Hellobee Boards


May 2014 moms!

  1. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Glitter: G's nighttime sleep has gone downhill so we have started co bedding as well. Like @Mamasig: W also winds up in our bed most nights so when G wakes up for the second time I kick out DH and W to the twin bed in W's room. So no judgement here. I think i read something like 70% bed share at least part of the time and thats probably only those that admit to it.

    No time to respond to the rest as nap time is now over. Will catch up later!

  2. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @cookie_dough: Do you mean when he is on his stomach or his back? Fiona is very capable of moving her head side to side when she's on her back, although she favors looking to the right side. When I try to make her look to the left by going on the other side of her and talking to her its super hit or miss on if she'll actually look. But I'm super paranoid about flat spots because our nephew had that, so every night I put her down in her pack n play with her head facing in a different direction (bc she always turns her head to face our bed), so that she wears her head evenly (man I really sound crazy now... lol). So I know she can look both ways-- she just doesn't do it on request (On her stomach she also CAN move her head side to side but its a lot of effort and she doesn't do it that terribly often still).

  3. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @anandam: Ha, that article was great!

    @cookie_dough: My kids can and do move their heads, but both have a preferred side that they favor. Alice actually had a flat spot at first because she had very tight muscles and always leaned her head one way. We do little exercises with her to stretch it out but the ped May still send us to be evaluated by PT. It's very common for twin As to have this problem because they are so low down in the pelvis for so long with less room to move. Blake doesn't have the tight muscles on one side, but he does favor his right side. We move his head to go the other way, prop a burp rag under the side he likes (while we are there to monitor him), dangle toys on the other side, etc. All stuff to get him to move his head from side to side. Maybe that would help with your LO?

  4. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Mae: When he's on his back. When do tummy time, he really doesn't try to hold his head much up...he pretty much just lies with his head on the floor. I totally did the switching sides of the pack and play/crib with DD. Every night I would put her in the opposite direction. Haven't started with W yet since we just moved him to the pack and play a few nights ago. But oh my goodness, you are already going through so much with the pain, your incision, etc...take the motrin and don't feel bad!!! You have definitely suffered way more than your fair share!

    @twodoghouse: I will give the jingling toys a try! So far I've just tried using my voice (and really I just started trying today) so I will try a few more things! I'm hoping that he just prefers that side and doesn't feel like turning his head haha...and not that he's having neck issues. He actually seems to be doing a bit better in his bouncy seat right now and is looking straight up rather than to the side. How did the shot go??

  5. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @cookie_dough: G moves his head from left to right on both back and belly, but more so on his back. He's not a fan of tummytime either and usually just cries til I pick him up or decides its not worth it at all and falls asleep!

  6. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @cookie_dough: I hope the toy jingling helps! Shots went well. They screamed for a minute and both quieted down the second DH and I picked them up off the table. The rest of the day has been napping and eating. We actually had to wake them to eat! That's unheard of around here. I have no idea what all the napping is going to do for the night sleep though. In between sleeping they've been a little fussier than usual, but not bad.

  7. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    I feel like a bad mom. I have no idea what side Leo prefers and we barely do tummy time. He just lays there usually anyway - LOL. I haven't even worried about a flat head.

    Question - did anyone's baby have an umbilical hernia? If so, has it gotten better? Leo does and it has grown since he has gained weight. My older son had it and went away by around 3-4 months. But Leo's just looks bigger

  8. Keds

    coffee bean / 39 posts

    @twodoghouse: I'm glad the shots went well! R has hers on Friday. This sounds horrible now that I'm typing it, but with DD1 we always kind of looked forward to the shot days. They were horrible while it was happening, but they never bothered her after and she always slept like a champ for the rest of that day.

    @Glitter: definitely no judgement here. Similar to everyone else, R usually ends up in our bed in the mornings. I'd happily let her sleep there more bc I like the baby snuggles, but she has so many stomach issues after she eats that I'd never sleep with all the grunting that goes on.

    We've had a horrible week. We've all been sick for the past 2 weeks, but R seemed to miss the worst of it. She had a bit of a cold, but nothing bad. Then at about midnight on Monday night she woke up, ate and started screaming. Nothing we did would calm her down. She cried from 12-5:30 a.m. straight. At about 2:30 I put her in the car and drove up and down the highway for an hour. I was hoping it was just a weird anomaly, but then yesterday she was fussy all day. Then yesterday afternoon she started screaming again. She had a temp of 100.1 so we took her to urgent care. They told us if it had been 100.4 she would have had to go straight to the ER for all kinds of tests. Turns out she has a horrible ear infection in both ears. I feel so bad for the poor baby bc she must have been in so much pain. The antibiotics are already working and she has been SO much better today. I'm just glad it is just her ears and not something more major. But it has been a LONG week already!!

  9. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Keds: That's sort of how things are going for us post-shots. No drama, just super tired. They even slept great for the first stretch of night sleep, although the last hour I was nervous and fidgety waiting to hear if they were stirring and afraid they'd wake up screaming. They both ate are pretty much back to sleep already. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop but maybe they are just going to handle these shots well! Such a relief. Oh no poor R! I'm glad it ended up being something simple to treat, but that still sounds miserable. Poor thing!

  10. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Shots are the 21st for us, I hope he doesn't react much, DD didn't, I'm hoping he is the same!

    With some fuss and sleep troubles mentioned by a few (and me too) I'm not big into them, but are we around wonder week times?

    Just had a decent night, DD is unsettled so I am spying on her via camera and then hopefully can get back to sleep for an hour or so.

    I have my pp appt today!

    Today will be day 3 of 30 day shred for me, I took before pics and am going to hope for some progress in a couple weeks.

    Any notice their kiddos have hair growing in!? I saw C's yesterday! It's a few mm long and looks blonde/light brown!! Eee can't wait for more!

    Going to ask to have him weighed today even though it's a different doc and different appt, just for curiosity!

    We have a little lion rattle (light sounding bell inside) for C and he goes nuts over it, would definitely recco little toys to try for playtime!

    Also, my doc said (for neck strength) when changing baby to be on their weak side, that way they will work to turn to you. Or if no weak side noticed to rotate if possible the way they are on change table so they use the muscles as usuly during changes they are pretty happy and apt to move around freely, who knows, lol.

    Done a tad of tummy time, but with pillow under his chest and only for a short short moment to keep him happy! He is totally going to be a jolly jumper kid in another month or so! Loves "standing" and bouncing himself!

  11. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Glitter: gah those pics you posted on fb are so ridiculously cute! Fia smiles at us all the time now but I swear she is camera shy and I've never caught it with her looking right at me. Let alone a pic WITH me and her smiling-- gold!

    @Beebug: I'll have to look through the toys she has gotten and see if any seem age appropriate! We haven't really done anything with toys yet. She has a wubbanub she likes to hold onto, and we put her on her play mat and swing the animals that hang from that for her to look at, but thats it. Also I'm not sure about hair. Fiona was born with a bit of hair and I haven't really noticed if it has gotten any longer or thicker. It's so light its hard to tell. I can't wait to figure out what color it is going to be though! Depending on the light, sometimes it looks reddish (i hope!), sometimes blonde, and sometimes a light brown.

  12. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: C goes nutso excited for his toys on his playmat, lots of taggies toys, so funny to see him connecting/batting them with a little bit more intent!

    Had an okay night! He went down easy with the wakings that is huge for me, I really struggle when he's hard to get down.

    Have lunch for a colleague leaving our office for another today, so little dude is going to be passed around like crazy!

    Got the call for knee surgery today, booked for August 14th! A month, I can handle that. Lots of notice for my mom to take some time off work, and DHs Mom too, but I do hope DH is home.

    Need to go shopping for C soon. 3m stuff is getting tight! Mostly because of cloth dipes, but he is growing like such a weed!

    I cut his nails after reading here yesterday, ask me how nervous I was!!!! Only thing I find is his skin is really cornered at the tips of his nails and he's gotten a few beginnings of ingrowns (or irritation in those corners) so I have to keep a close eye after I cut an make sure I round them off as best I can.

  13. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Beebug: glad you had a good night! I thought of you last night because I think Fia didn't eat as much as usual before bed (so I wasn't totally drained) then at her 5am feeding she was tired and only ate from one side. My boobs were hurting sooo bad so I went downstairs and pumped and got 3.5 oz total from both sides (which is about the most I've ever gotten) and felt so much better. I was thinking of you saying you got like 5oz from one side and can't imagine how much your boobs must have hurt! haha

    Also, glad you got his nails cut without incident! Fiona's nails still really need to be cut because I'd just started when I cut her. But now I'm scared. I need to get a file and try that.

  14. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Beebug: I am so impressed you have the time and energy for exercise. You must be a super mom!

    I want to work out so I can lose my belly but I'm lazy and I don't really like working out. Not to mention I'm one of those people who really needs sleep so I don't think I'll give that up for exercise - LOL. Maybe once Leo sleeps more at night? Or maybe I'm just destined to keep the belly pooch. I'm back to work in a month and have zero work clothes that fit. I guess I'm hoping for a miracle!

  15. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mae: thanks! We got lucky with the pics - I don't know how he looks so focused!

    @Beebug: 30 day shred wow. Did you do it after DD too? I've youtubed a bunch of workouts but I just don't have the motivation I need (except when I catch my belly in the mirror). DH does zero exercise and eats whatever he wants so it's a real challenge getting healthy and fit around here. But I also really want my body back!

    @Keds: sorry you had such a rough week, but glad baby girl is getting better!

    @twodoghouse: Alice and Blake took their shots like pros! No fever? You're so fortunate.

    @Mamasig: Our pediatrician says Gio's umbilical hernia is getting smaller and they continue to decrease until 2 yrs old?? I think that was the age. Is Leo's getting smaller at all? Mine never did! I have a full outie. I really don't want my kids to go through that. Was a major embarrassment growing up.

  16. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: Both of mine had this male pattern baldness thing happening and birth with some hair on the back of the head but hardly any on top. All of Blake's fell out and Alice's just got thick in the back for a sweet baby mullet. They finally have peach fuzz growing on the top and I'm obsessed with how soft and perfect it is. Especially after a bath! I think Blake's hair will be lighter than Alice's. He's always had lighter eyebrows and eyelashes than her so I think he'll be more like my husband as a baby whereas Alice looks more like my mom's side of the family with darker features.

    Which reminds me, yesterday at the ped she laughed that she hasn't ever seen twins this young look so different. Alice is still a pound bigger and their features, shape of their face, shape of eyes are so different! They do have some of the same facial expressions. They both pout in a similar manner, haha. I just can't wait to see what they look like when they get bigger and if they are always so different.

  17. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: SO sore its awful. Been better the last day or so, but my let down is still awful on him.

    @Mamasig: Not super Mom, just crazy. Really selfish about wanting my body back and being happy with how I look.

    @Glitter: I did! I didn't start it until 11w pp with DD, did 60 days and then began running with a 6m pp 10km goal race. Vowed to myself I would start back sooner this time! But not the running part, shouldn't be doing anything for one. but will wait til knee is fixed to do much more.

  18. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @twodoghouse: The balding patterns are so funny, DD had so much hair we never saw one, but with him it is pretty funny!

  19. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Mae: We got sooo many little toy/rattle things and I was sort of thinking we wouldn't use them for a long time. Turns out A and B already love looking at things. We can even prop up a little stuffed bird next to Blake on his boppy lounger and he'll smile and coo at it for half an hour. When he seems to be getting bored with it we squeeze it to make noise and he starts up again. So cute!

    Speaking of pumping, since I quit the nipple shields the babies have been eating shorter times but more frequently (10-13 x/day) and I am pumping so much! Last night I got 5 oz combined during my one night pump. Maybe that's not a lot for regular pumpers but for me it was monumental! I think them eating so much is helping with night sleep too. Our ped gave us the ok to let them sleep one long stretch (5 hrs or so) as long as they wake up more frequently the rest of the night. She said usually she's encouraged parents to let their babies at this age to sleep as long as they will, but Blake still isn't on the growth charts and Alice is only in the 8th percent so she wants us to still wake. It reminded me of your post the other day about Fia sleeping a ton at night. Hope she's still sleeping well and you're getting well rested. Mine are great night sleepers so far so I'm hoping that someday they will actually sleep all the way through the night. I miss my sleep!

  20. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Keds: Oh so sorry about your difficult week. Poor R! Hope she's feeling better!
    @Beebug: I totally need to start exercising. I think I have the 30 day shred so I need to start it! Hope your appointment goes well today. G's hair is starting to grow in a bit. He favors sleeping on one side of his head so he was totally bald except a little patch on one side of his head. He has hair there now but it's pretty short. And yay for having knee surgery scheduled. Are you going to be able to breastfeed with all the drugs they give you or will you have to stop or pump & dump for a while? My sister had knee surgery and gave up breastfeeding at that point. I don't know why though.
    @twodoghouse: I know my guys are not twins, but with them both being boys we expected them to look similar but they really look nothing alike! W is like a mini DH and G looks almost exactly like me as a baby. We thought G's hair was going to start growing in blonde, like W, but so far it is still brown.

    Night sleep has gone to crap in our house over the past week. We were so lucky that W finally started sleeping through the night but now he's back to waking up early, like midnight, and wanting to come into our bed. G was sleeping until between 3:30 and 5 and now he's waking up around 1 and then only sleeping in hour long stretches the rest of the night unless I bring him in bed with me. I hope this is only a phase and not the new normal.

    Also, call us crazy, but we have decided to go visit my sister over Labor Day weekend. It's a 3 hour flight so not too bad. We wanted to go then so we can take them both as lap infants because W turns 2 in September. I don't know how we're going to handle a crazy almost 2 year old confined on a plane for 3 hours, yikes. I think both flights are during his normal nap time so fingers crossed he will sleep at least part of the trip.

  21. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Glitter: My husband is the same. And he thinks my weight is fine. What I consider my ideal weight, he thinks is too skinny. He says he likes women with meat on their bones! My problem is all the meat goes to my tummy!

  22. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @skipra: not sure about bf'ing around knee surgery. Will be a topic for pre-op appt with the anesthesiologist! Regardless I m going to aim to get as much breast milk frozen up to that point, just to be sure! Day by day with the bf'ing but I definitely don't wat to quit then if everything is still going okay!

    Just had appt! C is 13.09lbs! I was 160, gained 3lbs! Damnit, haha!

    Got prescript for depo provera and all clear down there, buuuut I don't think that will be a thing for a long while, so not really thinking about it, but good all is good down there! Had a good cry and talk about the DH stuff, my doctor said he had a dream a few weeks ago about everything I told him today, how effed is that?!

    Heading to my parents now, my grandparents are here so will be great to finaly have a visit now that we are mostly healthy! My grandma was sick badly years ago so we are very careful around her. My great grandma's 90th is Saturday and I am really excited to see her and my whole family then, but dreading the "where's DH" questions. Going to lie, as obviously the current reality is (hopefully) not the long term one!

  23. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Beebug: Wow C is so big! Good luck with the family visit!

    Had G's 2 month appointment and shots. Only 11.5 lbs but 24 in, so long and lean. Funny because that's pretty much W's size at 4 months!

    Has anyone attempted the beach yet? We're going to attempt this weekend and I'm nervous!

  24. HayleyJane

    olive / 52 posts

    @twodoghouse: I agree that the nipple shields make babies lazy with the latch. Every time I try to get my LO to latch, she's too shallow and gives me lipstick nipple. Even when she starts out with a good deep latch, she pulls back and refuses to keep it up. I think I'm going to have to make an appt with an LC.

    @skipra: We use the k'tan breeze when it's really hot out and we're not going to be in the shade. When we don't have shade and are walking, we use the ergo with the performance insert, but honestly, I think it's probably just as hot as the regular insert. Maybe it would make more of a difference if we had the performance ergo, but I can't justify spending the money on another one.

    @glitter: On the weekends, I bring Juna to bed with us after her early morning wake-up. She sleeps in the crook of my arm (facing the ceiling, of course) and swaddled so she can't squirm around. I am a light sleeper and don't move in my sleep anyway, so I'm not that worried now. I was at first, though. And I will probably worry more when she no longer gets swaddled.

    @cookie_dough: She just started moving her head to the other side regularly in the past week or so, which is good because she was getting a little flat on the other side. I kept positioning her to look the other way when I laid her down to sleep, and I guess it's starting to take.

    @beebug: Juna's hair is growing in, too. Looks quite a bit lighter in color than what she was born with!

    I have been hesitant to say anything for fear of jinxing it, but since it has happened fairly consistently for the past week - I have a baby that sleeps through the night (at least til the 4 mo regression…)! 8:30/9pm-5am, and it is glorious. When she got to 3 months exactly, it's like something clicked and she slept for 11 hours straight the first time (and I had to wake her up). We've been doing a mixture of Moms on Call and Happiest Baby on the Block since about 6 weeks old. She gets breastmilk all the time except for her bedtime bottle which is half breastmilk, half formula. Double swaddle and white noise! It's probably just luck, though. Still, this extra sleep (with a little help from Zoloft) is doing a world of good for my PPD.

    I need to start working out because I have at least 20 lbs to lose. But I hate working out so. damn. much.

  25. Coopersmama

    cherry / 129 posts

    Hey sweet mamas-

    So good to see, read all your updates.

    My cutie has had a little bit of a rough end of week after her shots. Her acids reflux came back with a vengeance! And she is on Prevacid and it had been working. I asked my doc and he said we would just have to wait it out. Annoying.

    Before that she was doing great. Super happy baby. She started sleeping 6-7 hours at might, but it is because we do a dreamfeed at 11 and more importantly- we moved her from her cosleeper to a fisher price swing instead. That swing has to be the best $130 dollars I ever spent. She can hang out in it for 15 minutes wide awake. She naps in the day for 2-3 hours in it, and now STTN in it. (I know not have my hopes up about that, but for now).

    We had major bout of cradle cap. My mum kept applying lure coconut oil and washing. Got lots better.

    Is anyone's baby hair falling off? I know it's normal, but I am a little sad that she is losing her hair.

    Also- is anyone's baby reaching and grabbing? She likes the play Mat, but just likes to check it out and smile.

  26. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @HayleyJane: I hope the good sleep keeps up!

    @Coopersmama: No hair falling out for us (yet). Her hair is and has always been weird though lol. It's thicker around the border and thinner on top/middle. Also its darker at the bottom and lighter at the top. From a distance I feel like it looks like she has male pattern baldness haha. Also, no real reaching and grabbing yet. She flails a lot and sometimes on her play mat it looks like she is trying to bat at the toys.. but I think she is sort of just flailing with no purpose. And she does grab/hold things but again--- sort of unintentional I think haha.

    So, our never-ending drama is trying to get this little lady fed. I've been to the end of my rope and back this week. Cliffs notes summary for anyone not following along all my posts on the most recent drama... I was BF at night and pumping during the day to try to get my nipples to heal. Then LO started refusing the boob entirely and flipping her shit when I tried to nurse her, so when I finally convinced her to nurse again (after much crying on both our parts) I decided to nurse her every single feeding (boobs be damned) to establish breast-feeding again. Fast forward a week and a few mini-dramas later... she started fighting being supplemented with the bottle. Monday she started fighting but I was still winning and she'd eventually take the formula. Tuesday she fought more and ended up taking less formula. Wednesday fought more, took even less. I also and an LC appt on Wed that confirmed I'm not making more milk than I was (only about 14 oz/day of the 30ish they say she needs). Thursday she took even less formula (7.5 oz). Yesterday was the worst yet-- only 1.5 oz supplement after bf. She just REFUSES the bottle. Even though she's clearly hungry. And yes, far fewer wet diapers this week, as you'd expect (including totally dry diapers overnights). Sigh. As an experiment last evening I pumped rather than bf her and she took both the breastmilk and formula from the bottle. She just wouldn't take a bottle if she breastfed first.

    So DH and I had a big heart to heart last night and decided I need to give up on the idea that my supply will ever increase, and give up on the idea that I can BF her all or most meals. So the plan was try only BF her at night like i had been before, and pump otherwise. Then just feed her breastmilk and formula all day via bottle. But this morning she started refusing the bottles of formula outright! She'd take the pumped milk, but no formula. Except I don't make enough milk (2 oz every 3 hrs is what I can pump)! So we fought through 3 meals that way and she refused formula entirely. Then decided to try giving her formula first for her next meal, then bm. That actually worked for her next two meals. She still fought somewhat, but we were able to win and she took 4 oz for both of those meals (2 oz formula then 2 oz pumped milk). So now we're back on plan again.. but I fear she might just not be a kid who can take variety. I'm not sure she can do breastfeeding and pumped milk and formula. I'm not even sure she can do milk and formula without it being a fight every time We're going to try this for a few days but if things don't get easier, I think we're going to have to just go to formula. I'm pretty bummed. But more than that, I'm just convinced we need to figure out a way to feed this kid consistently and make sure she is eating enough and make sure that I'm not spending hours a day fighting with her over eating. Fingers crossed our plan works.. but if it doesn't then fingers crossed that she takes to 100% formula feeding well and we can move on in a less dramatic fashion feeding-wise.

  27. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    So I breastfed her last night before bed and for her one wakeup. It was so sad bc her eyes lit up like omgYES this is what I've been waiting all day for. But this morning she outright refused the bottle again. I feel like all the progress we made yesterday was lost. I don't think I can bf her at all anymore bc she just can't switch between that and bottles I guess. I would've thought I'd be relieved. I have thought about quitting almost daily and bf still hurts like hell. But I'm kind of shockingly heartbroken about it. I've always said I was in it for the health benefits not the bond, but knowing the last time was probably the last time ever... I'm just really surprised how sad I am.

  28. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Mae: I'm so sorry your BF struggles continue. Sometimes it seems like one step forward and two steps back, doesn't it? Whatever you decide, remember that you are choosing the best thing you can for Fia and that makes it the right choice! And there are a million ways to bond - you don't have to be breastfeeding to share that closeness. Let yourself feel sad and snuggle your little girl as much as possible today!

  29. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Mae: Oh I just got teary for you, thinking about the last time bf'ing. Sorry you are struggling so much with it but there are certainly other ways to bond with baby girl. I hope in time you will be at peace with it. I have never heard of anyone that has gone through so much and continued to try bf'ing as long as you. Lots of hugs!

  30. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: @skipra: thanks I think once we fully establish bottle feeding and we get a routine down so that feeding her is not the epic struggle it has been every day if her life, that will go a long ways towards me feeling better about it. Already I feel very sure that I'm not doing her any good by trying to continue bf, and I'm not quitting but recognizing that on our case it would be selfish to try to continue. So rationally I'm fine with it. But emotionally right now.. It feels a little like an unexpected breakup at the end of a rocky relationship. I know it's for the best but it's still sad. The good news is that I just got her to take 4 oz (half bm half formula ). So I am feeling like hopefully in a few days she will fully accept the bottle and we will get to that place of easy feeding. In the meantime I need to figure out a pumping routine that works for me.

  31. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    also, since i'm such a debbie downer lately.. here is some happy. I did Fia's 2 mo pics this morning and this is sort of an outtake (because it isn't well focused or framed)... but I sort of love it anyways. The look on our dog's face, and on Fiona's (I feel like it's very.... "seriously?")... cracks my shit up. Posted on fb... but for anyone who isn't friends with me there.

    ETA: I'm using the koala as her growth token.. I do all her monthly pics with it. They do not usually include the dog haha

  32. anandam

    kiwi / 687 posts

    @Mae: This parenting thing is no joke. It's really hard trying to balance hopes/expectations/beliefs with what's actually happening. Like how you were always so sure about breastfeeding and its health benefits, but F has her own plans and needs that threw a wrench in your plans. I've felt this way about a few things (bed-sharing, pacifiers) and I'm sure it will only continue as they grow. You've been so committed to her best interest the whole time, and I think it's so brave to come to your decision based on her reality, even if it contradicts what you expected or what the lactivist world would have you believe. If there's one thing I'm learning from all of this, it's that there is a lot more grey area in the rights and wrongs of parenting than there is black or white, and all we can do is try to figure out what works for the individual baby person we have the privilege to nuture. I really hope everyone in your world is supportive of you and respects all the care you've put into this decision.

    ETA: Love that photo. Makes me wanna get one of DS with a lovey and our cat!

  33. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @anandam: Seriously. I'm so surprised at the reality of so much of this. Like I really believed that if you tried hard enough, you COULD breastfeed. I just could not accept that for some people it was not possible to maintain. Supply? Okay I could accept that might never be great. But as long as I was making half I thought I could will us into a successful relationship. I think it really struck a chord with me when my husband told me Friday night--- this is not a problem of will. I have the will, but that alone cannot make this work.

    Also you should totally do that! I baby and pet photos. I haven't gotten many because our pets still don't like her much... but some day! I will make it happen!

  34. Keds

    coffee bean / 39 posts

    @Mae: I don't have any good advice, just wanted to say I'm sorry the bf adventure has been so hard and I'm so impressed at your determination. I did have a few friends who exclusively pumped for a long time but were able to bf their babies when they got a bit older. I know it doesn't work for everyone, but maybe all hope is not lost. That is if you decided you wanted to try again later. Maybe the pumping and supplementing will work best for you and Fia and everyone will be much happier. Whatever works best for you two is obviously the right decision.

    I love love love that picture. The look on your dog's face is priceless.

  35. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Mae: I'm not a big pet lover but I must admit that pic is so lovely!! I'm sorry that you may not breastfeed Fia again but I think you're making the decision that is in her best interest. Following your breastfeeding ordeals has taught me so much - I really was ignorant to the many hurdles moms could go through trying to bf. I think a lot of people are. But following your story will definitely make me more sensitive and compassionate towards those who really want to but for some reason are not able to. I hope you come to total peace with your decision knowing that you're doing what you know is best for your daughter.

  36. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Mae: I just wanted to say I admire all that you've done trying to make Breastfeeding work. Your little girl is lucky to have you as her mom! I hope both you and her can find more peace during feedings.

  37. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    Thanks all. I just put Fia to bed with a bottle for the first time. There were tears (from me, not her luckily). I will get over this. It's just a hard day.

  38. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Mae: Love that pic! So adorable. It totally broke my heart when W decided he didn't want to nurse before bed anymore and he wanted Daddy to do bedtime. I think that was the biggest cry i had in years. It's very emotional! Take your time grieving and know that you're not alone feeling that way.

  39. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Mae: seriously that pic is probably one of my fave pics ever of anything, omg I near died laughing with their expressions!

    You are a serious star for your effort for bf'ing. I'm sorry it has been so difficult and you should be proud of the effort you did out forth to make bf work. Fia will be strong and beautiful whether FF or bf and you will always be a great Momma to her!

    My Q of the day, cradle cap. C has scaley skin in a patch on his scalp and it seems to be creeping/spreading. Is this cradle cap? What can I do to clean it up or do I have to wait it out? We switched from bassinet to crib and swaddling to sleep sack (head on crib sheet now) so I am assuming that change has triggered whatever this is?

    I was grumpy this am, DD said to me after DS fell asleep, "tea?" Haha oh she knows me too well. I broke my 9-3 no TV rule, made her a snack, me a tea and turned on CMT. Just popping on my phone quick, I need to be busier, home day today I am feeling stir crazy, bah.

  40. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Beebug: My older son had cradle cap. When it was really flakey, I put baby oil and combed it out. It helped some but mainly we just waited it out.

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