Hellobee Boards


January 2017 moms!

  1. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @snowjewelz: oh my stomach is bad by the end of the day. I legit look pregnant, ridiculous.

  2. norcal_gal

    apple seed / 4 posts

    @mybell208 I am looking for a midwife in the bay area. It's not so uncommon here than in some other cities in the US. I think it will be more difficult to manage the insurance though.

    @snowjewelz I am from the east coast as well but moved to the east bay about 5 years ago. I am still not really missing the winters

  3. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    8 weeks today! We're telling my inlaws this weekend and my first appt is next wed... sh*ts getting real

  4. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @Smurfette: Glad you had a good appointment!

    @mybell208: Also glad you had a good one! Uneventful is good No midwife or OB for me. Sticking with a family doctor who delivers which is great as I have them all the way through pregnancy and they come no matter what/when when we head to the hospital. I debated midwife, but my experience with my previous two kiddo's, I just sort of don't want to bother changing things up

    @norcal_gal: Welcome, and congrats!!

    @MrsCDH: glad we are not alone in the name game, it's actually going to be hilarious trying to name this one I think!

    @snowjewelz: lol to sucking in when walking around, I am sooo conscious of it when walking around my office. Let it all out at my desk though, end of day is so brutal and I definitely suck in even more and make points of showing a sucked in belly around certain people that will be/likely are suspicious or would be looking for me to be preggo.

  5. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Chillybear: Hahaha, totally. Sometimes I'm in denial since I haven't even seen the baby.

    @sunnyday: Sometimes I just wanna be like ugh whatever, haha. It's so much work to always be thinking about sucking it in!

  6. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @sunnyday: I walked by someone yesterday and she legit just looked right at my belly. I feel like everyone is just waiting for me to get pregnant this time....I lost a lot of weight, 36lbs last year, and I clearly look like I have put some back on, so I am sure they think something is up. Not to mention the Sprite Zero I drink every morning now.

  7. limabeanbabies

    olive / 57 posts

    Love hearing all these good updates! My first appointment is scheduled for Thursday of next week.

    @sunnyday Thank you for catching that the group was only closed, not secret!! I clicked secret when I created it, so I'm not sure what happened there... But it's fixed now!

    @madger I shared the link to your wall!

    @mybell208 I have seen midwives for both my previous pregnancies and will continue doing so. I love them!

  8. madger

    cherry / 178 posts

    @limabeanbabies: I think you might need to re-send the link now that you "unclosed" it!

  9. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts


    I can't access it now!

  10. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    I dont think anyone at work or my extended family or friends suspect. For the last year I've been saying we wont even be thinking about trying until after we move. I'm such a type A planner that they would never imagine me getting pregnant "by surprise" in the middle of this move.

  11. norcal_gal

    apple seed / 4 posts

    I'm moving into a new rental next week and we're moving from a one bedroom apartment into a two bedroom home. No one's asked us directly, but I know everyone reads between the lines that we need more spaces for another addition to my family.

  12. MrsCDH

    olive / 71 posts

    @limabeanbabies: is that a Facebook group? I'd be happy to join if it is?

    @sunnyday: I've definitely developed a gut, but I'm in a sunny climate where baggy clothing is acceptable. What I can't ddisguise is the waves of nausea that sweep over me constantly in the afternoons and evenings...

    Anyone else suffering? I feel sorry for my poor husband who's having long, busy days at work and then comes in and take over the toddler for the evening as I can't stand up without wanting to vomit (though have avoided the urge as of yet, but early days at 6weeks here)...

  13. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @MrsCDH: I feel pretty bad for DH too. I keep telling him a few more weeks... I'll be better in a few more weeks...!

  14. MrsCDH

    olive / 71 posts

    @snowjewelz: oh gosh, I hope so:) Sorry you're suffering too!

  15. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    I'm pretty sure people at work suspect b/c I've been eating lunch at my desk (so I can sulk), and there's constantly a sleeve of saltines on my desk!

  16. limabeanbabies

    olive / 57 posts

    Doh! I see what happened now. Looks like you will have to "friend" me to let me add you to the group now that it's secret. Then you can always unfriend me if you want! I feel like I am pretty tech savvy, but apparently not when pregnant! I'll share the link to my personal page for those of you who have asked!

  17. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    I think my family suspects, even some friends, for the fact that I haven't been drinking. That alone is a dead give away.

  18. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @mybell208: I went to a mid-wife for my last annual intending to use her for my next pregnancy, but the hours of the office weren't as convenient (I love 7 am appointments!). They were great, you should totally check it out!

  19. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @snowjewelz: I am hiding the sleeve of crackers! Otherwise I think I would be busted, lol! I am usually snacking on nuts, so thankfully that is not out of norm, but was a must when nausea was hitting hard.

  20. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    My parents already know but we don't plan to tell DH's parents until after the first ultrasound. We are seeing them unexpectedly today for a funeral but I'm so early on it isn't too hard to hide. I had to step out of the funeral home once when it got too hot and the scent of the flowers was overwhelming but that was pretty easy to write off.

    I'm a little nervous I'm not having more symptoms but I'm still only 5 weeks 1 day.

  21. limabeanbabies

    olive / 57 posts

    I have been feeling icky most evenings for a week or so, but today is my first day of really feeling bad in the morning. My poor toddlers can't figure out what's wrong with me!

  22. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    I feel like I become useless after 2 p.m. every day. Can't look at food, exhausted....just bleh! I just gave a tour of where I work to like 30 people and totally caught myself out of breath speaking, so not like me! Lame!!

    No one in our lives knows yet, just DH and I, and a few hb Mom's I messaged after I POAS from my previous babies birth month groups, lol.

  23. faithlove224

    coffee bean / 38 posts

    @irunforfun Im a little nervous too, no symptoms other than tender nipples and breasts here and there and its not too painful either. My appt isnt until like july. Its going to be a long 8 weeks

  24. Colette1285

    coffee bean / 39 posts

    @sunnyday: I have this problem too! It's so unpleasant. Hope you feel better.

    We have our final dr.'s appointment tomorrow with the RE. Can't wait to see the little guy or girl again!

    I am pretty nervous about this weekend though. We've been lying low since we found out, but we are seeing some friends Sunday who WILL say something about me not drinking. I love the wife, but she has no boundaries with that stuff. I'm debating taking a glass of wine and then not really drinking it or making up something about being on antibiotics. I'm not ready to tell them and I am a terrible liar.. any advice?

  25. mybell208

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    @Colette1285 - I'm sure you'll think of something. If you're not ready to tell her, you're not ready. Sometimes even just saying "I'm not really feeling like drinking tonight" can help, but I guess it depends on the person.

  26. Makingbabyw

    grape / 82 posts

    I too would love to join you ladies in a FB group!!

    I am legitimately looking pregnant already (but it's iust bloat, in about 6 week) by the end of the day. The exhaustion is real, today I shut my classroom door and slept on my desk for two hours during planning. Couldn't make it through the day and extra time with our seniors being gone made for perfect nap time

  27. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    @Colette1285: I went to a happy hour on Tuesday and ordered a fancier non alcoholic drink that looked like a cocktail if anyone asked I told them it was a watermelon gin fizz. No one questioned it. I've also done the order a drink pretend to sip and the conviently leave it some where and forget about it

  28. mybell208

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    @colette1285: also, soda water w/lime can look like a gin and tonic

  29. afishermanswife

    coffee bean / 25 posts

    @MrsCDH: the waves of nausea! I'm with you. Fine most of the time, then all of a sudden…yuck.

    @Chillybear: @Colette1285: @mybell208: My best friends birthday was last week and I had to make up the most elaborate story about not feeling well during her full day festivities. It may or may not have included DH proclaiming to the group that I was having toilet trouble. Thanks babe.

    As for me…dating u/s was today and our little blob is in there all snug with a nice strong heartbeat! Told the in laws and my bff today as well. My mum was re-admitted to hospital so I have to fake it while being with her all day a little while longer. It's so hard! Can't wait to tell her when she's feeling better and home:D

    Looking forward to hearing about some more u/s and appointments!

  30. Colette1285

    coffee bean / 39 posts

    @mybell208: @Chillybear: @afishermanswife: Thanks for the tips ladies!! It's just us going to their house, so I think I am going to be DD, accept one glass of wine to dispel rumors, and try to find an opportunity to dump some down the drain haha.

    @afishermanswife that is too funny about your DH and the elaborate story! Hope you tricked them

    8 week ultrasound went great this morning! So nice to see the little gummy bear. HB was 171!

  31. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @norcal_gal: Your one bedroom to two, a month ago we bought a minivan I am sure people are thinking it, only one has said it (BIL). We bought it for a whole host of reasons and most importantly to get away from an unsafe lemon of an SUV that we tried so hard to love and rely on, lol.

    I love that you guys get to know hb rate! We saw our babies, but didn't get to know the number! Next time, I am sure!!

    I have been up since just after 3 a.m. with our dog, and got back from the vet a little while ago. He made the most unreal mess all over our house of grossness and he is usually so good at waking me to get out frantically. Poor thing. Hope he is on the mend soon, I am going to be asleep by 6 p.m.! Funeral to attend at 2 p.m. today, and on my day off, of course I still ended up stopping in at work for a bit to put out a few fires, looking forward to the weekend!!

  32. norcal_gal

    apple seed / 4 posts

    @irunforfun @faithlove224 I'm very early with no real symptoms other than having to pee all the time. I get tired in the afternoon but I always get low energy around 2/3pm. I'm kind of scared for the nausea to come!

  33. mybell208

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    I got a call from my doctor office about my first blood work visit and they said it was all normal! (whatever that even means, I forgot to ask what they screened for). But normal is good!

  34. afishermanswife

    coffee bean / 25 posts

    Fun development!
    So we had our u/s on Thursday and decided to tell immediate family the good news. Turns out our news wasn't the only baby news that day! My SIL is pregnant with her first too! I'm about 2 weeks ahead of her and so excited to have someone to share the journey with. Consider that my other SIL is 32 weeks now and my lucky in laws have all 3 kids expecting at the same time!

  35. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @sunnyday: I thought I was doing pretty well hiding my stomach until I caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom at work today. I must have made a very poor dress choice today---I'm not even 7 weeks, how can I have a pooch this early!?! This didn't happen last time!

    @afishermanswife: Great news about the ultrasound and your SIL! It's so fun to share a pregnancy.

    @mybell208: Normal is fantastic--congrats!

  36. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    We spent Sat at the lake, the first tri and a bikini are not a good combo, but I got a massive headache. Then we spent most of the afternoon at home on the deck with family, another headache. Maybe it is the sun. If so it is going to be a long summer. But my family is super excited. My Mom and Dad loved the sign.
    @mybell208: great news!
    @afishermanswife: so fun!
    @babypugs: I am dreading dressing for work this week. Nothing fits right to hide this bloat.

  37. mybell208

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    @smurfette - I was out in the sun this morning too at the zoo and I've had a headache all evening.

    I'm only 7 weeks too but I already bought a pair of maternity pants! I know it's mainly bloat but things are already starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

  38. sunnyday

    kiwi / 573 posts

    @afishermanswife: That is so, so cool! Are you all close geographically? My ILs have 6 grandkids born from May 2012 to Oct 2014, but we are half the country away, so it sucks they won't get to grow up close to their cousins!

    @babypugs: I am so fat tonight, it's hilarious. I have a forgiving flowy shirt on today and went to get the mail tonight, wind blowing in my face, and looked down at my tummy, eeek! Hope the neighbours didn't see!

    @Smurfette: we had our hottest temps yet over the weekend, and I was literally useless in the sun. I really hope it's not like this all summer, I couldn't handle it at all and I am one to not usually let much stop me. You are not alone there!

    I think I need to go dig out the mat clothes from the basement, eeeep.

  39. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @afishermanswife: It's really great! Me and my SIL were pregnant at the same time too (her 2nd, my 1st), the girls were born like 2 weeks apart and it's been great to go through the same milestones/problems, and knowing that they will always have each other!

  40. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    It's finally doctor day! Excited but nervous! Interested to see what due date they will give me!

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