Hellobee Boards


June 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @rosegold: oh lucky!! I think this is the real thing. The bleeding is bright red and getting more and more as the day goes. Boo!

  2. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @MrsBrewer: oh no! That completely stinks! Usually it does stay away. I'm surprised mine hasn't shown up yet. Bright side, maybe it wont be too long before conceiving LO #2

  3. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Eko: yep totally went out and bought condoms. Now I'm nervous for number 2!! Hahaha

  4. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @MrsBrewer: Bahahaha! I do have to say I have my 6 week appointment this Friday and am excited to finally have some normal sex again. Poor DH hasn't been handling the crying with W that he said last night of it doesn't get better soon he doesn't want more kids. I'm hoping he will forget all this misery at some point.

  5. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Eko: not going to lie, DH and I did last week. I feel completely healed. It wasn't great, but hurt a lot less than I thought.

  6. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @MrsBrewer: that's good to know! I maybe would have cheated but I think I'm afraid of it hurting.

  7. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    I had my 6w appointment yesterday and we were chatting about future LOs and birth control and my doctor suggested with my history not to wait until I'm 35 to try for another and should do it sooner than later. I'm like lady I'm only 28, I think I have some time. Smh.

  8. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @Eko: Yikes! I just turned 28, and asked at my 6 week apt if I had enough time to wait until 30 to try again if we decide to add to our family and my midwife said 60% of their patients are over 30! You have plenty of time!

    I'm getting my Mirena at 12:30 today! I had to take cytotec last night to open my cervix, and I'll be darned if it didn't cause intense cramping like contractions!! I needed to reschedule my apt from Monday to today, and at first the receptionist said I have to wait until my cycle comes back. I said, "ugh, I'm 8 weeks postpartum, and exclusively breastfeeding. I'm not supposed to have my cycle yet, and it might not come back until I wean! You mean to tell me I can't get an IUD until then!?!" She said oh. So weird!

  9. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @dc yoga bee: that's really weird! My doctor only said I had to wait until 8 weeks to get an IUD. Sorry to hear about the cramping. That sounds absolutely miserable.

  10. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @Eko: Just got my Mirena! The doctor kept telling me I'd feel pressure and I didn't feel a thing. Took two minutes tops!

    ETA she also said she has no idea why the receptionist said that!

  11. badwolf

    grape / 77 posts

    @MrsBrewer: Mine came back at 6 weeks on the dot too!! I was so upset, I felt totally cheated. It's been going on for a week off and on now, very light but still there. My OB said it's normal to have some periods even when breastfeeding because the uterus still has to shed the lining but that breastfeeding will suppress ovulation. He did prescribe me the mini pill though, since I don't want back to back babies. Hopefully the estrogen only pill doesn't screw my emotions up any more than being pp already has, my poor husband might not be able to take it.

    How are all the June babies? And May babies, since at least a few of us went early. C is 7 weeks tomorrow. She hit a wonder week on our funeral trip and has been smiling, lifting/turning her head, and cooing constantly since then. She teased me the other night by only waking up once during the night and once early in the morning, then went right back to her usual 2-3 hr wake ups last night Mommy was not thrilled with that fakeout. Overall, she's a happy, smiley baby and her baby acne is finally lessening.

  12. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    E turned one month old yesterday and gave me a 5-hour chunk of sleep last night! Hallelujah!! I feel amazing today. He purposefully smiles a ton (but I can never catch it on camera.)

    He also takes a bottle (which my older son never did), so I've gotten out and about a bit with his brother. It's pretty amazing.

  13. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    Today is my first day back at work . Wish me luck as I try to figure out this pumping thing, and try to be productive while sleep deprived! LO slept for four hours so I'm not complaining. All the sudden my oversupply has regulated, and I'm only pumping 1-2 ounces per breast. It makes me nervous I won't be able to pump enough each day to feed her!

  14. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @dc yoga bee: Oh my, already?! So soon! Good luck though mama!! I worry about how I'll manage getting ready for work with LO!

  15. rpparker

    apricot / 363 posts

    @badwolf: We have the same play mat! So cute!

    @dc yoga bee: It seems way too soon for some of us to be going back to work. I think I'm going to start pumping this week to just get a hang of it and start building up a freezer stash. I'm so nervous to start though because I feel like it's a whole new thing to keep up with!

    @LindsayInNY: I've been keeping up with your breastfeeding struggles and questions on some of the other boards and I just wanted to let you know that even though I haven't been able to reply to them I have been struggling with some of the same things and your posts have been helping me as well. I'd love to hear how you weaned from the nipple shield. We went to a LC and LO latched fine without it but then the next feeding at home was so stressfully and I was crying, LO was screaming and we were back on the nipple shield after about 15 minutes. I know I need to keep trying to not use it but at the same time I almost don't want to mess with what's working!

  16. rpparker

    apricot / 363 posts

    Wanted to add a picture from our newborn session!

  17. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    @dc yoga bee: Good luck on your transition back to work. Go easy on yourself. If may take a while to find your work and pumping routine.

    @rpparker:Love the pic, so precious. Hugs on the shield issue. My LC showed me some helpful positions for holding baby. I practiced those while we weren't eating so it was less stressful. In reading the weaning posts keep in mind that there are lots of reasons women use shields. Some are easier to wean than others. Do what works for you and your LO.

  18. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @rpparker: Ah such a cute pic!! I don't really know what helped us... We just stopped when the LC came over and that was it. Except now my nipples are *killing* me so I don't know if it's a latch issue or my nipples adjusting or what. I definitely kept going back to the shield initially though. A pumped bottle helped too because I could tease her with that before moving to the breast. I just hope my nipples heal soon!!

  19. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @badwolf: @Jess1483: @rpparker: super cuties!!!

    @dc yoga bee: good luck with work and pumping! Hope it goes well!

    W is doing starting to get better. We had to put him on the hypoallergenic formula because of his gas issues. It's been quite a roller coaster with switching around formulas. He's only been on this new stuff for less than a week, but I am already noticing a difference. Hope this helps, especially considering this formula is actually covered by insurance He smiles a lot and is already trying to move around. I have a feeling I'm going to be in trouble. Also he is already in 3-6 months sizes in some of the smaller clothes like Gerber.

    We had family in town and W had a big weekend! This is his first trip to fenway.

  20. rosegold

    apricot / 428 posts

    love all the baby pics!

  21. rosegold

    apricot / 428 posts

    anyone else having still serious back pain? i thought all the carrying around and rocking would strengthen my back but the middle of my spine and ribs just ache all the dang time.

  22. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @Eko: Ah, so cute!!

    @rosegold: That hair!! I love it!

  23. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    Such cuties! Love all the baby pictures!

    I can't believe Ellie is almost 7 wks already! Time flies when you're not pregnant lol.

    @rosegold: that paci is so adorable! I wish E would take a paci, I'm sick of being a human pacifier

    He's my little munchkin still pretty bald and totally rockin that double chin lol

  24. rosegold

    apricot / 428 posts

    @hocuspocus: notice the hands poised to jump at any time... this was totally staged as he spits ALL pacis out and only likes mama

  25. badwolf

    grape / 77 posts

    @rosegold: ME! It drives me crazy sometimes. Using the nursing pillow and changing from football to cross cradle hold helped somewhat because I wasn't hunching forward every time I fed her, but I still have back pain regularly. I haven't started working out again yet but I think I'm going to focus heavily on rebuilding my core to support my back, and trying to strengthen my back and shoulders as well.

  26. badwolf

    grape / 77 posts

    C likes her pacifiers when she's falling asleep. These wubbanubs are so cute, I love them! She has this dragon one and a kitty one.

  27. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    First day was a success! I was only able to pump twice. Once at 10:15, and again at 1:30. I got 5 ounces at 10:15, and 3 ounces at 1:30. M drank 8 ounces throughout the day with my mom. She had a good first day as well, and now we are enjoying some snuggles! This was her this morning at my mom's house.

  28. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @dc yoga bee: Glad it went well!!

  29. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Does anyone's LO roll their eyes back when sleeping? She goes through spurts where she'll show the whites of her eyes when sleeping. Sometimes it almost looks like she's awake! Super creepy but is this normal?

  30. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @LindsayInNY: my LO does this as well. I read that it's because they don't have complete control over their eye movements.

    @dc yoga bee: glad to hear that your first day back went so well! Super cute pic.

  31. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

    @dc yoga bee: hooray! How did treating the milk at work go?

  32. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    @LindsayInNY: E does this too and it totally creeps me out. shes also a noisey sleeper and makes crazy gasping noises in her sleep.

  33. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @Eko: @hocuspocus: Phew, okay! One day I tried to take a picture of her doing it and she smirked at the same time. Extra creepy!!

  34. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @Jess1483: I bought a bottle warmer for work that actually got up to 205 degrees! I brought a big McDonald's cup for my ice bath. It takes longer than the "15 minutes pumping break," but I can work while its in the bath and warmer parts. They're frosting my windows today so I don't have to pump in the pumping room aka "supply closet." But, get this- my mom gave her frozen milk from 6.29 that was not treated and it tasted fine, and she drank it. So, as a test, I pumped my afternoon session and did not treat it but sent it straight to the freezer. Let's see if she drinks it next week. We are going to give her one frozen bag out of my 120oz stash a day so it doesn't go bad. It gives me a little since of security in case I can't pump enough one day!

  35. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @dc yoga bee: yay I'm so glad your first day went well!!! Is your mom always going to watch her? If so, that's awesome!!!

  36. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    So it's been almost 3 days since E has popped. I'm starting to get worried. She usually goes like 5 times a day. I called the dr. Office yesterday and spoke with the receptionist, she says it not uncommon for breastfed babies to go a few days without pooping but she didn't give me a time frame of when I should worry. It seems like she's trying to go and she's pretty gassy. she gets a little fussy but idk if she's in pain or not? Anyone else dealing with this?

  37. Jess1483

    nectarine / 2641 posts

  38. just_ju

    cherry / 195 posts

    So many cute baby pics! them!

    Things are going pretty well with the little dude. We're working on weaning from the nipple shield, and we've been having okay luck with that. He's getting better at latching without starting on the shield, but I think he's not latching correctly because it's kind of painful. I should see an LC for help, but not driving (and hubs not having vacation time) makes that difficult, so I'm using YouTube videos to try to fix things. Crossing fingers we figure things out soon - I love our nursing time, but I don't love sore nips.

  39. hocuspocus

    apricot / 373 posts

    @Jess1483: thank you! Feel so much better after reading that I was beginning to panic. She went from like 3-5 a day to all of a sudden nothing in 3 days. Relieving to see it's normal

  40. MamaB

    cherry / 234 posts

    Survival tips or encouragement for the 6 week growth spurt/ sleep regression/ peak of fussiness?

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