Hellobee Boards


February 2017 moms!

  1. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @Ajsmommy: We have a video monitor from Summer, older model that I got at a garage sale that worked well when DS was younger, but I haven't used it awhile.
    I do like the idea of the Angel care sound/movement monitor though, I was paranoid with DS and SIDS once we moved him to the crib at 4 months, so I know I would sleep much better with that! Added to my registry.

  2. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @nana87: I'll make sure to stay away from foscam
    @josina: is the summer brand pretty good? That's the one I have in my amazon cart

    And i love the angel care one. Just make sure to set it to the most sensitive setting, especially when they're teeny tiny so.it can pick up they're breathing.... The first two or three times we used it at like 2.5 mos old it beeped bc we had it set to medium and she was just too small.... Gave me a slight heart attack :). And now that she's older she'll end up curled in the corner or something and it'll go off. But the few times that happens is well worth it for me.

  3. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @Ajsmommy: Haven't had any issues with the Summer one we have, but its suuuper old (b/w, no panning camera).
    Thanks for the recs on the angel care!

  4. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @tbuzz: how are things going with you and the babies?

  5. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @Ajsmommy: I don't have that one, but my monitor is by Summer. It's the wide view one. It's good, but after 1.5 years, it now has to be plugged in or it won't hold a charge. Very annoying.


  6. tbuzz

    cherry / 103 posts

    @gentlelunette: We're doing well. Still in the hospital, but the babies are growing and not showing any signs of wanting to come out. I'm making the most out of bed rest. We'll be 25 weeks tomorrow and will reevaluate my restrictions at 28 weeks. We're still having weekly sonograms and nst's twice a day. The girls aren't quite big enough to stay on the monitor the entire time, but they are getting better. We're trying our best to make it to at least 32 weeks, hopefully more.

  7. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @tbuzz: I'm glad things are going well and you guys are hanging in there. Hope it stays drama free for you and those babies.

  8. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @Ajsmommy: @nana87: I will second the foscam being crap my son recently decided he's scared of it, so I pulled it out of his room and we will probably use it with the baby anyway. Our house is fairly small though.

  9. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @gilmoregirl: Yes, we have the Foscam in our living room and one in J's room, and they work pretty well when we want to access the cameras remotely (not as our primary monitor), but J has been scared of the one in his room for ages - we can't turn the infrared on at night (it's a big ring of red lights), so it's only good during the day.

  10. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @tbuzz: glad to hear your update!! You're doing awesome!!!

  11. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @Beehive: I think it's prob the lights for B too, but he's a pretty good sleeper and I like to take no chances. I miss having a monitor in there but we don't really need it. I like to be able to see what he's up to while not napping but oh well.

    We don't have our foscam set up to be accessed remotely - you have to be on our wifi - and we can't find/change our password so it can only be accessed on my very old previous phone. A lot of my dislike of the foscam is user error

  12. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @tbuzz: glad things are going well for you and the babies! It must be really tough being in the hospital, but I'm so happy that everything is looking good!

  13. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    Feb 3 - WifeMama24 (#1)
    Feb 5 - MrsA (#2) ; Beehive (#2)
    Feb 6 - Gilmoregirl (#2) ; nana87 (#2)
    Feb 7 - Maggierose (#2)
    Feb 9 - deerylou (#2)
    Feb 11 - LML (#3 & #4) ; TBUZZ (#3 & #4)
    Feb 14 - gentlelunette (#2)
    Feb 14 - babybean404 (#2)
    Feb 16 - NorthStar (#2)
    Feb 16 - pumuckl (#3 & #4)
    Feb 22 - josina (#2)
    Feb 23 - Ajsmommy (#2)
    Feb 24 - Wyattnewbabysmama (#2)

  14. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @tbuzz: Thanks for the update, I've been thinking of you and the girls and meaning to ask! Hope they continue to do well, and you too, I'm sure it's not easy being stuck there!

    How are the other twin mama's doing? @lml: @pmuckl:

  15. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @NorthStar: any feelings or guesses as to boy/girl?? as of now the group has 8 boys and 10 girls... need a boy to close the gap

    happy Halloween everyone!

  16. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @Ajsmommy: Haha! No, I have no idea! I was thinking girl, but swear I saw a penis on the ultrasound, so....???

  17. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @josina: sorry for falling off the bandwagon a little here. All is good but it's been busy with work and solo parenting the older two. I have my next appointment on Friday. I have more BH now but really considering there's two in there all is well.

  18. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    I had my glucose test this morning. Not sure when I'll get the results, but hopefully all will be well. I'm super bummed out.., I weighed myself at my appointment and I've gained 21lbs 😫 I'm trying to eat healthy and reign it in, but I've have to rely more on take out with my husband travelling the last few weeks and my appetite is insatiable lately. The Halloween candy isn't helping! Just feeling really down and big as a house already, with 15 weeks to go 😕

  19. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @gentlelunette: Hopefully the test results are good. Sorry you're feeling bad about your weight, as long as you and baby are healthy that's all that matters. I wonder if it's just 2nd pregnancy also, I've gained twice as much as I did with my first.

  20. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @gentlelunette: hope your glucose test went well!! I have mine Friday, dreading it.. mostly bc I'm pretty sure they'll make me take the 3 hour .. bleh, terrible. Don't worry about your weight too much! This is the time baby is growing and adding those lbs, you are GROWING a human!!! as Josina said as long as you and baby are doing well it's all good! I'll update my weight gain after Friday.

  21. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    good luck everyone with the glucose test! I had mine a couple weeks ago and passed, but they also checked my iron levels which were really low (which you all guessed since I was so fatigued!). I started an iron supplement, but was taking a different one than my first pregnancy, and omg, yesterday a had a total horror story bout of constipation I had to leave work early and was in so much pain it was ridiculous. I have a busy day today of teaching and meetings so I'm just hoping I can get through it!

  22. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @nana87: That sounds awful. I stocked up on Milk of Magnesia and Prune Juice (both yuck) just in case.

  23. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @josina: I took milk of magnesium first but also colace after about 5 hours later, which I think helped more! I'm also switching iron supplements, I took floradix last time and I think it's gentler than the pills I've been taking the last few weeks. I checked w my dr and she said to definitely switch

  24. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @josina: @Ajsmommy: thanks ladies. I know I shouldn't let it get me down, but I just can't help but think I'll never look good again. Lol. The important part is my fundal height was right on track and baby's heart beat is strong so as long as she's okay, I'm okay

  25. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @nana87: that sounds awful. Do whatever you can to prevent that constipation. I had one bad bowel movement and got a hemorrhoid I sobbed all Saturday- it was so painful but also completely demoralizing and embarrassing. I can't WAIT for this baby to be born.

  26. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @gentlelunette: oh no, constipation is the worst! I started taking metamucil, which seemed to be helping. But, now I'm having "issues" again the past two days. I'm going to try some caffeine to see if that gets things moving along.

    don't fret about the weight gain. Like you said, the baby is healthy and growing normally and that is the most important. If your doctor isn't concerned, then try not to be. I know that is easier said than done..

    AFM - Had my appointment yesterday and baby's heartbeat was in the 160s and everything else is looking good. My next appt is on the 21st (28 week appointment) for a checkup and glucose test.

    Also, next Monday, we are bringing DD to a sibling class at our local hospital. I think that it will be fun, but it goes from 6:30pm to 8pm and she's usually in bed by 7, so it could be interesting. Plus, with the time change this weekend, Tuesday morning will be ROUGH!

  27. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @gentlelunette: I am up at least 25 pounds at 26 weeks and I feel lousy. I hate being in pictures and I am grouchy and uncomfortable and over it. I want to just be grateful but I'm not feeling it. I just want the baby! I hate being pregnant.

  28. LML

    cherry / 129 posts

    @tbuzz: I'm sorry to hear you are on bedrest, but I'm glad you and the girls are doing well. I will be thinking about you guys!

    @josina: Thanks for checking in! I've been pretty MIA on here because of being busy with my other kids, but I'm plugging along. My doctor told me to get the nursery ready and get my Christmas decorations up (!) because apparently I'm not going to feel up to doing that stuff later. I'm not exactly there yet...

    Also, the boys have passed all of their anemia checks so far, so there's no sign that they've had any ill effects from me getting parvovirus. In four more weeks the risk is gone completely and I can't wait. Yay! And so far they haven't shown any signs of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, which is also great.

  29. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @LML: Great news on the boys!
    I can't believe Christmas is only 7 weeks away! I feel like these next 4 months will fly by.
    @NorthStar: Yay for a good appointment. Hopefully sibling class and subsequent sleep goes well!

  30. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @gilmoregirl: glad I'm not alone in my feelings. I am also trying to be grateful and enjoy this (it's likely our last) but I'm just SO over it.

    @LML: happy to hear your update! Sounds like things are going well!

  31. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    How's everyone doing? Any fun plans for the weekend?

    We are taking B to a pumpkin smash bad today, which he says is "too smushy" so it may be a trip to the farm for apple cider and a little treat. My parents are going to come visit too before my mom has surgery Monday so hopefully we can work on clearing out our spare room a little. I have done NOTHING to get ready for this baby. Yikes.

  32. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    Nothing fun this weekend except for some walks over here since DH didn't get back from a business trip until mid Saturday. J was vomiting on the night from Thursday to Friday and now big brother B has caught it too. I just really hope I don't catch it since we'll be without DH again come tomorrow. Luckily my mom was here on Friday so I could go to my OB appointment. I passed my glucose test so I was really happy about that. The babies are also growing nicely and are still basically the same size which is good news. They are just seriously all over the place, baby A ( ) is sitting with her butt above my cervix and baby B ( ) is basically parallel traverse to his sister. My belly measured as big as one at 32w with a singleton pregnancy, so I am pretty sure it'll become rather uncomfortable rather soon.

  33. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @Pumuckl: YAY for passing your glucose test!

    My husband was hunting this weekend, so DD and I took a trip to the Twin Cities (St. Paul and Minneapolis). We did the zoo and stayed with my SIL on Saturday night. She and her family watched DD while I had a much needed girls dinner with some friends. On Sunday, we visited with my SIL's family, visited another friend who had a baby and did a birthday party at a gymnastics place before driving 2.5 hours home! whew..this mama was tired, especially with the time change. But, it was 74 degrees this weekend and a beautiful time to be out.

    I have my glucose test in two weeks and I'm going to be SO sad if I can't eat Thanksgiving dinner. But, I suppose, they won't restrict me until I can do the 3 hour test..

  34. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @gilmoregirl: How did the pumpkin smash go? Sounds fun!
    @Pumuckl: Yay for passing glucose test and babies measuring well. I'm already uncomfortable with one, I can't imagine two.
    @NorthStar: Busy weekend but FUN. This weekend was sooo nice!

    Nothing really exciting here, had my 24 week appt. Friday and everything was good, measured right on track, HB at 135. Saturday got DS's outside toys all cleaned up and put away and finished painting his new toddler bed. Yesterday DH and I had 'date' day and went out for lunch/shopped for bday ideas for DS (bday Nov. 26).

  35. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    Anyone having a lot of Braxton Hicks? I'm having a ton the last couple of days... probably need to up my water intake!

  36. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @gentlelunette: No, I'm not, but the swelling that I am having is ridiculous. I need to figure out a better way to control it (it's mostly in my feet)

  37. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @NorthStar: ugh, I'm sorry. Swelling is not fun. Have you tried compression socks?

  38. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @gentlelunette: I'm not but I didn't even know I was having them with my first till the Dr. pointed it out at 39 weeks, so who knows.

  39. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @josina: last time, I only ever had them (noticeably) if DH and I DTD. And then around 37 weeks I started to notice them increasing in frequency. At 26 weeks now, I'm nervous that I'm having them so frequently!

  40. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    I never noticed BH with lo1 and I don't think I'm having it, but I'm having a ton of RLP. I notice it especially when I'm walking too fast or too much.

    I took a prenatal yoga class last weekend for the first time and loved it! I've tried to like yoga before and wasn't into it, but this felt different, and really really good!

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