Hellobee Boards


July 2015 Mamas!

  1. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    My gummy bear blob -

  2. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @FannyMae: I'm glad I'm not the only one - I think coconut water tastes disgusting!

    @Tidybee: Hello perfect little baby blob!

  3. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @Tidybee: so thrilled to see this and to hear about your awesome appointment yesterday! It must be such a relief! Enjoy!

  4. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @dolphin: welcome! how fun to be expecting a 4th of July baby! I hope things continue to go smoothly for you and glad to hear that you are feeling good!

  5. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    As for me, I am 6w 5d today and still feeling pretty good. My stomach definitely feels off but I don't think I have had true nausea yet (don't hate me please). I didn't have super strong m/s the last two times either so I am trying not to read anything into it. There are times that I honestly forget about the pregnancy because there is so much going on, but so far I am still feeling cautiously optimistic.

    Wish me luck today staying incognito-my parents, brother and SIL arrived late last night and are coming over to hang out with me and LO and start the thanksgiving baking! There should be enough food and snacking going on to stay under the radar I hope!

  6. Bluemasonjar

    clementine / 920 posts

    @MamaCate: I am 6w 2d today and no signs of m/s. I am just kind of waiting for it to appear but also hoping I get lucky. Good luck staying incognito, I know it is going to be hard around my in-laws and extended family tomorrow especially since DH has a pregnant cousin so there will be lots of baby talk.

  7. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @FannyMae: Sorry you're feeling sick but glad you got some rest!

    @Tidybee: Beautiful

    @MamaCate: Good luck tonight! And enjoy the no morning sickness - that is a blessing!

    Does anyone else find they are super emotional? This has really surprised me, I didn't cry at all during my first tri with A, but this time I am a mess. Yesterday I teared up when the Salvation Army guy wished me merry Christmas. Today I couldn't even get through the last page of the book I was reading to A. I am crazy.

  8. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @travelgirl1: hahaha I've been sooo emotional too! It's embarrassing! I've cried a lot and I get mad really easily too. That's one of the reasons I think this one is a girl! I was definitely not like this with my son.

  9. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @QBbride: Glad it's not just me I do suspect mine will be another girl though, boys are a 1 in 10 occurrence in my family. I know it's the guy who determines sex but seriously, we just have girls!

  10. Mrs. Pickles

    kiwi / 584 posts

    @travelgirl1:I pretty much cry at least 2-3 times a day.. the news.. a touching commercial... it's pretty ridiculous .. I was the same with my son though... If we had a girl it would be crazy as there are all boys on both sides

  11. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @travelgirl1: @QBbride: @Mrs. Pickles: Oh my gosh guys... I cry all the time. I nearly sobbed over a video about two kids surprised with a puppy.

  12. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    So, I threw up in a parking lot yesterday and in my hands today. Yay, me!

  13. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @simplyfelicity: oh no!! Is there anything else you can take? That's terrible!

  14. Candy_nee

    apricot / 324 posts

    @Tidybee: congrats! Your little one is just perfect!

    My us is Tuesday and I'm nervous and excited and terrified all rolled into one!

  15. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    I'm starting to get nervous. I forgot my bedtime dose of diclectin last night (since I was working nights) and I feel fine this morning. Cue freak out

  16. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    Would anyone look down upon me if I ordered myself an entire pizza right now? My appetite is ginormous!

    But - my skin is starting to break out again and that was the sign that I am pregnant. Clear skin. Trying not to worry. And counting down the days until I can see my baby's heartbeat again on 12/1 when I graduate from my RE.

  17. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MamaCate: Good luck with the holidays! Keep your glass filled with bubbly water and a lime wedge so it looks like you're boozin' it up!

    @travelgirl1: Yes! to the emotions. I think I'm just more emotional now that I have a little one though. So much more tugs at my heartstrings.

    @simplyfelicity: So sorry the morning sickness has taken over for you!

    @Candy_nee: Tuesday will be here before you know it!

    @QBbride: I won't get nervous, if you don't get nervous, deal? I'm nervous though.

  18. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    So many sweet babies!! My ultrasound is scheduled for Dec 4, I'm so excited! I could have moved it earlier but I think it will put me at ease if I see a 9 week babe with heartbeat (then I can use my own Doppler after).

    Anyone getting nervous for their Thanksgiving reveals?

    @QBbride: this happens to me once a week - and then I usually feel twice as bad the next day!

    @sweetooth: go for it!!! I ate a whole box of crackers yesterday :s

    @simplyfelicity: this sounds horrible! Are you able to stay hydrated??

    @travelgirl1: yes, oh yes. I threw a complete hissy fit at work the other day, totally not like me at all! I never was like that last time! And tears when I hear a sad song. Ridiculous! Lol

  19. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @MamaCate: hopefully everyone else will be do "thanksgiving-ed up" they won't notice lol

  20. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @QBbride: I started feeling fine the morning of my ultrasound. My boobs aren't sore and I don't have any nausea. No exhaustion either...in fact, I'm sleeping way less. But baby is perfect. I remember from my first pregnancy, people telling me that it's normal to have it come in waves...like 4 days on, 3 days off kind of thing.

  21. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @dolphin: Welcome and congrats! I also had 2 losses (3 actually - a chemical pregnancy that was basically over the second the pink line showed up). It's so hard to stay positive when we've been through what we've been through. There are a few of us on here with the same experience, so we'll keep each other going!

  22. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @QBbride: I really don't like Zofran, I get so stopped up it's not even funny.
    Don't freak out! Symptoms are supposed to come in waves, right?
    @Candy_nee: Can't wait to hear the awesome news from your ultrasound
    @fuzzypeaches: I am doing my best. And then I ordered two biscuit, egg and sausage breakfast sandwiches from Carl's Jr. Soooo good. I seriously devoured them.

    We are telling my family tonight. My husband surprised me with a birthday trip to swim with dolphins and both of our moms have been asking to see pictures so we are going to make a slide show and then put the ultrasound pic as the last one. Pretty excited because the whole family will be there.

  23. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Tidybee: great picture! I'm glad your appointment went well!
    @QBbride: I have my first u/s on the 11th aswell and I'm starting to get nervous.. but I survived the TWW nine times, so I can handle this too, right?
    @simplyfelicity: hope you're feeling better!
    @dolphin: welcome!!!

  24. cait

    apricot / 268 posts

    @simplyfelicity: That is such a cute idea!!

    I'm feeling so emotional lately. I have been catching up on Parenthood and crying through every single episode.

    My US is December 22nd! I'm going to go crazy.

  25. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    @simplyfelicity: that sounds like a great way of telling them, they're going to be so excited!

  26. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @simplyfelicity: oh no, sorry you're having such a tough time with sickness. But I love the way you are planning to announce! Good luck, I can't wait to hear how it went!

    @sweetooth: Go get that pizza!!!

    @QBbride: Don't worry, just enjoy your day. Nausea will read its head again soon!

    Freezies have become my new BFF, even in this two degrees cold walking down the street. Most people looked at me like I was nuts but a few people gave me knowing smiles, ha ha.

  27. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    At work today we were asked our menu choices for the annual office dinner in a couple of weeks: carpaccio or smoked salmon.. I have told two colleagues but not my boss because I want to wait for the u/s, but I guess I'll have to now.. what would you do?

    Q2: how are you doing with excercise? I just can't stay active when I'm so tired and nauseous!

  28. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts


  29. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @mrsvdv: Those seem like really odd entree choices. If it is for an appetizer, can you just order one and not eat it?

  30. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    Hey all,

    Does anyone just randomly gag??

  31. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @Tidybee: hello baby! congrats on your jelly bean

    @MamaCate: best of luck keeping bump under wraps today!

    @travelgirl1: I haven't been feeling super emotional as much as I have been feeling super angry.... absolutely cracked it at my hubby last night, he was heading out for a men's dinner with my brother and some pals, I had to wrangle toddler with bath and bedtime routine and she was being a terror hehehe irrational is my middle name

    @simplyfelicity: what a sweet way to surprise your family! I bet the look on their faces will be priceless

    I'm contemplating ringng my OB this morning to get my appt bumped forward. I'm gonna hit him up for some meds to keep in reserve because the nausea is hitting me now

  32. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @Reese: yes, especially when I randomly think of something that I find off-putting, or I feel a bit saliva-phlegmy. so gross

  33. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    @FannyMae: Yes .. my saliva is out of control! I feel like a Saint Bernard.

  34. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    ughhh can't get an earlier appointment with OB, so 13 days an counting. put off my hairdressing appointment too, as I really don't think I can make a rational hair styling decision while trying to keep my food down.

  35. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I am so sorry you are still so sick, but I love your way of sharing the news with your family. Hope it goes wonderfully!

  36. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @FannyMae: oh no! Hope you can find some way to cope until you can be seen!

    As for me, so far so good! Thanks for all the well wishes, ladies. There was a moment this morning where I needed to eat but only LO was around so no worries!

  37. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Reese: Only when I brush my teeth.

  38. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @mrsvdv: Hmmm, if you don't want to spill the beans yet, could you say "What are the vegetarian options?"

  39. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @cait: Oh my gosh Parenthood!!! I've been a teary mess each time I watch it.

  40. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: @travelgirl1: I had the pizza for dinner. And I don't regret it at all. Let's just hope my stomach feels the same way in the morning

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