Hellobee Boards


March 2017 moms!

  1. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: thanks... But most sound so icky haha. I told DH about your idea so I was going to do the same. I just haven't looked yet. Right now I am thinking chili one night that's all I have so far. I have wanted to try oatmeal, but really the thought is so icky!

  2. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Weswife: I think something with looking at the pictures of the food helped. Some I couldn't even look at, and anything that looked mildly appeasing I marked.
    But now we're out grocery shopping and walking past half the food is making me heave ugh. This sucks.

  3. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: haha we are about to go grocery shopping and this is my current list of dinners (and so not healthy) lol: chili, tator tot casserole, steak tacos, and general Taos chicken. All crock pot and I figure better than pop tarts hahah

  4. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    Ok look at this tire roll... Omg

  5. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    -March 2017 Mamas-
    March 5: Raspberries
    March 12: MrsB2012
    March 13: OskarsMommy
    March 15: Weswife
    March 17: Pinkberry
    March 19: sheskrafty
    March 21: Coffee-Lover
    March 22: codeitall
    March 26: lilyann , LoveHope, islarey
    March 27: LovelyPlum; Mrs. Pen
    March 31: beth24
    April 3: mrsmacSLP

  6. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: @lilyann: Beautiful little beans!

    @islarey: Ahh, that's so scary! I'm glad it turned out fine - but seriously, a stomach bug on top of morning sickness is just cruel!

    @Weswife: Yeah, my diet hasn't been great at all. I gained 46lbs last pregnancy, so I'm really hoping to keep it down this time, too. Watermelon and grapes have been life savers for me - they fill me up and I can keep them down!

  7. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: I think it's sad (and a little hilarious?) that while you were looking through cookbooks for healthy food, I was doing the exact same but with a dessert cookbook. I have so many cookies I want to make now!

    @Weswife: My "bump" looks bigger than yours - I can't wait to get out of the just-chubby-looking stage and into the definitely-pregnant stage!

  8. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    so it's 9:12 am, and I just ate my lunch...

  9. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @raspberries: I told you I don't look pregnant! I look fat!!! Lol

  10. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @oskarsmommy: don't worry I eat non stop!

  11. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: I'm sorry about your new EDD but that also makes us twins!

    @Weswife: my diet sucks. Veggies are terrible, some protein, blueberries, and yogurt are OK, everything else is hit or miss. I hate it.

    Today was the first day of school, and I am totally beat. I came home and collapsed all afternoon. Stamina, please.

  12. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @LovelyPlum: omg I hate it too! I have been working for ten days now and tomorrow we start full days with the kinders plus we have back to school night at six! All in the same day. I don't know how I am going to survive!

  13. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @islarey: welcome!

  14. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Weswife: full days with kindergarteners?? You are a saint. I have college kiddos, so not long days. I just also need to to do my own work, too, which has not been happening. I ran into my advisor today and wanted to run and hide.

  15. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I saw that! Yay for due date twins

  16. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    Girls look what came in the mail today! It's so cute I have to share!!! 😍😍😍

  17. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Weswife: oh my gosh I love it!! Ahh I'm so happy for you 💗💗💗💗

  18. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: I can't even stand it! I can't wait for a baby to be in it

  19. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Weswife: so cute!!!!

    So this morning's agenda:
    1. Ate breakfast
    2. Vacuumed
    3. Tried to empty vacuum, but emptied my stomach instead
    4. Drink more Miralax, because I'm that glamorous.

    Is it the second tri yet???

  20. lilyann

    nectarine / 2878 posts

    @avivoca: That means so much, thank you!! Hope the end is near in sight for you

    @Mrs. Pen: Your list sounds so yummy! Soup has been a huge craving of mine!

    @Weswife: I love that onesie! So precious!!

  21. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @LovelyPlum: hope you get some more energy soon

    @Weswife: Love that!!

    I told a co worker at work today that I'm pregnant ( she asked...again. She was asking like every week, even when I wasn't pregnant.. pretty much wanted to hit her every day haha. ) Now it's going to spread like wildfire, but at least I don't have to keep trying to hide it.
    Still dry heaving constantly. It's so annoying, I mean it's way better than actually puking, but it's literally all.the.time. If I'm tired, if I'm thirsty ( it's the worst when I'm thirsty) if I'm working out, if something grosses me out, if I'm hungry. All the time!

  22. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @MrsB2012: @LovelyPlum: today was my first long day with my kinders. Holy guacamole it was rough and I have to go back in two hours for back to school night... But I decided to come home and throw up because that's what we do right! Boo!!!
    I Agree it is 2nd trimester yet!!!! We are so close!

  23. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Weswife: @LovelyPlum: ugh I seriously hope we all get serious relief by 12 weeks. This is awful.
    There's a handful here already 12-14 weeks though, isn't there? Cause I'm at the end of the month and 10 weeks.

    @lilyann: haha glad someone else thinks it sounds yummy the chicken soup was delicious. One of my favorite recipes. Had the baked oatmeal today and that was good too

  24. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: I am 12 weeks tomorrow... And threw up everything today 😞... I hope relief Comes soon!

  25. Coffee-lover

    apricot / 340 posts

    So I need to vent, I feel like such a jerk. My bloodwork came back today. Everything is negative and they told me the baby is a boy. I really thought this one would be a girl, and my husband and I both wanted anotherr girl so bad. I ended up in the bathroom crying hysterically over it. I know im supposed to be happy that its healthy and not care about the gender, but im so disappointed. Thats all, at least I have 6 months to get over it. Thanks for listening.

  26. raspberries

    pear / 1955 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: I'll be 14 weeks on Sunday, and I'm feeling pretty darn good - but my MS wasn't nearly as bad this time around. Preemptively keeping something in my stomach has worked well for me - I forgot to eat until 11:30 this morning, and only realized it because I was starting to get nauseated.

    Keep holding on, ladies - fingers crossed you all start to feel better soon!

    @Coffee-lover: Awww, I'm sorry you're dealing with some gender disappointment. I think there's another mama or two here who dealt with the same thing and may be able to give you some practical advice. This little peanut will be my second son, and I promise, boys can be really amazing - I think it's just a matter of moving past what you thought your family would look like and embracing it the way it is. Easier said than done, obviously. Give yourself some time and grace.

  27. Aspen

    coffee bean / 33 posts


    I used to stalk these boards when I was TTC, then it didn't work out, then I stopped thinking about it, then I got pregnant! So now I've decided to join!

    Location: CO

    EDD: March 31, 2017

    How far along: I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow

    First child? Yes

    First doctor appointment: has come and gone.

    Any symptoms so far? Nausea with no vomiting, wanting to eat all of the cheese, so exhausted I have been going to bed anytime after 7pm (and one time earlier than that), sore breasts and armpits

    Who have you told? Parents on both sides, siblings, some close friends and my boss. I have not yet posted anything on social media.

    I'm so excited to be here!

  28. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Aspen: congrats and welcome!

  29. oskarsmommy

    kiwi / 625 posts

    @Coffee-lover: I can relate - I really wanted a girl, but have now gotten used to the idea to being mom of two boys.

    I think the thing to remember is the amount of love won't change - and that is what I get excited about, falling in love all over again.

  30. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Weswife: ugh I'm sorry lady I didn't experience relief from nausea and first trimester discomfort until I was 18 weeks along my first pregnancy. I was sooo miserable. I was literally vomiting daily. Thankfully, it's less this time. I haven't actually vomited, just heave a lot, and nausea constantly. So I hope that doesn't happen this time for me or anyone here.

    @Coffee-lover: I'm sorry that is so hard. I'm trying not to even think about gender cause I want a girl so badly and don't want to fee disappointed with another boy.

    @Aspen: aww yay! Congrats!! So happy to have you here:)

  31. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    I had something scary happen last night. I was peeing before going to bed and when I wiped, there was blood. Wiped again, more blood. But nothing on my underwear. I got so freaked out though. I hardly slept and woke up twice to go to the bathroom and check for blood. But I didn't have anymore bleeding after that.
    A nurse from my practice just happened to call me with a random question, so I asked while on the phone and since it just happened once and was a small amount with no pain/cramping, she said not to get too concerned.
    But it sure did freak me out last night.

  32. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Coffee-lover: aww don't worry! You will love that baby from head to toe! And I think you will be excited sooner than you expect!

  33. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: omg goodness I know that feeling! Just try to remain calm because baby can feel our stress! I will pray for you!

    I still worry about it every time I go to the bathroom! 😞

    Also how's your food plan going? Mine awful! Threw everything up! Threw up today at school! Boo! All I ate today was as 6 pieces of toast and Sprite.

  34. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @Aspen: congratulations!!!!!!

  35. mrsmacSLP

    apricot / 308 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: that is scary! So glad you were able to ask!

    @Aspen: Welcome! And....give me all the cheese!

    All I want is cheese: grilled cheese, cheese sticks, quesadillas, nachos, anything with piles of CHEESE!

  36. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @mrsmacSLP: 😔... I'm jealous! I throw anything cheese up!!!

  37. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Mrs. Pen: super scary!I bled so much last time. I'm glad you got some relief. Also, I had horrible nausea but no vomiting until 18 weeks last time, too. Now I'm nauseous and vomiting. It's horrible.

    @Aspen: congratulations and welcome!!

    @Coffee-lover: I'm so sorry. I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said, but give yourself grace to grieve. It's OK to be sad.

    I'm chuckling at the cravings thing. I wish I had cravings. I sorta want pizza but it made me sick last time I ate it. So now I crave the magical unicorn food that doesn't make me sick, whatever that may be. I can tell you it wasn't the bbq chicken and baked beans we had for dinner tonight, even if I got it to go down relatively smoothly. The rest of the night has proven otherwise.

  38. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @MrsB2012: dry heaving also sucks. I'm sorry.

  39. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Weswife: food plan is actually going pretty well! Today veered off course and got chipotle 😋 But so far everything has tasted good. ESPECIALLY my muffins. Omg they're so delicious and just want I wanted.

    @LovelyPlum: you bled through your first pregnancy?! With no complications? OMG crazy.

  40. Weswife

    apricot / 458 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I totally feel your pain with the food! I want cravings too! I am in survival mode

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