Hellobee Boards


May 2016 moms!

  1. rockinghorse

    cherry / 215 posts

    @Autumnmama79: So her level went down to 15, so we get to keep her home! If it would have gone up we would have also had to do the hospitalization thing. We will be keeping her on the bili-blanket now until Sunday, and we don't have to take her in for another blood draw tomorrow (thank goodness).

  2. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @rockinghorse: yay!! Good job mom. So glad that you get to stay at home

  3. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @rockinghorse: Yes better than nothing! How did it go today?

    @Autumnmama79: Aw, I love that basket! I actually did a big toys r us shop on Monday because one of the LO's has a birthday coming up and I wanted to restock my gift closet. I think if it arrives before baby- kids will get one big gift each. If not, I'm going to put together a "goody bag" that baby can give on her birthday, since my kids are obsessed with party bags (and I always have little dollar spot finds stored).

    I've been feeling pretty crampy and tired every afternoon even though my activity level has been super low all week. Totally messing with my mind because then...nothing!

    How are the rest of you ladies feeling?

  4. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @rockinghorse: We were posting at the same time! So happy to hear the good news!

  5. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: your boys will be so happy! I love seeing kids faces light up when they get gifts

    I too am very tired in the afternoon. Yesterday evening I had lots of sharp shooting pains down there but no contractions. Maybe the cervix is opening? Who knows lol. It also felt like baby was wriggling down lower and it was hard to walk. At 39+2 it must be happening soon!

  6. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @Autumnmama79: So soon! Hard to walk is good! I'm 38+5 and the boys were 38+5, and 38+6 when I went into labor, so...mind games.

  7. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    Hey everyone I hope you are all doing well! I had a lot of really strong contractions tonight for a few hours. Nothing close and I didn't time them, but what caught me off guard was that the pain in my lower back was insane during each one. I've never felt that kind of pain before with Braxton hicks. I know that baby is in whatever position is called where his face is facing my back, so I shouldn't be having back labor...right? Idk it was weird and it HURT! Other than that got my hair highlighted and cut today and I have the day off tomorrow to run some errands and have our a/c guy come and do some work. Trying to get everything done before baby gets here!

  8. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: so you must really be thinking its anytime now!!!!

    @TrailRunner: I've actually been feeling that back pain too, I've had maybe two or three contractions but only felt in my back and the pain is excruciating! Yay for getting your hair done!!

    I've been off all day. Unless I'm lying down I feel nauseous and faint. Not fun. My doula did mention that right before labour can feel like you're getting the flu. I think baby has dropped and I'm wondering if something is gonna happen soon!

  9. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    I am pretty sure I am in labor. My contractions really ramped overnight and right now they are about 4-5 min apart...all in my back! They are sooooo painful. They told me to hold out as long as possible to go in since my goal is no pain meds. We shall see bc this is way more painful than I was expecting! I hope this is it and they don't just send me home.

  10. tinyperson

    pomegranate / 3858 posts

    @TrailRunner: Exciting! Keep us posted!

  11. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @TrailRunner: Eeeeeee so exciting!!! Sending you lots of good happy birth thoughts your way! You've got this mama. Can't wait to hear your next update

  12. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @TrailRunner: oooo! Good luck!! You can do this mama!!!

  13. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @TrailRunner: good luck mama!!! No pain meds sounds amazing!

  14. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @Autumnmama79: by the way, what an awesome gift basket for LO!!

    So I had another ultrasound today since last week my amniotic fluid was on the low side of normal at a 7. Today it was 6.5 so I go back on Monday. Sigh. After googling I am chugging ALL the water! A little scared of needing to be induced, but whatever is best for baby is a-ok by me.

    ETA: think I lost a piece of mucous plug this morning! I was oddly proud, haha

  15. rockinghorse

    cherry / 215 posts

    @TrailRunner: yippee!!!

    @YogiRunner: lol, be proud mama!

  16. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @YogiRunner: thanks! Can you tell I have a tiny bit of guilt over DD not being my only baby anymore?! 😂
    Sorry about the fluid issues, I hope things stay stable for you and babe.

    I've been on the lookout for my plug too. lol motherhood...

  17. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    Just got back from my appt. Dr asked to do a cervical check but I declined - I'm such a chicken I hate the pain! Tuesday is my due date and if I'm still pg then I will start monitoring at the hosp next Friday. So far baby is happy in there

    Since I'm trying for a vbac, they don't really like to do much in terms of induction so the longest she would let me go is 10 days overdue at which point she would break my water and maybe a very small dose of oxytocin. I'm all of a sudden feeling like I need to get things moving on my own....

  18. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    This baby is never going to come. I had the most excruciating back labor with contractions coming every minute at only 4cm so the midwife suggested the epidural. Of course that slowed it down and I ended up having to get pitocin. I finally got to 10 and had to labor down for an hour. Then I pushed for an hour but baby's shoulders are huge and stuck so they upped my epidural and are having me labor down again. At this point I'm ready to reach up there and pull him out myself.

  19. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @TrailRunner: oh my goodness you are so close!!! You're doing awesome. 10cm and pushing!! Baby is coming mama

  20. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @TrailRunner: good luck mama. Hang in there. Baby will be here soon.

  21. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    @TrailRunner: you can do this!! It's almost over!

  22. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    @Autumnmama79: I'm trying for a VBAC too and they will only let me go 5 days passed my due date😰 they won't induce so the closest I can get it membrane sweeps. I did one Thursday morning and NOTHING! I also feel a little frantic at this point...

  23. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @fitfigure87: oh I'm glad in not the only one, but sorry you're in the same predicament. My ob will do a sweep on Tuesday (my due date) and then we'll see from there. Tonight we went out for super spicy Mexican and in the morning will try sex and nipple stimulation - I don't wanna end up with another c section! DH isn't totally on board yet tho lol...

    When is your due date?

  24. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    Thanks everyone for all the support last night! Baby Silas arrived last night just before midnight. He weighed almost 9 pounds and had a full head of hair! He promptly pooped ALL over me before we could even do skin to skin.

  25. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @TrailRunner: yay!! Congratulations mama on delivering your baby boy! And it seems he's already a comedian

  26. iluvboba637

    kiwi / 549 posts

    @TrailRunner: congrats mama

  27. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    @TrailRunner: Yayyyy congratulations!!!!

    Sorry I haven't been keeping up with everyone's updates... I can't believe my baby girl is a week old already! Wearing her in the moby right now and trying to catch up on posts!

  28. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    @TrailRunner: yay!! So glad everything went smoothly....minus the poop! Lol! Congratulations!

    @autumnmama79: My due date is May 10th but I really really don't want a c section so we are trying anything we can to move labor along! I can't wait to hear if your sweep works...I thought for sure mine would work but my dr had a hard time reaching my cervix bc I was still high😱 I am so over being pregnant too! I tried to get my hubby to dtd for the past two nights and he is always "tired." I can't help but get irritated!

  29. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @TrailRunner: Congratulations Mom and welcome Baby Silas! You can embarrass him with the poop story for the rest of his life

    An acquaintance just had her baby and named it my #1 girl's name. DH doesn't love it anyway but I can't help but be a little disappointed!

  30. rockinghorse

    cherry / 215 posts

    @TrailRunner: I can't believe you were able to post on here during all that! And yippee, finally here!!! My little girl peed on me during skin to skin, I guess I should feel lucky that's all it was!

    @csross217: I'm so jealous! My DD is still on that darn bili-blanket. I want to try my wrap so bad! How is the first week going for you? Mine will be 1 week just after midnight. I can't believe it has been that long!

    @Autumnmama79: I couldn't get my hubby on board with sex either when I wanted to try to get things going naturally. She was just too close for his comfort.

  31. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @csross217: wearing in the moby sounds divine! I'm still wearing this one in my belly

    @fitfigure87: sorry about your high cervix. What else are you trying to get baby out? We didn't get to dtd this morning either! I don't totally want to myself but it's time to take one for the team! Apparently there's something in the semen that gets things going. I'm wondering if I should get crazy and try and castor oil...

    @YogiRunner: too bad about the name! Your DD must be destined for a more beautiful one

    @rockinghorse: how much more time on the bili blanket do they figure?

  32. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @TrailRunner: Congrats!!!!

    @Autumnmama79: @fitfigure87: Rooting for both of you! I would save castor oil as a last resort because apparently it's pretty gross, but it does work to some extent. I'm not at the point where I'm considering it for myself yet, but I'm SO antsy! I keep telling myself that baby gets to choose her own birthday.

  33. rockinghorse

    cherry / 215 posts

    @Autumnmama79: I also considered, and chickened out on, taking castor oil. And we get to take her off her bili-blanket tomorrow!!! I can't wait to take her for walks, maybe try a Target run, and just get out of here! My hubby went back to working on Thurs, and has been going to the gym almost every day, and I have just been stuck. I am afraid to leave her in case she gets hungry. And it has been so gloomy outside. Non of this is helping my sanity!

  34. fitfigure87

    grape / 79 posts

    @Autumnmama79: I'm still working out every single day and I've upped doing my squats! I figure walking will help too...so been walking 30 min to an hour a day. Castor oil...I'm basically down to try IT ALL at this point! I've been taking primrose oil orally for two weeks and I've been drinking raspberry leaf tea but none of it seems to help baby come😢 where can we even get castor oil lol

  35. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    @Baby Boy Mom: I've heard it's pretty gross too, will def give myself a few days before I get desperate.

    @rockinghorse: yay for tomorrow! And sounds like you've got lots of fun things to keep you busy - I loved taking DD for walks early on!!

    @fitfigure87: ooh I bet those squats will help! I don't even know where to get it, every time I even think about it my mind hears castrol oil like for cars - so, gas station? 😂

  36. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    @rockinghorse: Things are going pretty well! She's gained back her birth weight plus 3 oz, and is sleeping pretty well at night! She's still super sleepy during the day so sometimes its hard to wake her to feed but she's latching on much better now. And she lost her cord stump 2 nights ago so she had her first real bath yesterday I had a little scare yesterday when I was too active and had some heavy bleeding and clots, but the doctor said everything looks normal and it's slowed down now. How are things going for you?

    @Autumnmama79: we love the moby so far! You'll be wearing your LO before you know it

  37. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    I just posted on the deals board, but if anyone still needs an infant car seat, toys r us has a great deal on the chicco Keyfit 30 this weekend!

  38. Autumnmama79

    pear / 1703 posts

    Last night we went for spicy Mexican again, a long walk by the water AND I convinced DH to dtd... Baby is still snug as a bug in a rug!

    I saw somewhere that curry and cinnamon can also help so I'm off to find a yummy cinnamon bun around here! Cause it's to get the baby out, right?

  39. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @Autumnmama79: Same with the spicy food last night! We were out on one last date night and I went for the hottest thing on the menu. Cherry hot peppers on pizza = amazing. Had no idea about cinnamon, a cinnamon bun sounds amazing. Very good call Have you been having any contractions or any other signs!?

  40. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @Autumnmama79: Cinnamon?! Yum! I'm all about that. DH took the kids out for a bit so I might have to have him bring something back....

    @YogiRunner: That sounds fab. too! If there's no baby by tomorrow when kids are back in school I'm going to meet DH for one last lunch date.

    Meanwhile here, super emotional. Anyone else keep getting calls and texts from family? It's driving me nuts.

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