Hellobee Boards


February 2017 moms!

  1. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @gilmoregirl: for sure. I went to the appointment knowing it was predictive of much. With DD, I went into labour the day my midwife checked me and I wasn't dilated at all. My new mantra is "she'll come when she's ready, not when I'm ready".

    @nana87: ugh, that itchiness sounds terrible! Hope it doesn't last!

  2. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @gilmoregirl: @nana87: Hope you have good appointments today!

    Can I mention how AWFUL the peeing in a cup is at this point? The last 2 appointments I gave up and just end up peeing all over my hand, so gross, but so impossible at this point!

    DS is better, now DH is sick. PLEASE let it end there and no baby till house is better!!

  3. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @josina: oh my gosh, that sounds horrible! I sure hope the sickness is gone from your home before the baby comes!

    We have got to be getting close to a baby or two? I have a week to go until ours on valentine's day. I had an appt yesterday and cervix is still thick and no dilation (thank goodness). I don't want this baby coming early.

  4. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @josina: yeah I have definitely peed all over my hand the past couple weeks. I won't be sad to be done with that. Hope you're all well soon! My husband is dealing with something similar - he's gone from pink eye to an ear infection and now will see a doctor because he woke up with hives all over his face and neck. It's one weird thing after another.

    @gentlelunette: that's a good mantra! I need to adopt it. I'm actually still fine but there's snow in the forecast this week making me anxious. My parents are our childcare but they are two hours away! We have other care locally but I really need them to be able to get here.

    @nana87: That itching sounds awful! Will you mention it to your doctor?

    @NorthStar: seems like there are a whole bunch of us due this week. Someone's gotta have a baby soon!

  5. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @josina: lol I feel like after 2 full pregnancies I'm finally getting better at peeing in the cup even though I can't see it! I've always sucked at it, so gross

    @gilmoregirl: I'm definitely going to mention the itching to my dr, I think it's probably just oversensitive skin but I was googling it and it could be a symptom of a serious sounding complication/liver issue...it probably isn't, it's much more likely just really dry skin, and I'm trying not to be all hypochondriac about it, but I'm glad to have an appointment today to ask!

  6. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes! We're settling in at home now, DD (!) is feeding well (about every 3 hours or so) and apart from that is sleepy and napping most of the time. It will be interesting to see what she is like when she is in a more awake stage (probably cluster feeding... I remember those days!). DS is doing well so far with the new addition to the family... I think it helps that he's in preschool all day, so there has been very little disruption to his routine. We'll see how the weekend goes, when he's with us the whole time.

    @josina: Ugh, that is awful! Hope he recovers quickly and everyone is 100% when the baby comes!

    @Pumuckl: I'm so glad to hear you are all home now - I hope everything is going well!

    @nana87: I hope you figure out the itching soon... sounds like torture.

    @gilmoregirl: Yikes, I hope your husband feels better soon too - this whole winter baby thing is a bit fraught... can't wait for spring to come!

    I'm so excited for the rest of the babies to arrive! Sounds like everyone is very cozy on the inside. I wonder if ours would have taken her sweet time if we hadn't kicked her out a little early

  7. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    Due Dates
    Feb 3 - WifeMama24 (#1)
    Feb 6 - Gilmoregirl (#2) ; nana87 (#2)
    Feb 7 - Maggierose (#2)
    Feb 9 - deerylou (#2)
    Feb 11 - LML (#3 & #4)
    Feb 14 - gentlelunette (#2)
    Feb 16 - NorthStar (#2) C-Section 2/14
    Feb 22 - josina (#2)
    Feb 23 - Ajsmommy (#2) Induction: 2/16
    Feb 24 - Wyattnewbabysmama (#2)

    Nov - TBUZZ (#3 & #4) Nyla & Laila
    Jan 22 - pumuckl (#3 & #4) J F
    Jan 28 - babybean404 (#2)
    Jan 29 - MrsA (#2) C
    Feb 1 - Beehive (#2)

  8. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @gilmoregirl: That sounds awful, hopefully your husband is in the clear soon!
    @nana87: Hopefully the itching is nothing! I got a back neck rash last trimester with DS1 which was nothing, glad I didn't get it this time.
    @Beehive: Sounds amazing, makes me look forward to having a DS and DD at home! Did I get the birthdate right? Wasn't sure if it was the 1st or 2nd.

  9. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @josina: That's perfect, thanks!

  10. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @Beehive: things here are fine. As bad as it sounds but there's some positives to the whole hospital stay: a. They learned how to put themselves to sleep in a bed/crib b. They are on a four hour schedule (6 feeds a day) and eating one after the other.
    Luckily J is usually really patient and just waits his turn. I am currently nearly EBF them. Only at night do they get one combo feed (MM first and then formula) for now because it helps with the bilirubin reduction. (There would be enough milk to nurse so luckily supply isn't an issue so far). Both have been gaining weight well and have surpassed their birthweight.

    @nana87: the itching sounds terrible! Hope you feel better soon and it turns out to be nothing.

    @Beehive: glad to hear DS is adjusting well to being a big brother. Mine are totally in love with their siblings too. They both still go to daycare too. I think I would otherwise go crazy 😜

    @gilmoregirl: your poor DH. Mine had a stomach bug a day before B (LO1) was born. It was terrifying because there would have been no way that he could have taken me to the hospital the day prior.

    @josina: I hated the peeing in a cup thing from very early on this time... but you're nearly done! ❤

  11. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @nana87: definitely good to have an appointment already on the schedule. I was super itchy with my first and it always made me nervous but it was just dry stretched skin. So unpleasant.

    @Beehive: congratulations! Sounds like a great transition home so far.

  12. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @Pumuckl: I feel so bad for him. He's feeling ok, fortunately, but I know he is really stressed about having all this going on while we are waiting on a newborn. Hopefully he can get some answers today. I'm so glad you guys are all doing so well!!

  13. maggierose

    olive / 60 posts

    Officially my due date, already two days into my leave, and no sign of baby. Feeling majorly frustrated and had a little crying meltdown. I could have sworn I was having contractions last night. Even timed them and they were like 8-10 minutes apart for about an hour and then nothing. Oh and my dog woke me up whining to go out at 2am and I couldn't get back to sleep after that then my toddler woke up screaming at 6am so yeah, not a great start to the day.

    @gilmoregirl: we are supposed to get snow here as well. The good thing is that someone told me snow storms mean low pressure systems which can put women in labor --- not ideal but at least it might get the baby out!

  14. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    Wow, lots of buzz today but still no new babies! LOL, I can't believe they are hanging in there so long.

    I have my appts for Thursday and I'm really hoping I get the ok to push on until next week to my induction date. DH just realized that if I am told to go this Thursday we have no coverage for DD (his parents planned a vacation to FL from today until sat!!! ) . I mean we'll make it work but it will be really inconvenient if I have to go in.

    I can't wait to be DONE with all the dr appts though.. I can't wait to have no more peeing in cups, no more pricking my fingers for glucose levels and no more issues with my BP...

  15. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    Just got back from my appointment and feeling really anxious--I really wanted to go into labor naturally this time and have an unmedicated birth, but I feel like induction is highly likely again. She did some bloodwork to test whether my itchiness is cholestasis. And tomorrow I have a bpp/nst at the hospital--if either that or the bloodwork come back as problematic, then I'll be induced. And even if it's fine, my ob is recommending I be induced next Monday at 41 weeks, though I can push for 42 if I want more time, I'd just need to keep being monitored (like, I'd have to schedule 3 appointments next week--1 w her and 2 at the hospital!)...Gaaaaah, I just want this baby to come on her own!

  16. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @nana87: Gah! Come on baby, make your appearance soon!!
    Hope everything comes back non-problematic tomorrow!

  17. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @Beehive: @Pumuckl: glad you guys are settling in so well with your babes!

    @maggierose: crying meltdown is totally justified. The last weeks of pregnancy are so hard, and get even harder if you go over your EDD.

    @Ajsmommy: hopefully you'll be able to wait until your induction date (or at the very least until Sunday!!)

    @nana87: I'm sorry you're feeling anxious. I really hope everything comes back okay with your bloodwork and BPP/NST tomorrow and baby gets it together before Monday!

  18. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @Ajsmommy: aw yikes I hope you make it out of your appointment. I'm stressed about the childcare while I'm in the hospital. We have people to help us but I'll be much happier when I know my son is with my parents.

    @maggierose: maybe the weather will send me into labor then! Definitely would be a bright side.

    @nana87: sorry for all the stress. These last days are really no joke.

  19. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    My appointment was uneventful. He's only measuring 8lb4oz by ultrasound so no drama. Though my midwife is guessing higher and so am I. Hopefully he will come soon because the earliest the hospital could fit me in for induction is 2/16. Yiiiikes.

    But my husband saw the doctor again today and his hives are not actually hives - he has shingles. Sooo this is pretty ridiculous.

  20. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @gilmoregirl: oh NO! That is terrible! Is there any risk of him passing that on to you or the baby? What can they do for him? What a stressful situation. I'm sorry your husband (and you) are going through that.

  21. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @gentlelunette: I've had chicken pox so he can't give it to me. And my son had the vaccine. They say they're only worried about a preemie or low birth weight newborn... but I'm not convinced. He's on anti virals and pain meds.

    I might as well just stay pregnant at this point. Seems safer. Ugh.

  22. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @gilmoregirl: oh no sorry to hear about the shingles!! I hope he feels better soon after getting on meds and that he doesn't t spread it to the rest of you!

  23. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    Ugh. I thought for sure labour was imminent last night. I was having a ton of cramping and mild contractions before bed, was super restless and had a serious upset stomach. Guess the cramping was related to the upset stomach, because the cramps stopped and I slept all night. Woke up to a whole lot of nothing. Lol. Ah well... soon enough, I guess?

  24. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @gentlelunette: sorry to hear that there's nothing going on on the labor front. But if it helps for me it was like that too, I had lots of cramping the days before the babies made their entrance. So maybe it won't be too long before things get real.

    @gilmoregirl: oh boy, you sure are being dealt a crappy hand of cards. Hope everyone stays healthy and DH feels better soon 🤞

  25. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @Pumuckl: thanks. I'm trying not to get too bothered by it. Going for a massage this morning and might get my nails done... last few opportunities to pamper myself before it's all about baby and DD1 for a long while! Lol

  26. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @gilmoregirl: Oh no, that sounds awful! How long does it take for shingles to run it's course? I guess baby knows its better to stay put a little longer (but hopefully not until the 16th!)
    @gentlelunette: I'm having mild contractions every evening still, it's driving me crazy! I probably won't even realize when it's the real thing! Enjoy that massage and extra pampering today!

    How far would you travel right now? My step-daughter has an all-day volleyball tournament Saturday (38+3) that would put us 2 hours from my hospital, leaning towards both of us skipping it (she'll go with friends). I'd hate to get caught that far away and don't want DH to be an hour away from home either just in case.

  27. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    Thanks, all. My poor husband is so stressed about being ill right before a newborn and I feel awful for him. And shingles is pretty painful, it turns out.

    After asking some more questions and doing some research we are feeling more confident. Shingles is only contagious if you haven't had chicken pox or the vaccine so our house is fine right now. As for the newborn, shingles is only contagious through contact with the rash before it scabs. His rash is small and not blistered so we will have to be very cautious BUT we should be fine. Not a fun experience though.

    I'm feeling antsy this morning for the first time. Tomorrow will officially be the most pregnant I've ever been and now I'm feeling impatient. But I'm only 40+2! It could be any time.

  28. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @josina: If there is another way for your stepdaughter to get there, I probably wouldn't go. But I've been refusing to travel that far since about 32 weeks just because I don't want to. It's not that comfortable for me to be in the car for so long and that sort of long day is more than I can handle.

  29. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @gilmoregirl: so sorry for your husband! my gram had shingles and they were so painful! I hope he gets some relief soon!

  30. maggierose

    olive / 60 posts

    @gentlelunette: I feel you. I had uncomfortable period like pains all night last night. Not contractions, but that achey uncomfortable PMS feeling in my uterus. I was hopeful...but fine again this morning. Enjoy your massage maybe have them touch on some labor inducing pressure points!

    @gilmoregirl: That sucks about the shingles. Hope everyone else in your house stays healthy and your hubby feels better soon. At 40+1 I am also the most pregnant I've ever been and the heaviest now.

    My bras don't fit my maternity pants feel tight..and on top to that I woke up yesterday with the worst congestion, I can barely breathe through my nose and feel like I'm underwater. Ugh what are these babies waiting for!!

  31. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @josina: I was supposed to drive to a different state today and was planning to do so until my boss told me no way! LOL.. I am only 37+6 though and haven't had any "labor" signs. So I wasn't worried. I'd probably go to the tourney with DH but have plans for DD to get a ride home in case and if I started to feel anything i'd leave.

    That being said it's better to be safe rather than sorry! My friend/co worker has refused to drive anywhere more than 30 mins for about the past 3 weeks now..... I think you should do what you feel comfortable doing

  32. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @Ajsmommy: I think the part that worries me is that the 2nd delivery is usually faster, and since DS was 6 hours, I'm not sure how a 2 hour drive to the hospital would be!
    @maggierose: I'm only 38 weeks today and my maternity shirts are getting super tight, I feel way bigger than I was with DS. I wish I had a weight estimate on her!
    @gilmoregirl: Considering it'd be 9 to after 5 pm on a folding chair, maybe I'm looking for an excuse to skip.

  33. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    I had my hospital appointment today and bpp/nst all were fine! Baby measuring 7lbs 4 oz so def not too big even though I'm 40+2. And my dr got the prelim blood results and it doesn't look like cholestasis, so the itching is prob just dry skin thank goodness! Feeling a lot of relief today but still waiting for this girl to decide she's ready. I wasn't having any contractions at all during the nst, she's too comfy in there! I have until Friday to decide if I want to let my dr induce on Monday or wait til 42 weeks. Hopefully she'll decide for me! We're supposed to get a huge snowstorm tomorrow so that probably means she'll decide to come then, lol

  34. maggierose

    olive / 60 posts

    @nana87: oh that's good, glad all is well! Is it you to inclination to wait or are you leaning towards inducing? We are getting snow tomorrow too and I am thinking the same thing haha.

  35. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @nana87: that's awesome news! Hopefully baby will come out soon! **. I.clicked your profile to see where you were located bc we're supposed to get snow too and it says your babe is 2 days old

  36. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @maggierose: I'm not sure! On one hand I really trust my ob, and she seemed to really prefer inducing, but I induced last time because of low fluid and really wanted to try going unmediated/natural this time. If there's a medical cause to induce that's one thing, but I just really want to minimize interventions if I can

    @Ajsmommy: haha I wish!! Get a move on, baby!

  37. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    @nana87: I'm glad everything worked out!

    We are getting a big storm tonight too (pa) so it would figure if we all have babies tonight. We can get to to hospital ok, but it would complicate child care for us. Time will tell I guess!

    @josina: really I think it's a perfect excuse not to go then...those are long days. I'm sure you will have many more in the future.

  38. maggierose

    olive / 60 posts

    Morning all. Hope everyone in the path of this snow storm is staying safe and warm. I had my 40 week appointment today (40+2) - I thought they might cancel it due to weather but they just moved it up a little.

    The midwife gave me another sweep at my request and told me I was 3cm, 75% effaced and -1 station. So at least the sensations I've had this last week have made some progress. It's so funny bc with my first I was so against having any kind of check because I know it doesn't necessarily tell you much and I didn't want to be mentally disappointed. This time I'm just like, give me some kind of hope, I'm so over being pregnant!

    They said I'll have to go for NST at 41 weeks and that hospital policy is to induce at 42 weeks although she said that no one can force me to induce and I can decline and she would just recommend I continue to go for NSTs. I don't honestly know what I'll do if I make it to that point. Ugh, please don't let me make it that far!!

  39. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    Well we got about 1 inch of snow.. nothing of note! but I hear you northerners are in for it! Be safe!

    I made it through my regular OB apt this morning.... phew.. blood pressure/urine check/baby heart rate all good.

    I just have to make it through my specialist this afternoon. but I'm thinking since my bp was good this morning I have a pretty good shot of making it until induction date next Thursday!! cross your fingers for me ladies..

    @maggierose: I'm hoping for ya to have that baby soon! At least it sounds like your body is making some progress, could be any day now.. or any minute!!!

  40. gentlelunette

    kiwi / 698 posts

    @maggierose: sounds like good progress!! I doubt at 3cm you'll be waiting until 42 weeks!

    @Ajsmommy: glad everything went well at your appointment! Such good news. Hoping that they let you hang on until next Thursday!

    I have my midwife appointment in about 40 minutes. Not sure if we'll do a sweep or a check. Not even really sure why I'm going since I was just there on Monday for my hemoglobin blood draw, but we shall see! At the very least, some reassurance to hear baby's heartbeat and know things are a-okay

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