Welcome and congrats to our April 2017 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
Welcome and congrats to our April 2017 moms.
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
nectarine / 2648 posts
Location: Virginia, USA
EDD: April 5, 2017
How far along: 3w6d
First child? YES!!!
First doctor appointment: TBD
Any symptoms so far? Mild cramping
Who have you told? DH, sister and best friend
I know it's early and still risky, but I just wanted to celebrate with some other ladies who also had some recent good news!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@dc yoga bee: Thanks! I'm excited for the next 2-3 weeks as the rest of the APril 2017 group forms.
Oh, and we did IVF - successful 1st try, so hoping this embie sticks for good!
apricot / 360 posts
Location: NY
EDD: I think around April 10, 2017
How far along: I think 4-5 weeks, I ovulated very late last cycle (never got a positive OPK and stopped testing on cycle day 20, so unsure how far I am)
First child? Yes!
First doctor appointment: Tomorrow, 8/4 for a pregnancy confirmation
Any symptoms so far? Cramps and sore boobs
Who have you told? My husband, sister and close work friend that knows that we've been trying. Planning to tell my parents, in-laws, and DH's siblings on Friday! We will then hold off on telling anyone else until further along.
I wish I didn't give up on the OPKs in July, but I figured I had to have missed my surge since it was cycle day 20 and no positive. I'm realizing now I just ovulated super late. I will definitely be asking for a dating scan to figure out how far along I am!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@PeaceLily: Welcome! Glad to have an April buddy who is also having her 1st!
I got my date for my 6wkus - 8/11! Very excited and nervous all the same.
apricot / 360 posts
@yellowbeach: How exciting to get a due date! I'm excited and nervous too - I feel like every new pregnant woman must be! I'm trying to work on relaxing and staying stress-free.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@PeaceLily: Our little embie is from IVF, so I'm pretty sure my due date *should* be 4/5/17 but we'll see. While we were doing our IVF cycle, I had a VERY flexible work schedule, which was great at the beginning when we were going to appointments every day, but difficult at the end because I had WAY too much time to let my mind run wild (and to Google). I started back at work Saturday which has made things much more tolerable - except that last night I was taking care of a patient with hyperemesis gravidarum and then started to feel nauseated myself. Hopefully just in my head. Do you think you guys will find out the sex?
apricot / 360 posts
@yellowbeach: That's fantastic that your IVF was successful! My husband's sister in law is currently going through an IVF cycle now.
I've learned that Google is extremely dangerous. I'm trying to get myself not to google everything anymore, it only causes stress! The nurse at my OB told me they always tell all of their patients who are trying to conceive or pregnant to stay off of google. I think nausea usually sets in around 6 weeks, so might not be in your head!
We will definitely find out the sex- I'm too much of a planner to not find it out. How about you?
nectarine / 2648 posts
@PeaceLily: we are leaning the same way - to find out. I have only sisters and my husband only brothers , so we will all be happy either way. I think it's still a surprise - just earlier
Oh, and my betas are a tad on the high side of all the charts, so DH keeps teasing me it's twins.
apricot / 360 posts
@yellowbeach: We will definitely be happy either way too - I just want a healthy baby!
I was telling my husband before I found out I was pregnant that I hope we have twins! Mainly because I didn't want to deal with going through the stressful process of TTC again. The thought of twins gets him very nervous though!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@PeaceLily: yeah - we had the choice of putting in 1 or 2 embies. WHile the idea of twins is fun, I have to remind myself they have 10x the health issues. Like you said, healthy is the most important thing!
coffee bean / 39 posts
Hi ladies, I am cautiously joining!
Location: Northeast
EDD: 4/7/16 based on my LMP.
How far along: I think I'll be 5 weeks tomorrow.
First child? Yes! It has been a somewhat long road (2 years, 3 IUIs and 2 IVFs).
First doctor appointment: 8/26 @ 8 weeks - I'm stressed about this because I actually got pregnant on an off cycle (not doing IVF), so my RE took 2 betas and then released me, I get why but I feel like I'm still an infertility patient and wish I could have an earlier appointment. I am of course thrilled to get this far either way but it feels weird! I want to be monitored!
Any symptoms so far? Cramping, some tiredness, definitely peeing more and not sleeping through the night.
Who have you told? My husband knows of course. We told our dogs. Because it took so long to get here I'm hesitant to tell people in case something happens and it takes just as long to get pregnant again. I may tell my mom, and best friend soon.
apricot / 360 posts
@Cordie: Welcome and congrats! I completely understand wanting an earlier appointment than 8 weeks, especially given your history. How exciting to get pregnant on an off cycle!
I just had my pregnancy confirmation appointment today and they told me I was 6 weeks based on my LMP, but it's impossible for me to be 6 weeks since I ovulated so late. My official due date is March 30, but I know once they do an ultrasound in 2 weeks they'll see I'm not as far along as they think! I'll definitely end up with an April due date.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@PeaceLily: Ha! That made me giggle a little. I'm sure you will prove them right in just a short time at the US. And we hope you are right - do defecting to the March 2017 group!
@Cordie: As an IVFer myself, I totally understand your hesitation. This was our first cycle, and I keep waiting for something to go wrong. I think those of us with IF are just wired that way a bit more. As far as that long wait until your US, I asked my RE for a 3rd beta so I could know things were on track. I felt much better when I plotted it and saw we were moving along as expected. Maybe that's an option? In any regard, Welcome & Congratulations!
coffee bean / 39 posts
Thanks ladies! It's nice to have other 1st time moms on here!
@Peacelily - It's good that you will get a slightly earlier ultrasound, even though you know you are not that far along. Only 2 weeks, that's exciting!
@Yellowbeach - Congrats on your 1st cycle success! I know how nerve wracking it is, and I'm glad you were able to get a 3rd beta for peace of mind. I think my two betas were a bit later than they would have tested for if I were cycling (17 and 19dpo, probably) so they were pretty high and doubled. I was also able to get a progesterone test although they said they wouldn't normally do that, it was a relief to see that it seemed to be high enough for pregnancy.
apricot / 360 posts
@Cordie: I got a blood test yesterday with the urine test and they are testing my HCG and progesterone. My sister had multiple chemical pregnancies due to low progesterone so I'm glad they wanted to check my levels. It's great you got it checked as well!
I'm concerned about the blood test results though because they think I'm 2 weeks further along in this pregnancy than I actually am, so of course my hormone levels will not be where they should be for 6 weeks since there's no way I'm 6 weeks. I'm hoping the fact that I told them I'm 4 weeks and when I ovulated will show them that I'm actually right based on the hormone levels. Part of me thinks I should have lied about my LMP to line up with when I ovulated since last cycle seemed like it was going to be about 40 days long, so obviously not the 28 days that they assume for every woman. I've never had a cycle as short as 28 days!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@PeaceLily: I would hope they listen to you and take into consideration your individual cycle length. If you tested for ovulation and provide them a date, I'd worry if they still decide to ignore that. The trust and communication in the patient-doctor relationship goes both ways.
apricot / 360 posts
@yellowbeach: Last cycle was crazy. I was testing for ovulation and gave up when I got to cycle day 20 without a positive. I then had ovulation symptoms on cycle day 27, but didn't confirm that this was in fact when I ovulated, so I think it could be anywhere from cycle day 22-28, but the symptoms were pretty convincing so I'm going with that date. I usually ovulate around cycle day 18-20.
The nurse did seem to believe me and took notes based on what I said, but still stuck with 6 weeks for now. I'm assuming she will look at her notes after getting the test results and will see that I have irregular cycles/late ovulation.
I'm curious what women do in this situation that have like 70+ day cycles. Basing due date on LMP is kind of silly in my opinion.
pear / 1632 posts
Whhhattt! An April board already! I cannot believe it. Good luck everyone!! I had my lil dude in April. Being preggo in the winter was so nice
persimmon / 1188 posts
Happy to join this board!
Location: Pennsylvania
EDD: 04/18/17
How far along: 4 weeks
First child? Second child!
First doctor appointment: August 30
Any symptoms so far? A little breast soreness, peeing more, odd pains here and there. Different from my previous pregnancy so far.
Who have you told? Only my husband and doctor's office!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@MOMTOLITTLEB: welcome! I think you make our first experienced mom. Thank goodness bc us newbies will need some advice and guidance. Congrats!!!
pear / 1739 posts
Location: Michigan
EDD: April 21st according to pregnancy apps
How far along: 3weeks and 4days
First child? Third and rainbow baby!
First doctor appointment: no appointment set yet. Dr wants to set one up next week
Any symptoms so far? Headache and fatigue. That's about it
Who have you told? My best friend and that's it.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@littleblessings: Congrats momma! Like I told @MOMTOLITTLEB, I'm glad we are getting some experienced moms in our group to help guide us newbies - and all the more exciting for you with a rainbow baby. Sprinkling baby dust your way for good stickiness and growth!
pear / 1739 posts
@yellowbeach: thank you. I'm very nervous this time around. I'm telling SO this weekend. I want to do something cute
pear / 1739 posts
@yellowbeach: no idea yet. Lol. Been watching YouTube videos trying to figure it out.
coffee bean / 39 posts
@momtolittleb @littleblessings Welcome ladies, and congrats!!
@JH524 - Thanks!
I am so excited to see this board moving along!
nectarine / 2648 posts
Just summarizing some of the important dates/appointments coming up these next few weeks:
08/11/2016: @YellowBeach 6wk (and 1st) US since IVF
08/26/2016: @Cordie’s first doctor appointment (8 weeks)
08/30/2016: @MOMTOLITTLEB’s first doctor appointment
If you have an upcoming appointment on the books, feel free to add yourself to the list!
nectarine / 2648 posts
So I think my cat knows. He's been on my lap the moment I sit down for the last two weeks. Was never that way before! Does anyone else have pets who seem to be able to tell?
apricot / 308 posts
Hi Ladies, I am moving over form the March 2017 board! We had our first ultrasound and I dated two weeks behind what we thought, but the doctor said everything looks perfect for 6weeks!
Location: PNW
EDD: 4/3/17
How far along: 6weeks 2 days
First Babe: The no fur kind, yes
First Appt: today, but I have a followup ultrasound next week to check everything again
Symptoms: nausea, fatigue and insomnia
Who have we told: Husband, best friend and a co-worker who schedules a lot of meetings for me
pear / 1739 posts
Is anybody else feeling horribly sick? Like I've almost gotten sick multiple times already. Have a big day at the fair later today since its early AM hours. Really don't want to get sick there.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@littleblessings: thankfully not yet - knock on wood. It's the anxiety that's killing me. 1st US in 6 hrs! Not that I'm counting or anything
persimmon / 1188 posts
@littleblessings: Oh no, sorry to hear you are so sick. I've gotten brief waves of nausea so far but no sickness. I wasn't sick last time, just generally nauseous and didn't have much appetite. I think having strong symptoms would make me feel confident at this point but getting sick all day would be rough.
nectarine / 2648 posts
Eeeeek! We have a little bean measuring exact dates (we know bc this was IVF) at 6w1d with a nice strong heartbeat! We are so excited!!!
coffee bean / 39 posts
@Yellowbeach - I hope your first ultrasound goes well today! Yes, your cat definitely looks like he knows, and maybe also has opinions about it too! My dogs followed me everywhere before I got pregnant so it's hard to tell if they sense anything.
@Mrsmcslp - Welcome! Glad your first ultrasound went well.
@Littleblessings I'm sorry you are having such bad sickness, I hope you get a reprieve for your fair day
I am 5+6 and have had a few days of carsickness like nausea, then a day of nothing (but freaking out) followed by today I think I'm back to very mild nausea. I know it's still early...
persimmon / 1188 posts
@yellowbeach: What a sweet little baby growing! Congratulations!
apricot / 311 posts
Location: NH
EDD: April 22nd
How far along: 3w5d
First child? 2nd, LO#1 turns one two weeks from today!
First doctor appointment: sept 7th
Any symptoms so far? super tired & a bit nauseous
Who have you told? just my husband and 1 good friend that lives across the country who's also pregnant. i'll probably tell my close friends in the next few weeks (basically whenever i see them in person).
nectarine / 2460 posts
I'm so excited to be joining another due date board! I loved all the support from the ladies on my last one.
Location: North Carolina
EDD: 4/21
How far along: 3w6d
First child? Nope, DS just turned 2
First doctor appointment: 9/12 - feels so far away!
Any symptoms so far? Not really. Maybe the tiniest bit of nausea but that's it. I felt way sicker at this point last time but I'm trying not to let that worry me
Who have you told? DH, our immediate families and my best friend. Normally we wouldn't have told the whole family so early but everyone was together for a week long vacation. It's really rare to have everyone together and would have been really hard to hide not drinking!
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