Hellobee Boards


July 2017 Moms!

  1. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    I passed my 1 hour GD test, but am a little anemic. I'm supposed to eat more red meats and leafy greens. I feel like I already eat a ton of iron. Could explain why I'm so tired all the time!

  2. just_ju

    cherry / 195 posts

    @winniebee: no word on the 3 hr yet, I know my results thanks to my online chart, and they're supposed to call today to officially give me results and make a plan. It's already 9:30 here and I haven't heard anything yet. I'm hoping since it was only over by 1 and I'm on meds already they'll have options, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm still so irritated and upset.

  3. just_ju

    cherry / 195 posts

    @winniebee: woo hoo for passing. Hopefully increasing your iron will increase your energy too!

  4. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    24+1 and coasting along over here...

    I had my 24 week appointment, and I'm measuring one week ahead. Baby was also measuring about a week ahead at 20 weeks at my anatomy scan. Hoping this baby isn't going to be some huge Godzilla baby!

  5. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Calibee: my SIL just had a 10lb baby! No one expected it, since her first was 7.5lbs!

  6. PixieStix

    apricot / 322 posts

    Just had my appointment with an endocrinologist yesterday. She put me on some medicine for my slightly elevated TSH number. When they weighed me in it said 180. I was just 170 lbs about a week and a half ago. So I weighed myself first thing at 176. I knew I've been over indulging but geeze. Feeling very guilty now.

  7. honey786

    grape / 81 posts

    @pixiestix I take levothyroxine for autoimmune thyroid (hashimoto). I do labs more frequently now that I am pregnant (every couple months) and I already had to have my meds adjusted once in the first few months. Its good to keep a handle on it. The thyroid is in control of so many functions. I am with you on over indulging. I need to take it easy on the sweets and keep exercising every day. I forget how much better I feel when I do that! Rather than the immediate gratification of a sweet treat.

  8. honey786

    grape / 81 posts

    Ladies, I am one week away from entering my third trimester and the tossing and turning, pregnancy insomnia has already started! EEK! Anyone else? My left hip hurts from always laying on that side. We adjusted my Sleep Number, which helped but I woke up on my back this morning. Oops. Anyone else having a hard time getting comfortable? I feel like its early for this to start, I still have three months to go.

  9. mamainthesun

    apricot / 356 posts

    Hey ladies, I've been super busy lately and had a car accident (we are fine, car is not!) two weeks ago so life has been super hectic!
    Anyway i hope everyone's pregnancy is fine!
    We're getting closer to July! As @honey786: said , almost third trimester! I've definitely not been sleeping well but hope that it's just related to the last few stressful weeks and not insomnia yet!!
    I'll finally have time to start getting ready for this baby!! Has anyone done any labour preparations yet??

  10. PixieStix

    apricot / 322 posts

    @honey786: Do you mind me asking what your TSH numbers were pre-medicine, and did you feel any better (energy wise and such) after a few weeks in to taking it? I'm starting to back off the major sweet indulgence and eating healthier.

    @honey786: Yes! Starting to get uncomfortable. I'm staying very active in the gym and I'm still getting what I think are ligament pulls/pinches or whatever at the front of my hips where my legs connect. Hip flexors maybe? Anyways... also noticing my hip hurting if I lay on one side for too long with my legs in an odd position. I may have to do the pillow between the legs soon if it gets any worse. But for now I can usually correct it by myself. Oddly enough though, I haven't gotten the sciatic pinch bad like last time. It started to happen and then disappeared. Hmm. Hope you find more comfort! Oh, and I also get insomnia sometimes but it's usually around 4-5 AM where I get up to pee and can't fall back asleep. Lol.

    @mamainthesun: So glad you're all ok! I'm 24 weeks today (oh boy) and just signed up for a more natural birthing class. I'm going to attempt this labor sans epidural and meds. Not sure if I can but I'll try.

    I'm on 50 mcg of Synthroid per my endocrinologist for slightly elevated TSH. Thankfully the number came down a little between the two blood tests before I even started taking the medicine. I think my biggest concerns right now are weight gain (30 lbs up) and preparing the house for baby. I have a lot of reorganizing of closets and things to do.

    How's everyone else doing? Any prep work going on?

  11. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @mamainthesun: oh my goodness! So glad you're ok!!!

    @PixieStix: we just moved DS2 into DS1's room, so I need to move all of his clothes out of the nursery in preparation for baby. I'll wash the newborn diapers but since we are team green, I can't do much by way of getting clothes ready! Just pull out the neutral NB stuff, I guess!

    What birthing class did you sign up for? I found Bradley method very helpful with my first two births, both totally natural.

  12. PixieStix

    apricot / 322 posts

    @Mrs. J: I got some neutral baby stuff from when my son was born so I'll get those out for our daughter.

    Not sure on the class exactly, as far as what type to call it. It's a 3 hour class that says it's natural and focuses on medication free labors, etc. I'm excited about it and I know the people who run it are popular in our community.

  13. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @PixieStix: mine was maybe 10 weeks long haha. I hope you find it useful!

  14. PixieStix

    apricot / 322 posts

    @Mrs. J: Same here. Any advice you can give for a medication free labor and birth? I tend to get very scared at the first sign of pain but from my comparison to previous pain to other people is I seem to have a decent tolerance.

  15. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @honey786: yep I wake up a ton! I'm taking unisom before bed which helps me fall back asleep, but yes def tossing and turning a ton!

    27w tomorrow!

  16. mamainthesun

    apricot / 356 posts

    @PixieStix: i had a medication free birth and delivery with number one...I hope to be strong enough to do it again! I prepared myself by found prenatal yoga but it was more learning about breathing techniques and different positions and using a birthing ball and so on. It really helped me to learn how to use my breath to cope with the pain and not be afraid of it. Even if of course it's all theoretical so different than when in actual labour.
    Also met some second time mums who shred their experiences and related what helped them the most.
    I really need to find time to start getting ready for this birth because I really felt ready to deal with the pain and experience last time, now I'm just so busy with other stuff it's kind on the back burner and the fact that it's creeping up is freaking me out!!

  17. mamainthesun

    apricot / 356 posts

    @winniebee: i have no idea how many weeks i am exactly! I think 24 or 25 but if you're 27 i must be further along!! It's so true that second pregnancy flies by! I kind of feel guilty for not being as into as the first time!

  18. honey786

    grape / 81 posts

    @pixiestix I have been on levothyroxine since 2010, so my levels have fluctuated. Before pregnancy, I was taking 150 mg, and when I had my TSH levels checked at 8 weeks it was at 5.9. I can tell a difference, I feel cold more often, tired/sluggish, bad food cravings. I like to keep my levels between 1 and 2, just based on how I feel at that level. They bumped me up to 175 mg and my level came down to 3.42. Its higher than I like, but "within range" and I am feeling okay. I know pregnancy can mess with this, so I am just having them check it every couple months to stay on top of it. I guess its different for you since it came on during pregnancy versus a pre-existing condition for me. I know that when I eat cleaner it helps a lot (cutting out gluten and dairy as much as I can).

  19. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    23+2 today. I have been following along but quiet since my anatomy, which was good, but I also had a cmv blood test that week and tested positive for antibodies and then had a second test that was inconclusive so was referred to a high risk doctor. So I have been anxiously waiting for my appointment and ultrasound, which was today. So far everything looks good with baby and he said I'm probably low risk for it being a primary infection (which is more dangerous in pregnancy for the baby) because I have worked with kids for many years. I'm going for a level 2 ultrasound in 2.5 weeks just double check and then I'll continue with the midwives. I have been pretty stressed out and sad/separated from this pregnancy for a few weeks so hopefully I'll get it back together now and along with a positive scan next time I can get excited and ready for this baby.

  20. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @PixieStix: having DH be 100% on board with me was huge, as well as the different positions and breathing. Also know what the options are at your hospital/center. My second labor was ideal—I got to labor mostly at home, then in the tub at the hospital, and I used a birthing stool. Laying down in the bed is probably one of the hardest positions on your body...why not use gravity??

  21. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrs. Goose: I'm glad that everything looks good so far. CMV is such a lesser known, but somewhat scary thing in pregnancy so I can certainly understand your anxiety. My good friend's baby had an echogenic bowel at 20 weeks and through testing they found out she had CMV (but she didn't know when). They followed her closely throughout pregnancy but baby was 100% healthy and is doing just fine.

  22. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    @winniebee: thanks. I had never even heard of it until I randomly read about it on here a couple of months ago and then of course read academicsociallite's sad story a little while later. I know the range of impact is wide (and can also be nil), but I immediately went worst case scenario. I have seen some Facebook groups discussing that there should be more information presented to pregnant women about and there really should-especially prevention tips and to get tested before you're pregnant so you at least know if you've had it before. I didn't know it was so common and that it causes a lot of congenital hearing loss in babies.

  23. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    28 weeks today - third trimester by all accounts! I start my bi-weekly OB appointments tomorrow. Feeling so large and in charge. We had a nasty stomach bug last week and are all finally recovered. Somehow through it I still seem to be gaining weight, ha! It looks like I'm up 18 lbs, but I'll get the real numbers tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is feeling well!

  24. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    @winniebee: yay! Home stretch?! Ish. Haha

    I feel huge right now at 24+2. I'm about the same size as I was last pregnancy with a lower weight gain than last time, but still already up 15. I have a feeling I'm growing another huge baby.

    Getting over a sinus infection over here and taking care of toddlers at home. Fun times.

  25. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Mrs. Goose: I feel huge at 24+4, but the midwife says it feels like a peanut.
    @winniebee: glad you're all doing better!!

  26. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    @Mrs. J: at the ultrasound baby was measuring 47%ile and my belly is measuring on track with the tape. But I measured on track last time too and then had a nearly 10 pound baby...haha

  27. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Mrs. Goose: my belly measures on track, but my first two were under 8lbs.

  28. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    @Mrs. J: clearly belly measuring means nothing!

  29. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Mrs. Goose: and the ultrasounds too! My SIL just had a 10lb baby in Jan, and they thought he was going to be 8lbs

  30. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @Mrs. J: @Mrs. Goose: It just seems like they're so wrong so often! They thought my daughter was going to have a huge head. I was freaking out. Induction at 39 weeks was even on the table because it was like the 98th percentile. She came on her own at 38 weeks with a totally average sized head.

  31. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @winniebee: Woo hoo! Hello third trimester!!

  32. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Had my 28 week checkup yesterday. Had to do hospital pre-registration etc. Nothing else going on pregnancy wise! Getting the achy back and my belly button is more popped than in prior pregnancies and is a little sore. Toddler has decided 5:30 is suddenly a good time to wake up, so we are getting up more than an hour earlier than usual.

    Getting all the comments from strangers. Lady at grocery store hollered at the bag boy the other day to help me lift my bags because "we don't want her having the baby in this store!" Ummm, I have at least 2 more months to go lady!!

  33. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @winniebee: I just had my 24 week checkup on Sat. I think it took all of 2 minutes (minus the 20-30 I waited for the midwife...). Got my order for the glucose test, so I will do that soon, before my 28 week appt.

  34. honey786

    grape / 81 posts

    @winniebee: Yay for third trimester! I entered on Saturday and also feeling large and in charge.

    Is anyone here good at telling what position the baby is in? I am so curious after going to our first birth class and hearing about optimal position for birth. I realize they will still move around a lot, but I'd love to know how to determine how she is positioned.

    Also, being a FTM, I am constantly thinking about the actual labor and how that will go. It is still mind blowing that I am going to push out a little baby. On my to-do list for this month: find/hire a Doula we like and interview/select a Pediatrician.

  35. BeatlesFan629

    cherry / 187 posts

    How is everyone doing with picking out a name? We're basically in the same place we were when we found out we were having a boy (17+ weeks ago!). Which is absolutely no idea. I know we still have time, but I also know the next 2 1/2 months are gonna fly by so I wish we had some ideas.

  36. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    @BeatlesFan629: we haven't even talked about names yet. We're team green, but we do have a boy name from last time we'll probably use. We're pretty sure this baby is a boy! Girl names are harder for us. We should probably chat about it soon. I'm kind of just waiting until hopefully good news after my ultrasound next week.

    @honey786: I could only tell baby position with my last baby later in pregnancy. Right now in the mornings I usually feel the whole body of the baby-who knows if it's butt or head-lodged on one side of my belly up at the top of my uterus. How many weeks are you now? I found maybe around like 30/32 weeks it was easier to tell. The baby was probably head down for me at that point too. Haha. So it was just a question of where the bum was. I did know the baby was ROA though based on what I could feel and googling potential baby positions. I looked at my midwife notes and from 30-42 weeks the baby was ROT or ROA. This baby moves a lot so until it's bigger and has less space to move I'm not going to be sure what's what.

  37. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @BeatlesFan629: team no progress here, too! Also have known for 17 weeks, haha!

  38. Calibee

    apricot / 286 posts

    @BeatlesFan629: We are completely stuck on names. We had our girl name 100% ready to go. But we can't come up with a boy name to save our lives. And it's not like one person is vetoing names that the other really wants. Neither of us can come up with a name we really love. Everything feels like we're settling. Ugh!!

    Was hoping to get some ideas here, but it sounds like we're not the only ones having trouble.

  39. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @BeatlesFan629: we have a name for each sex; we just need a girl middle name.

  40. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    This board has been quiet!

    We switched DS2 to a big boy bed in his brother's room this week to clear out the baby room. Bittersweet for sure. It hasn't been a complete disaster so far....they are definitely not sleeping as much though! The little one has been waking at 5:30 the past 2 weeks and today finally slept until 6:30 which felt like a miracle.

    I'm feeling so fat lately - I swore I would not complain this pregnancy but man it's hit me lately! Nothing else really going on. I have some upper back/rib pain so I'd love a prenatal massage for mother's day.

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