I had an epidural with our first and I would definitely do it again!
I had an epidural with our first and I would definitely do it again!
pomelo / 5524 posts
I had an emergency C-section with LO after he got stuck. I'll be doing a scheduled C-section this time around!
grapefruit / 4321 posts
I had a pretty dramatic pregnancy but my L&D was basically a dream, totally textbook with no complications. I want to do it exactly the same with this LO: hospital birth with an OB and an epidural, and doing everything that we can SAFELY do to avoid pitocin or a c-section, but perfectly fine to use those interventions if they are in the best interest of me and the baby.
pomelo / 5228 posts
Deliver at a hospital that isn't downtown! And lay down less, it slowed things down.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Our birth plan was just "healthy mama and baby." And to placenta encapsulate, so gimme.
I would go into it open minded again. I had a sudden water break with no contractions and a 36 hour induction that failed and went to emergency C-section which showed my son never would have been born vaginally for a number of reasons and it was totally the right call. I'm so glad I didn't have some intense plan that I insisted on because I felt really relaxed all the way through and had a really collaborative experience with my healthcare team (which included like 3 CNAs, 2-3 doctors, and probably 2 dozen midwives and nurses). I made it through 2 hours of intense pitocin contractions before going through an epidural and again I'm so glad I was open about pain management too.
We don't know if we will go for a repeat c section next time but I would like to avoid the long process from last time.
honeydew / 7303 posts
My epidural with my first was amazing! I had planned on it right away for #2. So much so that I never thought about pain coping techniques. Surprise! Ds decided to fly out in a few hours and I was dying in pain. I got an epidural after I already started pushing! I still don't regret it, but i'd look into some coping mechanisms if we had another.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
My birth plan is pretty much the same as it was last time. I want to have to ask for an epidural --I don't want it being offered often (last time I ended up asking right away because I was 5cm and had had back labor for almost 24 hrs already). I'm delivering at a new hospital this time, and they have jet tubs, and I'd like to try them My epidural kept failing last time, and I think if my labor isn't as long/not back labor again I could probably go without an epidural, but I'm not set on anything. I played it by ear last time, and was happy with the results.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
I am having a repeat C-section so I hope anesthesia works (issue during my delivery with LO 1) and I don't have another Hemmorage. (Issue after LO 2)
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I will have a different doctor and hospital because of an insurance change but other than that, I expect I will do the same things. (epidural, BFing etc)
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I think I'm gonna try another OB/practice, and re-discuss induction if I get GD again. I'd like to go into labor naturally if possible! But def doing the epidural again!
cantaloupe / 6669 posts
I would not deliver at the same hospital or with the same practice.
cherry / 180 posts
@mediagirl: my guy is always asking me if i'm going for the epi this time or not. i think he wants me to try all natural, yknow, wear my big girl pants. with this being my second, i'm feeling pretty aware that babe might want out before the epi opportunity even arises.
my first I didn't have vaccinated until her checkup a week and a half later. new mom, knew nothing about vaccines. will be having my May boy poked and prodded this time around though.
nectarine / 2784 posts
I had a fast and furious unmediated birth and labored at home for most of it. If I could, I would do the same thing all over again right down to the same time of day and same midwife on call.
coconut / 8861 posts
Same as before: epidural, antibiotics for GBS, and hopeful vaginal birth.
grape / 75 posts
After two long inductions, one that ended in forceps delivery of a 9 lb baby and the other that required a vacuum assist for a 10lb baby, I'm going to ask for a C-section up front if I have another. My OBGYN fully supports me for an elective C-section next time if I want it.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
I was induced the first time but had wanted to go the no-meds route, so I'd love to try that. That said, I ended up getting an epidural after 12 hours of pitocin and it was amazing, so I won't be as afraid of it the second time around if I need it!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@cascademom: If you have GBS the first time does that mean you will the second time?
pomelo / 5093 posts
I had a long shitty induction and just barely missed a csection. Really hoping for natural birth this time. And no epidural, I freaking hated mine.
pomegranate / 3272 posts
First was induced with a failed epidural, 24 hour labor with 2.5 hours of pushing. Little guy did not want to come out. This time, I'm hoping to go into labor naturally and I've requested an epi that works and if we can get the labor and pushing time down as well, that would be great.
@travellingbee: I asked me doctor this as I was positive last time. She said that it doesn't mean I will be this time. I get tested next week.
coconut / 8861 posts
@travellingbee: Not necessarily. I just got the diagnosis back yesterday as having it. I also was coming off of bacterial vagnosis as well. When I had that with LO's pregnancy, they tested GBS at the same time and had it. It's really no big deal, just some extra antibiotics while laboring.
squash / 13764 posts
I had an awesome birth the first time (fast, great epidural, 20 min of pushing, Lo came a few days before his due date) and would love a repeat!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I would be thrilled it things go pretty much the same- unmedicated birth, stayed home as long as possible, wonderful midwife and nurse. Hopefully it will go a little faster with my second but we are going back to the same practice and hospital. And hopefully we do not need a vacuum assist this time, but it wasn't that bad. I am weirdly looking forward to giving birth again- hormones be crazy.
pear / 1531 posts
I don't know. I had an unmedicated, precipitous (under 3 hours) labor for my first. I had time to get an epidural but chose not to, and I somewhat regret that decision. I might consider induction for the next one so that (a) I get to the hospital on time and (b) I have the option for an epidural.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
@Foodnerd81: I'm looking forward to giving birth again too... but only because I hate being pregnant so much
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
I had an epidural with DS that wore off before 2 hours of pushing. I may attempt to go without one this time. But, I'm not against intervention either. Go with the flow is what I went with last time, and I'll be doing the same this time!
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
I was hoping to go into labor on my own, but my BP shot up and protein spilled into my urine, so.....things are out of my control lol. I am more winging it this time
pomegranate / 3565 posts
@Me3: do it! this was my fear! My 1st was weighing an estimated 9lbs 3 oz at 37 weeks and I'm a petite person. My OB saw that and threw out c section. I took it and had a scheduled c section at 39+1. He was 10 lbs 9 oz.
I have zero regrets with both of my births - scheduled c sections. I plan to do the same next time.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
I want to be more mobile during my time before the epidural. I had to be on constant monitoring because of my blood pressure. But if that isn't an issue next time I would like to be able to move around and find more comfortable positions. Also, with my first one after 2.5 hours of pushing I needed forceps assistance, I would really like to avoid that next time. I think DH is still traumatized by it 3 years later!
pear / 1570 posts
I will be more relaxed about my birth plan this time - although I think I would like to go without the epidural this time.
grape / 75 posts
@mamasig Thank you! I feel like people will think I'm crazy to ask for a C-section, but after the two vaginal deliveries I've had, I really think it will be better. If I could go back knowing how things would go, I would have asked for C-sections for my first two.
persimmon / 1339 posts
Get the epidural BEFORE 10cm and pushing for an hour. Ideally, get the epidural the minute I set foot in the hospital.
No forceps (although it was uncomplicated and no damage to my son's head/face - would just prefer not to have to be completely numbed out next time).
Other than that - the experience was great!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
Try to do more walking in early labour and hopefully have a smaller baby!
nectarine / 2358 posts
I would like to try for a VBAC if it's safe enough. And I'd prefer not to be in labor for 40 hours with a long induction
pomelo / 5000 posts
From the beginning, I said I wasn't get too attached to an ideal birth plan which helped me accept having a planned c-section for my breech baby. I'll keep that same mindset, but do hope to go for a VBAC.
Post delivery, I'll be more patient with recovery. I tried to skip pain meds and fit into pre-pregnancy clothes really soon afterwards b/c I simply wanted to feel normal again. I stressed about still having pain and should have trusted things would get better.
pomelo / 5041 posts
Answering this for my recent delivery. Going into it I knew I wanted to push myself to be active through the pain sooner after surgery (standing, walking, etc.) to help with long-term recovery.
eggplant / 11716 posts
Oh Gosh, I am trying not to get my hopes up about any improvements in this second labor/delivery. The overall end result was fine last time (vaginal birth, no big complications with me or baby), but my labor was LOOOOONG and I found out I don't dilate quickly and I don't handle pain well.
I was in intense, intense pain when I was only 3 cm dilated. That was a surprise because I thought it didn't get bad till 5-8 cm dilated. Not in my case!
I would love to make it to 5 cm this time before getting the epi, but if the pain is like last time, pfff......I'll get it ASAP again.
Everything else, I'd be pleased with a repeat performance.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@cascademom: thanks yeah, I was GBS positive the first time and didn't know if this time I automatically would be too.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Me3: I had a scheduled c-section with my first because of several reasons, one being that I had GD and they were going to induce early anyway. He always measured huge on growth ultrasounds and I really didn't want a failed induction/emergency c-section (would have been dangerous given some of my medical history). I'm so glad I listened to my gut because he was nearly 9lbs at 39 weeks and they had to vacuum him out during surgery! He was super stuck and definitely would have been a c-section in the end anyway. Totally don't regret my decision at all and I'll be having a RCS this time!
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