Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Moms!

  1. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @buttermilk: It's terrible, isn't it? Have you graduated to taking anything but Tums?

  2. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: I haven't even taken Tums! Does that help?

  3. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @buttermilk: Oh gosh, yes! No more than six 750mg tablets per day, but they really are a lifesaver! I was also told by my OB that I could take OTC Zantac or Pepcid...but I'm trying to save those for if I really can't stand it anymore.

    ETA: I guess I should clarify...they help with the uncomfortable heartburn part, but actual reflux is still totally possible.

  4. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: I'm walking to the drug store like now. Thanks!

  5. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @buttermilk: I lived off Tums last pregnancy and have started again with this one! Gives you bonus calcium too haha

  6. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @buttermilk: Very welcome! Hope you feel better!

  7. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @buttermilk: oh yes! Take Tums!

  8. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @buttermilk: my tums go everywhere with me!

  9. krispi

    clementine / 911 posts

    I had an OB appointment on Friday at 28w 5d where they did an ultrasound to check on my fibroid. She is already measuring 3 lbs 5 oz! Everything was looking good. I took the GD test (they only give me orange, no choice) but haven't gotten the results back yet, and I got the TDAP shot too - it felt like a bad muscle cramp, not very pleasant.

    Yesterday, we had our all-day childbirth class at the hospital. We thought it was helpful to practice some of the positions and breathing and relaxation techniques. There wasn't a whole lot of new information for me (he hadn't done as much research), but the class was taught by a retired midwife / lactation consultant, so hearing her experiences with different procedures was nice. Overall, we felt it was worth it.

    I've had 2 rough nights in a row, Friday night due to super insomnia and last night due to several hours of Braxton Hicks. I'm feeling better this morning (still having a few but they're a lot further apart), so I don't think there's any cause for concern. I was starting to get worried during the night though, because I was having them pretty frequently and they were feeling crampy. The weird thing is that I tried to stay pretty hydrated yesterday during our class, and they usually don't get worrisome unless I'm a bit dehydrated. We're supposed to go to an outdoor wedding this afternoon, so I hope I feel up to it.

  10. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    @buttermilk: Take the Tums! They are seriously the best thing ever when I'm in my third trimester. I don't think I would be able to sleep without them.

    @krispi: How did the wedding go? I have a wedding to attend in a couple weeks that is also a couple hours away. We're staying the night at a hotel and trying to take it easy, since I'll be 32 weeks by then.

  11. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    How is everyone doing with exercise? I'm trying to stay active and walk a lot. On the weekends, DH and I take long walks with our son, and I go to the park a lot during the week with our son. I would say I average about 2 miles of walking a day during the week and about 4-5 miles a day on the weekend. However, I feel like it's getting harder for me to keep up a fast pace when walking, and I've noticed my feet start to swell. I also feel sore and achy in the evenings after a long day.

  12. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @aprild: My only exercise is chasing my daughter anywhere! Just walking the grocery store is too much for me most weeks.

    I made the mistake of reading my old pregnancy updates for the final few weeks of my last pregnancy. Whoa boy. It's amazing what you will make yourself forget. Holy crap I am not looking forward to the last few weeks! Every week now is harder than it's corresponding week from last time so I'm not optimistic. EEK.

  13. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @krispi: Yay for a good appointment! and big baby! Sounds like my first LO!!

    @aprild: I'm so tired these days. It's already so hot here, but I still walk almost every day to the park or somewhere with my toddler. Plus, I teach 5 year olds which means pretty much never sitting during the day, but there's only 9 more days of school

    @kjpugs: Yeah, so I don't remember feeling this tired and huge until like 35+ weeks last time. I don't know if it's the heat or the toddler, but I'm not enjoying this lack of energy!!

  14. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @aprild: remember, I don't have a kiddo to chase yet, so I have time! With that said, I do prenatal yoga 3x per week, do a 45 min treadmill hill climb 2x per week and a 45 min elliptical workout 3x per week. I definitely can't move as fast as I could a few months ago! I have been slacking on weights and only get in a session once every 2 weeks or so.

  15. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @aprild: Put me down for toddler chasing as my activity. My son doesn't stop and he's recently taken to saying "mommy, get up". Awesome. So everytime I sit, he's asking me to get up and do things with him. I also do prenatal yoga at a studio once a week and try to sneak in a practice or 2 at home as well. Been working hard on my spinning babies techniques to try and get baby girl in a good position!

    Had a dream the other night that something happened to me at work and I wasn't feeling well so the ladies in l&d checked me and I was 3cm already (I work in a hospital and l&d is one of my departments). Sooooo weird because it was very realistic and I woke up super confused.

  16. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    Oh and I also do a ton of gardening so does squatting in the dirt and getting back up approx 5983737 times count? Lol

  17. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @getjazzy: totally counts! I gardened today, and it sure felt like it counted!

  18. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @aprild: I'm going to the gym 3x per week and mostly doing weights/metcon type workouts. Walking seriously sucks for me. If I walk more than a mile my belly starts to feel like it will explode. It's a totally new thing for me, as my last pregnancy all I did was walk!

    I'm struggling with how hard the end of each day feels! In the mornings I feel great, and then by the evening I'm tired and my belly is tight and heavy. Like others I don't recall this feeling starting so early last time!

  19. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @aprild: I admit, I am WAY less active than I need to be. My main excercise right now is the constant up and down shelving at the library twice a week. Though my legs don't get sore anymore, so clearly it helped in some areas! We did a ton of walking around in Gatlinburg this week, and I was so worn out at the end of every day. It got me more aware though, so I'm making a point to start walking much more. Just in the neighborhood or on a treadmill at the gym though; I can't be away from a bathroom long enough to go somewhere pretty like a greenway!

  20. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    I'm also rediculously emotional. This morning I cried when I spilled coffee on my pajamas. And then I cried more at how irrational I was being.

  21. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @OhCaptain: I've definitely been crying at the most absurd things! DH thinks it's hilarious.

  22. kitty

    apricot / 315 posts

    @aprild: I feel terrible about my current lack of exercise. I wear a fitness tracker and get through a lot of steps each day due to teaching, then I'm so stressed/tired/busy at night that I don't do much else. I'm going to start prenatal yoga 1x a week soon though.

    My abs have separated and it's so gross

  23. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @aprild: I haven't been doing my pregnancy exercise DVDs. Argh. But I do work on my feet in a kitchen 40 hrs/wk. And I'm still biking to and from work everyday and we are very active in general.

  24. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    I'm actually kind of jealous of those of you still getting some exercise... since my MFM said no to that. It makes my contractions crazy and I guess he doesn't want to throw me into labor. Just being up on my feet too much does it. But I feel like such a blob - I used to do so much walking and be pretty active, and in just the past couple of weeks, I feel like my legs are just so blobby looking and gross. Well, it's not forever, I guess.

    I am definitely feeling more "pregnant" - it's getting harder to do certain things, like get in and out of the car, pick stuff up off the floor, roll over in bed, etc.! Although I think some of that is also because I'm not getting much activity.

    Anyone else super congested? I have really bad allergies anyway but "pregnancy rhinitis" on top of it is killing me. I can't sleep at night because I can't breathe at all. Ugh. What I NEED is my Nasonex spray, which is category C and my OB would prefer me not to take. Blech!

  25. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: what is pregnancy rhinitis? I am definitely suffering from allergies, and developed a random awful cough & congestion last week that doesn't seem to be accompanied by any other symptoms!

  26. cat620

    pear / 1809 posts

    I'm impressed how well a lot of you are keeping up with the exercise! It makes me feel like I need to do more, but the walking combined with chasing a toddler tires me out. We have been doing a lot of traveling, which is also keeping me active. We just got back from the beach with our son. We did a lot of walking there and chasing him around in the sand/water. This weekend we're going to NYC for our anniversary!

  27. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @kitty: You'll love the prenatal yoga! I feel like it's been great for my back!

    @MrsADS: Not too congested...but the snoring!

  28. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @MrsADS: UGH the congestion kills me some nights. It's awful. I'll lay awake for 2 hours before maybe falling asleep.

  29. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @Buttermilk it's apparently sort of like allergies but a pregnancy-only thing. Your nasal passages/sinuses tend to get swollen and cause congestion, runny nose, etc. from all the extra hormones and increased blood flow of pregnancy. My OB and my allergy doc told me about it.

    @KJPugs yes it is the worst!! My OB said, "well, try a humidifer and some saline nasal spray" (which does nothing)... I wake up like every hour because my whole mouth (like roof of my mouth, cheeks, tongue, lips, everything) is like sandpaper since I can't breathe out my nose at all. Then I have to drink a ton of water which means more trips to pee at night, which means less sleep... uggggh. It's a minor annoyance but making me miserable right now. I am also getting a lot of little nosebleeds which is apparently pretty normal.

    Since we are talking about gross things in pregnancy, has anyone else had a bunch of skin tags show up? I am getting them around my armpits/shoulders. Dr. Google seems to indicate this is pretty normal from pregnancy hormones but it is gross. I also feel like my existing moles/spots have gotten darker/bigger during pregnancy.

  30. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: ugh me too, I have to keep water by the bed, so dry and thirsty and can't breathe at night. No skin tags for me, but last night I must have woken up at least 10 times with leg cramps. It's awful! Anybody else get them?

  31. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @aprild: Oh fun - hope you have a great time in NYC!

    @MrsADS: YES with the skin tags - ugh! Especially on my neck, armpits, and boobs where I get extra sweaty... so gross.

    @buttermilk: I'm also getting leg cramps on and off - I had a couple of charley horses, but it's just been cramping lately. I have to climb out of bed and step down on the cramping leg to get them to stop. So annoying when it's not exactly easy to get in and out of bed in the first place!

  32. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @raspberries glad to hear I am not the only one with the skin tags. LOL. This morning my husband was like "What are these things by your armpit? Do you need to go to the dermatologist to get it looked at?" And I was like, uhh, nope, that's just another nasty pregnancy thing!

    @Raspberries @buttermilk I have heard that leg cramps can sometimes be caused by not enough magnesium or potassium! I take a magnesium supplement and I don't have them anymore!

  33. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @MrsADS: me too. I have some potassium I just need to start taking it. And i bought some magnesium oil spray to rub on my legs but I haven't been religious about that either.

  34. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Making my first double recipe for dinner so I can freeze half for when the baby comes! It's maybe a little early (a bit worried about freezer burn, anyone have any tips to avoid that?), but I'd rather do it too early and just have some when I'm huge and don't feel like cooking than wait too late. It makes it feel so real though! Can't believe she's going to be here in no more than 12 weeks, and maybe a lot sooner!

  35. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @MrsADS: DH says I snore now! Never used to, but I guess I can't breathe through my nose now.

    I also have weird moles, but no skin tags. My OB is sending me to a dermatologist in 2 weeks to check everything out.

  36. kayakgirl73

    clementine / 750 posts

    @buttermilk: I've graduated from Tums to Zantac to Prolosec for my reflux. Prolosec is finally helping.

    My only exercise is toddler chasing and once a week pre-natal yoga.

  37. Mrs.Scientist

    cherry / 211 posts

    Uggh the heartburn has been awful lately! @kayakgirl73: I've graduate from tums to zantac now but not yet to the prilosexc. For now the zantac seems to be doing it's job.

    Who here is planning on getting newborn pictures? We didn't with DS and it is a big regret of mine so we'll be doing them this time. I just booked our photographer and now I'm trying to decide what we will all wear. Our photographer will have everything for newborn baby girl but we'll also be getting some family pics. I am thinking for me just a plain white shirt with some leggings like this:

    and maybe a kimono style top over it like this:

    or this:

    Then maybe DS and DH in plain white or gray t-shirts as well? I really like the comfy, casual look of families in newborn photos that I've seen. What do you think? I'm so bad at this kind of stuff!

  38. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Torchwood: I made some freezer meals for after LO1 was born about this far in advance and I didn't have much trouble with freezer burn. I just double wrapped the top of the casserole dish with foil and it worked pretty well. I do want to do this again for this baby, it was nice to have. Some of the recipes ended up being blah but a few were super good. What are you making?

  39. LauraBear

    cherry / 215 posts

    @OhCaptain: @torchwood: omg, me too. I just started crying the other night while we were getting ready to go to bed and DH looked at me like I had two heads. I honestly had no idea why - I just all of a sudden felt sad!! So weird.

    I have not been exercising except for walks with the dog. And I have had to miss out on these daily ones since I'm taking so many night classes this quarter. Only four more class meetings, though, and then I'll have a break and plan to walk every day! It really makes me feel so better, especially my back.

    Has anyone had back pain? Mine is starting to get bad and I am thinking of getting one of those belts. I've had some leg issues at night and a little stuffy nose as well as taking Tums now and then but it is the back that is starting to really get to me.

  40. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @getjazzy: I'm making chicken spaghetti this time. It's a recipe I use a lot. Basically chicken, velveeta, and to-tel. Not healthy, but easy and delicious.

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