Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @Banana330: Yeah, I'm thinking I will be holding on tight to the meds until I'm almost certain I'm 100% through it. Yuck. I hate to be that person, but I truly hate being pregnant right now.

  2. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @meredithNYC: i am with you 100%. i feel so ungrateful... but i can't help it that i'm miserable. all my friends are like just enjoy this time. I'm like ummmm not possible. i am hating it too a lot right now and wish more than anything that wasn't the case

  3. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @As Time Goes By: Yep, still dealing with insomnia here too. I wake up several times in the night and am just wide awake. I bought a pregnancy pillow on advice for others, and am hoping that will make me more comfortable. I'll keep you posted!

  4. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @meredithNYC: ya, i'm on my last refill and a little worried they won't renew it. It's probably an iriational fear but still a fear. I can't wait for the day I feel normal again... hopefully it comes before April!

  5. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @loki: I know I'll forget all about this one day since I did with my first LO, but damn if it doesn't seem impossible right now! Oh, to be one of those women who love pregnancy...

  6. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @meredithNYC: @loki: I hate it too! And I totally didn't forget that between pregnancies, lol. They won't not renew - lots of people have morning sickness until 16 weeks. I had it all the way through, and it was as bad in the end as it was in the beginning.

  7. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Rockies11: i don't think i'll forget. everyone tells me but i know myself. i feel like i will make it out to be even worse than it was when i'm out of it! haha. #dramaqueen

    hey those who know gender (or even those who don't). any decisions on names yet? i'm so excited for the anatomy scan so we can figure out a name!!! and i'm dying to hear others lists.

  8. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @loki: Definitely no decisions yet on names! The progress we've made is that DH has *finally* started making non-ridiculous suggestions! That is a huge improvement. And I don't blame him - it still seems so far away. We have a few frontrunners, but we are still far from a decision. The hard part is that we need to choose an English AND Korean name. That'll be tough!

  9. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @ineebee: haha my DH likes to purposely suggest extremely outlandish names that we would neve reverse use. He hates all my suggestions but never has any ideas of his own

  10. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @loki: we don't know the gender yet, but already have our names picked out. My husband is Mexican and we have a very Mexican last name so we tried to pick names that still reflect the Mexican heritage but are easy enough for me to say without sounding silly, accent wise.

  11. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    Also, at almost 15 weeks I think I see the end in sight for my morning sickness! I always always throw up on Monday and Tuesday and didn't throw up either day so far this week! Yahooooo!

  12. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @lilyofthewest: @SunshineMcC: I'm sorry your still suffering too I've managed to get a sinus infection so I've called in for tomorrow and plan to sleep ALL DAY!

    @Boopers: I also have specific throw up days! It's always Friday/Saturday over here. Hopefully you're in the clear!

    @loki: I think picking names (or not) has convinced me to not be team green anymore because it is hard... If we can eliminate half the discussion I hope it makes it easier!

  13. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @As Time Goes By: that is exactly why my best friend decided not to be team green even though she REALLY wanted to be. her and her husband were fighting non stop about names and decided it just wasn't worth it. better to find about only one set than both!

    @ineebee: my japanese is half japanese and i am desperately trying to convince him we should include a japanese middle name but he's totally against it for some reason! i'm jealous you get to pick two

    @Mrs. Sunshine: ugh yes this is the most frustrating. my dh acts like my suggestions are INSANE but never comes up with anything of his own. so annoying.

    AFM, we pretty much have nailed down our boy name. we are struggling with girl names though. i like too many! i have a strong girl feeling and with my luck it'll totally be a girl and she'll be nameless for weeks. one of our favourites was April but need opinions... is it weird if she's born in April and named April?! it feels too... intentional?

  14. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    Anyone else feel weird telling people? It's not an easy thing to bring up in conversation, and seems like a weird thing to lead off with. I was at a wedding and I actually had a friend out me cause I just felt uncomfortable bringing it up.

    Most of my close friends know, but it's the extended friendships that are harder. We also haven't told our families yet because my mom can't keep a secret at all and neither can my DH's mom.

    We are planning to tell this weekend at thanksgiving but if my mom invites random friends to it I feel like it would be uncomforatable to tell her in front of them, so we'd either have to find time to do it first or after. It's my parents first grandchild so i'm sure they will be excited, but she took my MC so hard and so personally, i have no idea how she'll react to this.

  15. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @Banana330: I find it strange for extended friendships too. For example, LO'S story time teachers. We always spend like 30 minutes after class talking & chatting & I really like them & consider them friends but I don't wanna just bust out with, "in case you were wondering I'm not getting fat I'm just pregnant" lol. I'm just hoping as it gets more obvious they'll ask. I'm sorry about the awkward situation with your parents. Maybe pull them aside at Thanksgiving & tell them so they can react how they want & then they can also announce it to their friends right after if they so choose?

  16. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: I know, I think it will get easier once we start looking actually pregnant and not just thick around the middle like I am now.

    I'm sure she'll be exicted... i'm just not sure i want to deal with the excitement and questions.

  17. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Banana330: ya i find it so awkward because it never comes up naturally and it feels so attention seeking to me... like HEY GUESS WHAT I'M PREGNANT EVERYONE MAKE A FUSS. so i totally get that.
    will you be at your parent's early for thanksgiving to help? or later to help clean up? i might prefer to tell them at that time, personally. in front of randoms would be weird for me too!

  18. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @Banana330: @loki: exactly! But on the same note you're so excited & kinda wanna be like yeah I'm pregnant & I also feel like crap so be really nice to me lol .

  19. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @Banana330: well I have a very excited 3 year old and he doesn't understand a secret. So daycare has known since before most of our family. We go to see friends next weekend and will be sharif then because he is a blabber mouth. Reminds me of the Disney cruise commercial our little souvenir.

    But on that note I am not sure how to tell either of my jobs...

  20. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @loki: @Mrs. Sunshine: Ya it's totally the fuss thing, I just don't want a spectacle around it.

    The worst is on transit, when I get a seat, I hope and pray someone more pregnant doesn't step on so I don't have to give up my seat. It's the feeling like i'm pregnant too, I deserve this seat!

  21. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Banana330: haha yes i go through this every day. or i'm standing and wanna shout I'M PREGNANT GIMME UR SEAT!!!! my "i'm pregnant" sign would come in handy for these situations too!

    @brownie: haha that's so cute!

    @Mrs. Sunshine: ya totally, i am just using it with my husband a lot... I AM GROWING YOU A HUMAN, BRING ME A BEVERAGE. he's so lucky. haha.

  22. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @loki: haha I tell DH I'm growing him a person all the time! If you end up breastfeeding that excuse will still work for a while

  23. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @loki: In the UK, Transport for London actually has buttons they give out for free that says baby on board, takes the guess work out of giving up your seat!

    @brownie: ya, he'll totally out you! Telling work is scary, it's another area where it just feels weird to bring it up. My boss has been pushing for me to submit for April conferences, I keep telling him I don't have time to ge it done before the deadline.

  24. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    they have buttons you can wear on the tube in London with a picture of a pregnant lady on them, so people have to give up their seats! you guys could special order them!

  25. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Rockies11: Ha we wrote the same thing at the same time!

  26. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @Banana330: I was just typing great minds think alike, hahaha!

  27. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Banana330: @Rockies11: omg i had no idea that was a thing! never saw it when i was in london. but i LOVE it. we should totally have those haha. i don't think i'd actually wear it, just like i won't actually park in the maternity parking spots even though i've been waiting my whole life to! hahaha.

  28. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @loki: park in the spots, park in the spots! you wouldn't believe who parks in those - young men in pick-up trucks, for example. You deserve to park in the spot!

  29. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @Banana330: @Rockies11: @loki: they totally need those buttons here! though I am not sure they would work everywhere... the other day I got on a bus, I had been walking for ages, it was hot, I was SO TIRED and desperately wanted to sit down. Of course luck would have it that the bus was full of retirees headed back to their cruise ship, they all looked at my belly but stayed put in their seats, then a disabled man got on the bus and asked for a seat and NONE of the old cruise-ship people would move for him and they all claimed they were either disabled too or that they were with a disabled person! The bus driver refused to drive till someone gave the man a seat and there was seriously a 5 minute standoff about who was most deserving of the priority seats. I AM NOT KIDDING! Obviously I did not get involved and moved to the back of the bus and hung onto the pole... but I totally felt like being pregnant put me at the bottom of the priority seat totem pole!
    All that to say, where there are privileges specifically for pregnant women (such as car parks) I will be taking them!!

  30. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lulu22: omg that is AWFUL. people are horrible. I once got on the subway and was standing next to a girl who was VISIBLY very pregnant. probably 30-35 weeks. no one was giving up their seat so i asked her if she'd like me to make someone move for her. she happened to be getting off at the next stop but told me that it happens ALL THE TIME where people see her but don't offer a seat. so incredibly rude.

    @Rockies11: ugh if i saw some guy park in those i'd be livid. once i'm more visibly pregnant i might feel less guilty about it. but i keep telling myself "i'm pregnant, not disabled" and a walk would probably do me good! haha.

  31. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @loki: I KNOW! people are so rude! I feel sorry for you ladies who have to commute every day on crowded transport. Commuting is bad enough, but when you are feeling pregnant and awful - that's a form of torture twice a day!

  32. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lulu22: ya i'm really worried about when i get reeeeeeally pregnant. already i have tailbone pain and the train seats are awful. i have to take a train about an hour and 15 mins into the city then get on the subway for another 20-30 mins. it makes for really long, exhausting days so i'm interesting to see how things go as my pregnancy progresses. it was bad enough when i was constantly nauseous!

  33. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @loki: Regarding the name thing... DH and I have a shortlist of about 4 or 5 names now that we know we are having a boy... we might refine the list a little and add middle name ideas, but we won't pick a name until he is born. I have this silly belief that babies need to suit their names and you don't know if they will till you see them! The reason being, when my baby sister was born (I was 10) my parents really involved me and my brother in naming her - they had a shortlist of about 6 or 7 names and we were all pretty set on one - Ella - but after she was born we all looked at her and agreed, "she is not an Ella!" and we went through the list and choose the name we thought suited her best. So that experience kinda stuck with me...

  34. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lulu22: so interesting! i've heard that a lot actually that people see the baby and they're like hmmm that doesn't fit. i'd love to take your approach and have a few ready just in case. but i know myself and i'm totally gonna obsess over it.

  35. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @loki: that is a loooong commute! Do you have the option to work from home a couple of days a week once you are further along?

  36. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lulu22: i wiiiiiiiiiish. i'm hoping my boss will be flexible but no one in my dept has been pregnant for like 10+ years so i'm not sure how it's handled. she'll have to allow me to work from home when i have OB appts etc in the new year... unfortunately my work is full of busybodies who are VERY concerned with what everyone else is doing and i feel like she might not let me just to keep the peace. it's frustrating because i am 100% capable of doing my job remotely. my company is just very old school and hasn't adapted at all, unfortunately

  37. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    We have decided on a name. I think I mentioned it here before and I also wrote it on a different board yesterday. Baby will be Ryan regardless of gender. We aren't 100% set on middle names yet, more so for a boy than girl. We are going to wait until we know the gender to think more about middle names.

  38. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @meredithNYC: I would have said I was one of those women who loved pregnancy. Definitely considered my last pregnancy easy, but I think I just forgot how hard the constant nausea and exhaustion is in the first trimester. And this time it seems to be lasting longer...at almost 16 weeks I am pretty sure I was way over both the exhaustion and nausea last time. It's still sticking around this time.

  39. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @NeekieRose: your post in the other thread prompted me to ask about names in here

  40. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @loki: I thought maybe, ha

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