Welcome and congrats to our new June 2015 moms!
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
Welcome and congrats to our new June 2015 moms!
How far along:
First child?
First doctor appointment:
Any symptoms so far?
Who have you told?
coconut / 8854 posts
I'll start!!
Location: Milwaukee, WI
EDD: June 3rd
How far along: 3w5 or 6d
First child? Yes! Not including my sweet fur babies.
First doctor appointment: I will be calling my OB and scheduling it today!
Any symptoms so far? Breast tenderness so far, nothing else really just yet I don't think.
Who have you told? Just DH. I think we will be waiting until 12 weeks to tell everyone else (including parents)
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
@MrsBrewer: congrats to you and all the other June mamas to be!!!
papaya / 10473 posts
@MrsBrewer: Congratulations! I had a June 2013 baby, and June is such a great due date month
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@MrsBrewer: I had a June 2013 baby too, such a good time if year for a newborn! Congrats!
I'm due at the very end if May or beginning of June so I might join you once I know
grapefruit / 4441 posts
Location: Maryland - suburb of Baltimore
EDD: June 1
How far along: 4 weeks
First child? No, we have a 21 month old daughter
First doctor appointment: I still need to call
Any symptoms so far? Cramps since 6 DPO, bloating, very mild nausea, vivid dreams, sleepiness
Who have you told? My sister and DH. I told my husband by giving DD the positive test and telling her to take it to DH and say "baby". She followed my instructions perfectly. My husband, totally clueless, said, "J, why do you have a pregnancy test? You'd better not be pregnant!" I said, "No, but mommy is! " He was pretty shocked! We didn't expect it to happen so fast and definitely appreciate how fortunate we were.
coconut / 8854 posts
@78h2o: Oh man I was totally unoriginal! He was in the shower, and I took a test quick, and I just stood there staring at it, and i just blurted out "Holy crap there's a line!!" hahahah and I handed it to him while he was in the shower!
grapefruit / 4441 posts
@QBbride: Congrats! I wasn't sure which board to join either. I am pretty sure the June 1 date is correct, but DD always measured ahead and was born a few days early, so I am interested to see what the ultrasound says.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@MrsBrewer: @78h2o: I am so excited for you both!!!
@QBbride: congrats to you!
coconut / 8854 posts
@Bigskygirl: Yay! I'm excited for you too! Low and behold Clomid worked 1st time for the both of us!
grapefruit / 4441 posts
@MrsBrewer: @QBbride: Are you ladies feeling more emotional? My first heads up that I could be pregnant was 7 DPO when I snapped at some poor clerk at BJs Wearhouse. The only other time I've acted like that was when I was pregnant w/ J and Southwest delayed our flight 8 hrs. Then, this morning, I started crying on my drive to work because the cute kids waiting with their parents at the bus stop made me think about J growing up and going to school. Seriously. Hormones are for real.
@LovelyPlum: @autumnlove: @Bigskygirl: Thank you so much!
coconut / 8854 posts
@78h2o: I don't know if I'm more emotional or not. I very well could be, because I feel like anyone and everyone is irritating me at work today! I could just scream! LOL ok....yes.....definitely more emotional...
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Oh so exciting to see this board! Congrats ladies!
@78h2o: I love how you told DH! Soooooo cute!
coconut / 8854 posts
Well I have my first appt! 10/6 The nurse on the phone is saying that I'm 6 weeks along which would put me as a May 2015 mama, but they took it as my LMP, not the day I ovulated. So on 10/6 I will technically be 6 weeks per my calculations but 8 weeks per theirs.
grapefruit / 4441 posts
@MrsBrewer: Yay, that's exciting! I think the earliest the hb can be seen via ultrasound is about 6.5 weeks, so don't be scared if you have an ultrasound and don't see it yet.
I'm going to fib about my LMP because I'm pretty sure when I ovulated and I want them to go by that
coconut / 8854 posts
@78h2o: Oh man I'm going to be 100% heartbroken if I don't see a heartbeat! I know it won't be a big deal, but that's something I really want to see! I totally should have fibbed about my LMP! hahahaha mine was a huge difference though because my LMP was Aug 11th, but I ovulated on CD31!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@MrsBrewer: total thread jack to say that i O'd super late (D42) with my DD and they gave me a bad prognosis at my 1st appt because they said i was 8/9 weeks when i was really 5. i was sure of my O date, so i wasn't totally freaked, but they did make me go in for blood tests to check my levels and confirm a viable pregnancy. so if i were you, i would actually push the date back if you can. or go in with documentation of your dates and push for betas if they question you.
grapefruit / 4441 posts
@birdofafeather: Ugh, I think I remember you going through that!
@MrsBrewer: Yeah, I agree with @birdofafeather. You might want to call back and ask for an appointment a few days later. It might be stressful not to see a heartbeat, even if you know it's too early. Maybe you could feign a scheduling conflict if they are not listening to you about your O date??
I just called and am scheduled for the 20th, assuming that my DH can take off work then.
coconut / 8854 posts
@birdofafeather: @78h2o: Thank you for your input! seriously! I have my Fertility Friend app, that I was doing all of my charting on, and truthfully the O date is pretty unmistakable.
Part of my wants to go in and have the appt just to see if I could see a heart beat. I told the nurse to begin with also that I knew my O date, and that she would put that in the notes.
Do you think it really would be best to push it back? Maybe even to just the Friday? Because then I would show that I would be 6W3D
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsBrewer: butting in, I saw a HB at 6w3d first pregnancy but it's still very early, also it drives me batty when dr offices won't listen to O dates when you know what they are!
grapefruit / 4441 posts
@jetsa: yeah, that's why I fib to them! My cycles are 23 days, so it's not a huge difference, but it's annoying!
@MrsBrewer: I just did a little googling and it sounds like 6w0d is borderline... you could likely see it, but maybe not. I think you'd have a better chance on Friday, but it's up to you. With J, I got an ultrasound at 6w4d (or possibly 6w1d) after I had some spotting/sharp pains. I was able to see a heartbeat, though the tech gave me a long lecture beforehand about how I might not see a hb and things might still be ok.
blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts
Congratulations to all the June mamas! I have 2 sweet June babies, one in 2010 one in 2013 so June always holds a special place in my heart!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@78h2o: yeah, it sucked because DH was more freaked that i was!
@MrsBrewer: i went in around 5w (can't remember exactly) and it looked like nothing. i then went back 2 weeks later and we could see the blink of the HB. so i would want to push it back to 7w. BUT that's knowing what i know now and with what would be my 2nd kiddo. i know the wait is longer with #1!
coconut / 8854 posts
@birdofafeather: Oh my gosh 2 weeks away sounds like eternity!
Gah I don't know what to do! Hmm...maybe I will talk to DH about it tonight. But I'm sure he will want to go in on the earlier date.
kiwi / 551 posts
Good luck from a June 2014 mom. My little guy is almost 4 months old and I can't believe that only a year ago I didn't know I was pregnant yet.
coconut / 8861 posts
Location: Midwest
EDD: June 1, 2015
How far along: 4w1d
First child? nope, #2. LO is 25 months old
First doctor appointment: October 27th
Any symptoms so far? nausea, back pain, fatigue. It's come on a lot quicker this time than last time.
Who have you told? my mom when I was worried it was a chemical as well as a friend of mine trying as well.
The tests have been getting darker. The OB's office is feeling confident in the pregnancy since the spotting happened once and didn't continue. I can go in for an ultrasound before October 27th if spotting happens again. I like my OB's office, just the scheduling of the appointment sucks because she works nights for a stretch and then has some days off in between.
My appointment's at 8am too. DH is going to the morning routine with LO while I go to the appointment. We could attempt a family leave at 7am, but might be impossible.
grapefruit / 4441 posts
@cascademom: yay! So happy to see you here! Glad the spotting stopped and your doctor is feeling confident! Looks like we are due date buddies!
I have been having occasional brown/pink spotting + cramps....the cramps I've had since 6DPO and remember having them with my daughter, so hopefully it's ok. I had spotting with DD at 6 weeks, but I also had it with my first pregnancy that ended in miscarriage. My tests are getting darker, but after cramps that kept me up last night, I called the OB nurse this morning and begged for betas. So I got blood drawn today and will go back Fri. Hopefully all will be well and it will give me some peace of mind!
coconut / 8854 posts
I rescheduled my 1st appt. It will now be on Oct. 15th, and I will be exactly 7 weeks per my calculations! It just so happens that Oct 15 is also our 3rd anniversary! So I'm hoping it's an extra special appointment!
grapefruit / 4441 posts
@MrsBrewer: How neat! It is a little longer to wait, but that way you will get to see a lot more. Our 3rd anniversary is on October 8th
coconut / 8854 posts
@jetsa: I thought so too!
@78h2o: how awesome!! How long have you been married??
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