Hellobee Boards


Would you attend a national Hellobee meetup?

  1. mamimami

    grapefruit / 4120 posts

    Yes! But wait, is there child care???

  2. Mrs. Polish

    blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts

    I love the idea, but it would come down to what is going on in life at the moment. I would love to try!

  3. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    @sloaneandpuffy: Yes Charlie and Olive will watch all the kids, no charge. Plus free Pirate's Booty for all!!

  4. mamimami

    grapefruit / 4120 posts

    @mrbee: sounds perfect.

  5. Mrs. Fox

    cherry / 208 posts

    @Mrs. Bee: Deeply in love with the idea of a meet-up on each coast. I don't think I could swing a NY trip but if you do one on the west coast, I'm in!

  6. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    If I'm on the east coast, I would.

    Give me about a year.

  7. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    New York is a bit far for me but I'd consider the cost because I'd love to meet up with bees in person.

  8. littlebittyhouse

    pear / 1570 posts


  9. keiki_mama

    nectarine / 2504 posts

    I would seriously consider it

  10. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    Another vote for one on each coast!!

  11. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    Yes, if I could bring my LO... Maybe, if I'd have to leave her.

  12. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    I'd love to, but doubt I could swing it in the budget going to the East Coast. I could probably do LA though.

  13. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    If it worked with our schedule I would. By schedule I mean, DH would probably want to go too and make a trip out of it since it would either be in NY or LA. He likes to travel; it usually me who doesn't.

  14. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    NY would be super fun, but I can't imagine a cross-country trip anytime soon. I would seriously consider going if it was in LA.

  15. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    Oy! That would be awesome, but I'll only be able to attend if we'd already planned a vacation in the states. Maybe if we stopped over in NYC for a few days on the way to SD - that would be ideal!

  16. MaisyMay

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts

    @Mrs. Bee: We should plan simultaneous East/West coast ones and set up some sort of screen/computers so we could say hi back and forth! I'd be able to do a West Coast meet, but not East Coast.

  17. red_seattle

    kiwi / 549 posts

    I'd love to, but cost would be a major factor in whether I could actually go. LA's far more feasible for me. I like the simultaneous meetup idea. What about LA, NY and maybe even Chicago at the same time?

  18. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    If you make it fall next year we plan to come back to the US then and I'd totally come!!! lol But otherwise no, cause obviously its a little far from australia.

  19. SweetMamaM

    pear / 1743 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: maybe we can Skype in! I agree with you, it's a bit too far for us to randomly go - and expensive!

  20. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @SweetMamaM: ooh I like the Skype idea

  21. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    Neither NY or LA is very easy for me to get to.... so probably not. Even after we move back to the states, no.

  22. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    I think with proper notice/planning time I'd definitely be able to consider it! Bee's from different parts of the country could plan to travel together where convenient (i.e Michigan is a long drive to NYC but if it would help other Bee's go a few could drive together or something?)

    I would also DEFINITELY be in for a more localized but large meet up (say NYC, LA, Chicago & Dallas - trying to think of 4 major cities covering most of the US) where everyone could be a short flight/longer drive/train ride away?

  23. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    @Mrs D: I would absolutely go if it was in Chicago!

  24. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    L.A for sure!!! NYC would be awesome! But I think so difficult for west coasters, though I'd love to meet some easy coast bees!

  25. banana

    coconut / 8299 posts

    I would go to an LA meetup! Fun!

  26. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    I would love to, but it depends what all is going on in my life.

  27. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    I'd like to, but both involve a plane ride or a really long road trip for me. Maybe if I was already planning to visit family in PA.

  28. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    Yes! Bos->NY via Amtrak w/LO sounds fun!

  29. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Mrs. Bee: if I got 1-2 month advance notice I would definitely try and fly back with M. But it's easier for me since I'm from there and can/stay visit with family.

  30. prettylizy

    GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts

    I would love that!

  31. Ms.SK

    apricot / 498 posts

    Yes I would come if I had the day free. Would we bring kids or fly solo? I can help with a hotel room block if it comes to that.

  32. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    I like the idea in theory but I'm too new to feel like I've really made any friends on here. Maybe if it were next year and I formed some relationships by then! I'm an introvert so I'd feel totally out of place without at least one friend.

  33. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Yes, but I'm in a reasonable driving distance ^_^

  34. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    Aw man, I wish! Maybe it would give me a good excuse to finally visit NY

  35. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    I would seriously consider it, depending on timing. Maybe a bunch of us Boston bees could take over an Amtrak car, haha.

  36. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @zippylef: Same here. It would be hard to swing NYC as much as I'd love to visit the city.

  37. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    I'd love to but flying to NY is gonna be out of our budget for a few years!

  38. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    Bumping this because I wish a meetup was in the works!

  39. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    That would be super amazing. Never been to ny (or many places in the states for that matter). Don't know that it would be in the budget for me and I don't have a passport.... *le sigh*

    Sometimes it sucks living so far from a lot of you ladies.

  40. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    I would definitely try to make it It would depend on a lot of things, but it would be so much fun if I could go!

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