Hellobee Boards


May 2014 moms!

  1. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @sweetkeight: omg he is cuuuute, glad you got back here!

  2. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @sweetkeight: welcome back! And sully is so adorable!!!

  3. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @sweetkeight: Sully is so cute! I love his name. Welcome back!

  4. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @sweetkeight: he's soooo cute!! welcome back!

  5. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    For the two ladies who posted their info to my fall for the fb group, check that email address! I just got on here on my computer (can't add by email on phone....!!) and added you!

  6. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    So just a quick update from me. My mom is back in town! I'm so grateful she is retired now and just a few hours away. She came down yesterday and leaving tomorrow, just to hang out. Which is extra nice because my husband started back to school this week so Mon and Thurs he isn't home until 9:30pm.. boo.

    So I decided to start trying lactation food since my midwife recommended it. I ordered some herbal stuff online that will be here next week, but more excitingly I made lactation cookies today! We had to go to trader joe's and a vitamin store to get the brewer's yeast and flaxseed meal... but the cookies are delicious and I'm hoping they have some affect on my supply

    Things are going okay(ish) breastfeeding. We still have random sessions where LO refuses to latch and I have to pump and feed. But the overall trend is that it is getting a little better and hurting a little less... so fingers crossed it just gets better and better!

  7. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @HayleyJane: I missed your post before. She is so cute. Love the sunglasses!

    @Mae: yay for moms! My mom is only an hour away and said she was going to stay with us and help out when DH returned to work and she came for a day... i had a total meltdown on the phone with my sister about it so then she came back for most of last week. It's amazing the difference it makes to have your mom around huh? I wish she would move in (temporarily)! How is your incision? Glad to hear bf seems to be improving. Oh and lactation cookies are so yummy. Did you make the kind with almond buttet?

  8. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @sweetkeight: aww he is seriously cute. I bet you must be so relieved to not be pregnant anymore!

  9. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @skipra: I know! I sorta want my mom to move in for the summer too lol. Incision is still healing but not yet healed. So crazy that I'm still walking around with an open wound at 6.5 weeks pp. but it will be healed soon I hope! I made pb/choc chip/oatmeal lactation cookies.

  10. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mae: great to hear that bf is improving for you! And those cookies sound so yum! You have me thinking of baking cookies later today...

    @skipra: isn't it amazing how we need our moms no matter how old and "independent" we are? I really wish mine would come back too but I don't know when I'll see her again. Boohoo

  11. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    This whole mom thing is so up and down. We had a pretty bad night last night. I think LO was having tummy troubles because she was up from 2am on, sleeping on and off but really restless, crying intermittently, pulling her legs up, super gassy, etc. So needless to say I did not get much sleep (until 6:30 when my husband took her after I was done pumping and then I got to sleep undisturbed until 9am... omg glorious).

    But today has been awesome (after an early blowout that DH had to deal with while I was sleeping her tummy seemed to settle down). Fia has been an absolute doll. For the first time ever we were actually able to keep on a EASY schedule (eat, activity, sleep) and she actually took naps in between each meal! Some short, like 30 min, but it was awesome. First, having a little break every 3 hours is awesome. Second, she is SO much happier when she is well rested. We had so little time crying/whining today. I'm sooo hoping that today is not a fluke but rather the start of a trend of napping better during the day!

  12. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I'm sorry for whining.

    Because my life can't get any better, DD woke with sores all over her feet and mouth this morning. By the time we got seen by a doctor at the walk-in she had them on her hands and they at least doubled on her feet.

    So now on top of solo'ing 24/7, I'm housebound. Thankfully we can go for a drive (I find it a bit of a break as they're both strapped in and sometimes not both screaming, lol)

    DD is sooo moody, her sleep is crap. DS was up every 1.5-2 hours last night wanting to feed but then not, doc said he may have sores we can't see, so just to feed him on demand and get any liquids into her and keep them hydrated as best I can.


    I let my sis take our dog to the cottage so he gets some much needed posivity, mr. Sensitive dog has seemed depressed, so that will be good for him!

    My fam is all at the cottage, so I am definitely feeling isolated, but I'm the one that pushed them all to go, didn't want to bother anyone's long weekend plans!

    I made lasagne yesterday afternoon, so at least have dinner covered for me for like....a week, lol.

  13. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @Beebug: I don't know what else to say. Hope there's some support around in person for you. xx

  14. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: OMG so sorry. You are so strong for handling all of this!!!

  15. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Thanks ladies. I keep hearing "you are so strong" esp from my one SIL and I just have moments where I say to myself "I don't want to be strong". Yesterday was a really tough day, but I am trying to live in the moment and make sure I am a good mom first. Day at a time, still might get worse before it gets better. But I have to stay strong for these kiddos.

    I bought a kiddie pool yesterday and DD loved it, when she wakes from her nap, I'm thinking we'll go out back for some sunshine.

  16. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    @beebug: I'm so sorry things are so rough - hang in there! You don't have to be strong to have crappy things happen. (I always feel like crying when people say things like that - blergh, people!)

  17. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    @Beebug @Mae @twodoghouse @Glitter @skipra - thanks, y'all! I think he's pretty cute, but I'm totally biased. He was worth every morsel of food I couldn't eat and every moment I felt like crap.

    @skipra - yes, totally relieved! Glad to be eating again most of all! (I'm a plus size gal anyways, so never thought I'd be so happy to see the scales go UP!)

  18. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: I've been thinking of you and hoping you're hanging in there. Hope DD is on the mend soon and DS doesn't gave it too!

  19. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: aw. Of course you don't want to be strong! You shouldn't have to be. But with 2 kids, it's better than the alternative. You're being a good mom. This is (hopefully) the worst time in your life. I hope from here on out things only improve and improve.

  20. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Hi All,

    Just checking in a little hello.

    Is anyone nursing to sleep? Something I didn't do with DD, but I feel like I can't get him down (esp daytime) to sleep without nursing. DD was taking a paci by this age, and seemed like she was easy to get down, getting him down is one thing, staying down is another, he wouldn't nap once all day if I didn't nurse to sleep at this point. Not really wanting to get into that habit, know it's still early, but don't want it to be te only way!

    I showered with both kids yesterday, not with, but like while taking care of them on my own! Both awake, it wasn't too bad, that was my positive for yesterday! I decided when one/both of them sleeping it would be more stressful, so opted to try to hae then both in bathroom, it worked! And I showered without nipple protection for the first time! I have one small pain spot left, ask me how glad I am for sticking out the pain? Oh how awful it was. @Mae I hope yours have gotten better?

    Oh how I wish he'd nap in the daytime!

    Anyone with LOs in your room moved them into their own room yet? He's loud, but his sleep stetches are getting shorter (used to be every 3 hours, currently up every 2) so for loudness id love him in his room, but not wake frequency!

  21. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: So glad you had a small victory yesterday! And that your pain is lessening. Showering with sore boobs is so complicated lol. I just keep my hands over my nipples to keep the water off them whenever I face the shower head haha. My boobs still hurt so bad. The cracks are healing but are not yet healed by any means. And now Fia is on a nursing strike and our LC has sort of given up on us She suggested I try a nipple shield again (Fia didn't like it before, but maybe now?) and if not that basically said I should EP. Sigh. I'm about to try with the nipple shield here as soon as she wakes up, fingers crossed.

    I've been thinking about when to move her to her own room. Since she has generally only been up once/night it seems like we could do it soon (although she's had a much rougher time the last few nights, not sure why. Hoping it is a short-lived phase). But she still feels awfully young to be so far away. I'm thinking of putting her to bed without me for the first time tonight though. Just moving the monitor from the nursery to our bedroom and try putting her to bed at 8 and see how it goes. I'd love to claim an hour or two at night for DH and I.

    Oh and re: nursing to sleep-- doesn't apply to me really during the day because of our issues nursing and the fact that she always needs to be supplemented after BF. But at night I totally do (when she'll let me). I figured I don't really want to do anything with her other than nurse her and get her to sleep anyways, so who cares?

  22. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: I'm glad to not be avoiding contact with the towel post shower, lol. Do you coat the Lansinoh on when showering? That's what I had been doing, but still couldn't face the water, lol. I faced it yesterday for like two seconds, felt like freedom, haha how pathetic.

    Oye about your troubles still, so sorry to hear. Super envious of one night waking though!!!

    Between he and DD nights are rough, DD just up once last night, took her crib apart and she is on a floor bed now, I don't like it, but it's saving my sanity.

  23. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Beebug: Omg I could never shower with both in the same room. I turned my back for a second while doing laundry and W sat on top of G. I shower when G is napping in the swing and I keep W with me. So far that seems to work best. Glad you are having less pain and had an easier night with DD. How are you coping with everything?

    I don't really mind nursing to sleep but G won't let me move him so he naps twice in the swing (for my shower and so I can put W down for his nap) and then either on me or in the carrier or car. We have a diffixult time getting him to sleep at all in the evening so we usually bounce him in the ball then he sleep nurses pretty much until we go to bed.

  24. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @skipra: we set stern boundaries with DD that she isn't to touch his bouncy chair or swing. She respects them, he was in bouncy and I pulled out some don't always come out toys to keep her occupied, when the shower fogged up (glass shower) we played peek a boo and I "wrote" letters on the glass she copied. She was full of giggles and DS just sat there, probably thinking we were insane in his little head, haha!

  25. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Mae: G normally just has one wake up but I have no plans to move him yet. We won't move him until he outgrows the cradle and W is ready to give up the crib.
    Sorry to gear you're still having bf trouble. I hope the shield works for you!

  26. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: I wish we were nursing to sleep. They get so sleepy and snuggly nursing, then I have to pick them up to supplement with formula which wakes them up again. They actually do great going back down in middle of night, but they both fight napping during the day. Too much to look at to settle down. We've been swaddling tightly and rocking in their dark nursery to get them to nap in the afternoons.

    Way to go showering with both kids! When I'm on my own with them I just don't shower, haha. We're hoping to transition them to cribs in their room in the next month. Our room gets too bright in the morning so Blake is ready to go at 5am every day. I've been putting them down after their last night feed in their cribs or rock n plays in the nursery, but I'm afraid to leave them there because I'm afraid I won't wake up from the monitor noises. So I end up sleeping in the nursery with them. Not ideal but ok.

    @Mae: @Beebug: I'm sorry about the nipple pain! I used a shield and still do most of the time so I never really got the pain. Then in the last couple weeks I've been weaning off the shields and it's been so painful! I think the shields let us get lazy with latching. So I've had to retrain them latching on and it's hurt so bad! My mom keeps laughing at me because she says this is what normal people go through learning to BF, I've just put it off 8 weeks using the shield. Of course it's not really nipple damage like you guys gave experienced - just soreness and pain from getting used to go shield-free.

  27. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @twodoghouse: @Mae: is there a reason to stop using the shields once you start?

    The LC said no no no to shield. My doc said go for it. I hae never seen or used one, but all I seem to hear is great or evil!

  28. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: I'm still at the point where my boobs kept me up for 45 min last night bc just my bra against them was so painful (ended up ditching the bra, leaking be damned, and sleeping in just a tank before i could fall asleep). So no-- haven't tried the lansinoh bc I don't think that is nearly enough protection for them. (I put it on post-shower, although lately I've been using APNO).

    @twodoghouse: supplementing sucks man. People have been living for eons on the notion that we can feed our children. So why the f is it SO DAMN HARD to do so? Sigh. <bitter> lol. Why did you start using a shield?

    @Beebug: From my understanding, the down sides of a shield are that it can make it harder for baby to get the milk out, and it can affect your supply because you aren't getting that direct stimulation, and its sort of a pain in the ass to use. I just used it to nurse for the first time and it did work (yay) but I sort of question how much milk she was really getting out (seemed like I heard less swallowing) and it was hard to keep it from flipping over her nose and it seemed harder for her to keep a tight seal on it (her face and my boob were messy when she was done-- not normal for us when we breastfeed). I would certainly like to not use it if I could. But if I could maybe use it a few times to get her back to the boob then get her off of it, it will be worth it!

  29. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: What Mae said about the shield! My LC was ok with using it because during a weighted feed they got the same using the shield and without. But I don't think she wanted me using them forever. However, I've been worried about them getting enough from me (I'm supplementing, but I still want them to get as much from me as possible!) so I decides to quit the shield. It's just a huge pain to deal with too. So much easier to pull a boob out than get shields out, rinse under hot water so they're pliable, etc.

    @Mae: I started using a shield in the hospital because my right nipple was super flat, so they couldn't latch on. The hospital LC actually brought them to me. At that point I was basically starving them, so anything we could do to try and get a little colostrum to them was good. Plus Blake was so little 4 lb 15 oz at birth that his tiny mouth couldn't get a great latch on my humongous boob. It was really supposed to be a temporary solution, but it became so much easier to get them latched that I just kept going. But they are getting better at latching without shields as log as they aren't like panicky hungry.

  30. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: gah isn't it just the saddest when they want so bad to eat and they're just too frantic to latch? Fia does that a lot. She gets (or did) so excited when she gets close to the boob that she stars flailing and is too upset to calm down and latch on! Usually I can get her calmed down... or give her the paci and then quick pull it out and pop the boob in to get her to latch. But man-- I wish she had some reason lol. I am always like okay-- food is RIGHT THERE, you just have to stop flailing and latch on!

  31. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    Ugh, just had to vent a little. Being a mom to two is hard! It was bedtime and both boys needed me. DS only goes to sleep for me or my mom so DH isn't a big help. Not to mention that he works outside in the heat and his day started at 3am. He is falling asleep by 7 usually. I don't blame him and know he needs his rest, so it's basically me with both boys. They baby wouldn't settle and DS was waiting for me to go to sleep. Ugh - neither fell asleep until about 10:30. I wish I could split myself in two. I feel guilty the baby doesn't get as much individual attention as he should and then I feel guilty my older son doesn't always have the attention he's used to! I want to cuddle and love on each all the time! I wish I didn't have to make one wait.

  32. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mamasig: it's SO hard, I'm with you. At bedtime and first thing in the am I am really hell bent on trying to give DD at least a few moments of individual attention. It sounds awful to wish time away, but if DS could sit up it would make things a little easier, bath time together, or at least sitting and watching would entertain him, in really struggling with just wishing time away and not enjoying many moments, it's tough!

  33. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Mamasig: I'm sorry, that sounds so hard I'm sure in the future the joy they get from each other will outweigh the frustration they have about your split attention. But that doesn't make it easier on you right now, day to day.

    So we're having a pretty good day around here, after a rough night. The last 3 nights LO has decided she's up for the day at 4. Which... ugh. I'm tired. But she's been so cute and and happy today its really hard to be upset. Mostly I'm just annoyed at myself because she's taken a few decent naps today but I'm incapable of napping during the day. I just lack the napping gene. Frustrating.

  34. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    G got his shots today and he's not pleased about it! Fever, moaning and non-stop fussiness. Poor guy We have a long night ahead!

  35. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Today's positive. Grocery shopped with both for the first time, and no crying from either!

    The last day and a half (yesterday and today) we have tried the EASY schedule and while there is definitely no "Y" part of things, I have been working SUPER hard (so much as I can with DD) to make sure is is getting some form of nap in every round, and so far, so good, and his night sleep last night was fabulous (and DD didn't wake....I feel like I won the lottery) so we are going to keep at it and hope it feels natural in no time, and hope he is okay with it too.

    I posted in the bf section about his explosive spits. He had only done it twice when I mentioned it here, but it is happening more often lately, poor dude.

    I am trying to write thank-you notes right now while both are snoozing, DS is waking though, so I don't have much time! I wanted to have a tea, it's steeping, but I may not get to it, I can't get that lucky.

    Feeling more positive today. Need to find a double bob (second hand) asap, my double sucks and I am going to do enough walking to warrant having a great stroller, just bah...so expensive!!

  36. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Glitter: Have you given tylenol to help him? Hopefully he settles out and has a good night of sleeping it off

  37. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    Sooo we tried DTD last night and it hurt so bad I wept. I have no idea why because I was fine all through pregnancy, we even enjoyed DTD between contractions in early labor, but this was something else. Very frustrating. I thought with a C-Section it would all be the same down there... wasn't even dry or anything, so weird how much it hurt I miss sex!

    @Beebug: We nurse to sleep MOTN when it works but because of my oversupply it's not always relaxing for him to nurse. Last week he officially started refusing the breast and sucking his hands or our fingers between feeds. We got him a pacifier and he's sort of nursing to sleep on that now.

    @Mamasig: I am so not ready for two. You guys (including @TwoDogHouse!) deserve medals. I have been feeling awful about neglecting my cat, though!

    @Glitter: Hope it's just for the day, poor dude! Ours are in 2 weeks.

  38. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Glitter: oh man, poor little guy! I,m dreading Fiona's 2 mo appointment.

    @Beebug: yay for grocery shopping! And so glad that easy is mostly working for you. I started that with fia at 5 weeks, and while it doesn't always work because she is a championship nap fighter, I feel like the days where it does she is so happy. I am definitely keeping at it every day. Still definitely in the phase where every day is new and different.

    @anandam: I feel bad for our pets too! I still try to cuddle them when I have time, but that isn't that often right now. Also I'm so sorry to hear that dtd was that hard! I'm sort of scared now! We got the ok last week but I want to wait until my incision is healed. Nothing says sexy like wound dressing on my bikini line ya know lol. I've just been assuming it would be fine bc we were doing it up until the day before I was induced with no issues and with the c section I thought it would be fine. I hope that is the case for us!

  39. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Glitter: aww how is he doing today?

    @Beebug: so glad to hear you had a great day and night. Hoping things just continue to improve! I have to look into EASY. I need to get some sort of schedule. So far all we have is lunch and naptime for W down. The rest of the day is a crapshoot.

    @anandam: i got the go ahead to dtd 2 weeks ago and we still haven't. It hurt sooo much last time that I'm really nervous. It's like losing your virginity again. Ouch

    So our excitement today is G rolled from his belly to back! He was mad about tummy time so he actually kept his head up rather than trying to go to sleep. So he did it 2 weeks later than W, I wasn't sure he was ever going to. Also I need to figure out a better wrap or carrier. The ergo is wayyyy to hot with the infant insert and I don't know what to do about the sun with the k'tan, plus it doesn't feel very secure. What do you guys use? We need to find something because G screams bloody murder in the car seat and we were sweltering in home depot today using the ergo.

  40. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @skipra: we have the beco Gemini.

    We have been in a near heat wave here and it's definitely warm to wear, but I make sure we're not skin to skin something the absorb moisture between us/no low cut top and I've been really comfortable, and so has he! I usually carry a huge golf umbrella (lol) to ensure he is shaded when we are outside.

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