I go back to work in 3 weeks when K is 3 mos (for December K will be at our home with relatives 3 days a week, daycare one day and home with me one day), starting Jan 2 she will be in Daycare 5 days a week. Here is her current schedule:

5am: I wake up and pump (10 mins, 5oz total)
6-6:30am: K wakes up and nurses
6:30-8:30: K goes back down for nap
8:30; K nurses
11am: K nurses
2pm: K nurses
4:30pm: K nurses
6:30pm: K nurses (sometimes just a short session or one side to get her to the pre-bedtime session)
8:30pm: K nurses
9pm: K down for night

Here is what I am hoping I can move our routine to look like over the next 3 weeks.

5am: I pump for 20 mins, hopefully getting 6-7oz
6:30am: K is up and nurses
9am: K nurses (or gets 4oz bottle)
30-60 min nap in here
11am: K nurses (or gets 4oz bottle)
noon - 2pm: K naps
2pm; K nurses (or gets 4oz bottle)
4:30pm: K nurses (or gets 4oz bottle)
7pm: K nurses and starts bedtime routine
7:30pm: K in bed for night
10pm: pump...hopefully get 3-4oz

When I am back at work I plan to start by trying to pump twice (11am & 3pm) hoping to get 8-10oz.

Pumping total: 17-20oz
Bottle feeding total: 16oz

I have 2 of everything for pump parts. I currently have about 50-60oz in my freezer - I should be able to double that before going back to work.

I'd love feedback from any WOHM with experience. Feel free to offer suggestions or input whereever you see potential issues/improvement?!
