I currently work 9-6 p.m. but I am going to try to talk to my boss about working 8-5 p.m. instead when I come back from leave. LO will be in a daycare facility somewhere near work and there is a roughly 30 minute commute home so between picking him up and everything it will probably be around 6 p.m. by the time we get home. I keep hearing about the sleep schedule and how babies need an earlier bedtime. I haven't yet read any of the books like "Healthy Sleep Habits..." but it sounds like that's a big recommendation. I worry about how LO's sleep will impact him because of my work schedule -- between nursing, bathtime, etc. it would be 7 or maybe even later, and then we would barely have time to play or interact with him after not having seen him all day.

For WOHMs, how does this work for you?