Hellobee Boards


April 2017 moms!

  1. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @psw27: Dec 2 - crazy to think there will be another baby before Christmas! Hopefully this one stays in and cooks the full time.

  2. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Ladies just a little update on DD. She had her 2 year NICU Follow-up today and has officially caught up in development in all areas. We’ve gone from 1 Pediatrician and 6 specialists to 1 pediatrician and 1 specialist (Neurosurgery as she will have her shunt for life). This has been a long long road, but feels sooooo good.

    I hope you and your littles are doing well.

  3. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @yellowbeach: Wow, that's great news! Thanks for the update.

    As for us, DS is doing well in most areas. I think his language is behind and am hoping to get him evaluated after talking to his ped at 2 yrs. Fingers crossed he can get some services and start catching up too.


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