Hellobee Boards


January 2017 moms!

  1. Colette1285

    coffee bean / 39 posts

    @chillybear I get the same thing. My doc said to try a snack that's a combination of protein and sugar. I usually do fruit and a cheese stick or almonds. Really does help!

  2. limabeanbabies

    olive / 57 posts

    @chillybear Usually it's recommended to eat every 1-2 hours when dealing with morning sickness! I feel a lot better if I get carbs and protein often, even though eating usually sounds like death! Haha

    I was so tired and sick over the weekend that I totally forgot to post about my first appointment! I went on Thursday, had two ultrasounds (one external, one internal for a better image), and there is definitely a healthy little one in there! I loved seeing and hearing the heartbeat. That still gets me, even though I've done this twice before. My three-year-old was DYING to come with me and threw a tantrum for dad the whole time I was gone. She was slightly mollified when she saw the tiny, blurry ultrasound picture. She likes discussing whether our baby will be a boy or a girl and even begged to pick out the baby's first outfit at the store. Having three 3 and under will be crazy but fun.

  3. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @limabeanbabies: Glad that you had a great appointment! So cute your oldest is so excited. 3 under 3! My parents did but I still can't imagine. My sister just turned 3 and I was 18 months when my brother was born. Crazy town!

  4. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @limabeanbabies: I'm so happy to hear about your great appointment! Three 3 and under--you are one brave woman. I won't even have two under three.

  5. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @limabeanbabies: I totally just realized that when I get nauseous, I needed to eat even though I absolutely don't feel like eating!

  6. limabeanbabies

    olive / 57 posts

    @snowjewelz Isn't it totally illogical?

    @babypugs @smurfette Luckily our oldest will turn 4 soon after the baby is born. Both of our spacings are just shy of 2 years apart, so hopefully I don't hate myself for having them so close together.

  7. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    My first two are 2 and 3 now. We will miss three, three and under by two months! I wish two more of them would just show up on our doorstep at 2 and 3, lol!

  8. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    Sorry to be absent so long. I had a great vacation and returned to horrible all day sickness. Last Friday, I was told to start unisom and B6.

    I had my first appointment yesterday. Transvaginal ultrasound showed one baby with an appropriate heart rate. Measured right on size with due date January 16. I also got a prescription for Zofran since I am unable to last long enough for graduate school class evenings.

    Hope everyone is also doing well.

  9. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @limabeanbabies: @Mrs. Toad: Congrats on the good appointments!!

    I'm getting nervous over my seeming lack of symptoms. I have super sore boobs, more tired than usual, and get a carsick feeling from time to time, but even that seems to have lessened over the past couple days. I am doing Unisom and b6 so maybe that's helping? I should be about 7 weeks today and still have another week to go till my ultrasound! Nervous we'll get bad news.

  10. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    @IRunForFun: The Unisom and B6 have really helped lessen my nausea. I almost feel normal. Other than that, I have few symptoms, only a little more sensitive in the breasts.

    The waiting sucks, but it will be over soon. Hoping to hear great news from you next week.

  11. limabeanbabies

    olive / 57 posts

    @sunnyday Too funny! I find the baby stage easier than the toddler stage, in many ways, but they are both fun!

  12. MrsCDH

    olive / 71 posts

    @snowjewelz: I think the theory is more severe ms for a girl! I don't fully believe any of the theories - you hear too many examples going both ways - but it's fun to speculate

    @IRunForFun: I am seriously craving sweet things this time around - all savoury carbs the last time, It's funny how it's so different with everyone.

    @sunnyday: I don't mind in the slightest. My husband and I (and now our son) live in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh specifically. We're both from Ireland (Europe) but we're here for a work contract of his (and some adventure!) for the past three years.

    An abaya is the black cover that is mandatory for women to wear while out and about (I call it my Harry Potter cloak - if that helps to give you an idea). The majority of Saudi women also choose to cover their hair (a cover called a hijab) and many chose to also cover their face (a cover called a niqab), but those two are not mandatory and the majority of western expats do not.

    Out of hospital now and I'm feeling so much better- the drip helped do the trick.

    @limabeanbabies: that's seriously good advice. I can't bring myself to eat sometimes and then later I always feel so much worse. And three under 3 - yikes! You're a seasoned pro at this!

  13. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: just count yourself lucky! My first as long as I took B6 and Unisom I didn't have much symptoms. Just bloat and bigger boobs.
    @Mrs. Toad: glad you had a great ultrasound and the B6/unisom is helping!
    @MrsCDH: glad you are feeling better too!

  14. Sharon25

    apple seed / 4 posts

    Hi everyone! Coming out of lurkdom for this post:) So happy to join!

    Location: New Jersey
    EDD: 1/20/17
    How far along: 7 weeks
    First child? Third!
    First doctor appointment: Went in at 6 weeks (got pregnant through fertility treatments) and saw a heartbeat!! Going back next week at 8 weeks to confirm sizing. Then on to the OB!
    Any symptoms so far? SO MANY. This is my third pregnancy, and has been the hardest symptom-wise. I've been very nauseous, pretty much all day, and exhausted. Which is especially challenging since I have a 2 year old and 4 year old to chase around!
    Who have you told? Just DH! I think my 4 year old daughter may know, but if I tell her affirmatively then she will pass on the news to everyone from the school principal to the postman:)

  15. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Mrs. Toad: Glad you're getting meds to help! I was so close to calling for some too!

    @MrsCDH: So good to hear you're doing better!

    @Sharon25: Congrats and welcome! Ugh, I'm sorry you're feeling the worst this time esp with 2 kids!!

  16. SaltySea

    pea / 9 posts

    @MrsCDH: How fun that you and your DH are on such an adventure. DH and I were also contract workers abroad but in the South Pacific islands. The wanderlust always starts kicking in and we start daydreaming about what it would be like to go back with our DD. So neat that you get to be abroad with your family!

    @Sharon25: Welcome! My pregnancy symptoms are so much worse this time around too. This is my second. I'm really hoping it's not a progressive thing with each pregnancy.

  17. limabeanbabies

    olive / 57 posts

    @MrsCDH What an adventure! I would love to travel one day. So glad you're feeling better.

    @Mrs. Toad You poor thing! I can't imagine being that sick in the middle of school. I hope the meds help.

  18. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @MrsCDH: That is funny because I normally have a huge sweet tooth and always keep chocolate handy for after meals, love baked goods and ice cream, etc. But since being pregnant I'm meh on sweets. I've got two entirely untouched chocolate bars in my fridge which is basically unheard of for me!

  19. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Sharon25: Welcome!
    @IRunForFun: I'm not a fan of sweets either. I have a bag of peanut butter M&Ms in my handbag and I have zero desire to actually eat them.

    I had my ultrasound this morning. My Mom came with me since DH is traveling. Baby was measuring 8w6d, and I am 9w today, so nothing to worry about. Heart rate of 170. I go back on the 15th for blood work, and we will know genetic testing results and the gender 5-10 days later.

  20. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    Jan 5 - Sunnyday (#3), Afishermanswife (#1), snowjewelz (#2), Colette1285 (#1)
    Jab 8 - Chillybear (#2)
    Jan 9 - Ruby26 (#1), Limabeanbabies (#3), Bluebubblez (#1)
    Jan 11 - Smurfette (#2)
    Jan 14 - littlecasita1122 (#3)
    Jan 15 - Mrs. Toad (#2)
    Jan 18 - Babypugs (#2)
    Jan 20 - Sharon25 (#3)
    Jan 21 - Makingbabyw (#1)
    Jan 22 - MrsCDH (#2)
    Jan 24 - SaltySea (#2)
    Jan 25 - IRunForFun (#1)
    Jan 28 - faithlove224(#2), Madger (#2)
    Jan 29 - norcal_gal (#1)
    Feb 6 - nana87 (#2)

  21. littlecasita1122

    persimmon / 1026 posts

    I had my 8 week ultrasound today and found out we are having TWINS! Gahhh there are no words haha! Completely in shock, but we know this is a good thing. I'm also seeing it as a sign from my baby girl that passed in January. It's nice to be happy about something for a change, I'm just very anxious as this pregnancy was going to be considered high-risk before we found out about the twins.

  22. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @littlecasita1122: exciting! Glad that it is you and not me. My first words to the tech was oh thank god there is only one(twins are in both sides of the families). So this makes 3 and 4 for you?

  23. littlecasita1122

    persimmon / 1026 posts

    @Smurfette: Yep #3 and #4. Never thought I would say that in my lifetime!

  24. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @Smurfette: So many of us now, awesome!

    @littlecasita1122: Whatttttt, crazy! Congratulations! Looking back, did you have any subtle symptoms that make sense now? Do twins run in your family at all? I can't imagine seeing that, so awesome! Major congratulations!

  25. littlecasita1122

    persimmon / 1026 posts

    @babypugs: I've been really really nauseous...much more so than my other pregnancies. I just thought I was having another girl. My doctor said it makes sense since I have double the hormones and recommended I do b6 and Unisom. And my bloat has been insane - but now it makes sense since he said I'm probably measuring two weeks ahead already.

    The only twins in either family are my dad's sister - she has twin girls my age. We still can't believe it!

  26. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @littlecasita1122: Holy crap, twins!! Congrats!!

  27. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @littlecasita1122: are they fraternal or identical?

  28. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @littlecasita1122: yes! Someone got the twins, lol, congrats!!! So exciting! Does high risk get blown up a little more now with this twin pregnancy?

    @Smurfette: for next list, not important, but I was bumped up a day after u/s to the 4th I will likely go late, so really doesn't matter!

  29. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @littlecasita1122: That's crazy! And exciting! Congrats!! So they're gonnab e #3 AND #4!

  30. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    so many updates!

    @littlecasita1122: ahhh twins, congrats!!

    @limabeanbabies: congrats on your first appointment! That's so sweet that your daughter is so excited I'm nervous about how our lo is going to take the news, she definitely is an only child now, lol

    @MrsCDH: glad you're feeling better!

    @Sharon25: welcome and congrats!

    @Smurfette: yay for a great u/s!

    I woke up today and oh my goodness, alllll the symptoms all the sudden! I am so tired and intermittently nauseous, though I haven't thrown up yet. I actually don't mind though--at 5w3d I'm past the date of my chemical pregnancy last winter and so the fact that I'm really feeling pregnant is nothing but a good thing in terms of being reassuring...

  31. littlecasita1122

    persimmon / 1026 posts

    We're not sure if they definitely fraternal yet, but it's looking that way as there's two separate sacs. I was going to see my doctor every two weeks regardless of twins or not for this pregnancy, so we'll continue with that plan. But he told me I can exercise like normal, no restrictions at this point. The main change is I'll have ultrasounds every time as it's easier to detect the heartbeats that way. Lots of pictures!

  32. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    I went ahead and got a prescription for Diclegis. I am hoping it will help. Sick of feeling sick so much. Although when they told me it was $175 after insurance I really felt sick! It better work!

  33. Melissajoy89

    apple seed / 1 posts

    Hey everyone! It's great to be here! I just joined the site, but I have visited several times before. Seems like a nice community of ladies!

    Location: NW Mississippi

    EDD: January 19

    How far along: 8 weeks 1 day

    First child? Yes

    First doctor appointment: first at 6 weeks, second at 8 weeks

    Any symptoms so far? Mild nausea, sore boobs, indigestion, heartburn

    Who have you told? Immediate and extended family. Coworkers who have to put up with my symptom whining!

  34. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Melissajoy89: Congrats and welcome!

    Jan 4 - Sunnyday (#3)
    Jan 5 - Afishermanswife (#1), snowjewelz (#2), Colette1285 (#1)
    Jab 8 - Chillybear (#2)
    Jan 9 - Ruby26 (#1), Limabeanbabies (#3), Bluebubblez (#1)
    Jan 11 - Smurfette (#2)
    Jan 14 - littlecasita1122 (#3 & #4)
    Jan 15 - Mrs. Toad (#2)
    Jan 18 - Babypugs (#2)
    Jan 19 - Melissajoy89 (#1)
    Jan 20 - Sharon25 (#3)
    Jan 21 - Makingbabyw (#1)
    Jan 22 - MrsCDH (#2)
    Jan 24 - SaltySea (#2)
    Jan 25 - IRunForFun (#1)
    Jan 28 - faithlove224(#2), Madger (#2)
    Jan 29 - norcal_gal (#1)
    Feb 6 - nana87 (#2)

  35. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: I hope it helps!!

    @Melissajoy89: Welcome!!

    I think I'm finally starting to feel better at 10 weeks, woohoo! I can change a poopy diaper again and can brush my teeth without gagging. Seem to have more energy and eating more normally too.

    I did end up getting my blood drawn for Maternit21 on Friday, now I'm wondering if, for once, we should do something fun to reveal gender w/ family!

    I've told more and more people b/c I can't hide my bump! It's gonna be so obv if I wear pregnancy clothes, and I have limited options otherwise.

  36. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @Sharon25: I think I missed saying this earlier....sorry! Welcome and congrats!!

    @Melissajoy89: Also welcome and congrats!!

    @snowjewelz: Ahhhh when will you know?!? What else does that draw look for/it's actual purpose? I know you can pay for it (but I think it's a different name?) here, and it's around $900 to opt for it.

    @Smurfette: new list, thanks!

    Hope everyone had an okay weekend. We had a great weekend, despite lots of bad news on the radio/tv/elsewhere. Appreciating what we've got bigtime lately. I love how quiet we are on here on weekends, I definitely check, but it's just easier to reply to people and type on keyboard versus phone!

    I fed 7 kids and 3 moms (incl me) for playdate and lunch yesterday, all three and under, it was a hoot. We actually made out pretty well, and I managed to be busy enough to not have enough time to get asked if I was preggo! Last time I got together with these two Mom's (without kids) I was in tww (cycle before this bfp) and we were going to a water spa place where I was nervous about hot temps. So I caved and told them I was in tww and got the bfn afterall, but they definitely "know" we are (were!) trying. One said I looked like I was disappearing weightwise, so I took it and ran with it!

    I don't know how I am going to hide this for a couple more weeks yet, 15 days til next u/s!

  37. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @sunnyday: I think it's about $200. This OB I go to now seems to be more pro-active she so she encourages people to get it even if they're not over 35. I'm on a high deductible plan anyway, so we just decided to do it. I think I find out in 2 weeks?

  38. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: It is helping till this morning. I didn't eat my crackers before I got out of bed this morning and I guess that was a mistake. I felt better once I ate, but I am still feeling off.
    I go on Wed for my blood draw. So exciting! What are you hoping for?
    @sunnyday: Yes, this weekend was super depressing. I was away with friends and we didn't watch TV, but of course still heard the horrible news on our phones. DH told me yesterday we should just show up at the beach and that will be how we tell his family. But the more I think about it, I don't want to wait that long. I think we should tell them before, I am afraid somehow someone else we tell we will mess up and it will up on FB or something. We are going to see my extended family on Sunday and I told him I just want to tell them. I don't want to hide it. I am so bloated, clearly something is up. I am so ready for it to be a real bump!

  39. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: I feel ya! I've told a bunch of people at this point so I feel like I might just keep telling people over the next 2 weeks and then put it up on FB b/c it's getting out of control haha! And boo, I'm sorry the meds aren't helping 100%!
    DH's saying we're gonna have a boy... I don't really care, but I wouldn't mind another girl! You?

  40. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: I want to wait till we know the gender to announce it. But I would like to do it before we leave for the beach. I have another ultrasound at 13 weeks, so I would like to do it then.
    We would both like another girl, DH more so then me. But in the end all that we really want is a healthy baby. We have so many clothes so it would be great to reuse them, not to mention sister matching outfits that I would have to buy.

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