This is mostly just silly. People get so up in arms about stuff.

I was at a nice yard sale today and discovered some nice clothes for DS (who is, wearing size 6/7 clothes) at a very nice price. I picked up a piece, and was telling DH how nice it was, talking about brand and everything and put it in my arms to go pay for it. A lady overheard me and said, "Don't you think you should start with some smaller clothes, first?" kind of indignantly. I just said I had an older boy besides this kid. I guess she wanted the stuff I picked, lol.

DH has been with me a lot, lately, when we go to stores and stuff, cause he likes to help me out (well, it's over protection, but tomato, tomahto) and today he was just like, "Wow, people really do like to chime in on pregnant women, don't they?"

Yep. They can't resist.