Hellobee Boards


June 2015 Mamas!

  1. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @LindsayInNY: I don't think I'm magically going to catch the flu now that I'm pregnant? I also don't think everyone needs every vaccine under the sun (but our kid will totally be vaccinated since my dad is a retired doctor and I usually defer to his expertise). He also told me he advises to get the shot, however, I'm not all the sudden more susceptible to the flu because I'm pregnant or increasing my risk of contracting the flue because I didn't get the shot.

    ETA: I'm not crunchy or granola at all!!! I took a medical malpractice class my 3L year, and it was really eye opening about insurance companies and drug manufacturers. A lot of them don't really have our best interest at heart, and just try to push things as a medical necessity to further line their pockets. It was crazy!

  2. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @dc yoga bee: I think you (not you personally but you as in pregnant women) are more susceptible to the flu while pregnant because our immune systems are weakened. So I think it does increase the risk of contracting the virus. Just my personal opinion. What's your dad's opinion on it?

  3. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @LindsayInNY: He said if you're still taking the appropriate precautions you should be pregnant or not (washing your hands, don't touch knobs, etc...), you're not anymore at risk than usual if you're not having a high risk pregnancy. I'm a germ-o-phobe and constantly washing my hands & don't touch knobs in public, etc..., so I feel comfortable in my decision. But, I don't knock people who get it-it's just not for me .

    ETA: But, again-he always advises people to get it. He was a military doctor, and they push meds and vaccines like nobody's business because of the soldiers being deployed all over the world etc... I had to ask him the risk factors for *me*. I'm not travelling internationally, not having physical contact with a bunch of people etc!

  4. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @LindsayInNY: I think the flu shot is just one of those things that you should do what feels right for you. Given that I don't really get sick and that the one time I got the flu shot I was horribly sick, makes me not want to get it. I especially didn't want to get it in the first trimester when I can't take any cold medications. I may or may not wait until I'm further along to get the flu shot, so if it does make me sick, I can take more medications to fight it off.

  5. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    @dc yoga bee: I think that having the flu while pregnant can be bad for the baby, too, though. You having a fever can be problematic for the baby.

    I got one before I got pregnant, and it was preservative-free. But I got one while I was pregnant (3rd trimester) with my son. I also want to make sure I'm protecting my son as much as possible, so my whole family gets flu shots.

    I had an appointment yesterday. Was just supposed to be doppler, but she could only find the heartbeat for a quick second, so she grabbed an ultrasound machine. We got to see little one's hands and feet flailing around like crazy! I think this one is a firecracker! My NT screening is on Wednesday.

  6. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @LindsayInNY: Most flu shots are packed in a way that the same vial of vaccine can be used for multiple people. In order to preserve the vaccine, they use thimerosal, which is mercury-containing organic compound that is used as a preservative. It's considered to be a low-enough dose of mercury that it's safe, even for pregnant women, but since there are also preservative-free versions (single-dose vials of the shot that do not need a preservative), it makes sense to avoid it all together if you can. I think the single-dose shots are also latex free, so they are used in people who are pregnant, nursing, or who have latex allergies. They offer it at my workplace (a hospital) and I think at most Walgreens. My OB practice uses the one containing thimerosal - they don't feel it's unsafe. I hope that answers your question!

    Oh, another reason I decided to get the flu shot is that is confers immunity to the baby. Baby can't get a flu shot of her own until she's at least 6 months (and I think they need two shots, two weeks apart), so that would put us in December/January (well into flu season) before she'd have any immunity if she did not get exposed in utero. Not trying to argue for or against, but I left that out of my earlier reasoning explaining why I chose to get it!

    I still have a really horrible cold. Apparently RSV is going around my daughter's daycare, so I have a feeling that's what it is. My voice is so hoarse, I sound ridiculous! I hope everyone else who was sick is feeling better.

    I've definitely been feeling the baby a little bit more, but still no big kicks yet. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks...I know I was feeling kicks with Julia at 17 weeks!

  7. MamaB

    cherry / 234 posts

    Today I started feeling chubbier than usual. I feel like I'm starting to show. My pants are all too tight, so I took myself to Target to look at maternity jeans. Can I just say that I LOLed when I put on my first pair of maternity jeans. Ha! They're so weird looking, but way more comfortable than I expected. Who all is already wearing maternity jeans/pants? Was it shocking the first time you put a full panel on?

  8. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @MamaB: haha! I've been wearing them since 10-11 weeks. They definitely accentuate the belly. I wasn't shocked, since this is my second... I can't remember how I felt the first time...I think just relieved that I didn't feel squeezed in!

  9. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @78h2o: That was helpful - thanks!! I might try and get it before my 12/19 appointment but if not I'll just have my ob office do it. Feel better

    @MamaB: I feel like I could've written the exact same thing! Friday, at 11 weeks, was my first "bad" day in pants. I'm usually okay/decent for the morning but it's all downhill after lunch. Friday I thought I was going to pass out from not being able to breathe, LOL! I was in denial about showing because I didn't think I was and I thought it was too early to? I definitely look bustier and chubby now. And it's a lot harder to hide all of this than I originally expected! I'll put an outfit out that I think hides/disguises things well until I get to work and I'm like eek, maybe not! I tried on some maternity pants at Target but they didn't have a large selection and they looked absurd on me! They were all baggy at the top of my leg/thigh area? It was weird. So I bought a second belly band instead.

  10. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @MamaB: I can barely fit in my regular pants, but some maternity pants I had from my previous pregnancy don't fit yet.

  11. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @MamaB: Haha! I've been wearing them since 8 or 9 weeks because I couldn't zip any of my normal pants (so much bloat). I didn't find them weird. But it was probably because I was too focused on how much more comfortable they were!

  12. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    @MamaB: I've been in maternity pants since week 6 or so. I'm happy to have an excuse for an elastic wasteband. I still don't have a belly. I like the demi panel/low waist pants though.

    I had some brown discharge today after having a backache yesterday. I went and saw the doctor this afternoon and everything looks OK (closed cervix, heartbeat) but I'm not feeling 100% confident. I hate how upsetting things can just pop up any time.

  13. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    I've been in maternity pants for a little while, although I still wear my regular work/dress pants with a bella band, or like today I have a one size up pair that I'm wearing that fit pretty nice!

    Today I have another check up with the midwife, excited to hear LO's heartbeat!

  14. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @MamaB: I first bought a belly band to give that a go and didn't really like it. I bought some maternity pants for black friday sales and surprisingly loved them. I tend to like the full panel, but as long as they fit me in the legs, I'm ok. I've been wearing them since week 12.

  15. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @Corduroy: Sorry you are feeling not so confident! That's really good though that the doctor's found all good things!

    @MrsBrewer: Excited for your appointment today! How many weeks are you? I have what my doctor called a 'checkup' on Monday and I am not really sure what to expect since I saw her about a couple weeks ago. I'll be 14w.

  16. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Eko: I am 14+4 today! I think it's pretty common practice to go in and have a check up with your doctor or midwife every 4 weeks in the beginning.

  17. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @Eko: What @MrsBrewer: said. In the beginning, you go every 4 weeks. When you reach a certain point, you go every two weeks. Then in the final month, you go every week. I have my 16 week appointment next Monday. I still haven't made this pregnancy FB official.

    I found out last night that someone was pregnant after me by almost a year or so is pregnant with her #2, a girl, and due in April. We flipped this time with me being due later.

  18. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @cascademom: @MrsBrewer: Thanks! I was wondering more specifically if I should expect another ultrasound? Or will they just be mostly touchy feely (if you know what I mean)?

  19. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @Eko: You can expect another ultrasound around 20 weeks. From there on out, they'll just check your baby with the doppler. When I go in next Monday, it'll be a doppler check. The anatomy scan is at 20 weeks where they check to make sure that the baby has all of its body parts and is growing correctly on the curve.

    ETA: to the touchy feeling thing. When you get a lot bigger, the OB will actually move your baby around in utero to measure. They did that a few times to judge weight, etc. It's funny to watch.

  20. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @MrsBrewer: I can't wait to hear LOs heartbeat! We've seen it on the screen but haven't gotten to hear it yet!

    @cascademom: We aren't FB official yet either (although all of our extended families know after our trip home this past weekend). We're waiting for our genetics screen results to announce on FB (sometimes next week).

  21. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: My plan for announcing will be after Monday's appointment. I'd like to get Christmas cards ready to do it, but I may just take the pic I want to, post it on FB, and make it official. I have a Christmas tea on Sunday too, so I'll announce then to them. Otherwise, we've just been telling friends when we see them instead of a big FB thing.

  22. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    Went to my appt yesterday, and everything is looking good! Although, I'm up 4 lbs from my last appt But she said I'm still definitely in the normal range, which is good. I'm just super concerned about my weight.

    Baby's heartbeat was in the 150's (last time it was 172) So I'm thinking it's a boy, since it's getting a little slower. But I have no idea, because my gut still thinks it's a girl!

  23. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @MrsBrewer: I was up 3-4 pounds between 8 weeks and 12 weeks and my doctor (who really emphasized that he doesn't want me gaining a lot since I started out over my ideal weight) didn't even say a word about it.

  24. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: Okay good to know! Yea I am definitely way above my ideal weight too. (and was before I got pregnant)

  25. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @MrsBrewer: Yeah - my doctor told me that if I gain 20-25 pounds total, he'll be happy. If I gain less than that, he'll be really happy. And we'll have to talk about a diet plan if I start gaining more than that.

    I'm only weighing myself when I go to appointments so that I don't stress myself out over the weights all the time. Hopefully it helps but I guess I'll have to wait and see.

  26. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Mrs.KMM: I was seriously weighing myself everyday at one point, but then I decided that's probably not a good idea, and I was stressing too much about it. So I think I'm going to do the same as you and only get weighed at my appts.

  27. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @MrsBrewer: I stopped weighing myself with pregnancy. Remember, you're not only growing a human, but a placenta. The placenta is heavy. Once we all get bigger, part of the weight gain will be placenta, fluid, and baby. It's why I'm not too worried about weight gain this time.

  28. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    I only weighed myself that one week I was throwing up 4-5x a day after the midwife said I wasn't gaining. That's when I found out I lost 3lbs in like 4 days, and wanted to make sure it's okay. They told me it was, and keep trying to eat and drink drink drink fluids. I haven't weighed myself again since lol.

    TMI question: is anyone still having a love life?!? I've been completely uninterested first trimester, and while I'm more interested now that im in the second trimester I'm still terrified!

  29. MamaB

    cherry / 234 posts

    @DCYogaBee haha! I asked my midwife about this hen I went at 12 weeks. She laughed and said its totally normal in the beginning to have zero interest. Seriously, I told my husband he deserved an award for being so patient and understanding. I'm 14 weeks today, and have had more interest over the past week, so I find that encouraging.

  30. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @dc yoga bee: We've had a love life exactly 1 time since our BFP (around 9ish weeks I think). I'm definitely starting to feel more interested again though. Maybe it is just a first trimester thing.

  31. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @dc yoga bee: Another once or twice-er since our BFP. Although, to be fair, I've also been sick for a week, two separate times so that doesn't help.

  32. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    Ummm love life is non existent here. I really need to just suck it up and do it though. I'm starting to feel bad for hubby!

  33. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    @dc yoga bee: @MamaB: @Mrs.KMM: @LindsayInNY: @MrsBrewer: We've done it a little more frequently this pregnancy instead of last. We had a couple of weeks where we both got busy (not the fun way) and didn't do it in some time. This was a huge issue in our marriage during LO's pregnancy. We talked about it a lot in counseling after LO's birth. We're working on it more this time around. Admitting that I didn't have an interest was hard for me to tell DH. I still worry about him and his needs as well possible bleeding too. I'm happy with once a week. So, I've been there a few times. Just keep talking to your DH about how you feel and when you'll feel better to do it. It's been key for us. I'm still exhausted lately, so it's a struggle, but we do it.

  34. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @cascademom: Thank you for being honest. I think it's really starting to take a toll on our marriage right now to tell you the truth. I mean he understands that I'm just not in the mood, but I really think he's missing that connection. I really need to just step outside of my box, and really trying to make the initiative.

  35. Ifyoulikepinacoladas

    coffee bean / 38 posts

    Hi everyone! I've been reading to catch up on the thread. I've got a lovely summer virus over here which has exacerbated my MS, hence the disappearing act. I've literally been hiding under my bed covers haha.

    As to the most recent discussion points - I usually get the flu shot. It will be more important for me this year as I'm immuno-suppressed from taking prednisone as well as being pregnant. I've never had adverse reactions and I'm pro-vaccine generally so that's where I fall on that issue.

    I'm definitely in maternity pants - my ordinary pants are looser around the leg, but need a hair elastic to get the button done up...so yeah. I still haven't put on much weight yet so the exercise and food logging I've been doing are paying off. I'm also meeting my protein and calcium goals a bit more often so yay for that at least! My blump has also hardened up so is more credible

    No love life over here! I remember getting my libido back with a vengeance in the second tri with DD, so that can happen any time now....crickets. I just do not have the energy! I was worried about bleeding in the first tri and the progesterone suppositories were kind of a passion killer so hopefully now that's not an issue when we get back on the horse so to speak it will be awesome! DH has been pretty understanding, he knows he has a free pass for self love *ahem* during this time so I think he's been taking advantage of that!

  36. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    Had my NT screening today. Everything looked good (1.9 mm on the measurement). Except now I'm measuring a week ahead! I never measured ahead with DS and he's tiny, so it's gotten me a bit freaked out. Tech said that we probably just caught baby in a growth spurt, but it makes me nervous (what doesn't, you know?)

    Tech also said her "educated guess" is boy, but she definitely wouldn't go beyond that. She said not to paint the nursery or anything!

  37. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @Jess1483: My LO was a full week ahead at the NT screening as well! I think it's ok! Glad your NT measurement was good! That's fun that your tech made a guess at gender, but I guess you can't make too much of it. I can't remember, will you find out at the anatomy scan?

  38. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    @78h2o: Yes, we will. We can't wait!

  39. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @cascademom: @Ifyoulikepinacoladas: @MrsBrewer: @LindsayInNY: @Mrs.KMM: @MamaB: Thanks for the input ladies!! We have always had an unbalanced love life. I'm happy with once every two weeks, DH wants 4x a week, so we compromise with once a week. Now, it's been like umm 11 weeks . DH has been super sweet, and hasn't even brought it up, but I do want to maintain some sort of intimate marital connection. I do worry about once LO is here, if our marriage going to become passionless.

  40. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @dc yoga bee: the 2nd trimester is the time to make it happen! I don't think we had sex much at all in the 3rd tri last time because I was so uncomfortable and DH felt weird about it. Then after I had the baby, my recovery took forever... I don't think we even attempted until 3 or 4 months pp and it was way too painful even then. We tried again at maybe 6 months pp and it was okay.

    We were doing ok in the beginning, but then when I had red spotting at 8 weeks I basically put myself on pelvic rest. I think I probably would have made an effort after 13 weeks, but we had the stomach bug and now we have awful colds... nothing sexy about that! I'm hoping we can liven things up in the next couple weeks. I do think it's really important to try to maintain some intimacy, though it's hard if you're not feeling it or if you're feeling sick. I am still pretty nauseous much of the time, and again, that's not sexy!!! I hope once I get rid of this cold and all the nasty crap floating around in my head and lungs, my stomach will feel better. Coughing is definitely making me get sick more often.

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