Hellobee Boards


May 2016 moms!

  1. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @sharpie: I find eggs super repulsive right now as well as pretty much any dairy and meat. I eat a protein bar first thing in the morning and drink a really cold organic protein powder shake made with almond milk for dinner. For lunch I try to tolerate a frozen amys meal.

  2. sharpie

    grape / 84 posts

    @TrailRunner: Also good point, I think I could stomach a frozen meal, which is ridiculous. Kind of like in my first pregnancy I could stomach chicken mcnuggets but not real chicken. But a protein bar sounds really good too, need to research to find some that aren't too junky.

  3. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @TrailRunner: Seriously, don't feel bad about being dramatic. My nausea hit a nice crescendo this weekend, and I finally prayed to the porcelain god this morning. I am extremely happy to be pregnant after 18 months and IVF, but I think there's an actual physical limit to how happy/grateful someone can be whilst gagging into the toilet at 7am on a Monday before work. Give yourself a pass And what makes me feel somewhat better is that I'd much rather be puking all day than gearing up for another IVF cycle. It helps a little!

    @My Only Sunshine: Great tips. Really good reminder for me to stay hydrated!

    Has anyone gotten a rx for their MS? I remember friends and family always having Zofran on hand and calling it a “magical little pill” because you can take it on an empty stomach and it works reliably. I had a major nervous stomach on my wedding day and couldn’t eat a thing, so my SIL gave me one and it literally saved the day! Anyway, thinking of asking my RE this week, as it’s only gotten worse and now involves vomiting (lovely), and I’m leaving for a week in Ireland on Friday!

  4. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    I scheduled my first appointments today! Early ultrasound on 10/5 because of my history of losses. Nurses appointment on 10/12 and first doctors appointment on 10/27.

    That ultrasound feels SO far away. Just crossing my fingers for everything to be OK until then. We keep talking about things like "Well, if I'm still pregnant this Christmas, then...." or "If I actually have this baby, then..." It feels kind of morbid and depressing.

    Anyone else have appointments on the horizon?

  5. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @petunia354: I say wear them now! With my 2nd pregnancy I started wearing them around 6 weeks. So much more comfortable!

  6. petunia354

    pomegranate / 3863 posts

    @My Only Sunshine: I just made my first appt too! I go for an ultrasound and doctor visit on 10/19. It seems so far away but I know time is going to fly! Just have to keep ourselves busy b/w now and then

    Is anyone here considered high risk?

  7. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @sharpie: I like the Amy's frozen meals be a lot of the ingredients are organic and they are all vegetarian. I used to be a vegetarian and they were my go to in a rush meals. I honestly cannot even look at meat unless it's fried chicken tenders. Bleh.

    @YogiRunner: I have an appt next week and I plan on asking about medications. Problem is my DH is really against me taking anything at all, so we shall see I guess. After one of my puking sessions today I popped in some of the sea bands gum, and it helped instantly to settle my stomach. Maybe I'll keep trying that. I think I'm going to have to come clean to my boss soon.

  8. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @delight: Hey, just checking in to see how you're doing. October 1st will be here before you know it. I've heard betas can vary really widely so try not to worry too much (I know easier said than done). Thinking of you!

  9. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @petunia354: I will because of my age. I'll be 37 next month. I also had GD last time so I'm sure I'll have it again.

  10. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    I'm coming out of hiding... cautiously. For those of you who didn't see my posts, my betas at 11 and 13 dpo came back at 46 and 55 respectively. Thought it was another mc, but then 5 days later betas were 955.

    I'm thinking my intense nausea and vomiting are pretty good signs, so I'm feeling a bit more confident, but still scared. Still waiting to hear when my early u/s will be. I'm told they typically don't do them before 9 weeks...

    Location: Halifax, Canada

    EDD: May 3, 2016 (based on charting and OPKs)

    How far along: 6w6d

    First child? No, I have a daughter who's 2 (April 2013)

    First doctor appointment: Had one initially for those horrible betas, then had another one went it went up. That was 2 weeks ago. Next one is Oct 1...

    Any symptoms so far? Extreme nausea/vomiting/hunger... just feeling all around awful.

    Who have you told? DH, in-laws, parents, siblings. With 2 mc's under our belt, we won't tell anyone else for a while.

  11. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @sslm: I'm so happy to see you! I think our daughters are like 2 days apart (if I remember correctly? Mine is the 22nd). I'm sorry it's been a difficult start for you. Have you found anything that helps relieve the nausea? It sounds awful

  12. petunia354

    pomegranate / 3863 posts

    @sslm: Fingers crossed for a healthy 9 months!!

  13. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @petunia354: I am home most of the time, so I've been wearing athletic shorts when it's hot, and leggings whenever it's cool enough. I ordered a new pair of maternity jeans this weekend, and if they look remotely reasonable I'm wearing them to work this week. I was so uncomfortable last week, especially since I sit all day at work and the waist band was just digging into my gut all day!

  14. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    @My Only Sunshine: 10/5 will be here before you know it! My first OB appt is this Wednesday. I *think* I'll be a little over 7 weeks. I had an initial appointment a few weeks ago with my GP just to confirm pregnancy, they didn't draw blood so hopefully at my Wednesday appointment I'll know for sure how far along I am...

    @sslm: Welcome, and congrats!!

  15. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @sslm: Welcome and congrats!

    @petunia354: I don't know if it's considered "high risk" but I'm "advanced maternal age" for this pregnancy. I'm 34 but will be 35 by the time I deliver.
    Btw, I gave up and put on a pair of maternity jeans this morning!

    I've been feeling pretty sick (nothing helps except eating, and I'm hating all food right now), but today I feel a bit better. Anyone else notice it coming and going?

  16. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @My Only Sunshine: my 1st appointment is October 8. I can't wait. I love the 1st appointment. This will also be my last baby so I want to enjoy every bit of it.

    @catlady: at my annual checkup I asked my doctor what would be different this go around since I was definitely over 35 (I had just turned 35 last time). She said the weekly monitoring, which included ultrasounds, that I had because of my GD last time I would get this time because of my age. And genetic testing would be offered.

  17. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @sslm: I'm so glad to see you here. I hope you're doing ok. I also hope you can get an scan soon!! also, I love Halifax. That was one of our stops on our East Coast honeymoon!
    @YogiRunner: thanks for checking in. I am hanging in there. My doctor doesn't seem concerned at all with my betas and they don't want to do anymore. So I'll just have to wait a couple weeks for my scan. I will be on edge for a while still, until I get results from the Panorama and know that we have a healthy babe this time!
    @petunia354: I'm high risk after we loss our little girl to Turner's Syndrome in December. I think it just means I get more scans and have free access to the NIPT testing and that I see an OB and genetics counsellor from now on instead of my doctor.
    @catlady: My nausea comes and goes. Some days I don't notice it much and other days if I don't constantly eat I feel gross.

  18. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @TrailRunner: sorry flipped back a page and saw your reply. My doctor's office wasn't concerned with the 300-579 beta in 48 hours. I guess I should just relax and try to focus on other things. I am reading a lot online that most doctors only want to see a 60% increase over two days. I also realize that only a small proportion of women even have betas drawn. For now they aren't doing any more draws.

  19. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @Silva: Yep! My daughter was April 21 Happy to see a familiar face!!

    Just heard from my doctor, I have an u/s next Tuesday afternoon. So nervous. I really hope I'll be staying here with you guys. I should be 8w exactly at that point.

  20. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @delight: Halifax is awesome! It's my hometown, I was in Ottawa for a few years but worked really hard to get back here

  21. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @sslm: Thinking lots of good thoughts for your u/s next week!!

  22. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts


    Next Tuesday is so soon! (But I know it also feels forever far away.)

  23. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @sslm: Good luck! Hope the time passes quickly. I know how you feel, my next u/s isn't for another 4 weeks and I know the weeks will drag.

    @Mamasig: Are you going to do the genetic tests? I have been offered Materniti21 this time and I think we are going to do it. I didn't have the option last time.

    @delight: Glad to know I'm not the only one with nausea coming and going. I'm so sorry about your daughter. I hope you have an easy pregnancy this time and a healthy May baby.

  24. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @catlady: I'd like to - purely to find out the sex early. I need to see if my insurance will cover it and if not the cost.

  25. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @sslm: hope the week passes by quickly for you!

  26. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @sslm: good luck with your u/s next week! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

  27. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @petunia354: I'm due in April but I'm high risk. I start progesterone shots at 15 weeks.

  28. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    Hi ladies - I've been lurking for the last week b/c I thought I'd be out of the game due to bleeding but an u/s today showed a little flicker of a heartbeat. Baby's measuring 6w6d, I'm 7w2d based in LMP but may have ovulated later. I'm still nervous with the spotting but hope things continue to do well. Dr put me on bed rest until next Monday's appt. feeling super nauseous all the time but no vomiting. Boobs are back to normal though. Hope everyone's doing good.

  29. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @iluvboba637: how exciting to see that heartbeat! I hope things keep going well!

  30. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @petunia354: I guess I'm now considered high risk from my bleeding episode and my crazy BP. He wouldn't prescribe progesterone though, just bed rest and BP meds.

  31. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @BandDmommy: interesting that you don't start progesterone until 15 weeks. I'm gonna keep asking my dr about it.

  32. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @Silva: thanks. I really went in expecting the worsted tee all that bleeding. And he said well look at that!

  33. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @iluvboba637: do you have history of preterm labor or births? They won't prescribe if you don't. My son was born at 34 weeks and DD just shy of 37 weeks.

  34. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @BandDmommy: no preterm labor. Just one MC and currently what they are calling a threatened MC because of the bleeding. DS was born 40w1d induced.

  35. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @iluvboba637: i doubt they will prescribe progesterone unless they see that it's low. Did you get bloodwork done? I've had bleeding all 3 of my pregnancies and its sooo common! I know it's very stressful though. Hang in there! Once you see heartbeat chances of miscarriage drop by 10%.

  36. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    Oh, the hormones. I still feel much better physically than I did last time, but I'm a bit of a mess right now. I'm super anxious- not about anything in particularly (which tells me it's all hormonal), but just wound tight. And that translated to insomnia last night.
    On a related note, last time I cut coffee completely in the first tri, and then had one or two cups a week after that. This time? I've been having one cup a day and I feel really guilty about it even though it's within the recommended amount...

  37. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    Sp here's a charming symptom I had forgotten about from my first preganancy - burping! It kind of goes hand in hand with the morning sickness. I think I'm going to throw up and then, oh, just a burp. So gross.

    @Silva: I hear you on the insomnia! I seem to alternate between falling asleep on the couch at 7 pm or being wide awake way too late.

  38. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    @Silva: I've had a bit of insomnia this time too. I fall asleep fine but wake up easily at night. So weird.

    @My Only Sunshine: that was my biggest symptom with my 1st pregnancy. It was awful! The burping sucked!

  39. petunia354

    pomegranate / 3863 posts

    @Mamasig: @catlady: @delight: @BandDmommy: @iluvboba637: Comforting to know I'm on the only high risk one here. I'm high risk because I only have 1 kidney. That basically guarantees me lots of extra monitoring with my OB and MFM, bed rest at some point and preeclampsia.

    Hoping that you all have healthy, uncomplicated pregnancies! And a little extra monitoring never hurt, right?!

    @iluvboba637: Congrats on seeing the heartbeat! My thoughts are with you, Monday will come quickly!

    @Silva: I had some insomnia over the weekend which is very unlike me. I've been finishing up whatever caffeinated coffee we have at home and then will switch to decaf. I don't feel that guilty about it though. Poor second baby, lol! Hope you get some good sleep soon!

  40. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    @Silva: I'm struggling with insomnia too! Just can't seem to get comfortable, and then wake up to pee in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep...

    @My Only Sunshine: The burping is awful! A few nights ago I just couldn't stop, and I think DH was getting pretty grossed out lol

    I'm going to my first OB appointment today! Since this is my first pregnancy and I've never seen an OB before, I'm kind of nervous... I just hope everything goes ok!

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