I have not been working since December (I was put on bed rest during my pregnancy and then had a baby). I was managing a small coffee shop/wine bar/cafe close to my house. Well, I got a call from my boss yesterday asking if/when I want to come back. I would really love to because a)not only do I miss working but b)we have been super short on cash and it would nice to be able to start saving again. However, because the cafe is so small there are times in the day I would be working alone and therefore I would not be able to pump. I would have to go 6 hours without pumping, which I am pretty sure would have a great impact on my milk supply (or at least make me extremely engorged).

What would you do? Would you go back to work and risk not being able to BF your baby, but have the extra money? Or would you wait to go back to work until baby is 1 year (or you're done BFing) and be "poor" during that time?