This cycle was the first time I took femara (cd 5-9 5mg). I started using opks cd 10, as instructed, and had blood work and an ultrasound cd 14 (a Thursday). That day the RE nurse called and said that I haven't ovulated and if I don't get a positive test by Monday, then to call.
I never got a positive on the Clear Blue Advanced (those damn smileys!) but did get a very clear positive test on a wondfo on Saturday and another very dark test on Sunday.
When I called on Monday, they asked me to come in on Tuesday for more blood work to confirm ovulation. They called later that day and said that I had ovulated, a few days ago - which lines up with my positive OPK. The nurse couldn't tell me why the I received two different readings.
Has anyone else had this problem? Should I just stick to the cheapies now (if this cycle doesn't work out) ?