Hellobee Boards


April 2017 moms!

  1. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @MapleMoose: I have swelling this time too!! Ugh, it's so not pretty. Does it go away right after birth?

    @mrswilson2012: oh man, yes. I can't wait to be on leave! I have so much I want to do!!!

    @littleblessings: I frequently wake up after vivid dreams with a headache. It's the worst!

  2. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @ValentineMommy: I keep having like scary vivid dreams. I'm not fond of them.

    On a happy note it's DS's 3rd birthday today!

  3. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @littleblessings: Happy Birthday to your little babe!

    How's everyone doing? Feeling? Anything major you have to do before LO comes? Update us!

  4. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @littleblessings: Happy Birthday to your little guy!

    @bubblegum: I've been feeling good. After 2.5 months of colds and sinus infections etc, I'm healthy and active again and its been great! Though I tried to do my toe nails last night and it was a real struggle. Guess I'm going out to get pedis for the next 3 months

    I've mostly cleared out my office to prep for DS's big boy room. That's my major to-do right now. I'm also hoping to book maternity/newborn photography this week. Gonna use the same as with DS so at least I don't have to do any hunting

  5. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    April 2017 Mamas

    April 2: mrsmacSLP (#1 ) - 30w1d
    April 5: yellowbeach (#1 ) - 29w5d
    April 7: Cordie (#1 ) - 29w3d
    April 10: mrswilson2012 (#1 ) - 29w0d
    April 13: PeaceLily (#1) - 28w4d
    April 13: Megatherium (#2) - 28w4d
    April 15: MapleMoose (#3 ) - 28w2d
    April 17: littleblessings (#3 ) - 28w0d
    April 18: MOMTOLITTLEB (#2 ) - 27w6d
    April 19: bubblegum (#2 ) - 27w5d
    April 21: JennyPenny (#2 ) - 27w3d
    April 22: MissLace (#2 ) - 27w2d
    April 24: Trimama (#2) - 27w0d
    April 25: betsyr25 (#2) - 26w6d
    April 26: psw27 (#2 ) - 26w5d
    April 26: ValentineMommy (#3 ) - 26w5d
    April 27: abbydabbydoodlebug (#2 ) - 26w4d
    April 28: justjules (#2 ) - 26w3d
    May 10: lilteacherbee (#3 ) - 24w5d

    : 8 : 6 : 1

  6. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @JennyPenny: Aww good! Hey pedis are the perfect me time. Lucky you!
    Oh fun!!! Big boy room! We finished DS last week. What's your theme?

  7. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @littleblessings: happy birthday to your son!

    @bubblegum: doing pretty good. DS is sick so that's been a little tough! I'm tired but my hip pain has eased a bit so that is a huge relief. Made some solid decisions about housing/room layout/getting a freezer for pumping stash so I'm feeling a bit more settled. How are you feeling?

  8. justjules

    apricot / 488 posts

    @bubblegum: I'm feeling ok. One of my big goals this pregnancy was not to gain as much weight. I've been much much better but this weekend my brother was visiting and we ate out so much (pretty much the only thing I like about living in Houston is the yummy, diverse food choices!) so now I'm a little scared to step on a scale

  9. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @bubblegum: I'd say the theme is loosely "sky" We'll have stars, moons, clouds, planes and rocket ships. Its based off stuff he picked on a trip to Target a few months ago

  10. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @psw27: Aww poor babe! I hope he feels better soon. OMG hip pain!!! I just got that. What happened to your hip? How exciting is that!! When is that game plan getting into play? I'm feeling okay. Things get uncomfortable at times but pretty darn good. I'm staying on LO's nursery soon so that's pretty exciting!!

  11. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @justjules: Hey some good food every once in awhile is totally okay. I indulged during the holidays and was super scared to step on the scale but it all panned out.

  12. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @JennyPenny: Super cute!! I like loose themes. No real commitment lol gives you a chance to mix it up

  13. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @bubblegum: I think a lot of my hip pain was caused by my commute (about 5 miles around trip with my toddler each day - so pushing a 35-40 pound stroller). My DH has been helping out by doing pickup a few days a week so that helps. Or the hormones have adjusted again and it decided not to hurt as much this weekend and it'll be back again by the end of the workweek!

    I haven't started anything on the 'nursery' since we aren't doing one really - our end goal is to put the two boys in one room at some point. But, I realized I can put a crib in our guest room and still keep our guest bed in there and I'll switch the dressers between my guest room (tall and skinny) and my son's room (changing table - hoping he's potty trained soon) so that I can use the guest room as a temporary nursery when the new baby is super little. It's confusing but at least I have a semi-idea of what I am doing.

    My next project is potty training my son next weekend... if he gets over this nasty cold of course...

  14. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @justjules: Houston really does have the best food! My parents used to live there and I still think about a few places we used to eat!

  15. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @psw27: Ouch! That would do it. I'm glad you DH is helping out more that's a huge help. Ohhh got ya! That works too. That's one list thing to worry about. The stress of getting my girl's nursery together is like a ticking bomb. Every time someone asks me I cringe.

  16. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @bubblegum: pregnancy makes me super indecisive so I remember being really stressed out about it last time. Try not to stress too much! Do you have to shuffle rooms around or just need to get started?

  17. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @bubblegum: I think the last big thing I need to do is finish with the furniture in the nursery. I'm having my grandmother and great-grandmothers dressers refinished. The woman doing the work is picking them up in a week or two! I'm so excited! Other than that, it's just the little stuff - getting the house ready (aka clean), pull the big stuff out of the basement (swing, etc), wash her clothes and sheets, and pack my hospital bag! I'm getting really excited!

  18. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @littleblessings: Happy birthday to him!

    @bubblegum: I'm feeling pretty good- almost 25 weeks and exactly 100 days until 39 weeks 😳 Both of my boys have colds and my youngest is teething, so it's kinda miserable at our house right now! Fingers crossed I manage to stay healthy.

  19. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @psw27: YES! I'm trying to be sure I have everything as planned as possible so I don't go nuts when it comes time to do it. I actually did have to shuffle rooms. We moved DS into the back room which was FILLED with storage stuff (we only moved into our house this summer) but thankfully that's done and he's in his big boy room. We finished clearing out the last of his things from his old room so now we just have to paint, paint the dresser and clean the carpets!

  20. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Aww that's really amazing to have such meaningful furniture. YES! prep everything girl! Time is going by so quickly it'll be April before we know it

  21. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @bubblegum: we are thinking about moving. Weird timing but our rent is drastically increasing. I want to fully potty train DS too. Also, thank you!

    @JennyPenny: @psw27: @lilteacherbee: thank you ladies!

  22. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @littleblessings: no way!!! Moving before the babe comes or after? I totally hear you on the potty training. DS is potty trained for the most part but only pee no poop yet.

  23. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @bubblegum: it would hopefully be before she comes. I can't see paying $500 more for the crappy little place we currently rent with no room for the baby. It would be easier to pack and unpack without a baby at the breast.

  24. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @littleblessings: Yes for sure. Have you started looking?

  25. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @bubblegum: supposed to start today but car won't start and I have no clue what to look for. I've only ever lived in this apartment on my own. Lol. My mother helped me pick out the apartment and we've been living here ever since. I'm entirely lost when it comes to looking for a place.

  26. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @bubblegum: I know, I'm so excited that my mom is letting me paint them pink and gold! I can't wait for it to be finished!

  27. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Aww that's so sweet! The dresser in my boys' room was one my grandfather made (he passed away when I was 8 weeks pregnant with DS1) and it's really special to me.

    @littleblessings: Good luck finding a place! We bought our house right before we found out about DS2 and the timing of it all was a little stressful! DH is currently applying for jobs 2-3 hours away, so there may be a move in our future (but thankfully, not until baby is at least a couple months old).

    @psw27: Omg, I pushed our double stroller (with 60lb of combined kid weight + the actual stroller) in the mall last week 😳 I think that's the last time I'll be doing that for awhile!

  28. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @littleblessings: hmm so are you looking for another apt or a home? Complex or house to rent?

  29. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @ValentineMommy: So pretty!! My LO's nursery is going to pink and gold too. Doesn't get anymore girly than that

  30. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Love that! I also used the furniture in my bedroom when I was little, so I'm so excited to be reusing it. I just hope the refinishing is as awesome as I'm hoping!

    @bubblegum: Love pink and gold! Can't wait to see pics of yours! Have you started working on it?

  31. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @littleblessings: Oh man, you have to move in the next few months? Ugh! My only advice is hire movers, worth every penny!

    @lilteacherbee: I can't imagine having two kids in the stroller right now. I don't think I could do it... my son is about 33 pounds, plus the stroller, my purse and his daycare bag. With the wind and snow/rain and hills... I'm pretty pooped by the time I get him to school and I get to work.

  32. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Not just yet! I cleared out the room and hope to buy the paint this weekend. I need to get this ball rolling

  33. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    I cannot wait to start really moving on getting the nursery going. I just went to a bachelorette party this weekend and stayed up until 330am. I am SO TIRED. I can't wait to take a nap today, lol. I cannot hang like I used to.

    I just have to get the wedding behind me this weekend, then DD's 3rd birthday party the weekend after that and we can finally get stuff ready for a garage sale and paint the room, and get things together!

  34. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @justjules: I also have a goal of gaining less weight this time that I did with my DS and so far have been doing pretty good. The holidays set me back a bit, but I've recovered well in January, so I'm sure you can recover from this weekend if it turns out to be bad

    I just went and stalked my old due date threads to figure out how quickly I lost the weight postpartum last time and it turns out I was heavier at 10 weeks postpartum than I am right now!! Wow! No wonder I've been feeling so much better this pregnancy. That gives me a lot of hope for a faster easier recovery too.

  35. mrswilson2012

    grape / 93 posts

    Just got the call that I passed my glucose test, woo hoo! So blessed & thankful to be done with that.

    I cannot believe that baby girl will be here in 11 weeks. This pregnancy has gone by SO fast.We are almost done with the nursery . We are just working on the final décor touches and should be done this weekend. I'm a FTM, and walking into her room just makes it everything so surreal. I can't wait to meet her!

  36. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @JennyPenny: I'm totally gonna gain more this time (currently only 5lbs under my ending weight with both boys with 3 months to go...). I'm just hoping the weight comes off as easily as it has before!

    @mrswilson2012: Yay!! Glad you passed! I totally remember that feeling with my first- walking into the nursery and it seeming so surreal. I'm kinda experiencing the same thing when I see all the girl clothes piling up after having two boys!

  37. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @mrswilson2012: Great news! Both on the glucose test and being almost done with the nursery. I'm having my second and I get that surreal feeling when I look at my double stroller. Like I'm really gonna have 2!?!

  38. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    I failed my glucose test! Now I have to do the 3 hour test. The same thing happened with DS and I passed the 3 hour test but man is it a pain in the ass!

  39. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @bubblegum: Sucky! Do you have to be in the waiting room the whole 3 hours? That's how it is at my practice but several of my friends get to drink it at home and then go in.

  40. bubblegum

    pear / 1717 posts

    @JennyPenny: YUP! I have to wait the wholeeee time. It's horrible. The biggest problem I'm facing is work because I really don't want to take a whole day off but it takes me about an hour to get into work so you're looking at me getting in at about 1. I leave at 5 so it's kinda pointless to come in. I HATE THIS TEST!

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