Hellobee Boards


November 2017 Moms!

  1. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @mrsbubbletea: Baby girl was stubborn at the anatomy scan, she was facing in, they could barely get the pictures they needed, so even though she was moving the whole time I couldn't feel it

  2. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: maybe she likes to face that way! That would explain why you haven't really felt her. She likes to cuddle mommy bladder. Haha

  3. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @mrsbubbletea: mommy's bladder would appreciate the break every now and then

  4. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    I know its early but has anyone bought anything fun for the baby lately? I keep trying to splurge on some cute little outfit, and then getting too cheap (lol).

  5. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    Oh, and I don't think I ever updated but my anatomy scan went well and preliminary results (just my doctor emailed me to say) that everything is perfectly normal!

  6. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @mrsbubbletea: I bought flyers onsies b/c they were on clearance and I made a taggie blanket b/c the idea of spending $20+ on something I can make for under $5 made me sad.

  7. helloperidot

    cherry / 236 posts

    @mrsbubbletea: We still have everything from when our first daughter was born, so we don't really need anything else! I did buy a little sleep and play that says "Little Sister", but that's it. Poor kid's going to be drowning in hand me downs.

    Had my anatomy scan on Monday and baby girl looks great and is growing right on track! It took forever to get a profile picture, though...she didn't want to move from her comfy little spot and kept putting her hand over her face...no paparazzi, please!

    I'm doing okay, I guess. Feeling lots of kicks (yay!). Already sleeping with my giant pregnancy pillow, much to the chagrin of my husband). How's everyone else feeling?

  8. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    So I waited almost 2 hrs today to see my OB for all of 5 min. I'm glad for uneventful regular appt but the wait time sucked. I have never encountered a wait time like this at the office so I hope its just a one off thing and not going to be a regular pattern. Also I can confirm that I am feeling kicks, well flutters and popping bubble type feelings but thats the start of movement

  9. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @mrsbubbletea: I bought a shopping cart hammock, a Nuna leaf swing and a couple little clothing items/outfits. I really don't "need" anything for this one but I LOVE to shop.

    @helloperidot: the kicks are seriously the best! This one is a mover and definitely opinionated these days!

    @snarkybiochemist: my OB is usually ok, but I know the one maternity clinic here is ridiculously behind most of the time!

  10. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: My appt on Monday, I had to wait for like 45 min which is not normal. Plus, I was 15 min late, so I got seen over an hour after I was supposed to have my appt! But I couldn't really complain because I wasn't sure if it was because I essentially missed my appt and they were trying to fit me in. Everything went ok at my appt, I got labs drawn to see if I am anemic since I have been having issues feeling light headed and almost dizzy many mornings. On the one hand, I might be more in tune with those type of feelings, since I am afraid of passing out again! I am pretty sure it is low blood pressure when I get up, and it only improves after I can get enough water and food in me.

    Other complaints (LOL) are starting to have trouble getting comfortable at night and constipation on and off. Sigh. I just forgot how many weeks I am and had to check my pregnancy app!

  11. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    Another complaint, I can't eat any of the yummy unhealthy snacks I just bought at trader joes because I am too full from lunch and drinking a glass of water! Ugh.

  12. helloperidot

    cherry / 236 posts

    @mrsbubbletea: I finally broke out my pregnancy pillow and basically sleep in a little nest all night long. I definitely wouldn't say I'm comfortable, though! Only 18 weeks to go...

    My DD is in back to back Mommy and Me classes on Tuesdays (soccer and then swimming) and by Tuesday night I'm crazy tired and sore and cursing the idiot who chose that schedule (me. It was me.). Thankfully it's only for one more week and then we switch to soccer on Tuesday and swimming on Thursday. Last night DH was super concerned and kept asking if soccer was too much for me, and I just gave him The Look and was like "dude, it's 30 minutes of pretend running and kicking. If I can't do that, I can't do anything." Yay hormones.

  13. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I am definitely having to take it easier these days. After busier days at work (lots of running around, standing at bedsides, etc with not as much time to eat/drink) I have had lots of leg swelling and my BP is up. I am thinking I might end up on disability by 32/34 weeks again this time (I did with DS but worked to 36 with DD).

    We are about to do a big road trip with the kids, it's 23 hours of driving total each way 😂 That should be ... interesting

  14. helloperidot

    cherry / 236 posts

    22+4 and I can finally feel baby girl on the outside! This is what I've been looking forward to the most. I can't wait until she's kicking hard so that my toddler can feel her!!! And my DH is excited to finally feel her too.

  15. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    @helloperidot: Lol at husbands when they randomly think to be protective or whatever about our stamina during pregnancy...what about all the other 95 percent of the day my toddler is jumping on my belly and whatever else!

    @MsMini: I hope work slows down a bit, take care of yourself. My patients were at the very end of the hall for my last stretch of work...so much walking. I couldn't help but think how on earth I can make it 3+ more months!

    @helloperidot: aw so special! I am really looking forward to that

    As for me, I am heading to the dentist today, way overdue for my appt but I couldn't stomach it for the longest time and then I had trouble finding a time that worked. Wish me luck! No gagging and hopefully no cavities

  16. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    How's everyone doing lately? I am loving the movement, finally seems more regular, although it's still so much lighter than I remember! I feel like really soon it's going to be able to be felt from the outside soon! Lately my biggest struggle is...TMI... constipation. Ugh. I had really ramped up the fruit and veggie intake and it worked for like a week and suddenly its back with a vengeance! I really seriously need to get some Colace.

  17. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    Oh! and another comment, I've been feeling a bit discouraged feeling like I am just barely past the half way mark, but when I thought about time left at work, it seemed like a lot more doable! If I leave at 36 weeks (I want to try to stay in a little longer, but we will see), that means I only have 13 more weeks to go! I can handle that!

  18. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: How are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a minute!

  19. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @mrsbubbletea: I'm doing good, feeling movement which is so exciting. My husband and I are on a little weekend trip to New hampshire, which is a nice break. I got viability on Tuesday which is a great milestone even if I want her to keep growing for many many more weeks. I am with you on the constipation, I go in cycles too.

  20. helloperidot

    cherry / 236 posts

    Baby girl kicks me All. The. Time. Which is great, but also geez Louise with the dance parties! No big complaints other than feeling really physically tired more easily (well, duh...I'm closing in on 35, chasing a toddler around all day, and 24 weeks pregnant). I also have nesting instincts like whoa, which makes life difficult because there's not much I can do about that. Today I organized my toddler's clothes in an attempt to way lay the urge to dig out our tub of newborn/3 month clothes (it's way, way to early to bring that stuff into the house!).

    Looking forward to big milestones in the next few weeks-- viability, the GD test, and my baby shower! I also need to contact our family photographer to a schedule our maternity session for October and pencil in a newborn sesh for late November/early December. Just in time for Christmas!!!

    And yes, I've started compiling my toddler's Christmas list already, because I know the second baby gets here I'm going to lose all sense of time (never mind how bummed I am to miss Black Friday shopping this year, it's my favorite!).

  21. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: Wonderful milestone I hope you enjoy the weekend getaway! Sounds lovely.

    @helloperidot: Everything you said! Except the photographer and black friday lol! My toddler somehow convinced me to put on a christmas show for him before lunch and it was making me so excited for christmas this year! Its going to be crazy but just so full of love and excitement.

  22. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @mrsbubbletea: normally we are go go go on trips so for this one we picked a lovely romantic inn and don't have many things planned, some nice meals maybe see a waterfall or two.

  23. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    Long car trips and pregnancy so not get along very well. I just felt uncomfortable no matter how much I shifted around and I had to make my husband stop for bathroom breaks all the time. I am really not looking forward to next weekend, a long road trip and my mil.

  24. SugarMaple

    cherry / 202 posts

    @mrsbubbletea: I have my nursery 95% done. It is so early since I still have three months left before baby comes! Now that it is August my life starts getting busy, and will keep getting busier until baby is here (I'm a teacher). So yeah, I've made a few fun purchases! I am reusing most of our gender neutral items from baby #1, so I didn't go hog wild

    @snarkybiochemist: I had that issue with my first pregnancy starting early too. My tailbone would kill if I sat too long! It makes for a tough drive, hope you find some comfort for this weekends trip.

    @helloperidot: Thank you for the reminder, I need to schedule a newborn session too. I made a poor decision in that we just had family/DS photos done the beginning of July. I ordered way too many photos/wall collages of the family pics, which is silly since we will be a family of 4 in a couple months! I doubt I'll even get them hung up before we do new ones. They turned out really cute and I couldn't resist! Wasted some cash though

    @MsMini: Good luck on the road trip!

    I had my GD screening last Monday, which went fine. Count down to 3rd trimester is on for me...10 days!

  25. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @SugarMaple: I plan to take over the whole backseat this time with pillows and snacks, I just hope I'm not too much of a PITA about bathroom stops.
    I'm at 24 weeks so a few more until the 3rd tri for me.
    We still have to clean out both our bedroom for the initial postpartum and the room we plan on using for the nursery. I feel rather under-prepared and overwhelmed.

  26. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    @SugarMaple: That is so exciting!

    @snarkybiochemist: Ugh good luck next weekend, but at least you can claim the backseat and (try to) get comfortable!

  27. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @mrsbubbletea: thanks I'm not looking forward to it at all, this is our 4th weekend we havent been home in a row

  28. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    Survived the weekend and only wanted to scream a few times. The long drive was do-able in the backseat with pillows and the ability to change positions as often as I needed to. The annoyance was my MIL, every time we were about to do something minorly physical, think climb a flight of stairs, she would turn to my husband and ask him "do you think she should do this?" I was going nuts, not only was it condescending to have it asked in the first place, she was asking my husband and not me.

  29. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: Ugh all the eye rolls at that one. MILs!!!!!

  30. Shopoholicmom

    olive / 57 posts

    How's everyone doing? Finally hit the third trimester which means counting down instead of counting up! I'm ready for cooler temperatures, school to start and baby prep!

  31. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @Shopoholicmom: Just had my 26 week appt, now I get to do the GTT and start getting ultrasounds every 4 weeks. Otherwise I'm doing ok when not panicking that 14 weeks is just not enough

  32. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    My 28 week appointment is Friday, I have an ultrasound booked as well. I did my GTT last week and I think the results look like a second GD diagnosis for me (I had GD with baby #1 but not #2). My 2 hour result was slightly high, though my 1 hour and fasting were ok. I have every intention of working my way through the baby stuff disaster in my nursery, but I haven't started yet because I keep falling asleep on the couch!

    The baby however seems to be doing great, they are a kicking machine! Lots of Braxton hicks are happening but I know you usually get more with each pregnancy.

    How is everyone else finding the early 3rd trimester?

  33. Shopoholicmom

    olive / 57 posts

    @MsMini: Sorry to hear about the GD diagnosis. I passed my GTT but I've found that sugar does not agree with me in this pregnancy so I've tried to cut back. Amen to naps on the couch. I'm so tired.all.the.time. And yes to the BH contractions. But I've had them throughout my other two pregnancies so I expected that.

    Looks like I'm also going to be dealing with some pretty serious reflux/heartburn. I had it pretty bad with my first and ended up on Nexium, so we'll see.

  34. Shopoholicmom

    olive / 57 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: Good luck with your GTT!

  35. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @Shopoholicmom: Thanks I'm a bit nervous as PCOS and being overweight are risk factors for GD.

  36. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @Shopoholicmom: the BH make me mad because I am having a booked section. There is no need for practice contractions LOL.
    I am on omeprazole full time even when not pregnant but I can definitely tell now when I miss a disecehereas before it wasn't as noticeable.

  37. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    So congestion and shortness of breath are dreadful side effects of pregnancy particularly when you are already prone to them due to asthma.

  38. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: ugh I hate those and don't even have asthma!

    I passed my glucose screening yay! I was a little worried I wouldn't. I still have the feeling of low blood pressure almost every morning, such a pain. Ironic too that soon I had to start going in every two weeks for blood pressure screenings too.

    I am at the point where one minute I feel like "eek the baby is going to be here so soon!" And then the next "oh my lord three whole more months of being prego"

    @MsMini: that's sort of funny to think of it that way! sorry about the GDM dx.

    @Shopoholicmom: yes for colder temperatures!!!

  39. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @mrsbubbletea: thanks they are annoying in general
    I feel the same way about there being not enough time and also november is so far away. I am waiting on my GTT results, I had the 1 hr on Monday along with the anemia blood work and liver enzymes due to my itching. I am hoping it all comes back normal.

  40. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: I hope you get it soon, I got my results this morning and my test was Tuesday morning. I didn't know you've been having itching, I hope everything comes back normal. I was super super itchy the last few weeks but it seemed like it was more from the heat or something, nothing that they describe in warning signs for gall bladder issues. Weird since it isn't even that hot where I live!

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