Hellobee Boards


May 2014 moms!

  1. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @skipra: oh my goodness, rolling over already?! I didn't think babies do that until like 3 mo! And I use a moby but omg so hot. I need a better solution too bc fia loves being worn but we both get sweaty pretty fast. I have a ring sling but I've never figured out how to get us both comfortable with it.

  2. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Beebug: The Beco doesn't have a sun cover? I don't think it will be possible to hold an umbrella while chasing W around the park and that's what I really need the carrier for

    @Mae: I guess our boys are just over achievers. When we told W's pediatrician that he rolled over at 6 weeks she made it seem like it wasn't a big deal and that only rolling from back to belly counts. G can roll onto his side but doesn't seem close to going all the way over yet, thankfully!

  3. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    G is finally better today! A day and a half of fever was sooo scary. We gave him Baby Panadol every 6 hrs but that only helped for about the first 2 or 3 hrs... then we had to be doing the cold compress on forehead and sponge baths to keep it under 100F. By late yesterday he was a happy guy again but his temp wasn't quite back to normal. Ahhh, so glad that is over with, and now we can take him out like normal people! DH and I are part of a card tournament group that meets monthly and tomorrow is another meeting. First outing for Gio yeahhh!!

    @skipra: congrats on your roller!! That must have been exciting to see. Gio despises tummy time and his paediatrician told me its not necessary. Is that true?? I read so much about the benefits of tummy time that it's hard for me to believe it's not necessary.

    @Beebug: Gio was doing explosive spits a few weeks ago as well. I started feeding him with shorter but more frequent sessions and that helped.

    Is anyone doing infant massage as part of the bedtime routine? Wait, is anyone doing a bedtime routine? I'd love to start some sort of routine with Gio but our evenings are so unpredictable. The ILs either drop by or want us to come up to see them a couple evenings a week and I don't see the point of starting a "routine" that we can't keep up with. If I do hear some success stories though, I'll see what we can do to maintain some sort of routine. I'm still getting sleep only in 3-4 hr stretches and I would just looovvee him to sleep a little longer at night!

  4. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Glitter: Glad G is feeling better! Poor little guy. We go for shots next Wednesday. Not looking forward to the aftermath! We have a little routine going for bedtime. We head up to the nursery, do baths (not every night but probably 4x/week) then I tandem nurse in our nursery. They sleep in our room but the nursery is really dark and we have two rocker/recliners there so we do everything there. While nursing my husband reads them Sandra Boynton's Going to Bed Book. Then we each take one, give them their formula bottles (still supplementing) and rock to sleep. Then transfer to the bassinets in our room. It's been working really well and we've actually gotten a couple long stretches (5 hr from start of one feed to the next) until the first wake up. The rest of the night we go 3 hrs between feeding but that's not too bad. Right now we start the routine around 9:30 and we are all in bed by 10:30. I'd like to push that up to 8 though so I can get some stuff done in the evenings! We tried it a few times and it did not work! Maybe soon we'll try again.

  5. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @skipra: It doesn't, I use an umbrella (when pushing stroller, walking dog, etc.....busy but I make it work, lol) or make sure he is covered. Usually a hat and the flap flipped up does the trick.

    @Glitter: no evening routine, I know C is no where near ready for the early bedtime I would love, but experience from C1 is that with time it will eventually ease earlier!! We don't bath every day, but I try to line up a bf session somewhere between 8 and 9, and get him down from there. I make sure I stay away from livingroom (tv on, brighter) and keep things calm and quiet that last hour and he usually goes down decently. But not last night, lol.....two explosive pukes, so we had to start all over again twice, then he fought going down....bah!!

    @twodoghouse: do you have any idea how much envy I have for you with your outings without the kiddo's that you post on fb? Don't get me wrong, I love 'em, but omg....what I would pay to get away for a short while.

    Took the kids with my Mom to local zoo (more like a farm with one zoo type animal, lol) it was sort of getto, but DD freaking loves it and had so much fun. Everyone napping now, I hope I can keep up with them napping at the same time over DDs one nap, it is huge for me catching my breath on the day.

  6. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Glitter: I haven't done much tummy time with Leo. He just lays there or cries! I didn't really do it much with my older son either and he hit all his milestones fine. The pediatrician has never mentioned it specifically.

    We don't have a real bedtime routine yet mainly because he doesn't have a consistent bedtime yet. It ranges from 8:30 to 10:30. I also haven't figured out how to do it with two kids. And sometimes I have DH to help or my mom and sometimes it's just me. I need to figure it out before I go back to work! Last time it kind of fell into place once I went back to work.

    I have to say that for my older son, the routine never affected his sleep as far as I could tell. Some nights he slept well and others not so much. After I while I didn't worry about it as much.

  7. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    Ugh I typed out this long post then accidentally hit something above the keypad on this stupid ipad and it went away. I don't have the energy to retype.

  8. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mae: ughh i hate it when that happens!

  9. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Glitter: lol okay im over being cranky so ill try's again. Our bed time routine is to take Fiona upstairs usually between 9 and 1030 (whenever she gets hungry or we get tired). I strip her down to diaper, sit in my glider and nurse side 1. Then we change diaper, swaddle, lights out, nightlight on, white noise on, and nurse side 2. She falls asleep on the boob and I out her in her bassinet.

  10. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: We are so outrageously lucky to have supportive family who want to help so we can get out of the house from time to time. Although yesterday my mom, sis and I went for pedicures and my dad started texting me in a panic. My DH had to hold both screaming babies most of the time because they were inconsolable. But usually it's not that bad. I'm sorry things are so rough for you right now. I've been thinking of you guys a lot. How is your DD dealing with everything? I hope she's hanging in there too. I hope Colin's puking is a little better today too.

  11. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: aw, your poor dh. I am seriously constantly in awe of your dealing with two! I've left fia home with my dh now twice (both for photoshoots I had booked prior to her birth, and thank god because if they weren't Already scheduled not sure id have had the guts to book them and leave her). He did great both times, but I was only gone like 2 hrs and she didn't have any meltdowns. So glad he is now pretty comfortable watching her alone though. The first time he was super nervous but now he has told me I should plan a girls night to get out by myself for fun rather than work some time. Going to dinner and shopping with a friend next wed. Can't wait!

    Also fia is having her second light napping day in a row. She fell asleep nursing so I am terrified to move. At least I'm pretty comfy? Lol (excuse the boobs, but this pic makes me laugh)

  12. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    I left Gio with DH for SIX hours yesterday! I got a facial then to do my hair then shopping for myself and for home. I missed Gio soooo much when I got back, I just bulldozed him with kisses! DH seemed to love being a stay at home dad for one day too. I left loads of pumped milk and the two of them had a fine time together!

    So tonight begins the routine. After he kept me up from 4 am to 8 am then decided to sleep from 8 am to 2 pm, I am convinced he has day and night mixed up. So I kept him up from 2pm to 7pm. At 6:20 I got his bath ready, then dressed him and gave him a quick massage (i don't think he liked it) then nursed him to sleep. 7pm and he's OUT! Let's see how long he sleeps for. Off to bake some cookies...

  13. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mae: lol Gio falls asleep on his nursing pillow just like this during our MOTN feedings. Yall look so cute and comfy!

  14. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    So he slept for a whopping 40 minutes!

  15. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Glitter: I wish you luck tonight!!

  16. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Glitter: he could have been over tired? Maybe try a nap in that long awake afternoon: early eve stretch?

    Just had another massive, awful explosive puke. I nursed six short sessions over 1.25 hours ad got good burps and time in between. Took him off boob when he seemed done and it was about 10 mins later....explosion. That was first one not on the boob. Poor guy

    @twodoghouse: Thanks for thinking of us <3. DD okay. Getting better sick wise but killing my heart when she says "daddy". I just answer "daddy's at work" as that's always what I've said when she asks for him. I hate the night routine with her because it was his thing. I love the time wth her and the "work" of being with her, but that was her Daddy time. We are going to see him Saturday. I'm nervous, but really excited for DD to see him and get time with him, it's important.

  17. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Glitter: Good luck tonight! We have no real bed time routine yet. We keep G downstairs until we're ready for bed. Mostly he snoozes and cluster feeds. We go up, change and swaddle him, then I'll nurse to sleep if he's not already out when I'm done getting ready for bed.
    @Beebug: poor little guy. What do you do with him when he's done eating? G spits up a ton whenever I put him in the car seat regardless of when he last ate. Also I'm sure it's heartbreaking to hear dd ask for daddy. Does she get to talk to him on the phone? DH and I had some extended periods apart and it seemed to help talking on the phone a few times a day.
    @Mae: i love it when G falls asleep like that. Lately he only wants to fall asleep in the swing
    @Mamasig: i can't imagine having to do bedtime alone. I had to do it once and it was awful and DH made it home to rescue me before anyone was asleep.

  18. Keds

    coffee bean / 39 posts

    @glitter: glad he's feeling better. We need to start a bedtime routine. Right now I'm lucky if she gets a bath more than once a week. I find dinner/bedtime to be the most challenging time with two.

    @beebug: I'm glad you're doing ok. I've been thinking about you guys a lot.
    Our first projectile vomited all the time. And always right into my bra so it would pool there - SO disgusting!! :(. She ended up having a milk intolerance so I had to give up dairy, but I don't know if that was the cause of the vomiting. The one thing that really really helped was giving her probiotics. Might be worth asking your dr about. For us it made a huge difference in the frequency and amount of vomiting.

    R also seems to be dairy intolerant but thankfully not as bad as her sister. I'm off dairy (although I cheated and had some pizza tonight bc we ha no other foo). Going to try the probiotics again and hope they help.

  19. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @skipra: lo has been loving her swing for naps the last week, and I have to admit I love it. I've had so much more free time during the day and can actually get some stuff done!

    @Keds: we've been doing baths in the morning!

  20. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    So we tried putting Leo in his crib to sleep at night. Nope, didn't like it. He wouldn't stay asleep, so back in the RNP he went. I guess we'll try again in a few days.

    DH and I also went on a date night and the boys spent the night at my sister's house last night. It was nice, but I thought of the boys constantly. I also have some anxiety when they aren't around me. I don't remember if that is normal and I felt that way last time. I know they are fine, but I feel anxious when they aren't close by!

  21. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    We are crib sleeping at night, napping in swing (w white noise on swing) daytime. I type this as he's napping in his crib, lol.

    Visit with DH was good yesterday for the kids. Not sure about the he and I part yet, so not even going to go there.

    The driving 1.5 hours each way with both kids was stressful, but we got it done, with minimal fuss, just in the last 15 mins each way.

    C had a puke splosion on my step dad today while I was out with DD, no one had seen one as they were usually at night, felt bad he really got to experience it!

    Both kids sleeping (yay!), outside grooming the dog and enjoying the sunshine. Might tackle some housework in a minute, and I officially have stink problems with my diapers so need to do a boil, add that to the to-do list!

  22. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mamasig: we're thinking of leaving Gio with my ILs for a few hours on our anniversary this month and I get nervous thinking about it. I can't imagine being away from him for a whole night!

    @Beebug: wow those drives are long! How do you manage with DS' head? I tried driving solo with G but even with the infant insert his head falls all over the place once he's fallen asleep.

  23. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Glitter: I never thought about his head? I mean, it just sits to the side when he snoozes in the car!

    Attached a pic! We took the top part of the infant insert out already, I find he sits in there better without it. I rolled wash cloths behind the outside of the infant insert top part when he had to to "hug" the sides of his head a little better so he didn't tip uncomfortably. Needs the bottom part still because I found he was too tall for the one shoulder strap option, but not quite at the other, gosh know he will grow quickly enough!

    Uploading a bath video to our fb group as we speak, he was sooooo cute tonight, and looks like a chunker in the video even though he really isn't! It was awkward trying to grab pics and vids, but I don't want to miss getting some memories captured (when/done safe) while I am on my own. Both kids are down, I won't be far behind them tonight.

  24. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Officially moved the bassinet out of my (our? ) room!!

    De-baby'ified the room completely. Selfishly with the me time at a premium and the last two nights in the crib for C having gone really well, I cleared everything out and opened the curtains, haha....I feel like they've been closed since he came home.

    Another good night for him, but between me engorged and the dog up with an upset tummy I didn't get much sleep. Nothing like hosing your dogs butt down at 2:30am while the kids sleep and it's pouring rain with thunder and lightning, omg!!! I thankfully remembered to turn the alarm off, I always forget, and that would have been a nightmare alone with the kids trying to settle them after that noise.

    My Mom here helping this morning, my goal for this week for me is to get out for a bikini wax, my to-do list is to get groceries with the kids, my parenting goal is to take the kids to a park about 20 mins away. Shaded parks are too far and few between around here, such a newly developed area.

    I am really loving the smiles and "talk" C is giving right now, he is trying to laugh and it sounds like a cackle and it's soooo cute, will be unreal when real giggles start happening!

    I pumped 4 oz from one boob in 5 minutes last night, and by pumped I mean hand expressed, I have 12 oz stashed now from the last week, trying not to pump too much as I really want to settle the boobs down so I can hopefully stop the explosive pukes for C.

  25. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    ok, let's see if I can catch up! (yikes...)

    @HaleyJane: @Sweetkeight: I am super late in saying it, but congrats on the beautiful babies!!!

    In terms of @Beebug's question on nursing to sleep (or in our case it would be bottle feeding to sleep) we've been lucky and haven't had to yet. Our routine is basicallly to feed William a bigger bottle downstairs on the couch a bit before bed time, then at bedtime (around 9h30 now) take him upstairs, put his pj's on, change diaper and give him a small bottle just to "top him up" hahaha. he's usually pretty drowsy by then, but I think swaddle him which kind of wakes him up. I had been giving him a pacifier adn lying him on our bed (somehow he just falls asleep lying there, no need to rock him or anything) and then I would transfer him to the bassinet once he was asleep. Well the last few nights I've been skipping the "lying on our bed" part and just putting him straight into the bassinet when very drowsy, and he's put himself to sleep! He usually falls asleep with the pacifier in his mouth, but it falls out shortly after and he doesn't wake up looking for it. Last night we had our first night in the pack and play rather than the bassinet. He didn't sleep quite as well as he normally does (normally sleeps 9h30/10h00 till 5h00 with no wakeups...but last night he woke up at 2h45 and then never really settled properly so he spent the rest of the night in our bed. Hoping tonight goes better. I think that part of the problem is that DH gives him that bottle while I pump, and then he kind of forgets to burp him so unless he's had a good burp, he doesn't settle very well. I'm anxious to switch him to his own room, but will probably wait a while longer till he's back to his good night sleep in the pack and play...which is more like a crib i guess!

    Naps are all still happening in the car seat (because we are out and about so much) or his bouncy chair. No crib naps or anything yet. We didn't start those with DD till she was over 3 months, so will probably wait a while longer with him as well!

    @Mamasig: I'm totally with you on being a mom of two is hard! Actually, the opposite of what I thought would happen is happening...I thought DD would be lacking in attention because I'd be so busy with the baby...but I find that DD gets so much of my time now that poor William is just hanging out in his bouncy seat half the day. And the days DD is at daycare, I have to run errands, get cleaning done, etc. I'm trying to "play" with him as much as possible, but I'm hoping that just watching DD run around, listening to us reading books, etc. is all he needs for now.

    @anandam: Good for you on DTD! Haha, I'm so not brave enough (nor have I been cleared to try yet). Poor DH assumes it will be like a year before I'm ready.

    @Skipra: wow, I can't believe he rolled already! W can roll onto his side (and he much prefers sleeping on his side to his back), but I think it will be a while yet before he rolls all the way.

    @Beebug: Ugh, the explosive puking sounds awful. Poor you guys. Glad to hear that your kids had a good visit with DH though...even though you had such a long drive. We had a long drive last week...took the kids to a cottage with the in-laws for a few days and the drive was just over two hours. DD was NOT happy on the drive (DS just slept!) I ended up having to sing my entire repertoire of kids songs...and I do NOT have a good singing voice.

    @Mae: That's great that she's been napping so well in her swing! It really is nice to be able to put them down and get some things done! Our bouncy chair is a lifesaver...We have a swing, but haven't taken it out because I think that DD would just try to climb in it (she LOVES swings).

    @Glitter: aww, sorry to hear he wasn't doing well after his shots But glad to hear he's better. I totally know what you mean about the problems with their necks in the car seat. Every single time I take Will out of the car, this is what his head looks like. I have no idea how to fix it...since I know you aren't supposed to add anything to a car seat that didn't come with it. It's the same car seat we had for DD, but she never had this problem for some reason!

  26. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Mamasig: good luck when you try again! I am hoping that since Fia currently sleeps in her pack n play the crib will be an easy transition for her. Honestly it'll probably be harder on me than her haha. Also yay for date night! We still haven't really had one. We had a date afternoon, sorta. My parents watched LO and we ran out and watched a movie. But like-- rushed there and back. But it was still nice.

    @Beebug: omg he's so cute! Also yay for reclaiming your bedroom! I sorta wish Fia's room was closer so we could do that. Also, totally jealous of your supply! I thought mine was getting better, but now I don't think so. I really only seem to make about 2oz (total both boobs) every 3 hours

  27. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: it's awful to have supply issues, too much or too little, it's stressful!!! I wish I could tone it down, but aside from dehydrating myself? Lol not a good idea!

  28. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: I just can't wait until feeding her isn't such an ongoing battle. I swear, every week is different and every week is a new issue. This week's struggle is that Fiona is constantly hungry (growth spurt?) but has decided she hates bottles? Like I breastfeed her and then she is still doing her hungry cry and chewing on her hand (big hunger signals for her) and I make her a bottle of formula (or breastmilk if I have any pumped) and she just fights and fights and fights it. She cries and shakes her head and you think she doesn't want it. But then she does her hungry cry. Then like the 4th time you offer the bottle, after all that drama, she sucks it down like you've been starving her. And I'm like--- wtf. If you're hungry, eat! Every feeding session is taking 1-1.5 hours because of all the fighting. And then she's wanting to eat about every 2.5 hours. So I'm spending more time during the day (attempting to) feed her than I am doing anything else.

    Also today I think someone gave her baby speed or something lol. All day long she has taken only 4 naps, each 30 min on the nose (and wakes up screaming). I feel like if she would just take one good hour-long nap she'd reset and be happier. But she's clearly overtired and that isn't helping matters. Sigh.

    Hard mom day. If I wasn't bf I'd crack open a bottle of wine tonight.

  29. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @cookie_dough: yep that's how Gio looks without my assistance in his carseat. So scary! Sometimes his head topples forward too and kinda lays on his chest, on a side.

    We've been cobedding for the last few days - please judge me! I never wanted to cobed at all - always fearful that I may crush him, but for the last 3 days we kinda fell into it and he's been sleeping soooo much better than in the cosleeper. I also haven't rolled at all so it's making me feel better about it, in a weird way, because I keep thinking I shouldn't, but it works for us both. Ahhh so torn!

  30. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Glitter: why should we judge you? I think it's totally normal and natural. Of course a baby sleeps best close to their parents! I think your momma instincts are aware of him and you won't roll over. We started cobedding when DS was older but if it gets us sleep it works for us. And as a working mom, I like the extra hugs and cuddles I get. Now, I don't want to put Leo in the bed with my older son in there. I still hope Leo likes his crib and that one day he and his brother will share a room.

  31. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Glitter: I've read a bunch of articles about how cobedding is actually safest for baby if you follow all the rules. I get your fear though. I won't even lay with Fia in our bed because I'm terrified of falling asleep and her suffocating (not so afraid of me rolling on her-- afraid of the pillows and blanket and whatnot). I'm just way too paranoid! But I think (supposedly) it is supposed to be just fine.

    Also-- I'm feeling like the worst mom ever today. I was cutting Fia's fingernails last night and I clipped the top of her finger! There was a skin flap and it bled SO bad. For like an hour. We finally went to urgent care because it wouldn't stop. They got her fixed up (just needed to cut off the flap and then hold her hand above her head for a while) and she seems okay today. But omg. Making her bleed and then her crying for like 20 min before she'd calm down? Basically the worst 20 min of my life. My husband walked in the door from work to me sitting on the couch with a bloody baby and both of us crying

  32. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mamasig: You're right. I guess I heard so much AGAINST it without reading all the facts that I keep thinking I'm doing something really wrong. I can't wait til he's old enough to give real hugs, that must be so heartwarming Does DS sleep with you all every night? If not, was it hard transitioning him out of your bed when you were ready?

    @Mae: I've been doing more reading on it to make sure it's as safe as possible. I kick my blankets down to my waist and use one pillow, more behind my head and above my outstretched arm. DS lies below my arm so there's a good amount of separation. For now he doesn't roll so he stays well put. He's also always on my side, with me between him and DH, and his cosleeper against the edge of the bed, just in case he decides to become a champion roller overnight.

    So sorry to hear about the clipping! That's an easy mistake though, their fingers are so, so soft. Don't be too hard on yourself - I'm sure you were trying to prevent her from scratching herself with long nails - it all came from a good place and mistakes happen. It's not a major mistake and I'm sure today she's fine!

  33. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Glitter: yes, every night unless my mom is with us. Then he'll sleep with her. I'm not sure when we'll make the transition. I hope it just sort of happens naturally. That's how a lot of changes have worked for us (like getting rid of the pacifier) so I hope this is the same way.

  34. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Mae: DH nicked Blake's finger the other day while clipping his nails. It's got to happen to everyone, right? Hope you two are feeling ok today!

    Today's shot day! I am outrageously nervous about how they'll do and how the next 24 hrs will go. Anyone have tips? I've got infant Tylenol, in case of fever I now have practice taking a rectal temp due to a low fever scare on Monday, and I'm steeling myself for no sleep and non stop nursing. Anything else we should know??

  35. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @twodoghouse: cool, wet rags on forehead and cool sponge baths helped us deal with the fever in between doses of pain meds. Gio HATED the cool sponge baths but they helped!

    Good luck!

  36. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Glitter: Sounds good. Thanks for the tip!!

  37. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    My son never reacted to getting shots. He cried when he got them for a minute but then it passed. He acted normal the rest if the day. Hope Leo is the same.

  38. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @Glitter: This is what happened to us! We thought we'd done all the research and would never share the bed lest we smother our dearest, but sure enough, we do almost every night, at least for some of his sleep stretches. Sounds like you're positioning yourself and your pillow, etc. about the same way I am. I'm definitely not about to judge.

    @Mae: @twodoghouse: See #2 - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/raquel-dapice/a-baby-book-of-disasters_b_5112915.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular

    Our shots are coming up on Monday!

  39. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Mae: awww, poor you guys! i totally did that when DD was a newborn. I had no idea what to do because it did bleed for quite a while! I felt awful at the time, but realized that it must happen to so many people!

    @Glitter: I never ever EVER thought I would co-bed either...but we have been since day 1 as well. For the first week or so, DH actually slept on an air mattress on the floor and W slept in the bed with me hahaha. Now he sleeps a good chunk of the night in his bassinet or pack and play, but still ends up in our bed by early morning. I just make sure that the blankets are really low as well and that my pillow isn`t anywhere near him.

    @twodoghouse: Good luck with shots!

    So this may be a silly question, but can your babies move their heads from one side to another when they are lying down? W pretty much always has his head turned to be looking over his left shoulder, and he can't seem to move it to look straight up or over his right shoulder by himself. I sit on his right side and talk, to see if he will turn his head, but he can't seem to...and seems to get frustrated. If I position his head to the right, he seems more able to move it back over to the left side, but can't seem to do the same on the left side! Just wondering if I'm completely overanalyzing things. I just remember DD getting a flat spot on the back of her head because she was always looking straight (but could easily turn her head)...whereas this little guy will definitely not be getting a flat spot back there since he's never looking up!

  40. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: aw, i'll be thinking of you guys today! hopefully they are troopers about it.

    @anandam: omg lol. except it was not "and it bled a little." It bled a lot. For an HOUR until we decided to go to urgent care I think I did it worse than most. But this? YES:

    "So hey, do you remember reading The Da Vinci Code about 10 years ago when it was temporarily mandated by law that everyone read The Da Vinci Code? Do you remember that f*%ked-up scene where the monk is whipping himself with a rope until he bleeds to repent for his sins? And the whole time you were like, "How could anyone ever feel so badly about something they did that they would want to inflict that kind of physical pain on themselves?" So when my son was not even a week old, I accidentally cut his skin when I was trying to cut his nails -- and I'm not saying I'm in favor of self-flagellation or religious extremism, I'm just saying I get it."

    This will probably make me sound insane but I purposefully skipped my nightly motrin last night (which I take to keep my boobs from hurting so. damn. bad.) because I felt so bad about hurting fiona I felt like it was only fair I was in more pain than usual for the night too.

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