Hellobee Boards


March 2016 moms

  1. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @Mrs D: Yea, I'm sure they feel different for everybody, my mom said her back to normal contractions were super painful too. And I didn't anything besides tylenol and ibuprofen because I couldn't stay awake to nurse!

    Ugh, the sore nipples. Mine just got worse and worse because we contracted thrush- it was AWFUL. I hope to never experience it again.

    @Alivoo01: That's exactly what I want to do, go in with an open mind, I just think about it way too often! I need something else to fixate on I guess, lol.

  2. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @sailgrl18: OH man, that sounds awful!

    I did like knowing when it was time to push though, it was so much easier for me then them telling me when to push.

  3. sailgrl18

    cherry / 127 posts

    @princessandthebee: It makes me a bit nervous for this time. No clue how fast I'll progress on my own without the pitocin. I do want to have an epi despite the fact that it failed.

  4. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @princessandthebee: That's amazing - it's best to have babies in April. "Oh, great, then can I just keep this guy in for an extra month? No? Then why are you telling me this!" This morning my husband told me that my due date was an inconvenient time for him at work and I just about murdered him.

    My guess for me is March 15, because I have no hope that this baby will flip. Once all of you start having babies, though, I'm going to get so frustrated, I feel like everybody's due dates are earlier than mine!

    re: epidural, I don't think you need to make up your mind in advance. See how it goes and how you feel, and do what you can to get through it. Maybe it will be easier than you think this time! My friend had an epidural with her first and planned to with her second but by the time she got to the hospital she was ready to push. Personally my plan was to try to go naturally but to be open to an epidural if I felt like I needed one.

    @Mrs D: Deep down I think I would have been that way too. I was all "blah blah I think I can do it naturally!" but I think once it started to hurt I would have said "Drugs please!"

    ANOTHER ultrasound yesterday - I'm hopeful that if my fluid levels are still ok they'll let me stop going weekly. I did find out that the baby has flipped on the vertical axis - he's facing the opposite direction now. I don't know if that means anything - he has more room to move? The chiropractor said he looked a lot lower, too, which I think is probably a bad sign - once his butt gets stuck I think he's in his final position.

  5. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @erinbaderin: Right? This ped was such an odd guy! And yea, hubby, not something you say to your almost due pregnant wife!

    This was me on HB last time. The majority of regular commenters were due in early July and I wasn't due until July 25th! It was so hard to wait!

    Yea, I hear that happens a lot with baby #2! I think I finally let go of a plan about the epi. Too many unknowns in birth. I'm such a planner though, gah.

  6. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @erinbaderin: Hoping your levels are good, and fingers crossed for a last minute flip!!

  7. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    So I know I keep bringing this up, but I came to some clarity this morning about induction and the possibility of should dystocia.

    I've been blissfully ignorant about how severe a condition it can be and how rare it actually is. My chances are greater to have it with baby #2 because I had it with my first but still from what I've read, it's rare to have it twice in a row.

    That said, I decided I'll definitely induce right away once I hit 40 weeks if baby boy hasn't arrived by then.

    @Mrs D: Your thread about induction was really helpful and since my cervix is favorable, it seems like that would be a better option than waiting for baby and baby possibly getting too big/getting stuck during delivery.

    So I'm 40 weeks on Sunday March 6th and possibly then a March 7th baby? Our anniversary is March 9th so ideally baby comes before then!
    We'll see what the OB says next Monday. But I feel better going in with my decision ahead of time instead of being swayed one way or the other.

    Annnnnnnd now, that I made a decision baby will come before and I won't have to worry about it, lol.

  8. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @princessandthebee: I was a shoulder dystocia baby. Only one out of my mom's three kids, if it makes you feel any better.

  9. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: Thanks, it does!

  10. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    @erinbaderin: my mom had the nerve to call and ask how likely it was for baby to come early because she had to decide whether to commit to a conference. Seriously?!

    I have an appointment in 45 minutes. They did blood work last week to make sure I don't have preeclampsia presenting in an uncharacteristic way. My BP and protein have been fine but I've had some other "symptoms" I guess. I feel like pregnancy for me is a series of near-misses with issues! Hoping this is just another one of those things.

    Been having irregular contractions for the last 24 hours, so I'm hoping they're helping me progress a little.

  11. ksnow

    apricot / 371 posts

    Had my 36 week appointment yesterday. The did the GBS test (no results yet) and a blood draw for CBC. DR was acting shocked I hadn't packed my bag yet...i'll get to it, plus I need the 2 yoga pants I wear constantly still!

    Like all you guys I'm feeling uncomfortable. Woke up at 415 today, ugh. Already heavier than when I delivered my daughter at 41+ weeks. Hoping to not be late this time!

  12. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @princessandthebee: LOL!! Sounds like a good game plan to me!

    @mrsrain: *face palm* to your mom! Sorry chica!! Hopefully the blood work comes back for pre-e for you!!

    @ksnow: I'm also 36 weeks and haven't packed my hospital bags yet. I did pick out DD's coming home outfit though. Only thing we'll bring with us is our coming home outfits, toiletries, and chargers so not much to pack really.

  13. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    @ksnow: @Alivoo01: I'm 36 weeks, too! Well, I will be on Thursday. I did pack my bag, but I keep thinking of things I need to add

    Appointment went well. A little protein in urine, but BP and blood tests were perfect. Whew! She did my GBS swab today and checked out my cervix. 1.5cm dilated and soft, but still long. She said baby's head is engaged, deeper than she thought, so here's hoping he stays that way! Her best guess is that I have another couple of weeks.

  14. Lilbear

    apricot / 451 posts

    @mrsrain: gah those questions are so annoying!!! I have been getting a lot of that at work myself. People don't realize that labor could happen at any second 2 weeks before OR after your due date.

    I haven't actually packed my hospital bag yet (36 weeks on Thursday) but I do have a list of all the things I plan to pack. The baby's going home clothing options are washed and ready but not yet placed inside the bag.

    Sleeping at night is starting to get really difficult and uncomfortable. Lots of achey back/rib/hip pain. This is going to be a long 4 more weeks! I guess the silver lining is that you are already used to not sleeping at night by the time the baby comes lol!

  15. MrsLilybugg

    pear / 1650 posts

    @Lilbear: that's what i am saying to myself too about lack of sleep! (training for newborn)

    i'm almost 36 weeks and also should pack my bag!

  16. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    Not packing a bag at all this time, but I didn't pack at all with my first till I was in labor and didn't till the night before my scheduled induction with my second. Packing ahead of time is over rated, lol.

  17. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: Plus you have your home birth so yay for easy accessibility to things! lol

  18. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @princessandthebee: If it helps, I think that planning to try naturally but be open to an epidural counts as a plan!

    @mrsrain: Did you tell your mom that the best way to get the baby to come early was probably for her to commit to something else?

    @ksnow: I have my bag half packed, but it's so far in advance and a lot of the stuff I'm still using! So I've got my cozy socks and nursing tank and stuff in a bag, and a list of what I need to add, but I can't finish until closer to the time. I did pack the baby bag but that's just because I was feeling anxious and wanted to feel like I was making progress on my to-do list.

    @Lilbear: I'm also feeling so uncomfortable at night! I think actually part of the blame lies with the chiropractor - she told me that apparently my hips/pelvis have been out of alignment for a long time so now that she's been adjusting it, my left side is having to do work it isn't used to doing. I'm sure this is good in the long term but in the short term everything hurts!

  19. MrsLilybugg

    pear / 1650 posts

    @erinbaderin: I have been wanting to go
    To a chiro because I feel like my first pregnancy affected my hips too! Maybe I should get an appt to be adjusted AFTER this baby !

  20. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    All this talk of hospital bags made me nervous so I made DH help me organize our stuff tonight! Another thing off the list, yay.

    I feel like I'm bringing too much but I'm a chronic over-packer, so...
    clothes for DH and I (with my summer baby I got to leave the hospital in a sundress, this time it'll be yoga pants for sure)
    breast pillow (sent my parents home for this last time, I definitely used it in the hospital and it really helped with learning to nurse)
    sleeping bag and pillow for DH- poor guy has to sleep on a crappy pull out chair/bed thingy
    bucket car seat, cover, and blanket
    baby's going home options: one newborn size, one 0-3
    phone chargers
    cooler bag with snacks and Gatorade
    birth wish list

    I think that's it, last time we brought a diaper bag too but this time we'll just bring clothes for baby and a tote bag to grab all the hospital loot!

  21. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    @Lilbear: @MrsLilybugg: FWIW, I slept so much better once my daughter was born! Sure, I was up every few hours to nurse and change her, but when I was actually sleeping I was SIGNIFICANTLY more comfortable, and usually fell asleep pretty quickly.

    @erinbaderin: I think I was just like, "are you SERIOUSLY calling to ask me this?" She's pretty narcissistic, so it wasn't even really that surprising.

    @princessandthebee: looks like a pretty good list to me!

    Cervical check was not painful in the least, and there was no spotting or cramping or anything afterwards. I am getting some pink mucus tonight, though, about 12 hours later. Is that normal for a cervical check? I never had any with my last, so I don't know!

  22. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    For nursing pillows, if anybody plans to do some traveling once the babies are born I bought an inflatable nursing pillow with B and it was so useful - so much easier to pack! I'm taking it to the hospital this time to try to cut down on how much stuff we have. Last time it felt like we were moving in permanently, we had so much stuff with us.

  23. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @mrsrain: I think so! I was crampy after my cervical check last week.

  24. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @mrsrain: I usually have more contractions the day I have a cervical check!

    @erinbaderin: never heard of a travel one, that's awesome! I have a brest friend and a boppy. Love the brest friend and use the boppy more for propping baby up.

  25. MrsLilybugg

    pear / 1650 posts

    @mrsrain: I definitely had some pink spotting after a cervical check !

  26. Lilbear

    apricot / 451 posts

    @mrsrain: yes pink spotting and cramps are normal after cervical checks. I have my first one tomorrow, and I can't wait to find out if anything is starting to happen yet!

  27. ksnow

    apricot / 371 posts

    This website is kind of neat shows % chance of labor by day! Seems weird to me though how many it has as past 42 weeks.

  28. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @erinbaderin: I was chatting with a lady at work yesterday who was asking if the baby was head down (which E is so I am happy) but anyways she mentioned that her baby was head down until 38 w and she saw a chiropractor trained in the "Webster" method...who successfully flipped her baby. She said it was not painful or harmful to the baby at all...just wanted to pass that on...

    @mrsrain: oh your mom...sounds like my mom talking about how stressed she is not knowing when the baby will come..."oh you dont say...bc its not stressing me at all!!!"

    I am definitely more crampy after checks. And certainly after sweeps!

    @Navy_Mommy: I am for sure envious of the convenience of home birth!!! Amazing to have all your stuff there!!!

    AFM...had my 38w appt today and all is well. I am 3cm and 50% effaced. Having mild contractions and some swelling most evenings. Dr today said to not ignore it if the contractions become more "real"...she said when it happens I'll know what it means...fingers crossed.

    Plan for now is my appt on Weds (3/2) I'll have a more aggressive membrane sweep to see if things get moving on their own. Will also likely schedule an induction for 3/7 as a back up...She said she would really like for me to be 4cm next week when scheduling an induction but that I am still a great candidate where I am now...

  29. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    @ksnow: wow, low chances all around! I wonder how they get the stats?

  30. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Mrs D: We might have the same induction date and both have babies on the same day (and time maybe???)!!

    I was almost 2cm and 25% effaced at my appt yesterday (still at -3 station wise). I was 36+2, so with the slight progression from last week, she doesn't think I'll be needing cervadil. And since I'm getting admitted so dang early (5am!!!!! ), I'll probably have DD between 3:30pm-6pm. Since my induction with DS went so well, she's thinking it'll be even easier with DD. However, she's been a stubborn lil one so we'll see. I can only hope/pray my L&D will be though!

  31. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Alivoo01: FYI...my sister was induce with her second (deemed medically necessary bc she went SO fast with her first they were worried she may not make it to the hospital)...she was admitted at 4am at 4cm (to start antibiotics for GBS+), got her epi at 7am...broke her water...baby was out at 11am...so they can go super smooth and quick!!!

  32. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @princessandthebee: I have 2 as well, a boppy and some other brand. I use one for upstairs and one for downstairs so I'm not dragging them up and down.

    @Mrs D: Yeah, the chiro I've been seeing is trained in the Webster technique. I feel like maybe if I had started earlier it might have been successful?

    @Alivoo01: It's crazy that they make us come in so early, huh? My c section is at 6:30am and I have to be there at 4:30. Get a start on my sleep loss early!

    I am having a rough week - got a call at 9am Tuesday that B had thrown up at daycare, so I had to go get him. He was fine all day long, but then threw up at midnight so that meant late-night laundry, the tragedy of having to go to sleep without Raccoon, and a slightly vomit-smelling baby snuggled up between us in bed, plus he had to stay home again Wednesday. He's been fine ever since but I woke up at 3am feeling sick and now I have his stomach bug. I'm SUPER glad that he didn't seem to feel as terrible as I do, because I feel AWFUL. Also my stomach keeps cramping up and every time it does I think "nope, I couldn't have handled natural labour."

  33. Mrs. Cookie

    blogger / persimmon / 1225 posts

    @erinbaderin: Oh man, being while pregnant is the worst! I hope you feel better soon!

    @Mrs D: @Alivoo01: yay for good appointments and progressing!

  34. Loscato

    olive / 64 posts

    Not really pregnancy related except for the fact that DD has to wear this cast (buckle fracture) for 4 weeks, so I had to add my mom to the list of people who can take her in for appointments just in case I'm in the middle of labor! She gets her cast off March 22, I'm due March 29.

  35. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Loscato: bummer she has the cast...but is it glittery purple? If so thats awesome!!!

  36. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    @Loscato: aww, poor sweet girl!

  37. Loscato

    olive / 64 posts

    @Mrs D: Yes, it's purple with glitter. How cool is that? Plus it's waterproof so we don't have to worry about bath time and she can still go to swim class.

  38. Lilbear

    apricot / 451 posts

    @Loscato: Awwww poor kid! I hope she feels better soon!

    Yesterday I had my first cervical check (36 weeks) and I am dilated 1 cm. I was 1 cm at every single cervical check during my last month of pregnancy with my DD, so I kind of feel like maybe I am always at 1 cm at all times during pregnancy! We'll see if I happen to dilate anymore in the next few weeks! I hope so!

    Also "the baby" (not me!!!) seems to have gained 5 pounds over the last 2 weeks! 😉 Lol

  39. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Loscato: that is amazing! I am constantly terrified of K breaking bones...she is just so reckless...but the fact that they make glittery/waterproof casts makes me feel much better...

  40. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    Lots of prodormal labor the past 24 hours. Contractions that are intense enough to stop me in my tracks or wake me up but never progress to anything. Suuuuuuuuuper fun, lol.

    I'm so thankful for it to be the weekend so DH can help with the boys. It's supposed to be a really nice weekend, too, so I'm hoping to drag my lazy butt out for another beach walk.

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