Hellobee Boards


June 2016 moms!

  1. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @meadow: my favorite part of my last two ultrasounds was seeing the baby wiggle and move around! Can't imagine how special seeing 2 of them is!!

    @Mrs. Pink: @Alba4: @pastemoo: @MrsKRB: I love sleeping on my stomach! I actually move around a lot during the night. When are we supposed to stop sleeping on our back?

    @catomd00: i've been wanting to get a snoogle! I think I should just go ahead and order it now.

    @Ree723: I've had some issues with reflux too. Not fun!

    @MMcAlli: I think I felt a slight movement the other day but I'm not sure! I can't wait to feel more! It's still a little unbelievable to think there's a tiny baby growing inside of me!

    @Mrs. Peanut: I'm impressed that you're TG for your first! I think it's so fun to be TG but I'm just too curious and impatient for my first. May consider it in the future!

  2. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @starlitsky: I think 20 weeks or so. I asked for a snooze for Christmas, so hoping it's under the tree!!

  3. Mrs. Peanut

    apricot / 347 posts

    @MrsKRB: I thought it was strange too. But I don't have a log in or anything for my insurance. I could call and ask for details and give them the number on my card.

    @catomd00: I do have a deductible. I believe it's $1,000 for our family. I don't know enough about insurance to fully understand this stuff. I honestly have no idea how it works. They didn't make me pay my copay either ($20) but I think you get one free visit a year or something like that. Perhaps I should just call my insurance and ask how it all works and what I can expect for the next 6 months.

    @starlitsky: DH really helped with the TG decision. It helps me knowing that I'll get all gender neutral stuff so I can use it for my next LO too! I am definitely curious though.

  4. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @starlitsky: I read somewhere that you can as long as it's comfortable? There are some tricks with boppy pillows etc but I feel like I'm laying on a big beach ball already lol

    That's just me personally though! I went longer last time!!

  5. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    I *think* I felt movement yesterday but need to feel it again to be sure- I remember what kicks feel like but the very early flutters are vague because I don't remember how early they started and I dismissed them early on because I wasn't expecting them!!

  6. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @Mrs. Peanut: so with a $1,000 deductible you need to pay that first before insurance kicks in. So, I'm guessing the $12 was the full charge, then the date negotiated with the insurance company was $7. Once you hit $1k between co pays and lab visits, etc. your insurance will kick in. You'll want to see if it's at 100% or not. Some will only pay 90% or so and you'll be on the hook for that 10% up until your out of pocket max for the year. Definitely call ifYou have questions. I work in healthcare and it's still confusing!

  7. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    This comment has been deleted by the original poster.

  8. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @Mrs. Peanut: You can also ask the billing department at your ob/gyn for an explanation. I try that way first because they can usually explain it with out a long phone call. If I still have questions then I call the insurance. (though sometimes your billing department at the doc is... well... lacking... but hopefully you have good one!)

  9. Madyetbeautiful

    coffee bean / 30 posts

    Apologies for being awol for ages - have spent much of this afternoon catching up on everyones lovely news, scans and symptoms! We are currently debating ideas for a family Xmas announcement, so it's lovely reading what everyone else has done/ is doing.

    I've had a few funny days recently, the best of which was a 3 hour early morning car journey where DH had to stop the car 10mins into the journey for me to dash out (you get the picture). Usually I'm fine thereafter, but two hours later, only a few miles before leaving the motorway I became SO sick and we had NOTHING in the car I could use. DH is at this point saying "stick your head out the window!!". Hmm, not sure whether any of you have tried this in the fast lane of a busy motorway in strong winds - it doesn't work too well. Cue sick EVERYWHERE (though for the most part all over me - jeans, hair, face and seat covered) and another hour left of the journey to go. At this point my situation was so bad I turned to hysterical laughter (DH couldn't work out for a few mins if I was laughing or crying as had tears streaming down my face). I'm still giggling about it now - boy did I feel attractive in that moment. Figure it's prepping me for the joys to come. Thankfully we are now more prepared for when we have to do the same journey again next week (groan).

    On a different note, we had our NT scan today and it was fantastic - baby danced most of the way through it and then decided to nap at the end. Was so cute. Measurements were fine but they had a hard time taking bloods (always do) and have rather a sore hand now! However, we've graduated from specialist to OB! Yay! DH had to finish up the appointment while I acquainted myself with the hospital bathroom (you're probably noticing the theme of my month about now...).

    In terms of weird symptoms, my teeth have become ULTRA sensitive to cold foods about twice a week and every 2-3 days it really makes no difference whether I have eaten breakfast or not. I've joined the oranges/citrus 'club' and seem to be craving summer foods like salad (cold cucumber and ice lollies are the best thing ever, apparently). Think that brings me up to date!

    -12w 0

  10. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @starlitsky: when it makes you feel sick or your legs tingle? It s supposed to be obvious. You can put a wedge of about 15 degrees under your left back and still sleep on your back. 😃 I got the boppy wedge

  11. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    I finally had my first appointment today and there is a baby in there! I mean, rationally I know I'm pregnant, but going a long 12 weeks without any kind of confirmation makes one's mind start to wander!

    Anyway, all looked good - everything is exactly as it should be and our little one was a moved and a shaker (could have been due to the Coke I'd had with lunch a couple of hours earlier!). This little one was exactly like my first DD - lots of waving and what appeared to be thumb sucking, whilst also constantly flipping around. Once again, I have an anterior placenta so it will probably be a while before I feel any movement, but if today is anything to go by, that will probably be a good thing! I also have a due date now of June 22nd, which I think is off by a few days, but we'll go with it.

    I'm feeling knackered now after an exhilarating day! We had our DD1's school nativity play this morning and it was her first time being in any kind of show (she's nearly 3.5 yrs old). I was that mum with the big cheesy grin on my face the whole time, just bursting with pride! And then from there we went out for lunch and then off for our scan. It's just been excitement after excitement after excitement today.....and now the adrenaline has worn off and I'm knackered

    Anyway, here's a picture of our newest LO! We're still going to be TG, but now starts my obsessing over skull theory, nub theory, similarities to my other two etc in a quest to guess the sex! I'm leaning towards boy but it's all obviously just a guess....

    ~ 12w 5d

  12. Mrs. Peanut

    apricot / 347 posts

    @catomd00: @RKitty: I called both. My insurance was a very long automated conversation. Apparently they covered a whole heck of a lot! I'm still not quite sure why that charge wasn't covered but everything else was, but it seems like nobody could really answer that. The billing department just said it was my copay. I guess what I don't understand is why I pay a copay on some things but not others. I guess it's my specific policy? I don't know! Luckily, it is 100% past 1k so that helps. Although I bet in January it resets. At least I only have one more appointment before the new year. Thanks for all your guys' help and advice! Stuff like this just makes my head spin.

    @Madyetbeautiful: I'm glad you're doing alright even if you're quite sick. Your LO looks awesome!


  13. Mrs. Peanut

    apricot / 347 posts

    @Ree723: sorry I didn't see your post! I can imagine it would be very hard going that long without getting that reassurance! I'm glad your LO is doing well! Out of curiosity, what makes you say boy? I'm like you, team green but doing lots of wondering!!

  14. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @Mrs. Peanut: glad you sorta got an answer lol. I gave birth to my first 20 days after our new plan year so I was blessed to pay my $4k deductible twice! So thankful this time everything is covered 100% with the exception of a $100 copay for my admission.

  15. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @Madyetbeautiful: sorry you've been so sick! Babe looks so cute though!

    @Ree723: woohoo glad you finally got tones your babe! So precious!

  16. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Madyetbeautiful: cute little baby sorry you're feeling so sick it should start to get better soon!

    @Ree723: yay for a good scan! For nub and skull I say another girl

    Has anyone else tried the kettle brand dill pickle potato chips?? I cannot stop eating them!!

  17. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    Is anyone rocking a legit bump yet?? I think you early due date ladies may be ready for us to start a bump thread!!!

    I am definitely thick in the middle, my flowy stomach-hiding shirts now hit my stomach very unflattering, but just look like I'm getting plumped up for the winter. I started my baby bump pics at 12 weeks last pregnancy, but I am not interested in taking pics this time around. I'll probably start around 14 or 15 weeks


  18. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @runnerd: I for sure am- I posted one a week or maybe 2 ago? I never remember to take weekly ones though! #fail

    but a bump thread would be fun!

    also, has anyone started thinking of names? I had been thinking Jackson for a boy and Charlotte for a girl left over as "top choices" from last time but neither are really calling to me this time!

    Middle name will be Ellis for a boy and maybe Ellisabeth for a girl to incorporate my father in law's middle name-- we did Joelle for my daughter to honor my Grandpa whose name was Joe so I'd like to continue a similar tradition this go round

  19. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    Just had my 12 week NT Scan and all looks great! So cool to see a real baby!

    I had a scary bleeding episode yesterday afternoon. It was a short gush of dark red blood. I was freaking out. It turned to spotting and is now completely gone. The doctor wants me to take it easy for the next week or two, so I'm calling out of work for the rest of the week. Luckily school is closed for two weeks, but not running after my 2 year old will be the real challenge!

    Glad to hear you are all doing well.

  20. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    I think it's time for a bump thred! Does anyone want to start one?

    @Mrs. Pink: I thought I would be much better about taking bump pics, but I haven't been! As for names, if it's a boy he will be Connor Stephen (middle after my dad who passed), if it's a girl some ideas we have are Quinn, Hadley (Haddie) and Reilly, no ideas for a middle!

  21. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Alba4: glad all is well after the bleeding! No fun!!

  22. brownepiano

    persimmon / 1467 posts

    @runnerd: I think I am, but it is hard to tell. I tried to take a pic a couple weeks ago, but between a tiny mirror and a black dress they just didn't come out very well. I think I am just horrible at taking bump pictures.

    @mrs. pink: We are horrible at coming up with names and to make it harder on ourselves we named DS a J biblical name, and DH and I are both J biblical names, so we are planning on trying to do another J biblical name. I really want a girl, but our naming scheme is going to make it crazy hard if we do have one!

  23. runnerd

    pear / 1593 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: Ellis is LO #1's middle name

    Our frontrunner for a boy is Eli, and Paige for a girl, but still very up for debate. If it's a boy, we will use DH's middle name (Duncan, which is his mom's maiden name), and if it's a girl the middle name will be my mom's maiden name (Olive)

  24. RKitty

    apricot / 341 posts

    @brownepiano: There are perfectly good girl biblical names. Like say Rachel... Not that I have preference for that name or anything....

    ops! you want a J name .. maybe this will help? - http://www.babynology.com/biblical-girlnames-j0.html

  25. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    I'm bored at home today so I started a bump thred! Let's see them big or small!

  26. MMcAlli

    cherry / 154 posts

    Yay for all the good news & good ultrasounds for many! Love seeing all these babies.

    @Alba4: Sorry for the scary bleed. Hopefully some rest will help & you don't have to experience that again!

    @MrsKRB: Thanks for starting the bump thread! I will be posting soon! It's funny I had planned on doing the weekly shots BUT this morning/ all day sickness really ruins everything. Hoping it ends soon!

    Hope everyone has a good week! Only 9 Days till Christmas, hope everyone is ready!


  27. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    Is anyone here on progesterone? My doctor Prescribed me suppositories to use for the next 2 months due to my bleeding episode and because I had slight cramping.

    I'm relieved the baby is ok, but I guess I'm a little nervous that I already need interventions. My pregnancy with my son was such a breeze.

  28. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    @Alba4: I've had Progrsterone with both pregnancies through 20 weeks

    First go I did the injections (2 shots 3 times a week until 14 weeks or so and then 1 shot 3x a week until 20)

    This go round I'm on pills so I take 2 a day every single day

    My levels are very, very low-- my body just doesn't make it on its own until the placenta takes over I guess?

  29. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    @Alba4: I'm on progesterone. I've been on it since 4 weeks and I get to stop at the end of 12 weeks. I'm on Endometrin 100 mg twice daily.

  30. starlitsky

    clementine / 795 posts

    @Madyetbeautiful: yay good to hear from you, and your LO is a cutie!! Congrats on graduating to an OB! Have you decided on how to announce at Christmas yet?

    @Ree723: how did you last until 12w?? I remember feeling like even 3 weeks in between my first two appointments was an eternity! So glad everything is ok and that there IS a baby in there!!

    @Alba4: yay for your NT scan going well! Eek about the bleeding but glad it stopped!

    @runnerd: I don't think I'm showing yet, at least not with a bump. I just feel thicker all around! I'm on the taller side so I feel like I might not have a real bump for a while. I should probably start taking pics soon though, just for comparison purposes.

    I just hit 14w this week, can't believe it's the 2nd trimester already!!


  31. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    I think I forgot to update after my 12 week appointment I had on Monday! I ended up waking up puking at 4am on Monday. I had the stomach bug. I knew it was going to happen before I went to bed on Sunday night. I tossed and turned until 4am when I finally was able to puke. Over and over again until 8am. Luckily it stopped at that point.

    My appointment was at 9am. There was no way I was missing it. So I went, puke bag in hand. Luckily I was fine the whole time. However, they had to do a pap and I hadn't shaved my legs or anything! Luckily I had showered. Ugh. At least it is over.

    We were able to hear the heartbeat. It was 155 bpm. The little stinker was trying his hardest to hide and even kicked the doppler trying to make it go away, but we got him eventually.

    My son wore his "This is what an awesome brother looks like" tshirt the next day to daycare to tell them and I told my boss and everyone at work on Tuesday! Its starting to feel real now!

    I don't think I'm showing yet. I'm just kinda thicker in the middle so far. I didn't show until at least 18 weeks last time and that was still barely showing. I am certain it will be much sooner this time.


  32. meadow

    persimmon / 1272 posts

    @Madyetbeautiful: Ugh on the rough time being sick - I hope you are starting to feel better!! So happy for the cute baby in your scan photo

    @Ree723: What an exciting day! NT scan success AND DD's play! How fun

    @Alba4: I was on progesterone in the beginning (endometrin) as as suppository from 3 - 8ish weeks. It was good to have the support (and well I guess necessary in my case...) but I can say the day that I stopped leaking in my underwear 24/7 was a BEAUTIFUL DAY - haha. But truthfully - getting the support your body needs right now is so good and worth the silly side effects!! I've even read of people being on progesterone through the end of their pregnancy!

    @Dr. Pepper: Yay for a strong heartbeat! I love how you sent your son to daycare with a shirt to reveal things - how cute!!!

    I can't believe how many of you have thought of names already! I am so not even beginning to think about them. I told my husband that was a project for post-Christmas. I told my work friends and boss on Monday and it went over so well! It was a lunch full of repeated excitement as various people came into the room after I already revealed and I separately told them with everyone watching. It is such a relief not to hide it at work anymore! I fell asleep the past two nights at 8pm and it was glorious!

  33. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    re: names

    hubby said I'll probably just get my way this time again LOL he's not big on choosing names- so I'm hoping he sticks with that and lets me just pick haha

  34. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    We had a tough time choosing DS's name. We only agreed on 1 name and then DH let me choose the middle name. We are going to wait to even start the search/debate until we know the sex. Should know by Jan!

  35. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @meadow: we don't even bother discussing names much until we know the sex. January 5th and we will hopefully know!

  36. Mrs. Peanut

    apricot / 347 posts

    I had my second appointment a few days ago. It was great! We got to hear the heartbeat. The midwife actually said, "Wow, that's a great heartbeat!" So I was really pleased. She said it was between 150-160.

    Christmas is coming up and I am getting nervous about going public. We've kept this secret for so long that it's nerve-wracking to think that everyone will know soon. We are telling both sets of parents separately on Christmas Eve and friends on Christmas Day. After Christmas Day we are sending out our Christmas / New Years cards that have an announcement in them. I hope it all goes well, and I just hope that DH isn't too upset by the extra attention and questions. He's extremely private, so personal questions like, "how long were you trying?" can be upsetting to him sometimes. I think everything will go well. I'll just feel better when it's all over with though I think!

    @runnerd: I'm getting thicker in the middle too and my stomach is harder near my belly button. It's still easy to hide though. I think it helps that this is my first.

    @Mrs. Pink: We talked about names before even TTC. Once we got the BPF, there was no doubt about our names: Claire for a girl and Weston for a boy. Those are the only names we both love, so I bet we will have a hard time deciding for future LOs.

    @Dr. Pepper: I'm glad your appointment went well! There is something so magical about hearing that heartbeat.

    - 13w2d

  37. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs. Peanut: And find out if the year restarts on January 1 for your insurance, or on a different date. Don't want to worry about deductible twice. That is so cool you have the names down already! Do you have middle names already, too?

    Sorry I haven't been updating, school got hectic and I got sleepy again. still keeping up with yoga, only puked twice in the last 2 weeks, definitely appreciating 2nd tri.
    Occasionally feeling the baby move (every few days), and can definitely feel where the baby is even when I can't feel it move.
    Rescheduling my ultrasound appt due to DH's schedule. Should I do 19 weeks or 21 weeks? I kind of want to wait longer, but then it will be like 7 weeks since my last appointment (too long?).
    Got bloodwork yesterday, more anti-E titers (DH has the antigen as it turns out, so I'll be getting that redone frequently, and AFP. Did you know they can do in utero surgery if baby has a spinal column closure defect? With DS I don't know that I knew that! That's pretty wonderful. I skipped all the tests for stuff that doesn't have treatment.
    Still working on names, I want to be set on a boy and girl name BEFORE DH finds out. I am going to not find out as long as DH can keep the secret.

    @Mrs. Pink: Any more movement? How does it feel? How many weeks ago ( I realize you posted that a week ago!)

    @Madyetbeautiful: My teeth have been sensitive, too! Especially cold, and the worst is I like cold chocolate so now chocolate hurts. Oh well. Puking on yourself and the care is the worst! How are you doing?

    @Ree723: Hi cutie baby! That is exciting! How are you doing?

    @MrsKRB: Yes, legit bump depending on the style of clothing. Can you link the thread?

    @brownepiano: Naming is so so hard! We usually like biblical names, too.
    @MMcAlli: How are you doing?
    @Dr. Pepper: When do you get to stop?

    Did we all stop doing the -weeks tags at the end?

    Can anyone recommend an (apple)app for following pregnancy? I want something mostly about the development of baby, not about being pregnant or shopping or registries.
    @Alba4: How long are you stuck on progesterone? Just 1st tri, right?


  38. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @pastemoo: I'm isuaning Ovia and the bump app. Ovia is a mixture of development and pregnancy/registries but the bump is pretty much focused on development.

  39. Contemplating

    coffee bean / 33 posts

    I've just been catching up with everything! I have been awol for a few weeks.

    So nice to see all the scans! Excited to hear about our 2 boys!

    I have been so exhausted, at one stage I was needing 12 hours of sleep a day just to be able to function. Had a Thyriod test done and I was found to have low thyriod function so I have been started on a medication, my energy levels are getting better and the follow up bloods are are in the right range.

    I am still vomiting... once every 2-3 days. I am still on the nausea medication, I was hoping now that I am in the 2nd trimester things would be getting better. It is alarming the amount of medications I am needing to take but I just have to work with it. At least I am functioning a bit better. I have had the moment with my DH where I am laughing so hard about loosing my food that I'm almost crying... it's a very unattractive feeling.

    I have a bump, most of my fat sits at the front of my tummy so the little bump looks like it sticks out far. I have to wear mat pants now and other people are starting to notice and comment. At the work Christmas party people were starting to rub my belly, which was strange. I understand that it is all in good intentions but they only asked if it was okay after they had already done it.

    We will find out if it is a boy or a girl on Jan 12th when we have our next scan, which will be 20 weeks. In BC you can't find out the sex before then. We are excited to find out what it is. Trying to figure out how we are going to reveal to the family, as we are on the other side of the world to the rest of our family it will need to be over Skype or maybe sending a picture of pink or blue socks.

    We started to feel a fluttering in my lower abdomen this week, DH has even been able to feel it which is pretty special. The other night one of our cats was cuddled up to my belly and was purring very loudly and then I could feel LO fluttering

    Hope everyone has a happy Christmas!


  40. Contemplating

    coffee bean / 33 posts

    @pastemoo: I use pregnancy+, it's really good, week by week info and daily info as well. It also has a timeline that is nice to see as well.

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