Hellobee Boards


September 2017 moms!

  1. pmh2400

    pea / 10 posts

    @Bibliolove: I agree. 5-6 more weeks seems so long. I can't imagine getting any bigger and less comfortable. Excited to be a parent, but this pregnancy thing is no fun. I routinely walk down the street and people stare at my belly for extended periods of time as I pass by. Sometimes with an awkward comment.
    It's so strange that so many people just see me as "pregnant," and that's apparently the defining characteristic for now... I never even thought about it before being pregnant myself.

    almost there- ready to meet this little guy!

  2. YouGotMe

    apricot / 477 posts

    I just spent half the afternoon in labour and delivery. I have a bladder infection and the babies heart rate wouldn't lower. I am headed home to rest. Hope everyone else is having a good weekend!

  3. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @YouGotMe: oh no! Glad you're able to go home. Hope the infection clears up quickly

  4. Bibliolove

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @YouGotMe: rest up!! Hope all is well now.

  5. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @YouGotMe: oh man I hope you feel better soon!!

  6. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    @YouGotMe: I hope you feel better soon!

  7. Mamag511

    apricot / 309 posts

    @YouGotMe: Oh no! I hope you got to rest up once you were able to go home! I'm sure that was stressful!

  8. pmh2400

    pea / 10 posts

    @YouGotMe: hope all is well now for both you and baby!!

  9. YouGotMe

    apricot / 477 posts

    Thanks everyone I cannot reply to everyone since I'm on my phone and it won't let me. I'm doing much better today and I went to see my OB this morning. I do not have a bladder infection! I have all the symptoms of one (including the blood!) but everything is fine.
    I was able to quit the antibiotics since there is no infection

    Baby is doing great. He's expected to be bigger than LO#1 was.

    Anyone have any size estimates yet?

  10. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @YouGotMe: that's great news!

    No size estimates but my midwife told me 2nd babies are often up to 1lb bigger than first!

  11. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    @YouGotMe: awesome news! I don't have a side estimate...the midwives keep reassuring me that since I pushed a 9lb sunny side up baby out easily I should be just fine if this one is larger too. I shall live in hope that it is lighter than my 3rd lol.

    Had my 38 week appointment. Nothing new happening which is good. I get asked a lot by friends and such if I feel like it will happen soon though. Anyone else? If I knew I wouldn't be keeping it a secret!

  12. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @YouGotMe: so glad to hear you don't have an infection!

    I had my (hopefully last) U/S this morning. She estimated the baby at 5lbs 11oz, which is actually a little under for 36+4 :). My doctor said that everything looks great, so far no worries about the GD impacting her weight (honestly, my numbers have been coming in just fine. I even had a light mocha frapp with no whip from Starbucks on Saturday morning and not even a hint of a spike).

    DD was 7lbs, 4oz at 41 weeks.

    I got the okay to take robitussin to try and knock this congestion out of my lungs.

  13. Mamag511

    apricot / 309 posts

    @YouGotMe: So glad everything is ok! I had an US 2 weeks ago, and baby was measuring 5.5lbs! I have another in 2 weeks so we'll see how big then!

  14. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @YouGotMe: Glad to hear that you don't have an infection! I have an ultrasound on Thursday and I think the purpose of it is primarily to estimate size! LO1 was 8lb 4oz at 41+2, so pretty average size I think? Hoping this one is a little smaller because it increases the likelihood of successful vbac... but again only if I actually go into labor on my own.

  15. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    I had a 35 week check up today. He went over my sono with me and everything looks good except something could be off with the ureters from the kidneys are still measuring small. He said they'll keep an eye on it when the baby is born they'll know more. Also baby is in the 62nd percent and average is 50% so I could be delivering a baby much bigger than my other two...and that totally freaks me out!!! I got registered at the hospital today so I am feeling pretty good because everything is almost done!!

  16. Bibliolove

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @YouGotMe: 4.5 pounds at my latest ultrasound, which was two weeks ago. He was roughly 45-50th percentile, but his head is much bigger. My side of the family has big heads. Yikes....

    Also, anyone having painful movements? I wasn't really expecting his movements to be so uncomfortable and painful! He has calmed down a bit today, but I have been grimacing through some of them. Especially when I'm driving! My anterior placenta has muffled it til now I guess....

    Anyway, I'm starting a labor playlist of relaxing music. Who knows if I'll use it, I might just want quiet.

  17. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @matador84: maybe baby being bigger will slow it down a little...?! that can really only help you... considering... lol

    @Bibliolove: oh god yea I get painful movement all the time. occasionally up in the ribs, but more often very low. She pushes into my bladder, into my intestines, into my hips. It totally hurts. Also every time I stand up she tends to shift and my whole pelvic area is painful for a few minutes until she settles down and readjusts. I'm 35 w tomorrow and SO OVER THIS.

  18. annem1990

    apricot / 444 posts

    @Bibliolove: 36 weeks today and YES the baby movements can be painful for me.

    I am so jealous you all seem to be getting 3rd tri ultrasounds! I haven't had one since 20 weeks and won't be getting one unless I go to 41 weeks. I've been so tempted to go to one of those 3D places, but then I know I wouldn't be able to resist finding out the sex. I've made it this far and know I'll be disappointed in myself if I give in. Fingers crossed it won't be much longer!

    I had an appt. today and had a cervical check. No dilation. I know it doesn't really mean much, but it was slightly disappointing .

  19. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @matador84: I've heard u/s weight accuracy goes down in the third tri. I wouldn't freak out about it too much :). (Easy for me to say!)

    @annem1990: my frequency of u/s is only because I'm old lol. Over 35 they monitor you more closely. And I guess the GD would have factored in and garnered me more scan(s) if I wasn't "advanced maternal age."

  20. Mamag511

    apricot / 309 posts

    @Bibliolove: Yes to the painful movements! I guess since the baby's running out of room in there it gets a little more uncomfortable!

    @annem1990: I'm only having them due to my extra fluid issue. My first pregnancy I didn't have any after 20 weeks!

  21. Bibliolove

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @annem1990: mine was only due to my fibroid! It was fun to see baby's face again, but judging from how much he squirms away from it I think the ultrasound waves or whatever it is, is annoying to him lol. His little brow was so furrowed at the last u/s.

  22. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Bibliolove: yes to painful movements, mostly in the bladder/cervix area.

    @annem1990: I don't get them either (I'm over 35 but the cut off here is 40). I'm curious to know how big she is.

    I had my final midwife appointment today, but my midwife was a bit concerned about my blood pressure (jumped a fair bit from last week, borderline high now). So I have to go back this afternoon for her to check it again. I may have to go to triage if it's still high. I'm kinda hoping this baby makes it to next Wednesday's scheduled c section.

  23. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @annem1990: I've had so many bc of my placenta issue. And this one is a weight check bc I want to try to vbac.

    @Banana330: I hope it's fine this afternoon! I'm a little freaked out bc if only gained 2 lb my whole pregnancy so far and now I've gained 3 in the last 2 weeks. Hope I'm just retaining water or something. I'm worried at my appt tomorrow it's down a little.

  24. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @YouGotMe: scary! I hope you are doing well!!

    I had my 35 weeks appointment and a growth sono today. Baby is measuring in the 80% and they're estimating him to be 6-6 1/2 pounds right now. My son was 6 lb 7 oz at 40w4d so I'm hoping this baby isn't going to be significantly bigger than my son! I know that growth sonograms aren't 100% accurate, but we'll see! We also confirmed that he is head down and everything is looking good.

    Going back to work this pregnant and working with little kids is rough y'all. That's all the energy I have to say about that 😂

    @annem1990: don't stress about no dilation yet! You still have weeks for your body to get ready for baby. This is your first baby too right? I was barely 1 cm and no effacement at 40 weeks with my first and things progressed at a steady pace once I was in labor.

    @Banana330: I hope the blood pressure spike was just a fluke and not a concern!

  25. YouGotMe

    apricot / 477 posts

    @annem1990: about dialation: with LO1 I was barely dialated at all when I was admitted to the hospital after my water broke. I had LO1 12 hours later.

  26. Mamag511

    apricot / 309 posts

    @annem1990: Backing up what others have said, with my dd I was 0 centimeters until I started having contractions and was in labor! On the other side, I had a friend walk around at 3cm for 4 weeks!! You never know!

  27. Mamag511

    apricot / 309 posts

    @Banana330: Hope everything is ok!!

  28. annem1990

    apricot / 444 posts

    @Banana330: @Boopers: @YouGotMe: @Mamag511: Thank you all for the encouragement!! I guess I'm in denial that I won't be pregnant forever 😆.

    I've been feeling kind of depressed today. I don't feel like I do anything fun (and nothing even sounds fun!) being this pregnant. I don't fit into even my maternity clothes (hello 55lb weight gain!), so I basically just live in PJs at home. I'm a nanny and home-bound all day with the kids because even walking to the library now is too painful. They're great kids who (even at 3) are so helpful, but I'm bored out of my mind!!!
    My friends all go out for happy hour or long dinners over wine and I miss being able to do that. I feel like a hermit :crying:. I just want to meet this baby and feel like I have my body back.

  29. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Mae: @Mamag511: @annem1990: @Boopers: still borderline high so they are going to recheck on Friday. No protein in my urine so that's good.

  30. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @annem1990: totally understandable. I feel the same way. I'm bummed because this is my last month EVER with my daughter as an only child. In my ideal world I'd want to be doing all sorts of fun stuff with her and really soak up all this 1 on 1 time and all that good stuff. In reality, I'm so run down and sore and tired. I can't even sit on the floor and play with my kid very well right now because my ass falls asleep in 30 minutes. I can't carry her around. I can't take her anywhere that requires me to be on my feet over an hour because my hips/pelvis hurt too bad. And she's starting to have a hard time cuddling with my bc my stomach is getting so big it's not that comfortable for her to lay on. I feel like my pregnancy is ruining my last month with my kid alone and it sucks.

    @Banana330: fingers crossed for good numbers friday.

  31. matador84

    papaya / 10560 posts

    @Mae: ha!!! One can only wish for a slow delivery!!! I'm just hoping I make it this time! @StrawberryBee: they actually weren't basing it on weight, they were basing off CRL and femur measurements!

    @annem1990: I have 3.5 days of nothing but meetings next week! I am dreading sitting all day because it makes my hips and butt hurt so bad!!

  32. pmh2400

    pea / 10 posts

    I thought I might be lucky enough to avoid them, but in the past couple weeks, I started noticing a couple stretch marks on my belly. Now it's getting worse every day even though I haven't gained much weight in the third trimester (2nd was another story). I've been using this belly butter daily or more (burts bees), but my skin still looks like it's being ripped apart with more marks each day - I know this is a minor thing, but does anyone have any tried and true remedies?

  33. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @pmh2400: everything I've read is it's genetic and there's not much you can do. Bio oil might minimise them.

  34. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Banana330: I hope your blood pressure calms down . for your numbers tomorrow!

    @annem1990: *hugs* not gonna lie, it'll take time to recover physically from giving birth, but you'll be able to do those things again. Maybe DH can treat you to a special dinner at home sans the wine? Go out to the movies?

    @matador84: maybe your baby is just tall

    @pmh2400: I used coconut oil last time, but I don't know that it did anything. Haven't used anything this time.

    anyone expecting their 2nd+ worried that they're going to go into labor/deliver super fast? My mom (who has to watch DD when it's go time) is in denial that she could be called upon quickly. The hospital is about a half hour away. I just really don't want to miss the window of getting the epidural T__T.

  35. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    Well I just got done with my 35w appointment... and baby is measuring at 6 lb 7 oz which is 82%!!!! I was shocked because first kid was 8 lb 4 oz at 41.5 weeks. But my OB said that baby growth slows down at the end and he still doesn't think this kid will be over 9 lb at 40 weeks. So like... big but not as scary as it seemed when the ultrasound tech told me her size haha.

    My doc also said since I'm getting so uncomfortable he's fine with my scheduling an earlier RCS date to give myself a certain "out" if I need it, but then doing a wait-and-see and if I get near the date and decide to stick it out to 40, 41, or even 42 I can just reschedule and wait to see if I go into labor. Feeling really good about this plan because I was scared to set a c-section date for like, 41.5 and then get miserable and be sad I'd set it so late. Having the "okay" to reschedule makes me feel tons better.

  36. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    @StrawberryBee: not to scare you but my second labor was two hours! I got to the hospital and he was born six minutes later. However, my third was a three hour affair with an hour at the hospital due to his size and being sunny side up. No epidurals for me though so not sure how timing needs to be for that to work. How long was your first labor?

    @Mae: awesome news! I l ike that approach. I feel like this baby is going to be ten pounds since my last was a surprising 9 lbs at 39 weeks. Definitely strange since my first two were both 7lbs 11oz (40 & 38 weeks). We shall see when this baby comes! I'm pretty sure the ice cream I devour is just adding poundage to the babe.

  37. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: I guess I was really surprised because I've still only gained 4 lb this pregnancy. I didn't gain much last time, but more than this. So I thought this baby might be smaller? But apparently not haha. On the plus side, big babies sleep better right?

  38. Bibliolove

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @annem1990: yep, I was this way a few weeks ago. Now I seem to have resigned myself to being a painful whale, and am counting down the days til I go on leave. It helped for me to take a break from thinking about baby and reading up on stuff, and just chill out with anything non-baby related. This resulted in new make-up and haircare purchases.

  39. Bibliolove

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @pmh2400: I havent gotten them yet, but there really isn't much you can do from what I thought. They eventually fade...I have lots on my hips from puberty. I don't mind.

  40. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mae: I'm glad you have a plan in place!

    @cheesetomywhine: noooooo lol. With DD I started having contractions on a Tuesday night into Wednesday, but with no pattern. Eventually got the 5-1-1 pattern and went in to the hospital later in the day on Wednesday, was 6cm dilated. They gave me the epi, broke my water, and I gave birth at 2:59am on Thursday morning. Pushing took an hour and a half because my epi was a little too good and I couldn't feel much.

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