Hellobee Boards


January 2017 moms!

  1. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Chillybear: Glad you had a good vacation! I'm STILL gagging a little bit over here, I'm thinking that and sensitivity to certain smells is here to stay.

    @Smurfette: I had a mini snoogle last time and didn't find it helpful. I used my regular body pillow from Target till 3rd trimester, then used a pregnancy wedge to hold up that bump! DD currently hogs my body pillow so I'm gonna have to figure something else out!

  2. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: Aww, there's still time!!

    I'm just so glad we're having another girl; if we're having a boy we'd really be struggling.

  3. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    I forgot to update... I had a great appt last week. I'm really spoiled at this new dr office so far i've had an ultra sound every time I go in. They have a smallish machine in every exam room and pretty much use it instead of the doppler. I asked if the dr had any early guesses on gender and the little stinker was sitting criss-cross applesauce with hands over its parts. I have my next appt on Aug 10 (hopefully they will take a look again) because i could book my anatomy scan until 8/29.

    Other wise I gained 0lbs since my last appt (4 weeks and a Vacation) my BP looked great and baby's HR was 153. Goal is to get to 8/29 and only gain 1-2 lbs.

    We make settlement next week and move in the following weekend. I'm so excited!

    We havent started fighting over names yet... I'm pretty sure we're decided on a boys name but girls will be a battle

  4. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: Oh I know what boy name I would pick.
    @Chillybear: Ultrasound every time would be so nice. I am jealous of the lack of weight gain. I am trying to cut back on carbs and see if that will help mine. I am depressed already with how much I have gained already.

    I scheduled our anatomy scan for 8/19. They wanted to see me at 19 weeks, guessing so they have time to send the results to my OB before my 20 week appointment there.

  5. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: I have an OB appt next week but the next big scan isn't till 8/22. My old OB used to give me an ultrasound every visit too... I miss that!

  6. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: I am doing my 16 week appointment at 18 weeks. It is three weeks away. I would rather come in earlier so I can hear the heartbeat but I just called and they said it wasn't an issue. That eventually I will get back on the schedule. Mostly concerned about the glucose testing on time.

  7. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: We have two girl names and one boy name picked. We love both girl names and like the boy name, but boys names are hard! We can't agree on anything else. Since we are team green we won't know what name we are using until delivery!

    @Chillybear: That's awesome you get a scan at each appointment! I'm jealous of the 0 weight gain as well, although my doctors scale says I've gained less than my own scale, lol.

    We had our NT scan today. I am 12 weeks, 6 days and baby was measuring 13 weeks, 5 days! Tech and doctor said everything looked perfect...nasal bone present and fluid behind neck measured 1.5. Baby was hopping and flipping and we got a quick 3D peek! Both the doctor and tech said they were pretty sure about the sex but we held out and said we didn't want to know.

  8. madger

    cherry / 178 posts

    I"m jealous of all the scans! At my practice unless you are high risk (or you opt in) you only get the dating scan and anatomy scan, so I have to wait awhile to see this bean again!

    Names are so tough. I'm trying to be a little more on top of it this time since we didn't make a decision until we were at the hospital with our daughter! We definitely have a major front runner boy name, but girls names will be a lot harder.

    I didn't gain anything at my last appointment (at 11 weeks). I haven't weighed myself since then, but hopefully I'm holding pretty steady! I think I gained 25 lbs with my daughter and I'd really like to be close to that again this time!

    @snowjewelz: I'm still feeling pretty crappy too (I threw up at work today, yay!), but I'm hoping for some relief soon!!

  9. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @snowjewelz: @madger: Me too! It's slowing down a bit but I'm so tired of random gagging!

    It's exciting hearing about all the great scans. I'm semi-high risk so I'll get another at 16 weeks...do y'all think they'll be able to tell gender?!

  10. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @babypugs: why are you semi-high risk? I would think so!

  11. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @smurfette: I had the LEEP procedure a while back. Nothing serious! Semi-high risk is probably too strong a term, but I can't think of a better one.

  12. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @babypugs: I would think they'd be able to tell then, as long as baby is cooperating! Then it just depends on if they're willing tell you. Both the tech and doctor at our appointment today had strong guesses and would have told us if we wanted to know!

  13. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    How's everyone doing??

  14. emilye519

    cherry / 129 posts

    Hi everyone! I'm cruising along, waiting on the results from the blood test portion of my first trimester screen. Everything looked good at the ultrasound, but apparently I do have a low lying placenta so at risk for placenta previa. SO I'm on pelvic rest, and hoping it will resolve itself. Only a few days left in the first trimester! Yay!

    How's everybody else? Anyone have gender guesses or names already picked out? I haven't even really thought about it - poor second child!

  15. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @madger: @babypugs: ugh, hope you ladies are feeling better! some days I feel pretty good, but others.........

    I still can barely brush my teeth, change poopy diapers or feed my dog without some severe gagging. Blah! I think I felt movement over the weekend, you'd think doing this a 2nd time I'd really know, but I still don't, haha!

    I have an appt with OB tomorrow.. Once I hear that heartbeat, we're gonna post on FB! We tried so hard but just couldn't get really good pics of DD and her big sister shirt, so I'm just gonna pick the best one and roll with it.

  16. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    Hi all! I'm 14 weeks tomorrow. Got the call Friday that results from the first trimester screening came back as all low risk, so that's good!

    I'm at that weird point where most of my first trimester symptoms are gone but I'm not feeling movement so sometimes I wonder if I'm really still pregnant. I did find out at NT scan I have an anterior placenta so I may not feel movement do a while!! Boo.

    I'm switching from my OB to a midwife group, I have my first appt with them on August 3rd.

    How much weight has everyone gained so far? I'm up 7 lbs already. I think I need to reign in the junk food/start exercising more.

  17. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @emilye519: we are discussing names. My top name DH is iffy on but said we could use it. I said no to his top. I told him today my vote should count more, think of it has a push present
    @snowjewelz: I think I am feeling flutters for the last few nights. Usually just when I am being lazy and watching tv on the couch.
    @IRunForFun: glad everything came back normal! Anterior placenta stinks, it was 20 weeks with my first before I felt her. I was up 8lbs already at 13 weeks. I am sure I gained weight on vacation too. But I am trying to scale back and watch carbs and eat more protein.

  18. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @emilye519: We are attempting to be team green but we both really think it's a girl. We have 3 girl names picked out and only 1 boy name!

    @Smurfette: I keep saying the same thing about less carbs more protein but then I'm like hey look, a donut! Whoops.

  19. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: like I had leftover pizza for dinner. But I was good during the day at least!

  20. madger

    cherry / 178 posts

    @emilye519: no solid gender guesses yet! we will find out at the anatomy scan. with our first I KNEW she was a girl, this time I don't really have a strong feeling! we have a name list going, but I don't think we will start whittling it down until we know the gender
    @snowjewelz: I'm still feeling pretty crappy too at 13 weeks. my diclegis runs out this week and I don't know if I should get a refill or just stick it out. I have to be close to the end, right?!
    @IRunForFun: I'm not up much, maybe 1-2lbs depending on the day. I'm still having a hard time eating!

    I'm ready to start feeling better! I am pretty darn sure I was feeling much better at this point with our daughter, so I'm ready for that moment to come with this one! I'm 13 weeks, so maybe in the next week or two.

  21. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    Had 16 week appt w/ OB... Heartbeat was good, DD2 was moving around A LOT so it was hard to find the heartbeat which made me nervous for a bit! Will have anatomy scan in a month at 20 weeks.

  22. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    Hey guys, great to hear you are all doing well/better! How cool that some of us are feeling movement--I felt like it was much later last time around! I'll probably find out gender next week, whoo-hoo--I'm guessing girl but have no clue!

    @IRunForFun: I have no clue. I am scared to weigh myself!

  23. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    Alright, I announced on FB! I don't know why it took me "so long" and I kept feeling so weird about it this time around. I announced last time at 20 weeks, but waiting another month seems so long this time!

  24. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @Smurfette: Doing good, you?!!

    @emilye519: I think it's a girl, but I don't know if I think it because that's what I think I really want, or if I actually believe it, ha!! DH and I throw names at each other pretty steadily. Grant, and Andrew are our top boys names. Girls are all over the place. Lauren, Alison, Amy, Brittany. We definitely won't name until baby in our arms. Both of our current two were nameless for a couple hours until we reviewed our lists, lol.

    @snowjewelz: omg on the gagging still! My little one was impossible to find HB on doppler yesterday and I was so freaked! yay on being "out" on fb!

    @IRunForFun: Awesome on screening results back with good news. I hadn't gained much. June 28 I was 152.5lbs....yesterday 162lbs!! 10 lbs in a month, haha eeep! I thought I was pretty reined in with low appetite, but apparently not.

    Hi all Checking in a hello! We are back from vacay (boo!) and I am back to work. I am off tomorrow though, 4 day weeks the remainder of the summer, so that is still a solid plus. Lots of people off, so it's been a nice pace since coming back.

    I had my first appt yesterday with baby doc, and I will see her again August 30. It was really good! Bp was a little high for me, weight hilarious. I started 148lbs. Then to 150, then 152.5lbs, and as of yesterday 162lbs! I realllly didn't think it would be that bad, but oh well. Nurse laughed when weighing me "I remember you were the one who loved the weight gain". Yep....crazy me. Took doc like 5 minutes (felt like an eternity) to find the hb. Babes was SO low, like down between my hip bones, got to hear hb for a good while though, and I had been feeling movement, so I was fairly confident while she couldn't find it that things would be okay. Talked about ppd. Hit me at 4 months with my first two, so may look at starting antidepressants (didn't take them with first, did with second) in the third tri to try to be proactive in letting the crash happen, recognize, then wait time for drugs to kick in. I am over trying to be a hero, for myself and my family if I have to take them....I am okay with that.

    Anatomy scan booked for August 11! I will be 19+1 then.

    I told work this week, and a few close friends at work, but am still not "out". The panic was hilarious for figuring out the plan for covering me. I will be gone 13 months with the most important time of year August to November next year so they want someone shadowing me and I am thrilled with who it is going to be. The guy that did my last mat leave was not offered it again and he seems to be okay with it, which I am relieved about. Less drama!! My bosses wiped all my travel too, which I am very appreciative for, we have to do a lot of lifting and moving weight (boxes) in and out of cars into schools, so that was nice to hear. I will be away 3 nights in August, 4 in September, but that's it.

    Sort of just letting people know casually as we see them now, not really hiding, but not announcing quite yet either, it's been fun letting things out so far.

  25. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @sunnyday: I'm good. Just tired. I can't sleep at night. I think I am going to have to just suck it up and take Unisom every night. So hard coming back to work after vacation. I am jealous you only have 4 day work weeks for the summer. That would be so nice. My last appointment the doctor couldn't find the HB either. I was like she was just over here, I just had left the ultrasound place, and sure enough she was still in the same spot, which was more on my side then right in front.

  26. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: I'm still taking 1/2 a unisom or 1/2 a Benadryl most nights. It helps me fall asleep but I'm usually still up for no reason at like 4 am. So lame.

    Anyone having round ligament pain? It hurts so badly when I sneeze if I don't brace myself!

  27. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: Yeah I have taken a 1/2 and then I still wake up. I don't remember it being this bad, past the 1st tri, last time.
    No round ligament pain. But I have a cough and if my bladder is any way full, I pee on myself when I cough. So that is super fun.

  28. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @IRunForFun: I just pee when I sneeze....... Or cough... Or gag...! Commercial for depend underwear came in and DH told me to get some, hahaha

    @sunnyday: It's great that you're talking about things in advance so you're prepared! I'm already stressing out childcare for 2... I alternate between trying to plan it out for real, and just being in denial!

    @Smurfette: I have trouble falling back asleep lately if I wake up MOTN!

  29. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @Smurfette: @snowjewelz: Haha luckily I've only had one close call sneezing with a suuuuuper full bladder. Haven't had too much trouble probably because I haven't had a kid yet! I am peeing constantly though and have been for weeks, which I honestly thought would have started later!

  30. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: I feel like my urge to pee every 30 mins is like every hour now. Seems more like back to normal but I know it will ramp again once I start getting big.

    @snowjewelz: Childcare for 2......so much $$

  31. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Smurfette: I knooooooow. We only have DD in for 3 half days a week, but with another one, first of all I think we'll have to up her time, and just try to hold off with DD2 till like 10 months or something (we didn't start DD1 in daycare till 10 months). Reaaaally hoping DD2 will be "easy" to make everyone's lives easier!

  32. littlecasita1122

    persimmon / 1026 posts

    @IRunForFun: I've been having round ligament pain on and off. After I walk for awhile, I notice it, and then yes, some sneezes hurt SO bad!

  33. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @IRunForFun: Oh gosh yes! If I didn't remember our from last time, the round ligament pain would totally freak me out! Guess that means it's fine to pull out the cocoa butter!

    @smurfette @snowjewelz: Yeh, I cross my legs when I sneeze haha. My lowest moment of the first tri was when I was throwing up and full on peed myself while wearing a dress.

  34. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    I saw this on the February thread and thought it would be a fun roll call for us all to catch up a little!

    How Far Along Are You Today: 14 + 3

    Next Appointment: Wednesday! Aug. 3rd. My first appointment with the midwife group I'm switching to. Besides a lot of background I'm expecting the typical pee in a cup, vital signs, listen for the heartbeat.

    Have You Already Announced? If so how? If not, how do you plan to??: We announced at 12 weeks after the NT scan. I did a photo collage of our dog in front of a bunch of baby gear and a photo of my little bump with a caption that the dog is getting a new best friend this winter.

    Any plans for nurseries yet? Colors/themes?: We just bought a house and I'm so excited to have a nursery space! We are planning on doing a navy and mint green color scheme, with gray and yellow if it's a boy, or coral if it's a girl.

    What's Worse Than You Expected About Your Pregnancy?: The constant peeing! I thought it started later but man, I'm peeing all. the. time.

    What's Better Than You Expected?: No true morning sickness! I had queasiness but no vomiting and I was so thankful!

    Are you feeling movement yet?: Sometimes I think I feel little light taps on my left side, especially if I'm sitting with my belly scrunched or if I'm leaning over. But I can't be sure and I have an anterior placenta, so it may be a while before I feel much.

    Cravings: Ranch dressing. Seasonal fruits. And this week it was a greasy cheeseburger with fries. Satisfied that one tonight.

    Do You Have Any Pets?: Yes, a dog. We are starting to work on food aggression and how territorial he is with my husband in prep for baby coming.

  35. littlecasita1122

    persimmon / 1026 posts

    How Far Along Are You Today: 16 weeks

    Next Appointment: I go for bloodwork next Wed and then the first anatomy scan for the twins is 8/11.

    Have You Already Announced? If so how? If not, how do you plan to??: Yes, close friends and family all knew by 9 weeks and then we announced on FB at 13 weeks. I shared a family tree I designed.

    Any plans for nurseries yet? Colors/themes?: I'm waiting until we know what sexes the babies are to do more planning.

    What's Worse Than You Expected About Your Pregnancy?: Carrying twins is hard. Really hard. And I'm not even halfway through. I'm tired and frustrated that I can't even work out for 20 minutes without feeling like I'll pass out. But I'm so grateful for this gift.

    What's Better Than You Expected?: This is hard for me to answer. Pregnancy after loss is a roller coaster. Trying to be hopeful.

    Are you feeling movement yet?: Yes, flutters started a few weeks ago but it's not every day.

    Cravings: Watermelon. Orange juice.

    Do You Have Any Pets?: Two cats. They were living with us for a few years before my son was born, so they're used to the baby craziness.

  36. afishermanswife

    coffee bean / 25 posts

    How Far Along Are You Today: 16+2

    Next Appointment: Anatomy scan Aug 19

    Have You Already Announced? If so how? If not, how do you plan to??: Yes and no. Everyone we see in person regularly knows. No formal announcement though! Not sure if I'll end up doing it or not

    Any plans for nurseries yet? Colors/themes?: Nope! Still house hunting after a painful 6 months

    What's Worse Than You Expected About Your Pregnancy?: The exhaustion. I feel like I could happily nap all day. Working 12 hour shifts and taking my mom to treatment on my days off on top of it is SO tiring!

    What's Better Than You Expected?: Everything else! I have been so lucky as far as symptoms go.

    Are you feeling movement yet?: No but I can't wait!

    Cravings: No actual cravings but some foods taste SO incredibly good.

    Do You Have Any Pets?: Yes, a mostly blind giant lab/shepherd puppy. We've started training him to only walk on my right side (for stroller purposes) and when we move soon he won't be allowed on the furniture for safety. Blind 110lb dog and newborn might not be the best combo!

    Looking forward to hearing more updates!

    PS - who feels like they are actually showing?

  37. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    How Far Along Are You Today: 16+3
    Next Appointment: Aug 9th (OB and technically my 16 week appointment) and then the anatomy scan Aug 19.
    Have You Already Announced? If so how? If not, how do you plan to?? Yes! Called/told family all by 10 weeks. Then announced on FB around 13 weeks.
    Any plans for nurseries yet? Colors/themes?: Oh yes! Ordered curtains and some art for the walls. I don't want the stuff to sell out that matches. The walls are going to be a light teal color. I attached the curtain pic, which is what I am using as my starting point. Need a rug and I might just use the light pink sheets from LO again.
    What's Worse Than You Expected About Your Pregnancy? Insomnia. It was better by this point with LO. Also so hungry, I don't remember being this hungry last time.
    What's Better Than You Expected?: I love I am starting to look pregnant and not just that I ate 10 burritos for dinner.
    Are you feeling movement yet?: little flutters! So nice feeling them earlier this time
    Cravings: Not really. But ranch dressing and pickles, not together, taste way better now.
    Do You Have Any Pets?: No. I hope it always stays that way. No desire at all.

  38. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @IRunForFun: I made DH go get burger and fries for lunch last weekend and now I want it again. Fries are my weakness.
    @littlecasita1122: so exciting you will find out soon the genders.
    @afishermanswife: we started looked for a house in Apri and then went into contract on NYE. It took forever. We ended up moving when I was 35 weeks. Hope you find somerhing soon.
    I think I have an actual bump. Someone at work asked me if I was pregnant.

  39. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @afishermanswife: I personally feel like I'm showing, because I have a belly where I didn't have one before, but I think to the general public I might still be in the "Pregnant or beer gut?" stage. Also, house hunting and buying is such a pain. We got lucky to find a house quickly but the mortgage process is killing me.

    @Smurfette: That curtain is adorable! It sounds like we are on the same wavelength with food. Ranch dressing is so good right now. And at dinner last night I kept asking the waitress for more pickles - eventually she just brought me a plate of them!

    @littlecasita1122: I'm so sorry things have been rough. Pregnancy with twins must be really difficult. Exciting to find out the sexes soon though!

  40. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    This is the quilt I'm kind of loosely wanting to base the nursery around, but I think it might be a bit too girly if it's a boy...

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