she gets hit on her mistakes, weak points, whatever more harshly cause she's a woman.

    Matter of opinion and interpretation though! Honestly I rarely discusss politics because people (including me) think what they think and some article on the internet won't sway core beliefs.

  10. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    @Meow: average truth telling percent doesn't mean that some of the lies aren't significant or a big deal, I don't really see what that has to do with anything. A candidate can say an entire speech of truths but then if they say and 'that's why I was the first person to land on Saturn', they'd still be fairly discredited in my eyes even though only .001% of their speech was false.

  11. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @bluestriped bee: Among my friends, I think those against Trump and Hillary are going third-party. One of my friends, who is a very politically active staunch Republican, said, "I know a third-party vote is basically making a democratic win more likely, but at this point, if Trump is our nominee we deserve to lose."

  12. Meow

    cherry / 148 posts

    @Maysprout: "more truthful than average" was entirely my paraphrasing, not what the writer said exactly.

    It's relevant cause people call her a liar but based on fact checking all politicians are liars.

  13. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Her experience, her political views, and I think she will be a good president.

  14. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    @Meow: sure but not all politicians claim to have had to run from sniper fire and then a video turn up of them smiling and talking to school children on a tarmac instead of running for cover.
    Or a box of missing documents mysteriously turn up in their closet a few days after the expiration of civil lawsuits being able to be filed.

  15. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    I am not a Hillary supporter, but if the choice comes down to Trump or Hillary and I know there is absolutely no other viable choice (Independent, etc.) then I will vote for Hillary to do my part in keeping Trump from becoming the leader of our country.

  16. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    1. She's not Trump.

    2. Her combination of experience and intelligence.

    I do not like her, but I believe she can get the job done.

  17. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    @ShootingStar: I have the same feelings. I like Bernie and his ideals but I dont think he can accomplish any of them in truth and I like Hilary in her own right not to mention she is heads and shoulders above the option on the other side

    Ill edit to say not all Republicans are hateful people for sure but the loudest voices are certainly steering your parties image that direction

  18. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    I'm a Bernie supporter and actually changed my registration from independent to Democrat so I could vote for him in our primary. But if it comes down to Hillary vs. Trump (and I don't like Hillary) I'll vote for her because at least she's an experienced politician and will maintain the status quo rather than throwing the country into major upheaval. I wish that voting for Bernie as an Independent wouldn't affect Hillary's ability to triumph over Trump, but it is what it is.

  19. Trailmix

    nectarine / 2152 posts

    She's not Trump!

  20. mrsjazz

    coconut / 8234 posts

    To vote against the Republican party nominee. I did not vote for her in 2008 or in the primary held here in April but she will have my vote. I cringe thinking about Trump as president. Ugh.

  21. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    I think she's fully capable and I agree on a lot of her view points. I tend to lean in the middle and Bernie was too far left for me. I don't take that much issue with some of her scandals that turn a lot of people off. Not saying she's perfect by any means but she's been in positions of a lot of power for a long time and that will draw more criticism then candidates who aren't in the same spot.

  22. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @lawbee11: I'm hoping that she chooses Warren as her VP.

  23. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    << I know plenty of Republicans who are not bigots. They are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. >>

    @catlady: I actually think that "fiscally conservative and socially liberal" describes the center-right Democratic party of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama (but not the more liberal positions of Bernie Sanders). On the contrary, Bush wasn't fiscally conservative... and Trump hasn't demonstrated much fiscal conservatism in his business career.

  24. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @mrbee: i agree with this. I think the fiscally conservative/ socially liberal group of Republicans (politicians) has all but disappeared, and it's more about lining the big donors pockets than anything else (or crazy proposals like getting rid of the IRS!) I have voted republican in the past because I am fiscally conservative, but I don't see republican as the party of that anymore. Which is, I think, why a lot of voters feel lost these days. And unfortunately, the social issues have come to the forefront recently, making it almost impossible for me to imagine voting for the current brand of Republican.

    All that said, I'm a huge fan of HRC. She has my vote for the reasons mentioned in the poll and then some!

  25. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @Anagram: I was going to say the same thing!

    I actually really like Hilary. Politics is filled with money and "scandel" and she has been in politics eith a huge degree of scrutiny for a long time. What I love seeing is pictures of her backin college and her twenties and thirties when she was fighting for many of the same things she is today. I think she is a smart person with democratic ideals and I do trust her! Although I'm very worried about the degree of hatred towards her. I would never vote for her simply because she's a woman, but I definitely think a woman brings some excellent qualities to the job.

  26. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @yoursilverlining: amen!


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