I was set on starting today as i have a 3 day weekend, but it was a bust. i just started reading OCPT 2 nights ago and have not finished it and the part i've read totally stressed me out that i've done everything wrong so far, especially waiting too long. DS is 3 years and 1 month. Also, i've had a very sleep deprived week, our house is a disaster since we came back from visiting family over xmas, and i am sick. I slept the worst last night because i went to bed way too late after NYE, my friend slept over and stayed until almost 11 this morning so i just gave up on the idea of starting potty training today. So now i have a 2 day weekend if i start tomorrow.

My dilemma is that i can also start in 2 weeks when i start my mat leave. But then it will only be 3 weeks before my due date in Feb. This weekend i am over 5 weeks before my due date which i thought was better timing to PT. I also have a doctor's appt tomorrow at noon, so DH would have to help with the PT and i haven't prepped him on what to do (as i still have not finished the book).

So basically i feel like i would be more rested and prepared to PT if i wait 2 more weeks until i finish work and can even keep DS home from preschool an extra day or two as needed....but i am stressed about the idea of starting it only 3 weeks before my due date. so i am also thinking i should start tomorrow even though this weekend is no longer ideal.

any advice? what would you do?