At LO's 6 month appointment, the pedi advised that we cut out his 2 night feedings. She said at this point he should STTN and is waking out of habit, not hunger.
However, since he started teething (and solids) he isn't eating as much and I worry he isn't getting enough formula during the day to eliminate the night feedings.
Today, this is how our schedule went:
5:00- 5 oz + BF (technically a night feeding?)
8:30- BF + 4 oz formula
10:30- 5 oz formula
1:00- 4 oz formula
3:00- 2.5 oz formula ( we were out and he was too distracted to eat more)
4:30- BF, solids, 1 oz of formula
At bedtime he usually eats 5 oz.
Does this seem like enough? The problem is, I have no idea how much he gets when he BFs (my supply is really low).
He is in bed between 7 & 7:30. Can he really go to 7 (he sometimes sleeps until 8) without any feedings? He usually eats between 11-2 and 3-5. Do you cut out both at once or start by cutting out the first feeding and then eventually phasing out the second?
This is stressing me out!
ETA: He usually has a 2nd meal of solids. Also, he is a big boy (28.5 inches and 19.5 pounds).