Welcome to our November 2017 moms.
First child?
Any symptoms?
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Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
Welcome to our November 2017 moms.
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
grapefruit / 4056 posts
Yay! November due date board is up! Can't wait for done due date buddies!
Location: Alberta Canada
EDD: Somewhere between Nov 2-5 (I have variable cycles)
First child? Nope! This will be #3!
Any symptoms? Not really yet!
Who have you told? My sisters, and my coworkers know (I am an NICU nurse and we have to race sone precautions with regards to x-rays and sone viruses when we are pregnant)
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? After a low initial beta draw I was really scared I was having another early loss, but my beta more than tripled in about 68 hours so feeling a lot better now. Excited to add the final me,her to our little family, as we decided long ago #3 is it for us. Kind of sad that all the firsts will be the last tine we experience them though.
coffee bean / 30 posts
Feeling a little anxious, but joining up for moral support!
Location: Australia
EDD: Nov 2
First child? Yep! (Eek!)
Any symptoms? Nothing significant. Sore boobs that make some sleeping positions and enthusiastic hugs uncomfortable. Feeling a little ill when hungry, but no vomiting yet.
Who have you told? Just my husband, doctor and personal trainer. We plan to tell our immediate families at Easter (I'll be about 11 weeks when we go to visit). My sister is also currently pregnant, so I kind of want to tell her early to have someone I know to talk to, but I don't know how well that will go over with others (esp my mother) if they find out.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? This is my first pregnancy, so everything is new and a little scary. I've only even had a couple of close-ish friends who have had babies, so I'm excited and terrified in varying degrees. Also kind of relieved that I have a valid excuse to get out of painting for our upcoming renovations (haha).
pomegranate / 3212 posts
Location: southern Maine
EDD: LMP says November 2nd but based on my 14 dpi bro and low hcg I'd think later?
First child? 3rd
Any symptoms? Sore boobs, exhaustion, crazy dreams, and some nausea that comes and goes- but I'm on progesterone supplements so who knows what's the meds or me!
Who have you told? A few close friends as I was and sort of still am assuming this is another loss. We've had two cp's since November...
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Just totally scared it's another loss. Low hcg that did double but still scared. Midwives don't want to do more betas until next Wednesday for some reason... so looks like I'm in limbo land till then... thought that no matter how it goes it would be nice to share in anxieties/hope/symptom watching with you ladies
persimmon / 1005 posts
Location: Florida
EDD: November 4th
First child? 2nd!
Any symptoms? Slight nausea. I had really severe morning sickness with my first pregnancy so I'm hoping this time will be better.
Who have you told? Hubby, best friend, Doctor.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I'm excited! I had a difficult pregnancy the first time so I'm worried this one will be the same but overall I'm happy!
pomegranate / 3212 posts
Three countries and the north most and south most east coast states! We're really spread out!!
pea / 13 posts
Location: Montana
EDD: November 16th, four weeks today. Hoping I don't jinx anything with this, we have known for a few days.
First Child: Yes, and I am so excited!
Who Have You Told: Husband, and friend from work. Its hard for me not to spill the beans, secrets aren't my thing.
Current/thoughts/feelings/fears?: I am really hoping it isnt another chemical like I had in December.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@Properpie: Congratulations! Enjoy all the firsts! They are amazing.
@knittylady: glad to see you here! I feel you on the lower HCGs ... I hope we both get to have sticky pregnancies!
@Jennibenni: I had a really tough/complicated pregnancy the first time around! My second was definitely better so I hope you have the same experience.
@mrsmontana: Welcome! Fingers crossed for a sticky pregnancy!
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@mrsmontana: sorry about December. I had CPs in November and January. They reallly take the innocence out of early pregnancy
cherry / 202 posts
Location: Minnesota
EDD: November 3rd
First child?: #2
Who have you told: The hubs. I also hinted to my dcp, it's tough to find great care and I want to make sure I have a spot!
Current thoughts/feelings: Optimistic
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@MsMini: Do you feel like your showing already?? Not to the rest of the world, but to yourself? It's hard to tell what's TTC weight and what might be a start of a bump. I've heard 3rd pregnancies can show super early...
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@knittylady: yep! I lost about 15 pounds right before I conceived. My jeans that I could fit my arms down the sides of 3 weeks ago now dig and cut something fierce ... I am actually wearing maternity jeggings right now (# no shame) and the rest of my maternity clothes are being unpacked and washed today. Unlike with #1 and #2 I just have no desire to stay in my regular clothes LOL
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@MsMini: My regular clothes are leggings so I'm not outgrowing anything anytime soon
I had been feeling pretty zen about not having another beta for a week, but suddenly feel panicked this afternoon. Ugh.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@knittylady: my doctor only ordered me the 2 bHCG and now I just have to try to relax and embrace this pregnancy. I have a dating ultrasound that I am just waiting to get my booking. I think after that after that I will feel so much better.
kiwi / 566 posts
I saw this thread and was like, oh, that's my group... forgetting that my baby was born in 2016. Ha! I remember so well when this group was just starting last year for Nov 2016 babies and how nervous I was. Good luck to everyone, November will be here before you know it
olive / 57 posts
I'm not quite ready to "officially" join the group yet, but wanted to wish everyone good luck! I have an appointment on 3/20 which would put me at about 7 weeks. I assume they will do an u/s. I'm cautiously optimistic, but at the same time losing my mind! With our last pregnancy, we found out at 7 weeks there was no heartbeat. And before that, we had a heartbreaking mid-second trimester loss. Does anyone else have upcoming appointments?
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@Shopoholicmom: So sorry for your losses. I'm coming off of two CP's and it's hard to believe this could end well. I will have an u/s at 7w too. Probably the 20th as well!
persimmon / 1005 posts
@Shopoholicmom: I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you get good news at your appointment!
I had an initial nurse visit yesterday at 5.5 weeks and scheduled my first ultrasound appointment. It's not until 10 weeks which seems like a long way away. I would feel better if it was at 7 or 8 weeks!
pear / 1614 posts
@Shopoholicmom: So sorry for your loss. I had a very similar situation a couple of months ago and am also lurking here until I see the ultrasound at 7 weeks, mine will be early April.
@knittylady: I'm so pulling for you!!
olive / 57 posts
@Knittylady @Jennibenni @Shellio Thanks everyone. I'm just trying to stay distracted, but that's proving to be very difficult!
I'm really pulling for everyone here, as well as on the March POAS board! FX!!
pea / 15 posts
Hi everyone I'm new around here I'm so excited for all of us!
Location: Georgia
EDD: 11/16/17
First child? 3rd! I have 26 month old daughter and a 13-month-old son so I will have three kids under three for a month
Any symptoms? Bloating is out of control Look about 4 months pregnant
Who have you told? Just DH
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Nervous, the first few weeks of pregnancy are always really nerve-wracking for me and every time I go to the bathroom I brace myself for the worst, have had a couple early losses in the past
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@Lucy_goosey: my two are 15 months apart! But if this pregnancy works out my oldest will be almost 4.5 and youngest will be 3 and a few months.
coffee bean / 30 posts
Argh, I just had a post that my phone ate. Grr.
TMI symptoms: gas/constipation pains are real and giving me hell. I've tried a few brands of prenatal vitamins as I've felt all of them have clogged me up a bit (the iron I assume) but the last week or so... oof.
Telling people: argh, I want to tell the world, but also loving the our little secret thing with my husband. A good friend told me last night she's expecting, due mid September. And although outwardly I was just super exciting for her, inwardly I was doing the calculation about how far ahead of me she is and how awesome it'll be to have an IRL pregnancy buddy!! I so desperately wanted to say 'me too'
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@Shopoholicmom: fingers crossed for you! My last pregnancy ended in a loss but I am trying hard to maintain my optimism.
@Jennibenni: my ultrasounds isn't until the 6th of April which is a huge bummer. I will probably call and ask if I can be put on a cancellation list.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@Lucy_goosey: Welcome! I feel you in the bloating - I swear I look 5 months pregnant. My regular pants are not working for me at all LOL.
nectarine / 2180 posts
Location: Philly 'burbs
EDD: 11/21/17
First child? yes
Any symptoms? sore boobs, gassy and bloated, increased indigestion (but I'm on progesterone so it could be that too)
Who have you told? My husband and you all, and my RE obviously knew before I did
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I hope this sticks I am so excited to be pregnant. I am thrilled that IUI #1 worked. I'll be seeing my whole family this weekend and am not looking forward to lying/hiding this, but its way too early for me to be comfortable telling them yet.
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@snarkybiochemist: welcome! Fingers crossed for a sticky baby for you!
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@snarkybiochemist: So happy for you!
I have an ultrasound scheduled for Thursday afternoon... I'm pretty effin terrified...
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@knittylady: I would kill to get in that soon for an ultrasound! Wishing you tons of luck!
nectarine / 2180 posts
@knittylady: thanks I hope your ultrasound goes well.
My doctor does betas through an HCG of 1000 and then an ultrasound after that.
cherry / 202 posts
@knittylady: So nerve-wrecking! Hope it goes well and you can finally enjoy being pregnant. Do you think it will calm you? Or maybe not till after the first trimester?
I am very optimistic for 23 hours of the day. They other hour is the side of me that has convinced myself to not make an intake appointment yet, plan when to tell others, etc because it is too early and I may lose the baby before those dates come. My previous missed miscarriage has messed with my head a bit. But I do enjoy being pregnant TODAY
nectarine / 2180 posts
I am 4 weeks exactly, why do I already feel gassy and queasy and burpy? Hormones are going to be hell on me aren't they?
grapefruit / 4056 posts
@snarkybiochemist: with both my DS and DD I had morning sickness before my test even came back positive. This time around has been much, much better - but I will say I always find annoying pregnancy symptoms re-assuring in a way.
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@MsMini: my mood is directly affected by how sick I feel! The sicker the happier
nectarine / 2180 posts
@MsMini: Its reassuring and I know it will likely get worse. I'm just not entirely sure what to do about it, or how things like cooking dinner will go.
nectarine / 2821 posts
Well I guess I might as well join in!
EDD: 11/23 (My husband's bday! and mine is the 17th!)
2nd child, my son Frankie is 2 (will be almost 3 when this one comes along )
No symptoms
I just told my coworker when we took the kids swimming this morning! And of course my March POAS amigas. I havent told my husband yet and for some reason I am nervous about it! Ill probably tell him when he comes home. I was hoping my digital test would say positive so I could just show him that, he might not believe my faint tests (even though I have 4 lol). So now to figure out how! I have like 2h till he gets home from work. Target didnt have any big brother shirts I could find in store today, and I was going to make a quick one when he napped...but he's boycotting nap today apparently (better not make a habit of this, kiddo...mama's gonna need my nap in the first trimester!!) Any ideas? other idea is to make something that goes along with it being his birthday due date?
nectarine / 2821 posts
Oh, thoughts:
Just really excited! I am nervous about miscarrying, but hoping for the best and just trying to embrace the journey and happiness! I had a miscarriage before my son and I just hated how it ruined my joy at the beginning of my second pregnancy. I hope I can just relax and take each day as it comes. Trying not to feel superstitious, just want to celebrate.
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@mrsbubbletea: so happy you're here! And I
Feel you on not wanting to let superstition rule. I'm battling the same demons.
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