I go back to work in two weeks and the logistics of pumping has me a bit anxious. I feel like LO takes a lot at one feed so there are still times where she'll nurse and I think she's still hungry after. So I'm worried about being able to pump enough for her each day and/or having to pump multiple times a day to get enough.
Here are some of my "issues," help talk me off the ledge...
I'm out of the office most days so I don't know how "set" of a pumping schedule I'll get. I'm typically at clients from 10-12 and 2-4 each day. Occasionally I have a morning or afternoon free. I tend to leave the office anywhere from 9:15 to 9:45, depending on whether I need to subway downtown or walk far or anything. I'm back for lunch between 12:15 and 12:45, again depending on where I'm coming from. And leaving again anywhere from 1:15 to 1:45. If I'm back around 12:45 (the later side), then I don't leave again until 1:45 usually. So that's my first issue - a fluctuating schedule. My other issue is that I will be sharing the pumping room with a coworker. I think she thinks we'll be able to both use it at the same time somehow? I have two weeks alone before she comes back but we'll have to figure out a schedule for the room or I'll need to see if there's an office we can reserve and use too during lunchtime.
Should I expect to pump before my first visit, at lunch and again after my second visit? My clients mostly have nursing rooms but I don't know how comfortable I feel asking to use them and I'd like to avoid having to lug my pump everywhere. I'll be nursing at home but I don't want to waste optimum milk then either. I'm just afraid two pumps won't be enough.