Have you ever heard of a young toddler getting medication (or at least some effective herbal aid) for sleep problems? I'm at the end of my rope with DD's sleep. She is becoming nocturnal and I'm struggling with thoughts of just leaving her in a stroller somewhere outside, or worse. Lately I have to take her out of the house when she starts carrying on at night, because DH can't take the sleep deprivation any more either.

I think lately nothing is bothering her, she just wants to hang out with me. In hindsight, she never slept well but her sleep got worse when I went back to work at 7 months. She's 15 months.

I have asked the pedi for help at every single well visit since she was like 4 months. She just says we should do cry it out. Yeah, I tried it. It only meant that instead of me not sleeping, no one slept. I tried a lot of other things too. I'm pretty sure at this point medication is the only option and not giving it would be like refusing to treat someone who goes to the ER with life threatening illness. I can't take any more, and there's no one to step in for me.

I'm hoping if I go to the doc with some recommendations, maybe she'll listen...